Shadee Elmasry – Establishing Social Norms

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how the social norm has been established in modern society, where people have become more social and interact socially. They suggest that this norm has been established to create small neighborhoods and communities where people interact socially. The speaker also mentions that people may not always be able to marry and may not be suitable for marriage.
AI: Transcript ©
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There's just a hobby of Buddha, he had a dinner for his for the

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community, basically for the locals in the area. Okay, and he

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had moved to a sham, and he was living in Jerusalem, I would go to

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that. And he was

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basically inviting the Muslims, you know, from the local

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neighborhood. And one day a man said to him, you do a lot of this

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isn't this excessive? Right? I would not have that set. I would

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much rather do this than spend the whole night in attic F in the

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masjid. Reason being there's so much wisdom to it dinner

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invitations amongst the families of the neighborhood. Don't ever

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think that this is nothing, this is a huge deal, because this is

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how social norms develop, okay? Like how certain certain normal

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behavior, right is developed, even in a person's mind when all 50

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people in the house, the moms, the dads and the children, they all

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have certain norms of behavior. Okay? So you've become a culture

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to certain norms. And in our society today, it's a bit crazy,

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hectic, no one, there's no normal anymore. Like one author said,

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everyone's weird in the New America, right? Everyone's doing

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their own thing. Okay, if you want to be 30 years old, and act like a

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six year olds, and wear diapers and eat cereal all day, they

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actually have conferences for these types of things. So there's

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no normal. So how are you going to create a normal by creating little

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neighborhoods and communities where people interact socially on

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a regular basis? So that normal behavior is established? Okay.

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Secondly, when people need to marry, they don't just marry like

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flipping a switch, you're going to look first at the people you know,

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so the value of social gatherings again, leads to who will we marry

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in the future? All right, who can who is suitable with whom? Who

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gets along with whom? All right, and everyone sees that the

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families all of this was established at the time of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he used to attend such

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gatherings on a regular basis

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