Sarah Sultan – The Map To Calm – Inside Out

Sarah Sultan
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The host of a webinar on mental health topics introduces a complete online course covering topics like mental health, mental health in the modern world, and the importance of finding a complete course to tackle these topics. The course covers a range of topics, including mental health, mental health in the modern world, and the importance of finding a course to tackle these topics. The speakers emphasize the need for men to avoid suicides and seek professional help for emotional issues, and the benefits of transformational and mind control techniques for achieving spiritual goals. They also discuss the importance of pursuing the "right after" in achieving success, as it is linked to a "meditation" that is linked to anxiety and grief, and the course is designed to provide a deeper dive into Muslim mental health and encourage participation in a webinar.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:37
			Everyone, welcome to this incredibly exciting seminar webinar with a Maghrib Institute and Yaqeen
Institute partnering up together. The title today is a map to come. Inshallah we'll be joined very
shortly with all of our instructors, but in the meantime, I just want to make sure that everyone can
hear us and see us clearly. So please do let me know if you can see me if you can hear me and
everything looks and sounds Okay, before we kick off for today's session. Does that feel fair to
those who are already jumping? Yes, someone um, you were first mashallah, in the chat on YouTube,
congratulations. And I see mashallah, now dozens and dozens more of you have joined us. So welcome
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			from the Yaqeen Institute, family and the amalgam Institute family to today's webinar, we're
incredibly excited to kick off, I know this is Subhanallah something that's super, super relevant
right now, mental health is getting a good amount of attention within the Muslim community. But we
are not nearly where we need to be. And we're very excited at amalgam Institute and you can
institute to be able to present not only this topic today, this much needed topic on attaining
calmness on peace and tackling some of the difficult things that Muslims struggle with in the modern
world, but also to present an exciting experience Alhamdulillah awlgrip Institute has not just been
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			raising awareness for mental health, you know, mental health in the Muslim community. But we've also
been, you know, working very, very hard on a complete online experience and in depth course, that
tackles a myriad of issues when it comes to Muslim mental health, from the taboo topics to the
intense topics that are, you know, niche in the community to the everyday struggles to maintain a
healthy mental state So Alhamdulillah that that course has been available for a little bit a lot of
you have been benefiting and enjoying it, but it's closing very soon, it's actually closing
tomorrow. So please do make sure that throughout this webinar, as you're benefiting, you're sharing
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			it about its inshallah in your groups, you're tagging people in the chats, and you're sharing the
fair Inshallah, but you're also registering for the course amount of data online because it is pay
what you can it's accessible across the globe and show it to everyone. So without further ado, I do
want to jump into the session because there's some really exciting topics that we're tackling today.
And it's super exciting because all of our speakers today are actually our instructors in the inside
out outside in course by allograph Institute. The speakers today are chef Omar Hussain, Sister SAR
Sultan and shimmer cinnamon handle the candy family and the immigrant family coming together for
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			today's topic, and we're going to be starting off in just a couple of minutes with Chef Mr. Hussain.
I see a lot of people coming in mashallah, from different parts of the world. Is that clear to those
of you who are flags in the chat? Let us know where you're coming in from. If you've attended any of
the other mental health webinars that we've had previously and if you benefited and anything that
you shared with him that he loved please do drop that into the chat I see mashallah 1000s of or not
1000s dozens of comments mashallah coming in. Link coming in from the Philippines Masha Allah lovely
to see that coming from Baluchistan, Malaysia from Belgium Mashallah. My son will you staying up
00:02:46 --> 00:03:22
			very very late for this series? New Jersey, Masha, Allah London. Where else are you coming from
salam from Calgary. Let us know your city as well. Just iClicker those who mentioned your city,
Malaysia, Mexico City, North Carolina futmas coming in from let's see some of these on the screen.
Actually, that would be awesome. The AI is coming in from Taiwan. Jill is coming in from Rhode
Island. Malia is coming in from California Ma is coming in from London keep dropping those into the
chat. It's beautiful to see this international community and Alhamdulillah to see all of our friends
from Yaqeen Institute and Milgram Institute coming together for today's webinar on handling the ice
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			coming in from Canada. With Sarah coming in from Bangladesh. Let's see some more brothers. If you're
a brother watching this, please tag another brother in Sharla into the chat. Make sure that you have
everyone benefiting there's actually a good amount of content that's focused on brothers today and
the first topic that we're going to be tackling with Jeff Mr. Hussain is going to be on the topic of
walking back from the ledge men and suicide. So we're not hiding back from any of the difficult
conversations today and I'm very excited to introduce you guys and Chela to our first instructor as
well. Schiff armor Hussein is the head of instruction that your kids Institute and the expanded
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			learning team. He's also one of our newest instructors at a Maghrib Institute. And he's graduated
from all other other University with a degree in Islamic Studies and Arabic. He's a licensed
professional counselor, a licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, and he has a PhD in counselor
education and supervision in the University of Texas in St. San Antonio. His knowledge of the
Islamic and social sciences makes him uniquely equipped to address contemporary and issues facing
the Muslim community. So we're very excited to have him be a part of this course to be teaching us
and instructing us as part of inside out outside in and I'm glad to have him with us today. So I'm
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			going to bring him on screen as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Sheikh Omar, how are you doing today?
Why they come with salam ala cattle hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Good to hear it's the audio is a
little bit lotia Homer I don't know if I'll let everyone else also pipe in to the chat before we
jump into the session because we don't want to miss any of this content in sha Allah. I just might
be shouting that could be also that How about now is it better now? Still tied on the lower side?
You guys let us as well I know there's a bit of a little the audio is going to reach you so let us
know when you do hear. If you can hear the shift clearly if there's any issues with the audio
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			and if there is a possible
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			possibility to switch a device that'd be awesome shift otherwise we'll see if we can kick off the
session in sha Allah
00:05:08 --> 00:05:24
			Okay, let's do another test testing of with four with a little sentence in sha Allah this Mila is
this Can you hear me now? Still a little low okay so someone's everyone else is saying okay though
there's some people are saying it is low couple who are saying that they can hear good do you have
an external audio device many FBI agents here
00:05:26 --> 00:05:57
			I don't maybe it's just my my volume okay and Hamdulillah I know people are saying it's it's it's
clear some people are saying mines is a bit loud so it might be just to be the contrast between the
two of ours insha Allah so Bismillah it sounds like everyone is okay with the audio that's good to
hear. Let us start off the session it's a tough it's a difficult topic and I know if you cover as
well you know a couple of lessons as well when it comes to myths about mental health from the male
perspective and the course inside out. So we're excited to hear your insight inshallah on this
difficult issue and we'll jump straight into it Bismillah Sharif opacity.
00:05:58 --> 00:06:35
			Docomo Hara Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah
Karim rubbish Rouhani Saudi Wesley Emery one of the Emily's any of Hong Kong. So hamdulillah I'm,
I'm seeing a lot of I can hear you loud and clear. And everything is clear. So in shall everything
is is good. So I'm going to talk about a topic which, you know, take some courage to approach and
that is men and suicide. Now, in the Inside Out course, I talk about some some mental health myths
regarding men.
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			But this is something very serious, which is even, you know, takes it to another level. So let me
let me start with some statistics, according to the CDC,
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			see, suicide, excuse me, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, which when
you think about it is pretty remarkable, because that means, you know, you have cancer above it, you
have heart disease, but it's like how many things Could there really be that suicide is the 10th
leading cause of death in the United States, men are three and a half times more likely than women
to commit suicide. Now, let's, before we get further, let's also you know, it's important to kind of
look in detail as the stats
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			70% of the men that are committing suicide are white males.
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			However, given how prevalent suicide is being the 10th leading cause,
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			that still leaves 30% of non white men who are committing suicide. And that is incredibly troubling.
And we have to ask ourselves, why
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			the Muslim community is no exception. When I look back, this was seven years ago, you know, when we
were young and excited to serve our communities.
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			And I remember a friend of mine speaking about a masjid that I attended growing up. He said, This
year, we had 15, suicides 15 Genesis, which were related to suicides.
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			And as I think back on it, at that time, I remember, you know, like, my mom was sick, there's a
janazah today, let's go. And you say, Oh, it was so and so son. What happened? Said, I don't know he
was traveling or, you know, there was some accident, like there was never a clear explanation. It
always seemed very bizarre, the sorts of explanations very unclear. And now, after this time, and
seeing what's happening, now, I, I see exactly what it was. It was indeed suicides. Now, the only
reason I know that that Masjid in that year, had 15 suicides is because I knew those who worked
internally, in the religious sector there, the family did everything to hide the suicides. As a
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			matter of fact, some of them would hold extravagant sort of hot them on Quran, you know, completions
of the Quran or sort of these like, grave things to really go overboard to remember
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			about to remember their, their, their, their loved one that passed. But those were suicides that
were that were taking place. And that is, you know, we're trying to get ahead and we're trying to
limit these things in the first place. Now, before I go any further, let me make one point very
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			Islamically speaking suicide is forbidden. Okay, and I think everyone listening to
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			This knows that ALLAH SubhanA wa Donna said what to do and full circle in the lagana be kumara Hema,
do not kill yourselves meaning infighting, and then also do not, don't fight each other, don't kill
each other and then don't kill yourselves meaning that the suicide the Prophet sallallaahu Salam
said my Nakata NAFSA will be che in the DB Hiyama PM, whoever kills themselves kills themself with
the thing, you know, whether it's a gun or whatever, they will be punished by that thing, on the Day
of Judgment. So why am I mentioning that? If we all know the rolling, it's very important. Listen to
this point, very important. Religious beliefs are a protective factor from suicide. When we deal
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			with clients, who mentioned that they have suicidal ideation, we create with them what we call a
safety plan. And in the safety plan,
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			we go through, you know, when you feel like doing it, what are some areas of support that you have?
What are some tools that you have, and what we see whether it's Muslim or non Muslim clients, they
will say, I've thought about it, I've considered it, but I would never go through with it. And the
reason why I would never go through with it is because it's against my religious beliefs. You see,
so if we're talking about preventing suicide, it's important that people know that
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			just understanding the Islamic ruling on suicide is going to be enough to prevent many people from
going through with it. Now, that being said,
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			the reality is, if somebody is having suicidal thoughts, or somebody actually commits the act,
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			what does that actually mean? Well, something to think about
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			it when it comes to, when it comes to those going through with it is that we don't need to tell
them, It's haram to commit suicide when someone is having those ideations. It's like the person who
comes who's addicted to alcohol, they don't need a lecture on how alcohol is haram, they already
know that they already know that. We don't need to beat them over the head. The same thing with with
suicide, if someone has these feelings, they know it's haram. But sometimes people get in such a
dark place, that it's difficult for them to pull themselves out of it. And so that's why it's
important for us to kind of step in there and prevent it. So why are men so much more likely to
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			commit suicide? So we know that women may attempt more, but men will,
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			you know, actually go through and complete the suicide more? Well, when we look across cultures, we
have, of course, these traditional male gender roles. And most of those discourage,
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			really any form of expression, and a form of struggle, it's always this kind of like, just just be
strong. You know,
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			Don't be a wimp, right? That's all fine and good. I'm not talking about that somebody faces a little
diversity or a little adversity, and they're not and they just fall apart. I'm not talking about
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			I'm talking about the things that some men go through, it is impossible to ask any human being
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			to just deal with it without offering support. I'll give you an example.
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			We see. And I'm not talking about whose fault it was or whatever. Divorce.
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			Okay, you have
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			a man you have a father, who loves his children,
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			who has spent and dedicated years of his life a lot of his life to his children. And what happens
now, the marriage ends in a divorce. And now the men have to live with the fact that they don't get
to see their kids every day.
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			The kids that they helped raised, the kids that they invested their time with. They get to see them
on the weekends, or every other week. Could you imagine how difficult that is to tell somebody who's
dedicated their life to their family that you can only see them now. Every couple of weeks. How can
any human being just how can you just say, deal with that? I think that's the person saying that I
think is heartless
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			That's not about oh, just get tough and get over it. What are you talking about? These are
relationships that are going to have with their children for the rest of their lives. How can
someone get that that is an incredibly difficult position to be in. But many times, we will say
traditionally, for whatever reason, just get over it. That's difficult.
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			We also know that depression is, is probably under diagnosed in men. And when you speak to people
who have gone through real depression, then you know, the seriousness of it, I'm not talking about
oh, I'm depressed because, you know, the Maple Leafs didn't win. Again, I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about serious.
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			Just, there are symptoms of clinical depression. Okay. And that oftentimes is under diagnosed. Now,
we know that Islam tells the man that they are to be the provider, right? Now imagine now you have a
job loss and you can't care for your family. What is that going to do? That's not something Oh, just
tough it out and just apply and get another job tomorrow, it takes time to get a job. It takes time
to find work. It is not that simple. How can any anyone with any ounce of compassion just tell this
person just kind of move on? What are they going through, I can never forget seeing a picture of
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			a father, Palestinian father, just standing there, holding his child, his home was demolished in
front of him.
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00:16:38 --> 00:16:43
			in the look, I can't even describe it's like, what am I supposed to do now?
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			What is my role? It's just all been taken from me, I have nothing I can provide.
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			What what a what a, a helpless feeling to have. And that is going to have some serious, serious
psychological, detrimental psychological effects going on in that situation. So why don't we reframe
it a little bit. And look at look, we're not saying day to day things, we're talking about serious
things. This is what's pushing men to ultimately take their life.
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			We also know that men are less likely to seek help, seek help for emotional problems. And I've said
this before, and I'll say it again.
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			Who is suffering in that case, it's not just the men, it's everyone around. It's the men, it's the
families involved. It's the friends everyone around. So if we keep having the stigma for men to seek
help, then that's going to continue to happen. Because you know what men do, they won't seek help
for emotional issues, but they will try to self treat themselves, they will start drinking, they
will start smoking, they will start trying drugs and different things. And it numbs the pain.
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			It, it just makes everything go away. They don't have to be in that place. As I've over the years
worked with a lot of individuals in drug in, in drug rehabilitation. I've developed incredible
empathy for people. Like I think the way many of us are raised is like, Oh, those are losers. They
have no future. How could they do that? Such a simplistic black and white way of looking at things,
you and I don't know the things that people are going through. And men will just internalize that
internalize that because they're told you're not supposed to seek help. You're not supposed to do
anything. And they will, you know, suffer in silence. And so what happens we have another another
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			case of a man takes his life in the community. Oh, I can't believe it. The brother was always here
at the masjid. I can't believe it. He was this and he was that. All of that happens. So it's a very
sad thing. Because we're saying it's not okay for you to get help. It's not okay. For you to to go
to anyone to help in the challenges that you're having, and what a shame that is, and what a
responsibility we indeed have for that. So
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			let me conclude by what if you are struggling? Okay. What if you're struggling? Well, the first
thing that all of us we can do as a community is raising awareness. That's what we're doing here
right now. Which again, is a big step forward. And I, I'm very grateful and feel very blessed to be
able to be part of a collaboration where we're not just acting like this doesn't exist. But beyond
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			Well, something to consider as a support group. Just a simple support group. You don't you don't
have to have a professional just
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			Look, life's tough right now I'm going through this, okay?
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			Something, something that you can start in a community, for example, support group for divorced
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			So for support group for divorced fathers with kids support group for unemployed, those who are
unemployed, right? And you can you can form networks and it's just that group support can be so huge
to help lift people out of being in such depth and so deep and darkness.
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			Now beyond that, if you're listening to this, and you're thinking, You know what, I do know some
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			you know, this guy was he was very, you know, very outgoing, very social and just kind of
disappeared, or I have heard from him and just kind of spends a lot of time in his room and we don't
know what's going on.
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			We probably know someone like that. So what do we do in that case? Well,
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			ask the person, if they are actually thinking about suicide. Contrary to popular belief, if you ask
someone, if they're thinking about suicide, it doesn't mean they're going to commit suicide,
especially if they've mentioned it. Now, don't just ask someone, if there's if you don't see it, but
when you're seeing serious things that are of concern, you know, they're not going to class anymore.
They're not.
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			You know, they just abruptly all of a sudden quit their job or something like that. Then ask them,
particularly if they've hinted at it or spoken about it or mentioned something about it.
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			Secondly, just listen, we're not telling you to be a professional counsel, but just listen, and
don't minimize their concerns. It may seem ridiculous, that they will consider something like
suicide, but just listen, so that they minimize and share your concerns. Look, I I care about you.
That's why I'm asking you.
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			If you if you are also really seeing this as a regular pattern, encourage them to seek professional
help. There are suicide hotlines for for those difficult moments, but encourage them really to seek
help. So that they can get the help that they need.
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			Some practical things also, in addition to this is if they have access to firearms to actually try
to remove those firearms or any other means that they might be in their possession. And then check
in with them regularly, just a simple text might be all it takes, right? Make sure hey, just just
checking, just hoping everything is okay. Okay, remember this, that suicide is
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			absolutely preventable, it is something that you and I and as a community, we can prevent, it is
there in the Muslim community, it is real, it is happening. And there is no reason why we need to
sit by silently and allow it to, to occur. So inshallah we try to do our part. And, you know, we ask
Allah subhana wa Taala to really help those brothers who feel that they are struggling and are just,
you know, in a dark place where they don't feel that they can, where they don't have any help, we
say Inshallah, there are people out there who care about you who do want to help you and who do want
to want to assist in this in the Inside Out course we do. I do talk about some mental health's
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			mental health myths for men, which I think is important, that puts things into perspective, that
really shows that
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			as men, we need connection, we need emotional connection. And we do that in other ways, but it's
just like for some reason when it comes to seeking help or professional counseling, that somehow
we're hesitant and so I kind of call some of those things out. So Michelle, that will be of benefit
is optimal. Okay, so along with that jazz economic affairs she was saying for tackling that
difficult topic as we kick off our math to come webinar is the shift and mentioned I think that is
one of the things that we want to focus on as I was mentioning earlier that there is an improvement
in mental health awareness within the Muslim community but within men it still lacks there's still a
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			huge I think gap and chiasm that we have to cross right now and this is one effort in Charlotte to
be inclusive in the courses is applicable open to both men and women but we do tackle some specific
issues that men encounter and as well some some differences in terms of men and women handling
boundaries and things like that. So I do encourage you guys to check out there's so many topics that
are covered inside out and to whom I was saying teaches complete module with you know over a dozen
less national law tackling that as well. So just a clicker for being with us remember, we're excited
to inshallah pepper you with questions in the class I know you've already had one q&a session with
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			the internal students that was an easy one because people are just warming up so inshallah we're
excited to have inshallah mele students again, join us for the rest of the experience and to ask
their deep rooted questions on Muslim mental health. Inshallah we will catch you inside the course.
For now just click here for
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			Joining us as Santa Monica
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			awesomesauce and that was our first session wishing Omer Hussain who is one of your instructors for
our Inside Out course with a Milgram Institute. Once again inside out is the course that is making
this experience possible and it's the culmination of all the efforts that are Milgram has been
putting together for a long time well over a year now to present you all with a complete course on
Muslim mental health, Islamic solutions for mental, physical and spiritual spiritual well being. So
we brought on handle check, I'm saying our instructor superstar salon as well, who was a huge
contributor with amalgam Institute and a fellow at Yaqeen Institute and then check our merch seller
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			man as well to add in that as gear aspect, I highly encourage you guys if you're benefiting if
you're watching this, this live stream and this webinar right now head over to another adult online,
it's a pay what you can experience so it's accessible to everybody worldwide. And we're only going
to be able to tackle a few questions or a few, you know, important essential topics today. But the
course is a whole new world of of topics that we're covering around Muslim mental health, and it
handle it's such a pleasure to have the contribution of professionals most of mental health
professionals to make it scientifically accurate and as well as informed by the dean and
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			Hamdulillah. So the next session that we're going to be having, that I'm very excited to announce is
with sister Sarah Silverman, who is our second instructor for the Inside Out course, who's also a
fellow at Yaqeen Institute, she's going to be covering the topic of just breathe managing emotional
reactions. I love the modules that I've been, or the lessons I've been watching Susana, still Don's
module in the Inside Out course. But for those who may not be familiar or who are new to her work,
Sister sorrow Sultan is a licensed professional counselor and a licensed mental health counselor who
strives to empower her clients through achieving healthier, more fulfilling lives and relationships
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			while reconnecting with a lot through the healing process. So has obtained a master's degree in
mental health counseling and she's practiced therapy for over 10 years, Mashallah. And we're super
excited to have her with us for today's webinar, as well as cinema I League and what happens unless
it's a start. So Dan, how you doing today?
00:26:58 --> 00:27:20
			I'm doing well. hamdulillah how are you? And Hamdulillah? I'm really well I actually was a little
stressed about this webinar a little earlier today. So I kid you not I was listening to your lessons
in the Inside Out course. Because I think this listening calms me down on emotional regulation. I'll
tell you that even though the lesson later, but it does. I can love her for being with us. Oh, yeah.
Cool. I'm glad it could help and have the
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			very, very full circle today and having the doula so we're excited to tackle this topic. I know you
go into a lot more depth about, you know, practical mental health skills in the Inside Out course.
But this inshallah is going to be a great start for people to tackle this specific issue of when
they're having big emotional reactions, intense emotional reactions, how do they respond to that? So
let's jump right into it first, and then I'm gonna pass the stage to Zach on Lafayette on Bismillah.
Salas was salam ala Rasulillah Ali, he was talking to human Willa, and my bad does happen last
night, and for the opportunity to join all of you today to speak with all of you about this topic. I
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			think, you know, the reason why I want to speak about this topic of managing big emotions is because
I think that all of us have this experience of having a struggle when different triggers hit us,
right? Whether it's, you know, somebody says something offensive, or whether you know, your child
just knows how to push your buttons and just the right way, or you get into an argument with your
spouse, and it escalates very quickly, these big emotional reactions are a part of our daily life.
And a lot of times, it can result in a lot of feelings of guilt and shame, when you feel like you
lose control over your emotions in those moments. And so I wanted to talk about this to number one,
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			normalize the fact that this happens to us all, including therapists, right. And number two, to
realize that there's a lot of room for change, and handle that like there are a lot of practical
methods that we can use, both from a psychological perspective and from a spiritual Islamic
perspective, to be able to create this change, Inshallah, these patterns don't have to have take
over our lives for the rest of time, we have the power to change them. So to just start off, the
first thing I wanted to talk a little bit about is to understand what emotions are. And the simple
definitions that I usually use is that emotions are signals within our bodies that tell us what's
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			happening. It tells us that, hey, this is something that you need to pay attention to. It's a signal
to pay attention that something matters to you in this situation, because you're not going to have
an emotional reaction to something that doesn't matter. So this is something important. And emotions
and big emotions are so frequent, that the province has Allah mentioned it in so many Hadees because
they're such a natural part of life, where the prophet Muhammad SAW Selim, for example, described
anger as a burning coal and that it burns in the heart, which is such an apt description of that
emotion. And he used to seek refuge in Allah subhana data from grief and sadness, that he
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			knew that these emotions are very impactful. These are
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			big emotions that can really, that can really play a role in our lives. So he made dot seeking
refuge from them. So when we're talking about emotions, one of the things to realize is we can't
control our circumstances, or even our immediate emotional reaction, right? What we feel immediately
in a circumstance in a situation that is not so controllable, but what we can control is how we
react to them. So the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam was asked, Tell me about a deed that will admit me
into paradise. And the problem I had was Hasulam responded, do not be angry, and you will enter
paradise. So he's naming one of these big emotions, anger, and he's saying Do not get angry, like do
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			not respond in anger, and you will enter paradise. Inshallah, right? So controlling our response to
anger and other big emotions is really difficult. And we see that if, if the reward for controlling
it is jedna, then we know that it's a big deal. And it's not going to be an easy path, it's going to
be hard. But it's worth it. And it's not impossible. If it was impossible, then it wouldn't have
been fair for us to have this incredible reward attached to it. And then for it to be unattainable.
So for a reward like this, to be attached to controlling our anger, that means that controlling our
anger is attainable, or controlling any emotional response is attainable. Right? And Allah subhana,
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			Allah tells us also in the in the Quran, and I love this, this area, where almost Hatha is is
praising certain attributes, he says, Those who spend in Allah's Cause in prosperity and adversity,
those who repress their anger, and those who pardon men, verily, Allah loves the good doers. So
these are all people who are labeled under the label of good doers. And one of those are those who
repress their anger. Those who repressed these big emotional reactions were alleged to have that is
not saying don't feel anger,
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			that you didn't say those who do not feel anger. He says, Those who have repressed their anger,
meaning that they don't react in anger. But there's a circumstance that arises that yields the
feeling. But the reaction is not in anger. And that's very powerful distinction. And we need to pay
attention to that. There's nothing Islamically that tells us we're not allowed to feel, right, we
there's so many Hadith that talk about big emotions that are felt by the most righteous of people,
we know a prophet Jacoba, they said, I'm, for example, cried until his, his eyes became white with
grief. That's how big the emotion was. Right. And so there are a lot of big emotions. And there's
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			nothing wrong with the emotion, as long as we act appropriately. And that's what we're held
accountable for our actions. So now how the how, right, and in the course, you know, in my module,
one of the things I wanted to make sure to emphasize, is the practical nature of Islamic psychology
of this intertwining of our faith, and our mental wellness. And so I wanted to go a little bit into
the how of how to manage big emotions. So working on how we respond to our emotions is incredibly
powerful, it can be really transformative, it can be transformative for our mental health. And it
can be transformative for our relationships with people that we care about, the way that we see
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			ourselves, and then also primarily in our relationship with our less path data. So when we can
change these patterns, so many things in our lives can change. So when there's a big emotional
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			what happens neurologically in our brains is that we go into survival mode. So when something
happens, for example, your child is tantruming. Or you've gotten into an argument with your spouse,
and you'll notice this buildup of big emotions, this buildup of anger and frustration coming up in
your system, your brain registers this as danger. Your brain then goes into survival mode, saying,
hey, like fight flight or freeze response, you need to figure out how you're going to respond, we
need to get to safety. And when this happens, when we're going into survival mode, it shuts down the
part of the brain that's responsible for making good decisions. It prevents us from being able to
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			think clearly. And that's why in these types of situations, we can tend to react in unhealthy ways
or do things during times of difficulty that we wouldn't have done during times of ease. You might
sometimes feel like you're one person during your regular life, and then all of a sudden, this
monster version of you comes out in these types of situations. And you're just you're like, where
did that come from? Right. And what you don't realize is that it comes from your brain telling you
this is dangerous. You need to respond as though it's dangerous, even though it's not. And so one of
the ways to be able to deal with big emotions.
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			This is to tell your brain that you're safe. How do we do that? So I use a three fold method. And
these are physical, spiritual and mental. So a physical shift is the first step. And the reason why
this is the first step is because once your body feels safe, your brain can register safety. And we
see this in the Quran right where we're Allah's pathetic comforts, the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam
when he was going through a really difficult time, he comforts him by saying, we know how your heart
is distressed at what they say, but celebrate the praises of your Lord and be of those who prostrate
themselves in adoration. So what is Allah's passata encouraging here first, he is validating that
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			the Prophet SAW Selim is feeling a sense of distress, that he's feeling a difficult emotion that
he's feeling this discomfort. And then he is encouraged to praise your Lord, right. So using you
know, using this verbal, this verbal cue, but then also prostrate yourself in adoration using
action. Allah subhana, Allah is prescribing action to alleviate the anxiety that the Prophet SAW
sent him is experiencing at this time. And so when we use a physical shift, it helps to alleviate
the difficult emotions that we're struggling with. So when we are trying to relax our bodies, in
order to turn off survival mode that's going off in our brains, one thing to realize is you need to
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			give yourself at least 90 seconds. 90 seconds is a magical number in this situation, because all of
those chemicals going through your your body and your brain that are yielding this big reaction, it
takes 97 seconds for them to cycle to cycle out. So if you can literally pause and look at your
watch, and time yourself for 90 seconds, you will be much calmer by the end of it. And that pause is
incredibly powerful, where you pause and you breathe. And you you pause and you realize that that
moment that you're triggered, right? by something, somebody says, Buy something somebody does by a
bad news that you receive that trigger and your response, the more you can create distance between
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			point A and point B, the better you're going to be able to react, the larger your window of
opportunity, when you can expand that space, it's incredibly powerful. So some ways to be able to
expand that space is like I said, look at your watch, breathe, deep breathing is very helpful,
tensing and releasing parts of your body to relax your body. So you know, you might tense your your
hands and count to five, and then relax them, you might tend to your shoulders and count to five and
then relax them. Right. So tensing and releasing parts of your body. drinking something cool, can
also really help changing your posture. The Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim says that when one of you
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			becomes angry, while standing, he should sit down with if the anger leaves him good. Otherwise, he
should lie down. So this change of posture creates that pause. And also, if you are unsafe,
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			and you're standing, are you going to sit if you're in an unsafe situation? No. If you are sitting
and it's an unsafe situation, are you going to lie down? Absolutely not. And so this technique of
the prophets asset is a way to tell your mind that I'm okay. This is not a dangerous situation, this
is fine. And it really teaches your body and your brain that you're okay. Making will do as well.
The Prophet SAW Selim encouraged this that he says when one of you gets angry, perform whoodle
because anger arises from fire. So if you use cool water, and you focus on it, and this is actually
a technique, so this is called grounding, where you you wash your hands, and as you feel the water,
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			as you're making will do, you focus on the feeling of the water between your fingers, and through
your hands and on your arms and on your face. That helps your brain to register a sense of safety.
And you can also do this, that kind of grounding. You know, if it's not possible for you to make
will do in that moment, you can do it in so many different ways. You can pay attention to the what
you see around you, with your eyes, what you hear around you with your ears, you can pay attention
to the taste of a glass of something that you're drinking, right, you can use your senses, you can
feel a ring on your finger, you can you can register the feeling of it. So you can use your senses.
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			So that's the physical shift. Now, the second step is the spiritual shift. And a spiritual shift is
incredibly powerful, because when we're feeling emotionally overwhelmed, if we can use that moment
of difficulty to connect with ALLAH SubhanA data, then that test suddenly brings us closer to him,
and it can be really transformative. So one of the ways that I think is very powerful is if we
transform an uncomfortable emotion into a dot
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			And we see the prophets you know, have done this, like, for example, know how they said, um, he
turned to other times out of saying, I feel so defeated, so help me, right he, he is acknowledging
the feeling. And then he's asking us Pat data to help him. So for example, if you're, you know, if
if you're in a situation that you know, your child, your child is tantruming. And you tell it, you
say, Yeah, hola. I'm so overwhelmed. Right now. I just don't know what to do. It almost feels like I
can't control myself. Please help me through this. And then you reaffirm you are the source of
support and comfort. Please give me what I need in order to manage this. You can also infer the
00:40:40 --> 00:41:16
			spiritual shift. You can also choose an area or diet to help you when you are experiencing a strong
emotion. And it's good to have one picked one that really resonates with you. Like the Prophet SAW.
Selim encourages our beloved managers on our team, right where you're seeking refuge from shaitan
because shaitan is one of the reasons why our anger is coming up so strongly he preys on our
vulnerabilities. Something like has to be alone with it. You know how you know who I am, I would go
to a horrible option. It was one of my personal favorites, where I'm reminding myself of this path
that is sufficient for me. There's no one worthy of worship except him. And I placed my trust in
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			him. Right? So in those in those moments, or Lahaina wind up with a nebula, there's no my or power
except ALLAH, or Allahu Akbar, Allah that Allah subhana, Allah is greater, He's greater than
everything. He's greater than whatever struggle you're going through. He is greater than anything
that this person might be doing or saying, right? And then finally, from the spiritual perspective,
is this idea of submission. If in that moment, after calming your body, you can remind yourself to
submit, right? We're all this path that tells us whoever submits their whole self to almost cantata
and is the doer of good, they will get reward, and on them, there shall be no fear, nor shall they
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			grieve. So we see that submission to us Pattaya is an antidote to big emotions. And there's even a
technique in in therapy, it's called wheeling hands, right? So you see my hands on making sure in my
camera that you can see it like, this is the position of wheeling hands. And it looks just like the
position of making diet.
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			And in this technique, so you would rest your you know, you can do it like this, or you can rest
your hands on your lap or on something, it is very hard to be angry when your hands are open like
this, in this way. And so this is why it's a technique for emotional regulation in therapy. And I
thought it was so profound, because it's the same thing, as you know, like as, as making,
almost pass data, right. And that also, Selim even talks about this, where he says that when when we
raise our hands to almost pass out in this way, and make dot, the eldest pass that is to kind to
allow us to bring them back, empty SubhanAllah. And then finally, for the mental shift, and the
00:43:04 --> 00:43:33
			reason why I'm leaving this for last, is because a mental shift is not always helpful, when our
emotions are too big. So when the intensity of our emotions is huge, we can't think rationally and
so creating this mental shift is going to be really hard. You're not going to be thinking through
things in a good in a positive or regular way. Right. And so when you feel calmer, and once you have
allowed some of that emotion to dissipate from your body,
00:43:34 --> 00:44:16
			then you can create, you can remind yourself, okay, emotions are transient. They don't exist
forever, this feeling is going to move through me. And I'm not going to feel this way forever. And
then you can think through it. You can ask yourself, Okay, step one that I think is very important
is to find the root of your emotion, you can ask yourself, what was what's going on? Right? What is
the speaker reaction? What is underneath it? What is the underlying emotion? Because for feelings,
especially feelings, like anger, anger is not the emotion that you're just feeling. There's
something underneath the surface that is triggering that anger. And when you can identify what that
00:44:16 --> 00:44:58
			is. So for example, if you are you know, you're in an argument with your spouse, are you feeling
hurt? Are you feeling rejected? Are you feeling unappreciated? Are you feeling disrespected? With
your child? tantruming? Are you feeling like an inadequate parent? Are you experiencing a sense of
inadequacy? Are you in front of people so you're feeling embarrassed or humiliated? Those are the
core emotions that then trigger the the angry reaction. And once you know the underlying emotion,
that core emotion, the next step is to figure out okay, now that I know the emotion, what do I need?
What's the underlying need? What would make me able to address this emotion and feel better? What do
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			I need right now?
00:45:00 --> 00:45:44
			It can be as simple as needing a hug, right? Meeting, a reminder that you are appreciated by the
person sitting across from you. Meeting a reminder that allows Pattana appreciates you and what you
do. Meaning a reminder that you are worthy, you're not inadequate meeting reminder of the things you
do as a parent, for your child, right? All of these different things. And so that the next step is
finding a way to get the meat addressed. Is there a way that you can fulfill this need? Either
yourself, right with a less patent data, or reaching out to somebody to help you with this? Right?
So what do I need in order to have this this in order to get this meat addressed? All right. And
00:45:44 --> 00:46:29
			then the last thing is, once you've kind of figured that out, working on changing your thought
process, negative thoughts are what keep us in the cycle of these big reactions. This is what keeps
getting us into it, and pushing us and pushing us to continue the negative pattern that results from
from these big reactions. So first, you have to be aware of what you're saying to yourself, and then
being able to challenge your thoughts, being able to remind yourself just because I think this
doesn't mean it's true. What's a more helpful thought that I can replace this with? How can this
situation be viewed differently? Or how is especially in moments of anger? How is shaitan trying to
00:46:29 --> 00:46:37
			get me to think about this situation? What's the story that he's planting in my head? And is that
accurate? Is that an accurate situation?
00:46:39 --> 00:46:52
			And then asking yourself another another shift. If that one, if that one is hard to do is Is there
something I can be grateful for? Because it's very hard to react in anger if you're also feeling
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			And then finally, one of the ways that I find very helpful is realizing that any type of big emotion
is uncomfortable, and it's a kind of pain and realize that every single pain is witnessed by LS PAC
data, it doesn't go unseen by LS PAC data. Were the prophets SLM reminds us that nothing afflicts a
Muslim of hardship or illness or anxiety or sorrow, harm or distress, even the pricking of a thorn,
but that Alas, pancetta XP systems for it, so that almost half that is witnessing the struggle that
you're going through, he's witnessing the pain that you're going through. And that's a very common
thought, as well. And so one of the greatest gifts that we can give to ourselves is working to
00:47:35 --> 00:47:51
			change the reaction patterns that don't serve us that don't help us, but rather harm us. And I asked
Allah Subhana Allah to bless you all with the ability to to work on this and to move forward from
it. And to bless you all for all of your efforts and grand to ease peace and healing Aloma. I mean,
does that
00:47:53 --> 00:48:27
			mean out of deception with her Subhanallah Sir, this is a very grounding session that hamdulillah
Desikan affair for this past, you know, 20 minutes of talk I know there's so much more I'm sure that
you know, people want to ask and find out about especially these practical mental health kind of
management skills so I encourage you guys to definitely definitely check out inside hours disorders
covering mashallah 27 lessons, I don't know if you counted how long, how much you were going
forward. But 27 lessons and it's a very broad range of topics when it comes to Muslim mental health
that you're covering in the course. So finally, going all the way from like setting boundaries,
00:48:27 --> 00:49:02
			these practical mental health skills, those lessons on those specifically to grief to trauma to you
know, self harm and bullying and suicide so mashallah, there's a very broad expanse of topics that
you're covering, we're very excited to actually benefit from them inside the class, and z as I was
mentioned, to Chicago, Zayn Inshallah, who get a chance to pepper you with questions during the live
q&a sessions. Does it live here, Cesaro? Any last words before we we close off inshallah for today's
topic? Well Yakko No, just echo Mafate on it's a topic that I've been passionate about for so many
years and it's just so wonderful to see how many you don't like the amount of you know, is doing
00:49:02 --> 00:49:34
			this course and that they're, you know, these wonderful speakers and these wonderful modules and
really, for all of you who sign up and until then I really hope you do, you really get what you put
into it and it's something that can really be transformative if you choose to implement the
different things that are spoken about you know, by Chicama per se and by Shia famosa and and myself
in the in the course Inshallah, so it's something that can really bring you closer to a less cantata
as well. Shama very well said Inshallah, we'll see you inside the course. For now just check with
her for this evening and we'll see you soon Santa Monica. I'm gonna have to lock you up Atticus.
00:49:37 --> 00:50:00
			Awesome sighs I hope that you guys really benefited from that Michelle, I saw a lot more people join
us and start dropping their gems and drop there. Sorry about that drop their personal experiences,
mashallah into the chat there. So, as I click here for sharing as we're jumping into the final
session inshallah for tonight's webinar on the map to come, we will be having Chicama Silliman, with
us in just one second, but a quick reminder that the course inside
00:50:00 --> 00:50:31
			That was actually closing tomorrow. So the window of opportunity to register is closing soon. And
again, we've made this pay what you can and so it's accessible to everyone worldwide. If you
yourself have already registered mashallah 1000s of you have, make sure that you share it with your
loved ones so that they can get their own access, they can get lifetime access to all of the course
content by all three of our instructors like lifetime access to the five q&a sessions and the
modules as well so that they can go out at their own pace. Inshallah. The last session that we have
for today's webinar in partnership with the Kenya Institute is of course with the founder of Kenya
00:50:31 --> 00:51:01
			Institute, a recent AMA and there's very few of you who are not familiar with him, but just to
quickly introduce him before he jumps on to tackle his topic of settling a turbulent heart
overcoming worry Shukran. Marissa is the president of the Kenya Institute, as I just said, he's a
longtime instructor at a Maghrib Institute. He's the founder of the Muslims understanding and
helping special education needs and basically he just doesn't sleep. Mashallah. So he's been very
busy behind the scenes with all these efforts within the Muslim community and now let him know he's
contributed to this course. A module on desk. Yeah, so I said I'm aleikum wa rahmatullah Shia Omer
00:51:01 --> 00:51:02
			How you doing today?
00:51:04 --> 00:51:35
			I'm tired of having done well, how are you? Alhamdulillah I'm I'm super excited for this topic. And
I'm very glad that at Hamdulillah we had the partnership with you getting sued almost intentionally
unintentionally, initially with this course with two you came contributors and then yourself
mashallah for this course. And as well that we've added this kind of spiritual element because I
know usually the community get it gets it backwards, they assume that and with mental health, you
start with just spirituality and you stop there. So at Hamdulillah, we tackled the kind of
professional approach with our licensed professional counselors on how to topical tackle issues of
00:51:35 --> 00:52:11
			mental health. And now on Hamdulillah, we ended it off with your module on Saskia and how to tackle
the spiritual aspect of it. So I'm going to pass it off to you Inshallah, for today's session, and
we're excited again, of course for your q&a session and the courses volunteer contribution, the
summit that let's kick off, Zach Malachite on sound like Martin Silva, Katherine one sent out him to
Nelson to summarize our audio Sakuma Mala. So first of all, it's always good to see Muslim
organizations come together and work together for the greater good especially to address issues of
such great importance. So while it may have been unintentional on our end in the beginning, that all
00:52:11 --> 00:52:55
			of the instructors are also a part of Yaqeen Institute and have done a lot of bromine, ALLAH SubhanA
wa Tada is designed is perfect. And I think that hopefully it sets the right tone that we're all in
this together, you know, we are one body and as we're one body, as an Omo, we're one body across
institutions, we're one body across individuals, we, we care for our weakest, we care for our most
vulnerable, we care for our, for our, for our brothers and sisters, wherever they are, in whatever
situation they are in. So it hasn't been a lot of running, I really, I'm happy to see this effort of
our institutions working together on such an important course and also, you know, grateful that I'm
00:52:55 --> 00:53:18
			available to him that allows making it open so sign up and shot Latina and make sure that you
benefit from this course I can say with with a lot of confidence. And this is not like some, you
know, false humility here. My modules are the least beneficial of this course. And I say that
because I actually had a chance to go through some of the modules that have ended up from SR SATA
and Shahana Hussain,
00:53:19 --> 00:54:01
			you know, I might be like on par with Homer Hussein's modules, but SR sada is just completely blow
mine out the water at him did not have Brian mean, they're absolutely beneficial. And so I want
everyone to please go and avail yourself of this information. Now, with that being said, I spoke
about the Teskey elements. And I think as was emphasized in both talks prior to this one, you know,
she Hama Hussain talked about suicide and he went through the Islamic rulings of suicide and the
fact that religion is a part of suicide prevention. And a sister sada spoke about the merging of
spirituality with ways in which we can control our behavior for the greater good, and ultimately
00:54:01 --> 00:54:43
			benefits in both our dunya and our akhira. So my portion here is to build on that that you know what
spirituality is a part of the solution because to us as Muslim spirituality is a part of every
solution. And when we look at this idea of happiness and sadness, holistically, you cannot divorce
the idea of happiness and sadness from good deeds and since and so I talked about this hadith of the
Salah Hassan Attica was sad because the Atlanta movement or the Prophet slicin Um said that if your
good deeds make you happy, and your bad deeds make you sad, then you are a believer. That's not to
say that it is only good deeds that make you happy and it is only sins that make you sad, but
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			certainly that good deeds are the greatest form of contribution to happiness because they give you
purpose and they give you Paradise and the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa taala. And sins offer the
greatest form of deprivation because sins give you sadness and regrets and then ultimately
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			The remorse and the hereafter if they are not repented from now I want to address the different
elements of this inshallah Tada for the purpose of the webinar. You know, I was I was thinking about
a couple of things.
00:55:11 --> 00:55:53
			You know, before this webinar, one of them was this narration and it's it's not strong as a hadith,
though it's quoted in a lot of books of Teskey as a hadith Hubbard dunya razza, Cooley habia that
the prophets lie Selim is narrated to have said that the love of this world is the root cause of
every of every sin to say that and what that means is that the excessive love of this world love of
this world particularly that leads to unhealthy attachment and leads to disobedience is the root
cause of every form of disobedience is the root cause of every sin. It's strong as a statement from
hustle and bustle, Rahim, Allah Tada. And it's certainly a, you know, a meaning, or the meaning of
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			that is authentic and can be found throughout your Hadith of the Prophet slice. When we think about
this, you know, this idea here, that the love of this world is the root cause of every sin, you
know, you look through the transgressions, and you look through the destructive flaws, and I'll get
to why that's connected to the subject. And you find that people get attached to dunya. And then
they are willing to do what they whatever they have to do, in order to gain that dunya. And so their
unhealthy attachment to the dunya leads them to cheat leads them to lie, leads them to harm
sometimes our egos lead us to aggression.
00:56:34 --> 00:57:19
			You know, you look at the power struggles throughout the Muslim world and throughout history, you
know, in fact, And subhanAllah, what that has done the love of the crown, right, the love of the
throne, and what that has done to completely destroy and demolish societies and civilizations, and
Sahaba dunya. Right, so quickly, hopefully, it's at the root cause of that. So, where's this on a
very personal level, you know, that we can benefit from if the root cause of every sin is too much
love of this world, and every sin bares sadness, then there is a connection between the excess of
sin and the excess of attachment to this world. Now, the flip side of that, is that Hoban akhira, to
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			love the Hereafter. And this is not a narration at least not that I know of attributed to even any
of the setup but just the opposite. The opposite of what's being said here authentically by Hassan
bossy Rahim Allah to add the love of the Hereafter is the source of all goodness is the source of
all good deeds. And of course, this is consistent throughout the Quran that you love Allah subhanaw
taala. And you pursue the hereafter in the spirit in the vein of that love that you have for Allah
subhanho wa Taala and the reward that you seek from Allah subhanaw taala again, in the Hereafter.
And so, a tan look with La Jota Allah will ask you, to look with law, to be connected to Allah
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			subhanaw taala allows you to, to be connected to him at a, at a deeply personal level, so that you,
you see past every other temptation in this world because your heart cannot be tempted away from
Allah subhanaw taala because of its attachment to Allah subhanaw taala. To connect yourself to the
akhirah is to connect yourself to a pursuit and to give yourself a place of depositing your good
deeds and a place of hope, and a very tangible future, something that you have certainty in that is
coming to look forward to and to invest in. Now, as I was thinking about one of the profound
connections between a Hadith of the Prophet slice and I'm going to draw out of the Prophet size
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			element and actually what's been said by sister Sato prior to me
00:58:50 --> 00:59:27
			there's this idea that the Prophet slice I'm taught the Companions frequently Allah him in the arrow
the weaker minute him me when hasn't one Oh, the becoming an adequate castle where I will be coming
in Germany will book where it will become invalid but Daniel Khadija now I've given a lot of clips
was about this hadith and I'm gonna approach it from an angle that I have not approached in any
prior cultivo in a moment, because it's one of those Hadith it's one of those jobs that you can, you
know, reflect on for days and days and days and days and it's profound and it's sequence in the
words that are chosen. There's just so much to benefit from it so Allah him in the arrows obika
00:59:27 --> 00:59:59
			Middleham meet what has Oh Allah I seek refuge in You from him and hasn't anxiety and sadness,
grief. Now him refers to anxiety particularly in Arabic language that's caused by you know, what's
to come. Okay. The fear of what's to come? Hasn't the grief is caused specifically by, you know, a
person lamenting on the past. All right, so grieving over the past. And that's why when the angels
come to us when we pass away if we are amongst
01:00:00 --> 01:00:42
			righteous May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst them say alerta Hafele whether to his or wherever
she Robin Jannetty that the quantum to do that do not be afraid and do not be sad, and, you know,
carry the glad tidings of that which you have been promised which is paradise. So Allah to Hafele
means don't fear what is to come? What is no don't grieve over what you are leaving behind. So it's
past and future, okay? Future anxiety past grief. And here that there is a lot of money I will be
coming at him meet what hasn't. Now those two things Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from anxiety and
from grief. Those two things ultimately paralyze a person, right I can't move and so the next part
01:00:42 --> 01:01:14
			of the DUA is woman and it will cast it from being unable and free from being lazy. So when a person
cannot do anything anymore, because they are pulled by these two, you know, these two poles right of
him and hazard of anxiety and in grief, And subhanAllah what I was thinking about what's so profound
about our deen is that the deen teaches us to live in the presence to live in the presence. And I
reflect a lot on the companions of the Prophet slice Allah.
01:01:16 --> 01:01:18
			I love the companions of the Prophet spice. I love them
01:01:20 --> 01:02:01
			so much Subhanallah because of how perfect they are in the collective example that they set for us,
right that they embody what it would look like for human effort. With what the profit slice on the
most perfect human being to come set, right, they just kind of embodied that collective struggle to
live up to the human effort, the greatest of human potential and as a generation, they achieve that
there is no generation greater than the companions of the prophets lines on them. So they embody as
a collective as a collective what the prophets lie some gave to them who is the most perfect human
being sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And what that means with the companions that you see, each one of
01:02:01 --> 01:02:33
			them had to struggle with something, some of the Sahaba had a very dark past, and one that could
really harm them, if they let the shadeland cause them to despair. Can you imagine if I would have
been a hotdog with all the Allahu Tada and he allowed himself to be paralyzed by his past it a lot
in his past right Imagine if our model the Allah Tada, and who allowed for the Shavon to paralyze
him with his past now model the alotta annual definitely remembered his past, but it motivated him.
01:02:34 --> 01:03:13
			It motivated him to be the best version of himself in Islam. But can you imagine if a model the love
of data and who said You know, I need a week because I just thought about, you know, this thing that
I did before Islam, right? It would have been hard, it would have been a loss to him and it would
have been a loss to the OMA as well. Okay. So, all model the Allah Tada and who refused to be
paralyzed. In fact, you think about many of the Sahaba, who became Muslim after hurt, like imagine,
you know, being part of the Muslim community after you killed some of the greatest Sahaba and
companions of the prophet speisen What is it like to know that you killed some of the best of people
01:03:13 --> 01:03:55
			and that you live amongst the prophets, I some after having caused them so much sadness and
distress, but imagine if they stopped there, right, but they didn't. And Allah and the messenger,
slice Allah and push them towards moving forward and towards redemption. So that's the that's,
that's that side, right? Where like, you refuse to be paralyzed by the past, the despair, the grief,
the sadness that comes from the past, and in the future. These people feared Allah subhanaw taala.
And they feared the consequences of sin more than anyone else, they were worried that the job would
rise in their midst, that the day of judgment would come while they were still alive. Butts paneled,
01:03:55 --> 01:04:39
			Allah, these were the people that embodied what the prophet slice and um said that if the Day of
Judgment is established, and you have in your hands, something to plant than plants, make sure that
you go ahead and you plant that, that last treat that last seed, go ahead and do so that's called
Living in the presence, right? That's called Living in the presence, that at any moment, whether you
are, you know, on the heels of a sin or a good deed, that can make you complacent or a sin that
could cause you despair, or a trial that, you know, bear sadness, or, you know, a glad tidings or
something good that happened to you that bears celebration. There's always something for you to say
01:04:39 --> 01:04:59
			and something for you to do in the moment in the moment. And so people that debate about the power
of Allah subhana hota Anna, you know, they're debating something that is completely out of their
hands, right? You want to challenge Allah subhanho to add on the design on how you got here and
where you're going or how someone else got there how someone else's where someone else is going
01:05:00 --> 01:05:43
			You know, knock yourself out, you're not gonna get anywhere, okay? You're not going to get anywhere
because Allah Subhana Allah, Allah has things that he has concealed from your knowledge. And you're
just going to, you're going to engage in an exercise of fruitless exercise. If you just stay in
that, right, it could have been this way it should have been this way it should be distributed. No,
like living in the moment I'm going to do, what I should be doing what I can be doing. And I will
leave both the past and the future to Allah subhanaw taala the past and that I sincerely repent. And
when it comes to sins, Allah subhanaw taala I trust in His forgiveness, the future. I trust in Allah
01:05:43 --> 01:05:57
			subhanho wa Taala as design, I trust in His promise, so I'll continue to work towards the future.
But the point is, is that I'm going to live in the present and so on one deep connection in that
hadith in that dua, and then I'll stop there in sha Allah to Allah
01:05:59 --> 01:06:25
			is this idea of what him and hasn't do to actually provoke Ives and kiss it. When a person is stuck
in the past or worried about the future to where they cannot do anything in the moment in the
present and the way the prophets lie, some taught his companions and his ummah by extension, to live
in the presence. So I pray that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah allows us to do that which is pleasing
01:06:26 --> 01:07:02
			to Him, and that ALLAH SubhanA activates us to all good and forgives us for our sins keeps us away
from evil and forgives us from forgives us for our sins. And I pray that Allah Subhana Allah to
Allah grant us the best of this life and the next and protect us from the punishment of the
Hereafter alumni. I mean, by the way, as you sign up for the class and Charlotte's on, I hope
everyone is going to sign up Inshallah, tada. There is going to be a special announcement tomorrow
in sha Allah to Allah on Yohanes page in sha Allah Tada as well as the new series that was coming
out so I just thought I'd plug that in there. So watch out. If you're on my Facebook page or if
01:07:02 --> 01:07:35
			you're in your teens page inshallah Tada, watch out for an announcement tomorrow morning and
chocolates on as well. And please do sign up and Jacqueline. Okay now sister Hafsa Maghrib team for
putting this together. Laughing just like Mocha chef actually. That's a great reminder, we have the
whole Ukraine and among your families here so among your peeps, go follow the Ukraine page,
subscribe to the YouTubes and their Facebook, you can peeps go follow the Maghrib YouTube's or
subscribe to the YouTubes and put your notifications on for their Facebook in sha Allah. There's so
much beneficial content coming out from both organizations. You keen for the you know, for building
01:07:35 --> 01:08:05
			up, or the strengthen our deen and our faith and I'm okay with so much Islamic education coming out
of hammer. This has been amazing collaboration. We're so excited for the fruits of it. And you
haven't even started benefiting yet. This is just the webinars this is just some of the gems
beforehand. The class itself is an immensely beneficial experience. Check our branches out click
here for being part of this. And for being such a champion of it and for incorporating you know the
other module module in the classes. Well, we're very excited to see it in sha Allah, just a few
reminders for everyone before you go but yeah, I'll let you go inshallah for now. We'll see you
01:08:05 --> 01:08:08
			inside the course SNM. I like what I happen to live with it, it gets.
01:08:10 --> 01:08:46
			Awesome. So I hope that you guys really benefited from today's webinar, the map to come in
partnership with Yaqeen Institute and a Maghrib Institute. Before you go as the chef said the doors
are closing very, very soon for inside out. That is the fruits of all the labor that we put in for
well over a year now at Hamdulillah. Filming these intensely beneficial modules broken down into two
easy to consume lessons on the topics surrounding Muslim mental health, the in depth, the taboo the
difficult, the tough, the inspirational, the motivating the everyday, I highly encourage you guys to
head over to MLB dot online. If you have any questions, there's a chat box there where you can
01:08:46 --> 01:09:17
			submit any questions. If you want to submit send an email, you can do that to info at a And
we're just super excited for you guys to benefit from the hard work of our mental health
professionals, our instructors, jicama Hussain and Chicama. Cinnamon and CSRS well done, they've
done an amazing job with this course. And you're going to find this to best things that you've
invested in for yourself and Hamdulillah. And of course, as I mentioned before, this is pay what you
can so it's a one a classic low please make sure you register you share with your friends, your
families, your communities, because Muslim mental health has been you know, something that has been
01:09:17 --> 01:09:49
			under represented under educated about for so long, and this course has been doing a great job
mashallah of breaking down barriers and change and tackling those stigmas. So does that qualify for
being part of this amazing journey with us. We have one more webinar headed coming out in Charlotte
tomorrow as well, which we're very excited to close off the class with but keep in mind once again,
the class itself is not going to be available for very long. So head over right now to amalgam to
online so that we can see you on the other side. You can ask your questions to our instructors and
you can benefit but much more deeply Inshallah, on this topic. The Institute's are partnering with
01:09:49 --> 01:09:59
			us for this webinar, and always will be looking forward to so many more experiences with you guys in
the future. For now. Take care, Stay happy, stay healthy everyone, and we'll see you inside the
course Inside Out As salam o alaikum.