Shadee Elmasry – Alchemy of Happiness Connecting to the Ummah

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of the OMA, which is a time machine that transcends culture and all social norms. They also mention the importance of religion and being a part of reality, as well as the idea of sada, which is happiness and a means for achieving it.
AI: Transcript ©
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And one of the amazing things about the concept of the OMA is

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that it transcends time in place. It transcends culture, and all

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other social distinctions. It transcends so many of these

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different things that divide people in the world in which we

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know in principle, and that it is a tube for a Muslim, to that

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really not understand what it means to be a part of the Ummah,

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look how we are conducted, to people quite literally, all over

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the face of this earth. So the OMA is something that we have to live

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up to. And that it is something that we should feel a part of, and

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that it opens up a great door for us to really love people from all

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different backgrounds. And this is for people that approach it, that

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the proper way, when you go to a place like Hajj, as sisters Aina

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mentioned, and that you are amongst these swarms of people, we

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should love that we should truly appreciate all of the different

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skin tones, all of the different features, all of the different

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languages. This is truly a sign of Allah, Allah, Allah Allah. Now,

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the other aspect of this is is religion and I'm assuming they

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meant by that the translation of the word deen and unfortunately

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that we use this term and I think that some of us don't really

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understand what we mean by it. And you can refer to the religion as a

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whole as the dean for sure. Just as in this is like when Allah says

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at Yom at committed to local Deena calm today that I have that

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perfected your religion for you, or you could refer to the

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individual Deen of each person, as we see in the Hadith of the

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Prophet about 10 deeds so a licen about renewal, and ujet due to the

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Amara Dini, ha, towards the end of the hadith is that what is the

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purpose of the majestic the renewer is that he renews the

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affair of the religion for the OMA. And what is meant by that is

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the religion of the individual, our own Deen how it is that you

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and I approached the Quran and the Sunnah and implement it and make

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it a part of our own reality.

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And then the third aspect is what we started to touch on yesterday

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was this idea of sada which is happiness. And that no doubt is

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that our deen is that is a means for us to be able to attain sada

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happiness in the true sense of the word we could also translate this

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as Felicity

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