Shadee Elmasry – Conor McGregor From UFC Champion to President

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
A speaker discusses the recent political upheaval in Ireland and speculates that Conor branded himself as an Irishman. The speaker also mentions a Twitter tweet about Irishman and a possible anti-immigrant candidate. The conversation is difficult to follow and lacks clear context or goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Conor McGregor, is he going to be the next president of Ireland?

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We've seen crazier things happen, so why not? He's obviously

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inserted himself into the discussion. I'm not an expert on

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Irish politics. So I don't know. But it's a small country. There's

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probably no Irishman who's more famous than Conor McGregor. And

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he's inserted himself into a conversation that obviously is a

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very heated one. Unfortunately, he sounded like Islamophobic and his

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anti immigration rants. But he clarified today, I think, with a

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tweet saying I'm not against the concept of immigration. I'm

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against the way immigration has been handled by our government. I

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don't know enough about what happened in Ireland. I just know

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that a suppose Algerian citizen of 20 years that someone so it seems

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to me like this is like a mental case. This is not like an

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immigrant that arrived six months ago from Syria. You know, this is

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a guy who has been there for 20 years. If he did something, it's

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because something's wrong with him, obviously.

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