Shadee Elmasry – 2019 Convert Conference April 1314 @ NBIC

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The host of the annual cover conference is introducing a new format where guests can attend breakout sessions for converts. The sessions will be led by the host herself and will be on the website. The guest can attend the sessions on Saturday and Sunday, and the breakout sessions will be conducted by the host herself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Salam aleikum, everyone, masha Allah. As

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you can see, the spring is back here in New Jersey. And for the

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fourth spring in a row, we're bringing to you the annual cover

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conference that we do here. And this year, we're actually

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expanding it to two days instead of it was always one day now it's

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going to be two days and the conference anyone can attend. But

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the breakout sessions are specifically for converts we're

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going to have the first day on Saturday is going to be it'd be a

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knowledge type of setting. And the book that we're going to be

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reading from is the alchemy of happiness by eminent ezeli. The

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chapters that we're going to cover are on the Convert con website

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Safina And look for the Convert conference tab, click

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that you go down, you could see the schedule, and you could see

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the chapters that shift via hit and shift. I mean, we'll both

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cover on Saturday. Then on Sunday, it's more of a conference type of

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setting where instead of the Isha Prime Minister, the zen of is

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made, as well as Jeff Yeah, he and check I mean, we'll both speak on

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more like issues that relate to converts and their entrance in the

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community and Amen. And culture and all those things. The breakout

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sessions will be solely for converts, which will be led by Zen

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of Ismaila and Alex Lajos. Meanwhile, those who are not

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converts all sit with them. I'm going to sit with them and

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continue looking at the book alchemy of happiness because it's

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an amazing book. Kimia sad is an amazing book. It's a little

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booklet, and we've taken only two or three chapters that we're going

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to look at in depth. So sign up the link is below. It's this

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weekend at mbyc 1330. Livingston Ave des Xochimilco was salam

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aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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