Shadee Elmasry – Fiqh Lesson 2b Attributes of Allah

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the creation of the Essence of Allah, which is a reflection of actions and outcomes. They stress the importance of the intellect's limit and the concept of the "will" in the internet. The speakers also touch on the concept of planning and being aware of one's actions and outcomes, as well as the use of "IT" in various settings. They mention various examples of "IT" being impossible and discuss the importance of being aware of one's actions and outcomes.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right man pick it up where you left off

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man some people verbal Mercanti Covey and synergy keep going

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either to either to

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minimize Good

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morning from worry

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DNS so

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you don't need a person doesn't need to do out of rules when you

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read anything other than the Quran Okay, so you won't have to say

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bedroom at sunset will be in Arizona total new LGBT more

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deonette Right so Arab rules only needs to be done for the Quran now

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so Tedros okay with Sam what are the fat? What's the fat in this

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bad the chapter of what? tentacle others behave, Senator what

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exactly do and believes and offensive to men who actually

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committed geonet there are two fat here. What are the

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subjects of the verb?

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And I'll say no to the tongues. That's a broken plural. Listen

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Alsina so geometric series because you have to take the word listen,

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you have to change it up a little bit at the center. mathematic will

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be an answer to what Jackie do who have either to have either is

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plural of the word flat, which means heart for ad is the heart.

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Alright, and F ADA is a broken plural. Okay, so it's Murphy's Law

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of the Dhamma and unsanitary and elevated to both Falmouth,

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bourbon, Dhamma

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Mesa mejor, Taka do that in Illa. Here, the first thing that we

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study in our plida

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is about the Essence of Allah. Allah subhanaw taala has a vet

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essence and he has a smart names and SIFAT attributes and FL

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actions and Qlm speech. Okay.

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All right, the main fitna that always that people fell into

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regarding the attributes of Allah azza wa jal was liking them to

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human attributes. If you look at any biography of any mimetic he

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was so severe in making sure that no one came near likening the

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attributes of Allah to any created or human attributes

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and then medically became the chief the best in this of all them

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are that are no hardly any cases where groups of Medicare fell into

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touch seem rendering

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physical attributes to a lot more similar to the creation to Allah

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azza wa jal Alright, I'm gonna I'm gonna pick it up man vedika

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Okay, from this is the man with the heart. Next

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when, when.

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When not COVID listening and the utterance with the tongue again,

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we see this he's dividing this up the tongue, the heart and the

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actions but here there's no action because it's happy that there's no

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action upon either the action of our key that is to believe it in

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your heart

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and Allah and Allah Hola.

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Good when I shop when?

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Chevy, Chevy Malibu

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really good man then you can imagine a bit of Colombia Calbee

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OneNote cobuild Lissoni and Allah Allahu wa, on that Allah is one

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theory. All right, there is no deity other than Him. There is no

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one similar to him, shall we? Right know what another Allah and

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no competitor, right? There is no nausea, or no colleague, no

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associate nothing similar. There is the whole point of a god is

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that there's only one, okay? There is none like unto him.

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Okay, it's not like there are many gods out there. Each one has his

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own universe and is worshipped and has their own messengers and

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revelations. That idea is negated in the Quran. Because Allah

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subhana which Allah said, if they were the same, right? If there was

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another god somewhere far away, right, then these gods would have

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originated in the same place. Okay? They would be existing in

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the same arena, they would know one another. And if they

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discovered one another, what would they do with the ISS? They would

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compete. They would fight with each other about the human evolve,

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right? They would fight each other, and you would see

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bashing into each other and one stealing a universe. So you don't

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see this, okay? You don't see this. All right, you cannot have

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two kings next to each other. They're going to fight, right?

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They're going to fight. Even if they're far they're eventually

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going to come across each other. Yeah, I need the Byzantines and

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the Persians were very far but they fight. So the Quran negates

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the concept that some people may imagine in their heads that we

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have a god here and he sends us messengers DNA as a book and his

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worship will far far far far away. There's another God doing the same

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thing. That idea is negated by the logic that if you were to be the

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same, you would have the same origin you would have the same

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arena of existence you would come to know of one another and you

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would compete okay well I'll about domata About okay continue

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what was

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ASA know

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the Awali Yachty he

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is firstness

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we're learning theory at Yeti he in cannot.

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Okay, so, he says here now when we speak of Allah azza wa jal we must

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negate. If you look at the Shahada. What is it first,

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negation? La isla? There's no deity in La Jolla except Allah

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azza wa jal Okay, so we must negate first. So, here he negates

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la wala Jana no child, well, Awali della, no progenitor no one

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brought him into being? Well, so I better he has no mate. Because

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having a mate is a weakness, meaning why a human being is

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miserable without a mate. Right? You need support. So the idea of

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having a mate reflects a weakness, right? Every human being must have

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a mate because we're weak. Right? You can say in the Adam and

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Instagram. The story of him in Jana is that he has all of Jana

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too. So what did he do? He went for a little bit from the color

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the time of the vote. Right? To a little bit after, though before us

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of time. Right? He had gotten bored. He was all alone. If I take

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you to Paradise, and you're all alone, what's the point? Right and

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you're bored. So he fell asleep? took a nap. When he woke up? He

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found her work next time? Okay. Then he was so happy that they

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forgot that there were some rules in the in Paradise and the A from

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the forbidden tree. They actually they actually the point about that

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is that Adam and Eve sinned. No, Adam, at least Adam did not know

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that there were liars in paradise. Right? So bliss came in the form

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of an animal and lied to them. Right and said it's now they

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thought that now it's permissible. Okay, so they didn't know that

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there were liars and careless so they from

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now, when I saw him it's Allahu Allah Shanika lazily a willy

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Yachty he lifted up his last Jedi Killer He doesn't have an

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associate having a partner. Right? When you have a partner Why do you

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have a partner in business because you don't have enough capital to

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start with? So you need a partner or you don't have enough skills?

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So all these are weaknesses? Lay certainly a will Yachty he kept

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his firstness does not have a beginning what early after the LI

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Ekiti yet he included his last nest does not have an end. All

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right, so certainly philos negates the school although I had this

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word any last summit. Right? Caught up in how I did let me edit

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offspring in other words, he has no end. When I'm you Why do people

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have offspring? There's no source of weakness.

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To carry on the legacy good. You have an offspring for this reason

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have to carry on your name and your legacy and your family

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traditions. Right and why do we have parents it's also weakness

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because we can't exist by ourselves. All of these things are

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indicators of weakness therefore to attribute them to Allah is to

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say Allah is weak

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the marriage Willa Mueller What a miracle Oh kupuna there is none

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unto him. Okay, keep going Leia blue.

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Save it

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Okay, all those who describe him and whilst the phone that's the

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file, they're modifiable. Well, they will never reach the Avila

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who reach attain. All right is the verb couldn't house if at the

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essence of the true essence of his attributes of his description.

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They can never truly describe Allah azza wa jal, Allah azza wa

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jal can never truly be described as he should be.

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To God

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But we're somewhere is the fat here

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and much affect you ruin the thinker's more for Bill Well while

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you're here to be Emery he his affair they will never

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conceptualize and fully understand alright his affair namely okay

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okay see you tomorrow

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okay never conceptualize there the purpose of the creation and the

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wisdom behind the creation those who think and use their intellect

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yeah TOBY roll Mustafa Kiruna big what is a Corona FEMA ESP 30 A

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very important okay the point here.

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Anyone who thinks does not think about the essence of ALLAH, rather

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you think about the creation of Allah as a reflection of his

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attributes, but you never think of the Essence of Allah Himself, such

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as those who think well, what is Allah doing all day before the

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creation? What was happening? How was ALLAH knowing everything at

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every time? All right, how does Allah know? You? How does he bet

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bide his time?

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We ask a lot

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out now the biller escalada. From those things, this is what leads

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people to prefer to think about the Essence of Allah. They say,

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Well, why are you stopping us from thinking about God?

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Very simply, if I was to ask you to move a refrigerator, can I put

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it on your back and break your back? Right? Likewise, certain

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ideas are beyond the intellect. And the problem with philosophers

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and atheists a cover is they don't realize that the intellect has a

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limit. Right? We tell them if the intellect didn't have a limit, why

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do you need computers? Why did you make computers? Right? Like

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supercomputers that were created in World War Two for them with

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supercomputer for us was very simple stuff. Today, we have like,

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machines that are beyond that, like if the human intellect has no

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limit, okay, your own invention indicate that you have limits,

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right? You cannot do what supercomputers do. Okay? Neither

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the speed nor the magnitude of the calculations of earthly things.

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Imagine that other worldly things. So we tell it's a principle. Very

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important principle in it the probably the number one important

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principle related to the human being is that the intellect has a

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limit. Okay? Anyone who doesn't believe that the intellect has a

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limit, okay.

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There are a walking contradiction, because clearly we have limits,

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right? We we reflect our limitations all the time. Just the

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fact that why is it that certain things were

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invented in certain times and not another time? Okay, one of the

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reasons of the many reasons is that humans have limits, right?

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You have limits. So

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Ford, Henry Ford, he had reached the peak of imagination in his

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era, right? And he produced the greatest innovation of his time,

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you could say, right? But obviously, that was the limit back

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in the day. Now we climb on his shoulders, right? And we invent

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greater things, right on his on the shoulders of those past

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inventors. So the idea that the human intellect has no limit,

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right and you can ask anything you want. This is a critical port

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point of Arcada that the human beings intellect has limits and

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the limit to it is thinking about the Essence of Allah azza wa jal

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let us know if he's not asked about what he does. cannot ask

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what Allah does. Okay, well, I'm usando. And their state should be

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The MBA had limits, but their intellect exceeded our intellects.

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They also had limits though.

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Just by virtue of being human, just as their bodies were the best

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of bodies, but their bodies had limits, right? No one's gonna

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claim that all of the profits could have like lifted mountains

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and whatnot.

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They all had those as a symbol of humans because if they were super

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humans, what would we say? We're how would we follow them? We

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wouldn't be able to follow them. So they were the best in these

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things. But they were also human beings. Okay

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yeah, Teddy Roosevelt can only be it so if they think about his

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signs, what Antifa Corona FEMA at dirty and do not think about the

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whiteness of his essence. Okay.

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All right, Hamza. Back to you, Vic roussy, fatty heater either. Now

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some mention of their attributes.

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learning from

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him in 2011 Masha was there for seals

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to get people to buy deals me or go to the ideal

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power sheet and my God be that dealer who have been put in again

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and we are

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not making that so probably at when Hubbard was at school to make

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boxes in

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combat is in basic all the

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work worked out what they have been what what a year this is

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whatever whatever personnel says that all the

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good So Leo he told me she made me let me Masha no one will come to

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have Grasp any of his knowledge except by what He wills. Okay?

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What's the accuracy with some of what your Lord is?

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footstool encompasses the heavens and the earth? Well, I would have

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the humor and the guardianship of all of these things, right the

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heavens and the earth. And all that is in them does not

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exhaust him one iota. Well, what are the you know, the Most High

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and most great knowing of all things and Ireland and Ireland?

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Okay, they say the difference between an item and an Kabir is an

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item is of the outward matters of Javier of the hidden matters,

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right? And Ireland is of the outward matters of computers of

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the hidden matters, animals up there, the one who is moudaber

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means the planner, meaning his creation is not haphazard. Nothing

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of the creation of Allah is haphazard, everything is planned,

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therefore, if a human being is going to act, he shouldn't act

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like randomly like some people think, oh, like the Elia. They

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just act randomly right? By whatever inspires them know,

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right? Planning. Okay, we plan stuff out. If Allah azza wa jal

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give someone an inspiration at the time, that's good for him. Right.

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But as a principle, we plan and with that bill, I met a man the

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other day, okay. He said to me,

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actually, a while back,

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I was working with a guy impossible to work with, right.

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There's no concept of sit down, let's have a meeting and plan

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stuff out. So some guy was laughing so Oh, he's like the

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earlier you know, they just act like this is a total

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misunderstanding of that. Oh, yeah. It's nothing to do with

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that. Right? So we plan and if ALLAH inspires us with something,

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and if we come up with something on the spot, right, that's up for

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discussion. But if Allah azza wa jal, His attributes and whatever

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that means everything is planned. Okay, Al Qadir that means if

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something is planned, it's going to happen unlike us, we plan and

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maybe it happens maybe it doesn't want what I love plans will

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happen. All right, he's Kadena capable Semia all see all hearing

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without illimitable see it all seeing without a limp. And only

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you will Kabir the Most High. The most great.

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All right, wonderful God, she hidden my GGB that he, okay. And

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this is the error, the section in the reseller that has so much

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discussion, and this is why the

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certain people love to sell the reseller because of this statement

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here. Which

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there are different opinions on it and it's shifted on me. I'm sure

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he has on secrets hub, I believe in SA on this question, right

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focaccias my GP that teaches Allah azza wa jal above is thrown by his

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essence, the meaning of it is

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above in the sense of in charge of in control of in full fully in

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control of his throne, which is greater than the heavens on the

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earth. Okay, this is the truth is the correct meaning of it, and not

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the meaning of above the throne, which is above the sky, because if

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that's the case, the earth is a sphere, there's sky here, and a

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sky here and a sky here and a sky here, right? So if you believe

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that Allah is above your sky, right, then there's actually going

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to be below other people. Right? So we should remove the literal

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meaning of above Venus, and take it as the Modjadji meaning and the

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only reason we ever go into something being majaz which is

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metaphorical, is because the literal meaning would contradict

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other meanings and would be disallowed impossible. Okay? So,

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like, for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah

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says in the Quran, work for Jana Hakka, mini

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To lower your wing have mercy to the believers and we know that

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province size doesn't have a wing, it's impossible to say, No, we

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have to take it literally the prophet has an unseen wink. Right?

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That we don't see. We say no means here metaphorically. Right? Be

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humble to them. So, this is something that we have to insist

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upon. To ensure that we're not likening Allah azza wa jal to the

00:20:20 --> 00:20:25

creation. Well, if equally mccannon behead me and Allah azza

00:20:25 --> 00:20:29

wa jal is in all places how with his knowledge, with his not His

00:20:29 --> 00:20:33

mercy is not in all places. Correct? Right. His His mercy with

00:20:35 --> 00:20:39

the Kufa is it in *? No. It's mercy is not there even Bismillah

00:20:39 --> 00:20:43

R Rahman Rahim does not begin Surah a Toba. Why because the

00:20:43 --> 00:20:46

Sunnah is all about war. So if Allah says in the Quran itself,

00:20:47 --> 00:20:50

you don't begin one of the sutras with Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

00:20:50 --> 00:20:55

because there's war in the in the Surah commandments to war, right?

00:20:55 --> 00:21:00

Likewise on this earth, there are places where his mercy is not

00:21:00 --> 00:21:03

there places where his generosity is not so But where's what

00:21:03 --> 00:21:06

attribute is everywhere his knowledge, right? He's aware and

00:21:06 --> 00:21:08

has knowledge of all things.

00:21:09 --> 00:21:12

Well, if you couldn't mechanically aid me halacha insert he created

00:21:12 --> 00:21:16

the human being into us which will be enough to and what his whispers

00:21:16 --> 00:21:20

in his own soul is known, or aka Buddha him inhabited, worried and

00:21:20 --> 00:21:21

he's near to him.

00:21:23 --> 00:21:26

Then his own jugular vein will not just go to him and what a Pathan,

00:21:26 --> 00:21:31

Illa Allah ma, no leaf false. This is something to ponder, no leaf

00:21:31 --> 00:21:34

falls, except Allah is aware of it. Allah has said this phrase in

00:21:34 --> 00:21:37

the Quran, because we all see leaves falling all the time,

00:21:37 --> 00:21:41

there's leaves all over the world. Just the idea that Allah is aware

00:21:41 --> 00:21:44

of this leaf will make me realize if he's aware of this leaf, then

00:21:44 --> 00:21:47

he's aware of my problems. And he's aware of my issues if he's

00:21:47 --> 00:21:50

aware of this leaf falling, that he's aware of what I'm going

00:21:50 --> 00:21:54

through, so give us a moment soon. What a hot button fever imagine

00:21:55 --> 00:22:00

will they ever see in the future movie and even a seed moist or

00:22:00 --> 00:22:04

dry, dark in a dark area or in a light area? Allah is aware of it.

00:22:04 --> 00:22:07

So for a moment to know that Allah azza wa jal is aware of every

00:22:07 --> 00:22:08


00:22:09 --> 00:22:12

atom and for us, we say the word atom to mean the smallest thing

00:22:12 --> 00:22:16

vara meaning the smallest possible indivisible thing. Okay. But every

00:22:16 --> 00:22:21

year, every year, we're discovering new levels of

00:22:21 --> 00:22:24

smallness. Right? We're at the national level right now. Right?

00:22:25 --> 00:22:28

So there's, it seems like there are infinite there's, it's

00:22:28 --> 00:22:32

definitely finite, but it would seem to us like infinite, infinite

00:22:33 --> 00:22:37

smallness and infinite largest in the universe. So

00:22:38 --> 00:22:42

no big or small means anything to Allah azza wa jal because Allah is

00:22:42 --> 00:22:45

not a physical being that you can compare this to. So big and small,

00:22:46 --> 00:22:47

doesn't exist with Allah Azza wa

00:22:48 --> 00:22:52

ala large she's still on the artist she is in complete control.

00:22:52 --> 00:22:55

This is our interpretation of it and the interpretation of a number

00:22:55 --> 00:22:59

of the self. If you look at the set if we don't make to wean from

00:22:59 --> 00:23:02

ourselves we make that we'll imitating the self and we can

00:23:02 --> 00:23:06

tomorrow we can read out the text we let's have the Sahaba and the

00:23:06 --> 00:23:08

tabby while Mulkey

00:23:10 --> 00:23:11

on the on the

00:23:13 --> 00:23:18

Mulk is this dominant Mallacoota is the heavens woke is this earth

00:23:18 --> 00:23:23

terror is incomplete complete ly in charge of any control of it

00:23:24 --> 00:23:27

without SML Kushner and he has the most beautiful names was to refer

00:23:27 --> 00:23:31

to Lola and the most beautiful attributes. So let's stop here to

00:23:31 --> 00:23:36

Allah take these questions. All right, first question

00:23:37 --> 00:23:42

Nigel Abdullah says asked about nail polish. There is a rule and

00:23:42 --> 00:23:46

we'll do this question has nothing to do with the Op Ed section but

00:23:46 --> 00:23:50

the fifth section from their fingertips inside your fingers all

00:23:50 --> 00:23:54

the way up to here for will do must touch every single part of

00:23:54 --> 00:23:58

it. Right is a very strict rule you cannot say oh just a little

00:23:58 --> 00:24:04

piece no big deal. Likewise the nails so anything that covers

00:24:04 --> 00:24:08

without a cause like a band aid is fine, right but coverage without a

00:24:08 --> 00:24:12

cause like a wristband or watch the tight that I don't want to

00:24:12 --> 00:24:13

take off

00:24:14 --> 00:24:16

a ring you have to loosen it real quick so the water gets there

00:24:17 --> 00:24:19

that's it. Nail polish

00:24:20 --> 00:24:22

will do upon it is invalid

00:24:24 --> 00:24:28

dye is acceptable. Like if it's a dye that's in the nail it's fine,

00:24:29 --> 00:24:34

but something covering the nail a gloss that covers the nail sounds

00:24:34 --> 00:24:39

like a invalid Okay, so they got to take the nail polish off for

00:24:39 --> 00:24:42

them. All right, Abdullah is asking Will the Live episodes be

00:24:42 --> 00:24:45

uploaded to Safina said a YouTube channel? The answer is yes. It's

00:24:45 --> 00:24:47

just a matter of time there will be uploaded every day with Sam is

00:24:47 --> 00:24:49

actually going to do them all today. When he gets home. Does

00:24:49 --> 00:24:52

that come with luck? So Hanukkah movie I'm just gonna say that

00:24:52 --> 00:24:54

stuff but according to remake

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