Shadee Elmasry – Do your job and leave the rest to Allah

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of actions and compassion in achieving success in political processes, as well as the use of words like " CC" and "ops," in relation to people's experiences and emotions. They also touch on the use of words like salted Bhuj and "the Brazilian culture" in relation to past struggles and problems. The segment ends with a discussion of the potential consequences of the use of words like "ops," and the potential consequences of their use.
AI: Transcript ©
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The worst thing about this is don't try to link this to

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someone's Dean. Absolutely. That doesn't make any sense. I mean,

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the the issue, the thing is so complicated. So I said there's

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there should be specialists, like, Isn't don't we have an

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organization called

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What's EMPAC? Yeah. Aren't you supposed to be doing your job?

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I've never hear anything from these. It's the first time I hear

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but most of them political action committee or whatever, right? I

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think they're based out of LA. He should be based out of Washington.

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Right. At least he should have an office there. So I'm having in

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Northern Virginia. My point is that I'm a common guy, right?

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Politics bores me, it's, it's not in there. But I recognize

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something's got to be involved. You can't be in a country and just

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just sitting there daydreaming, right? You got to be involved,

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somehow. But you guys, you guys got to do your job. You're called

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EMPAC. I never hear what these people do. I have no clue what

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these people do. And if they had done something good, I was

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supported behind it, you know, 100%. Right. And and this is why

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when people try to make others feel guilty about, you know, doing

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work, right. This is why, you know, I don't think that's the

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right way to go about it, making people feel guilty. When, you

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know, if I wanted to get my street paved, you know how much of a

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headache that is in the local Township, let alone changing these

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humongous institutions, right, and policies that have been in place

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and will continue to be in place, because their special interests a

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million times bigger and more powerful than you. Right? Doing

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it. So that's why I'm a bit critical about making people feel

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guilty, that they're not part of the political process when it's

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not a defined practice. Oh, absolutely. And I think you were

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just saying this before, is a lot of people hate the spiritual types

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because they think that we're actually the problem is a problem.

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They think you're gonna sit around in the masjid and pray all day.

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But let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. First of

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all, the way of Prophets, they put a lot more emphasis on the prayer

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on obeying Allah and being unlined with Allah in all of our success,

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right? Worldly and otherworldly. Right? than anything else. Okay,

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and that now, they all said action, okay. But they all

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Prophets always gave us objective action, not something subjective,

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which I don't even know how to do, you know, which I don't know how

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to do. And I'm admitting I don't know how to do it. I wish EMPAC

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would actually do something or whoever these people are. And I

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told you before, people have always asked me, I taught

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politics, it bores the life out of me, right. Someone else do. I

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mean, you're, you're you're a teacher of you know, we're, you

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know, we're, we're studying the dean here. Yeah, we were out busy

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studying politics, and we couldn't be doing this right stroke. So

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each person has their special and that's what I see that

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tests come to us for reasons, right? We are supposed to have

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tests in this life. When when I saw a lot of people panicking. And

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like I said, I want to look at it with an eye of compassion, because

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there are people out there and Arkansas, St. Louis, Missouri, all

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these there are Muslims out these places, right? Absolutely. They

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deserve compassion. Because stinks. Get violent, right? There

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already was Trump graffiti. What did you tell me? Today? There were

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struggles at NYU, NYU, at the prayer in outside the prayer room.

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They weren't like the day I think they wrote Trump. Yeah, yeah,

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they're all Trump on it. I mean, that's, and that's, that's scary.

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And I'm not putting that down at all right. And I, to the point

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that, you know, even my wife before I left this morning, she

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was like, you know, be careful when you when you go to work. And

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that's a scary thought. But at the same time, right, I was talking to

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my Arabic teacher is he's actually in Egypt. And he was like, you

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know, he's like, it's kind of funny. When I look at Americans

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and I see your election. He's like, you guys, he just like even

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American Muslims is like you guys are complaining about, you know,

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this not somebody calling you a name out in the street. He's like,

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we got CC.

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He's like, we have CC. For decades. These people could not go

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to prefetcher regularly without thinking that you might get picked

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up on they're better off here than we are there from from being Yeah,

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exactly. I mean, and forget, like I'm you know, I'm from I'm from

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India, and there are places in India if you're a Muslim, you

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can't do certain things. For them, right. Yeah, it's, it's, it's

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forget like, Oh, somebody's calling you a name because like

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your hijab was, you know, you're wearing hijab, which is rough. I

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understand. But come on now. Right the Sahaba make a comparison.

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Yeah, like let's make a comparison here. Right the the prophets and

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the Companions right they went through torture Hmm. Now difficult

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this is the thing that that without being mean or or not being

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losing compassion for people who are you know, having feelings

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Everyone has the right to have feelings, right? Without that, but

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I also want to make a comparison because I've actually believe it

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or not, we growing up William

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memorizing the Quran you memorize things like salted Bhuj. Right?

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This is in Joe's AMA. It's in the last Joe's. And he Sunday school

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will cover the Tafseer of the last Joe's right? And you look at Susan

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Bucha, what did they say they had us have a look, dude, these people

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have the ditch. That means in the past, if you're a part of an

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ethnicity that they didn't want, or a religion that they didn't

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want around, they dug a ditch and they got rid of you. They

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ethnically cleanse that area by digging a ditch filling it with

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fire. And this was routine. The era there was an epoch, an era in

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which people did this to other people routinely. And Allah told

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us, they did it to the believers, and the tafsir tells us they would

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do it to the Jews. Pagans would do it to Jews, or we would call them

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Benny Israel, because they were still believing people at the

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time. Right? They were up they were believing in their prophets.

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And they would do it to the early Christians, right?

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And they would stop everyone at the road at the main highway. And

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they would say, Well, who was your God? One simple question. If you

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answered that it was ALLAH. Okay. They threw you in the ditch. They

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arrested you. They took you, they threw you in a ditch, and they

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lined them up on one at a time pushed him into the ditch of fire.

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Now think about this. I'm an 11 year old kid, 12 year old kid. I'm

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reading this in the Quran. I'm sitting repeating Lee repeatedly

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reciting us how we look dude, right and nary that record, no

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matter how cold which means the fire, you know, filled with, with

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enough wood to light it up into my lab code. They're sitting there

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looking at this fire. Right? What am I the man I don't even know

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when we need it. So good. Okay, and they're just then pushed one

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after the other into this. And I'm thinking to myself, this makes me

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think we got problems. Trying we don't have problems, no problems,

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right? So Allah azza wa jal has already taken us to the extent.

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He's shown us what the spectrum is. And the problem is, right,

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this is when we forget what the spectrum is. And not only that,

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not only did that happen to them, look at how they responded of the

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few babies that ever spoke

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is one woman who thought to herself, I just have a newborn

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baby. Maybe if I say that I worship their god. Then I run away

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and I raise my son and we worship Allah together. Make sense? Right,

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which is in our religion is called what? takia is Hillel? This is the

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cochlea. That's right. Okay, where you're going to be killed for your

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event, you could tell a lie.

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And you have the baby. So what is this baby Speaking section? No,

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the baby said no, say Allah and Allah take care of us. He said

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Allah, they both went in there, right? They both got pushed to the

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fire. And they went agenda. So it goes to show us right, not only

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did they suffer something great and Allah put it in the Sunnah

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that the children memorize, so that we have a perspective here of

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what troubles and problems really our but also they were they took

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it with pride.

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