Shadee Elmasry – Arabic Lesson 3a Review of raf’ of the faa’il, mubtada & khabar.

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of "word" in Arabic and practice practicing it. They also discuss the proper use of "has" and "hasn't" in sentences and the importance of memorizing the proper verb and clause. The speakers go on to explain various sentences in English, including a 5050 option, a 5050 option, and a 5050 option, as well as a woman named Alcatel kavir who is a mathematics major. They end with a recap of the class and a class in Arabic, including a B bother, a Bator, and a Mar fe. The speakers emphasize the importance of memorizing the proper sentence and using various parts of speech.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah he was the he was the

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human Well unfortunately we are going a bit late, but we'll carry

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over after So, let's go ahead if we have to anyway I like to keep

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the grammar lesson short right and the reading long because the

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grammar takes a while to digest so like the protein and then you get

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to practice it we talked about the gentleman or two this is known

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right Joomla begins with a noun or an is noun is not even the great

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name translation for an is because in essence is more encompasses

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more than what we would call a noun

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and it is an essence that which has meaning in itself period. A

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fed verb is what has meaning in itself and must be connected to

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time. So it's that when you say it, you are implying a past a

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present or future or commands. So the Joomla is Mia is dominated by

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the case okay? The inflection Okay. Which we call a Rafa

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alright the Jimena is made is made of subject and predicate also

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known as an Mukhtar that will cover both of them are metaphor

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okay. And we said also that the German Izmir the dominant

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statement there in are part of speech is the fact the subjects

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the Joomla is to me unlike in English, it's subject verb object

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in Arabic it is fair and verb subject objects, the Fed comes

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first and we set the Fed we always put it in the singular okay when

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it comes in the beginning of a sentence when it initiates a

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sentence, the subject is metaphor. The case of the subject is a

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refer, they call it they translate that as the nominative case.

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This the object is monsoon they call it the accusative case. Okay.

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The indicators of Rafa How do you stamp a word? A subject with Rafa?

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You stamp it

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by either using a gamma or allow or an LF and in some cases

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unknown. Okay, unknown. Okay. As for all right, the LF or the dama.

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When do we use it? Remember we said each word can be seven types,

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right? It could be masculine singular, masculine, dual

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masculine plural, feminine singular, feminine dual feminine

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plural and what's a seventh one?

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Broken plural. Okay, so the word that you plug in as the subject of

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your sentence,

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right as the file is going to be one of the seven. So if it's

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masculine singer, like Al Kitab, you're going to use with them and

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kita boo. Okay.

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If it is dual, you're going to use lf l kita. Ban. Okay. That's how

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you're going to mark your subject your word with the status status

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of Rafa if you are using masculine plural, you're going to use a wall

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like Cara or muesli, Moon duckula and muesli, moon and Masjid okay,

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you can use a well if you are talking feminine. Okay, singular.

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You're also using the Dhamma the harlot and Muslim at two okay and

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if you are using feminine dual right up there, man, tell me to

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Muslim women entered the Masjid. What is the Arab of it? of

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Muslim a 10 you can use the Elif. Okay, you're going to use the Elif

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jacala Muslim a 10 and Masjid Okay.

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Elif Adama to wallow will Elif and in some cases, the noon you're not

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going to use any other letters right to mark the nominative case

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or how to refer upon the Fed or the milk data in the cupboard in

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the nominal sentence. Okay. Now what if it is plural

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and mostly met?

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What's it going to be

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and mostly men to Dhamma you're going to use the Dhamma or Elif or

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a well, okay. So, you know, Rafa nominative case a rough in the

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Soufan or in the Muqtada uncover in the nominative sentence is

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going to be either dumb or well or Elif. All right. Now the ramen

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tell me if this sentence is correct, okay. Cara, and Muslimah

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al Kitab right or wrong?

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Wrong Why is 5050 chance now you have to tell me what what's the

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correct one

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the fella Alamos he took a chance right he just

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Took us 5050 chance that Allah al Muslimah or Cara al Muslimah al

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Kitab what should it be?

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Al Kitab Yeah, the Muslim read the book, what should the Arab Muslim

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What should the last letter be marked with?

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Good Nakara l muesli mu al Kitab why because the fare and subject

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predicate in the nominal sentence and the fare and the subject of

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the verbal sentence is marked by Rafa which must be either dumb or

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Elif. And, and if it's feminine at 10 or goon okay

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all right, it's them you're ready because you're so smart with your

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special school that you got accepted in maybe you should be

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humbled by this a little bit okay same sentence but two Muslim women

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same sentence

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and Muslim who good and Muslim a chan good

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Muslim attend well, he got accepted into this smart people

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school and now he's like too cool for all of us. So maybe he

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shouldn't be torn apart a little here

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know, that's if it's in the middle sense. We'll get to the verb part

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later. All right now with them. You're up. Okay.

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Give me the same sentence Cara.

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And with the broken plural, and Hola, Matt.

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He was the

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LOL Emma. Oh, good. Ye

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good. Let's Marfa. Does everyone understand this concept? All

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right. So let's do some practice.

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yeah, hamdulillah

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I'm going to look in the book for a random fed and may or a file and

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maybe maybe not alter it. Okay, so that you can understand.

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First up next up is Muhammad Yvonne.

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Muhammad Yvonne. Are you ready? I think so. Good.

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No problem.

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see if you guys had made the copies we would have had the

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sample book but you guys didn't make the copies. Right.

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Massa, original ol who Fein

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tell me what originally should have on it.

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Raju Lu. Good.

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Massa to Rogers. On the profane Abdurrahman Raju land good. All

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me to give you a 5050 here, okay. Massa ha al Muslimeen al Copain

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right or wrong?

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Masa al Muslimeen Alko. Fein right or wrong?

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Wrong? What's the correct one?

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And Muslim Moon good. So you went from 150 50 option to a second

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5050 option? What do you do in the math section or the bio section of

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your special smart people school?

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Finish by us so you're a math expert, a math major. Okay.

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Now let's do the same with the nominal sentence. What is the

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nominal sentence consists of subject and predicate? We said in

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English it's that type of sentence that only has a helping verb

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minute. Arabic does not have helping verbs. So you're just

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gonna see two nouns to a smell. It's followed by Okay.

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Now let's take an example. Alcatel kavir We Sam give me the Arab on

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both put the correct era Bombo

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al Kel Gu cabbie Iran. Now we're going to take a little extra thing

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here. When do we use 10? When

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for the indefinite Okay, for the indefinite

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So if we do not have an NF lamb, on a word, we put two

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When okay of course if it's not my normal stuff which we'll get to

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All right,

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it's your turn. Let's go with

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and Akoto prima

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Alcocer prime the books are precious

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al Kutub Kohima fill in the blanks

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Akuto boo ke Mattoon you will only be using a dumb matter while while

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while Elif and in some cases are known to get you later. Okay let's

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go grab the ramen

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all right

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and whoever all

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the clippers are great

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and cooler

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I forget that one because there's an exception of coolabah Arabba

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give me the correct era

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and hola Aruba Okay, so what's the Arab

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Ottawa This is a sentence and Hola.

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Okay, and I need to know what's gonna go on the Hamza Ottawa. And

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I need to know what's gonna go on the terminal Bucha the Raptor. So

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what is it and Khalifa and Hola. Hola very what is it? We're only

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using a Bama while Whoa, well, elephant dumb good and qualify.

00:11:57 --> 00:11:59

Oh. And the next one is

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with a tumbler buta so what's it going to be?

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At the bottom?

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good and Hola. Oh, are baton. Okay. And hola fair. Oh, arriba en

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y because they're both Marfa. Okay, they're both Marfa

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All right. We Sam, give me the scent. translate the following

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sentence. The essence. Right, our metaphor. Right to

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duel. I want them in the dual.

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The dual

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unless, man, that's correct. So where's the rough in that Islam?

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In that set in that word? It's man. Where's the rougher

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If the singular is and it's he said, It's man. It's the Elif

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Elif, okay, and this man.

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No, no, no, it's gotta be do

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marfo iron.

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It's Man marfo Iron. So whenever we are talking about a Smith

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nounce is not a fit. Not a huff. Okay. It's, and it's plugged into

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as a fan.

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Or as a Moqtada uncover work and a cover three parts of speech. This

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is three out of the six parts of speech are metaphor. You got your

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fair, math, OB. And you have your motor club. That's five parts of

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speech. Okay? Three.

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Or what is that? 60%. Right, three or month four. Got three or four.

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We have to stop for so I did though. You have a homework

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Your homework assignment, which is due after so let's go to for Part

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B. Okay. When you label this class, you can label it. Arabic

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review of

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Part. Lesson three, eight. Okay.

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When we come back from vote, we're going to go for another 1015

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minutes. And you're each gonna give me an example from what

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you've memorized in the Quran of a file.

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And they looked at that and they hover. Okay.

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You memorizing the Quran, Islam, what do you want? And then I can

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tell them Come on, you can sign up for class, even if you're in high

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school. Alright, so you're going

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to give me Okay, an example of each part of speech that looked at

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the uncover. Let me give you one example.

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All right, Allah who I had done, right?

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Who Allah who I had that's a nominal sentence, right? That's a

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nominal sentence. So you can't use that anymore right? You got to use

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something else. Okay and you have to talk with with each other

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because I don't want you all repeating the same thing you got

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well there has to be a Fed if there's gonna be a Fed there's

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gonna be a Fed right?

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Yeah, I want all three parts of speech and different so divided

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the suitors amongst yourself

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Hua Allah

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All right. So Monica Lama. We are going to show their stuff we're

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going to be they don't disappoint with the homework.

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