Shadee Elmasry – False Claim! That Ibn Mas’ud Prohibited Dhikr Gatherings

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a segment of a conversation between multiple speakers discussing various topics related to Islam. They mention various personal and cultural topics, including the origin of the statement of Islam, the origin of the statement of Islam, and the origin of the statement of Islam. They also discuss the origin of certain statements and the potential consequences of their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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The last point of opposition for Incorta if you say

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fucka, the new kala animus Odin. It has been narrated from Eminem

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so again no kala fell Lamesa my fellow on the authority of

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autonomous ODE and now Hora Coleman that he saw a group of

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people, you hallelujah bureau of assaults.

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Making to heal to heel is La ilaha illallah saying Leila hella

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burapha is so different Masjid with with raising their voices in

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the mosque while raising beautify soti by raising the with the

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raised voices in the masjid for Carla, Morocco in Moby today, Moby

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Teddy. I mean, I don't see that you are anything except innovators

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had a Harada home mineral mask JD until he expelled them from the

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Masjid. Well to have a thorough and ABMS Odin, do Ella bandhasana.

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A member cities as I say, this report from eponymous ODE requires

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clarification regarding its Ned

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woman, Raja home Minella a matter of fall FICO to be him. Right and

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who from the great scholars, the whole father of Hadith Imams of

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Hadith, right? Who narrated this in their books

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while attack theory through booty. Okay, Let's hypothetically say

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that it sounds hypothetical that this narration is sent for home or

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audible I had eaten kefir a fair bit and Medaka Dima, it opposes

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for whom wild it is in opposition Bill ahaadeeth Will Kathira right

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to the many a hadith, a thermometer and with the Kadima

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the Affer mentioned and confirmed a hadith a saboteur confirmed and

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with Academy the aforementioned yeah what did he have 23 Hadees

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well I am Oka dama Allah here in the toddled well here being the

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prophetic Hadith, the Hadith that are metaphor that are attributed

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to the prophets Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, maka dama. take

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precedent, I lay he over the motif, the statement of the sahabi

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and the Tao when there is a contradiction, so when there's a

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contradiction, when you have two opposing things that can't be

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reconciled, okay? Can't be restricted or qualified. So in

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that sense, the metaphor, the Hadith, the especially when there

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are so many, okay, when there are many not like one and one such

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that we have to reconcile between the two many metaphor, a hadith,

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prophet from the prophets of the word metaphor, meaning the Hadith,

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the speaker is the prophets of Allah. Listen, and this is one mo

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Cuf. Okay, Mo Oof. Meaning it's the statement of as a hobby.

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That's just one point. On top of that, wait a second, who narrated

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this hadith? Wait, how do we even know that it's actually that

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Eminem is owed said so and in fact, a member SUTI will continue

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to tell us there is actually no way he said so he says here so

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Mara Ito may actually incur that he can have numerous owed he said

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then I've seen what would force us to negate that even wrestled ever

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said this at all. Okay, the exact translation would be in addition,

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I saw something which shows that the above was never the position

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of animus Oh, to begin with. All right. So what does he say?

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Girl, Imam Ahmed, the Imam Muhammad says Abraham Bennett. By

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the way, man, man's name is Muhammad ibn Muhammad had been

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humble, humble is his grandfather is just he's became famous as

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because humble was famous. So he's became active and he's actually I

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met him in Mohammed bin

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V. kitab. His Zote in his book as Imam Muhammad has a beautiful book

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called Zeus asceticism had death inna you see here it says that

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noon lf that's short hand for had definite Hussain who knew Mohammed

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had death en el mismo de I met him Nisha Pippin, and eBay Elan, Carla

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Okay, that's the chain her hola those are Lavinia is Omona who

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claim and Abdullah that Abdullah Massoud can a yen here and a vicar

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that he used to prohibit vicar merger less to Abdullah he

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Methodism Allah the Quran Allah haffi I've never set in a medalist

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with Abdullah except that here made vicar in it. Okay, so this

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man this hobby who is not as a hobby by the prophet, but he's a

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companion we can say like a companion of economists or he's

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saying he had heard the

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Rumor at that time, he heard the rumor, right?

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And he's negating it. So here you have someone who sat with him and

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MSOs who had heard the rumor that some people claim that even Ms.

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Aude prohibited people from doing Vica he's telling you, but who's

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gonna know better than someone who lived with a venomous owed? We're

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not here trying to guess and speculated maybe this maybe that

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no, he lived with him.

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Ever what? How old Latinas Omona and Abdullah Canadian and victory

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magia less to Abdullah my Judaism to Allah the Quran Allah V Avi

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except that he remembered hola in it.

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