Shadee Elmasry – A Message To Patrick Bet David

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
A speaker discusses the origins of the H operational Plan and the H operational Plan's origin. They mention the H operational Plan's origin in the US Department of Justice, and the origin of the H operational Plan's origin in Lebanon. The speaker also talks about the origin of the H operational Plan's origin in Iran and the potential consequences of it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Patrick, but David, I have a message for you. I'm actually one

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of your listeners, and I got some of your books coming on the way I

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really appreciate his style and the level that that his production

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his value tainment company is at right now. And I always watch, I

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go on my feed and you know, I don't follow many people, but he's

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one of the people I follow. And I love this little segment these 25

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minute segments that are educational segments. I think he

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just started them because so many people don't know much about the

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ISRAEL PALESTINE conflict. But message for Patrick, but David,

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I'm totally buying into your concept. You got to be fair, don't

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be one of the people that just jumps to a conclusion, because

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this is my tribe, and I'm going to support them. I'm totally with

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that. And we Muslims, I've been told that the Prophet peace be

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upon him said support your Muslim brother, oppressor or oppressed.

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Okay, that was an old Arab saying. They said how I support him when

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he's an oppressor. He said to stop him from his oppression. You can't

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stop someone from oppression unless you recognize they're doing

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wrong. So if sometimes our you know our people do wrong, we got

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to recognize it. You just recently did history of Hamas, Hezbollah

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and ISIS. I recommend people watch it. He cites everything. He's not

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really clearly he that he doesn't have an agenda that it's going to

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be skewed. I pretty much trust that He transmitted things

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properly. Well, here's my request. I'm holding up on my iPad, US

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Department of Justice. What about the history of

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Israeli terrorist organizations? Right, if in the spirit of what he

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just said, which is, you know, look at both sides don't jump. So

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PVD Can you please do a similar 25 minute of video clip with the

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citations and everything. This is US Department of Justice. It's the

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government website.

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Out outlining terror out of Zion, all of this is started because of

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terrorism, performed by Zionists, the air goon. We know the name

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Hamas, Hamas would not have existed without the air goon. In

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other words, all the resistance, all of this resistance, all of

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this hatred, all of this grievance would not have existed without

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organizations like the Hagia Anna, that you're going, how is the hug

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gonna different from what Hezbollah is today? Hezbollah is a

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state within a state called Lebanon there. It's so weak, they

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can't protect anybody. And we're the she has here. We're going to

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do these things ourselves. Let's make Hezbollah they have their own

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foreign policy. They have a 150,000 person army, according to

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your video today. Okay, which I repeat again, I don't feel that he

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has a there's no record of him skewing facts. He cites you what

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he whatever he says, which is why I appreciate it. There will be no

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issue here. Without these terrorist organizations. They had

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the King David Hotel bombing. They had the Nakba, this was all

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illegal. Hamza, who was on the other screen is nodding because

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he, he's a historian himself. All this was illegal. Your audience

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just as they know who Hamas is, they have to know what the Nakba

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is. Okay. They have to know, I myself, I'm not a historian, but

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it takes two seconds to learn. PPD is not a historian either, because

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he's smart enough to figure stuff out, you know, within two weeks,

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he's not eligible, right? It's not hard. This is all public fact.

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Your list. So this is my message. PBD I love I liked this video. It

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was not one sided. He bought counter arguments. And then at the

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end of the day said, like, Guys, let's just put the facts out. And

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let's not be from this. People who just jump to support their tribe

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is not even logical or practical that my people are going to be

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right 100% of the time, they're going to be right and wrong

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sometimes, right. I'm totally with that. Now, let's shift it now to

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the origins of the whole thing. Okay, the origins. The Hagia the

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air goon is vitally Yomi. Leahy. Okay. Palestinian underground

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1929 1949. I'm looking at author JB Bell. This was done in 1977.

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Book 385 pages. Where is it is on the US Department of Justice,

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Office of Justice Programs? So it's not some kind of

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nonsense. It's not some kind of made up lies, smearing Israel and

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smearing Jews. No. They have their share terrorists. The country was

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given to them by England and then expanded by terrorists who did

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illegal things. And it was an England's hands were sort of,

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you know, arm was twisted, what's the expression? Their arms were

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twisted by these terrorist organizations, that state within a

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state before Israel became an official state? Well, before 1948

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They had a military that's a militia. A military that's not a

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recognized state, what was what we call a militia

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