Shadee Elmasry – How Allah is known intellect

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The complex nature of the world and the importance of the "immaterial" aspect of creation process is emphasized. The "will" and "willful" elements of the creator's ability to create something are also discussed. The "immaterial" aspect of the creation process is emphasized, along with the need for people to avoid going astray. The "immaterial" aspect of the creation process is emphasized, along with the importance of being alive to achieve success. The "will" and "willful" elements of the creator's ability to create something are also discussed. The "immaterial" aspect of the creation process is emphasized, along with the importance of being visible and communicating through various attributes.
AI: Transcript ©
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So what is what are some of the ways in which Allah has made

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himself known? Firstly, is that our very existence indicates

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ability, that there's a creator with ability, our very existence

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indicates that there must have been something because there is no

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After Effects except that it had a previous effect. In other words, I

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mean, you can't have a sound system except someone put the

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sound system here, right, you can't have a universe and a world,

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perfectly proportioned except that something had power. So as soon as

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the human being touches ground on Earth, and starts and opens his

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eyes, and thinks he realizes there's a lot going on in this

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universe, there are birds, there's an ecosystem, right there soil,

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there's plants, there's wild animals, there's domesticated

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animals, there's sun, then there's darkness, so that we could rest,

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then there's moon, so we could see a little bit in the in the dark.

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Okay, so there's so much going on, that there must be ability, and we

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call this ability Quadra. This attribute of Allah is called

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Qudra. So this is the first attribute, no human being, if you

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if you think about this, whoever rejects that there was something

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more powerful than us before us. It's really insanity. It's an

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unacceptable position, untenable position, undefined, indefensible

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position. Secondly,

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when you look around and you realize this world is not

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simplistic, it's very complicated. And complex, actually should say

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complex. Okay, it's finely tuned, it possesses the attribute of

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complexity, which is that a thing requires so much to come together

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at once. All right, so much has to come together at once, that in

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order to fulfill this function, okay, so what we talked about

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earlier with some of the essence, 100 students.

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That complexity is the idea that so many things have to come

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together all at once in order to fulfill this function. So what

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does that indicate to us that mean indicates to us that this force

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that has ability also has knowledge, it possesses a great

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deal of wisdom. And we think of zebras, the Zebra is one of my

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favorite examples. If as we're told that everything randomly

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popped together, and then just survival of the fittest caused the

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various mutations, isn't that what were preached? They preach to us?

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So then tell me exactly why is it that the lion is the color of the

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sand and the zebra stands out? Right? It's like a sore thumb. The

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Zebra is black and white, right? So as an individual zebra black

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and white standing against a brown Savanna sticks out like a sore

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thumb. Whereas the lion has no need to delve in or to to match

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with the savanna but he does. Who is trying to survive here. The

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zebra or the lion, the lion can be pink, it doesn't matter. He's

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eating either way, and no one's eating him. And the Zebra is the

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one that needs to be brown. But no, we find the zebras black and

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white. So what's the wisdom there? Right. Firstly, it's it sort of

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negates the idea of survival of the fittest, but we as muscles,

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were gonna say, Okay, what was Allah's wisdom in this? Will you

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realize that as we know now, and if you anyone who's observed this

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phenomenon, okay, knows that cats is eyesight is very bad, their

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eyesight is no good. So the best way to be protected and you need

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to exist in a herd is through stripes that together completely

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make this lion dizzy, is why a whole herd of zebras can stay

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together, right? And a lion, he will not he all he's going to see

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is a dizzy thing, a huge mass of black and white, he can't see

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clearly, the only way that he can eat is when one goes astray from

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the pack. So now you're telling me that the creation of the zebra and

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the eyes of the lion are taken into account, right? are taken

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into account in this creation, right? The very eyes of the lion

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and the stripes of the zebra, or why this works, and the zebra can

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exist peacefully with his whole family. As long as he doesn't go

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straight by himself. Yeah, and in this culture, this creation, the

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more you look at it, the brilliance of it. And the reason

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people love have love is three reasons beauty jimat excellence

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in a product and you produce something excellent SN and then

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both of them combined come out. And in this one example, you see

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the genius, the brilliance of the idea, right? The idea that this

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animal just is not enough that it has to be protected from the lion

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he needs to stay in his group and why not be beautiful at the same

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time, right? And none of the zebras Now this leads us to

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another thing so we said Quadra ability now

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Knowledge are hidden. Let's look at the next thing. None of the

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zebra stripes ever resemble one another. There's no two zebra

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stripes that have the same image. Every single one is different.

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There are no two irises, right human eye, that have the same

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pattern. There are no two thumb prints with the same pattern. So

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what does this tell us? This tells us that this creator until now, we

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know nothing about him. Okay? Except that he has ability, okay?

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He has knowledge, but also he's creating on purpose, as opposed to

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a mere factory, some force of nature that's spitting out

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churning out creations. If it's churning out creations, why do

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they all look different? Every snowflake is different. What Allah

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is telling us he's saying I had creating on purpose. This is

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called irata volition, or willfulness that he has a will,

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that this creator has a will. This creator is not just spitting

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things out and stuff will Allah like a machine? Right? Like a

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factory machine factories, human factories, what do we produce?

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When we have a machine a factory? We produce exactly the same item,

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right? The same thing, but no, every creation of Allah to Allah

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is unique in itself. So this tells us just by thinking about it, that

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he possesses something called Get on. Okay, now something cannot

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possess. Ability, Quadra knowledge, volition Iraida, and be

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dead. Right? So he must be alive, high yet he must have life. Okay?

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So he must be alive, he,

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he must be alive. We're not worshiping something dead. And if

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he's alive, then the very definition of life is the ability

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to recognize to recognize so now we have anything that exists you

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have three options. It could be either hearing, or deaf, seeing or

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blinds, communicates or it's mute. Right? It's gonna be one of these

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three. And if he had any of these three, then how would he have

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created? Okay? And these would have been defects. Okay, and how

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can you create sight if you yourself possess no sight? Right?

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How can you create colors without sight? How can you create sounds

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without having the faculty of hearing? And how can he

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communicate? Okay, how can he be if he was mute that he'd be

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defective, then we'd be superior, we can communicate and he can. So

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plants can communicate, so he possesses Kadem speech, the

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ability to speak. So by our own intellect, these basic attributes

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come to us that the Creator has made himself therefore us. So this

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is the first thing. Now what about the second thing?

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Allah Allah describes himself in the Quran as a very well about

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them. What does it mean that he is outwardly manifest, but inwardly

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hidden, it means that outwardly manifests, so to what though,

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outwardly manifest relative to what. So relative to the

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intellect, these 13 attributes, we only listed like five or six,

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these 13 attributes

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are apparent to our intellect just by thinking about them.

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The rest is Balton is hidden from our intellect. For example, you

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can't think hard enough to know his name. Thinking will not tell

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you what his name is, thinking will not tell you what he wants

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from me, thinking will not tell tell us where we came from

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thinking will not tell us where we're going. In life thinking will

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not solve our moral problems. So all of that is bubbling relative

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to the intellect. But from the perspective of Revelation, now

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revelation comes and prophets are sent to us and then they tell us

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his name is Allah. He was and never had a beginning never had an

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end, He created you from nothing, and he wants from you worship and

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he has the capacity to love and be loved.

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Okay, and to be not to know and to be known, and the capacity to give

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and the willingness to forgive, and all of these other attributes

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that we learned solely from prophethood. Okay, so from that

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angle, all of those things become via manifests through prophethood

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