Salem Al Amry – Lesson 50 Weekly Class Virtues of Islam
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The importance of sh patterning actions and thoughts to show faith in Allah's strength and power is emphasized in a monthly video on the topic. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not criticizing people for actions and not overinterpreting. The speaker also discusses the importance of devotion and not calling anyone with attributes. The importance of praying for the upcoming election and not bringing false accusations is emphasized, as well as the importance of not visiting people who are known to do things and not participating in prayer while praying. The importance of showing faith and showing off deeds is emphasized, as well as the use of long dress and long trousers for women and men. The session concludes with a statement of gratitude and protection.
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Let's begin
brothers and sisters,
and welcome to our weekly verse. This is
lesson number 50 of virtues of Islam
delivered by our noble sheikh, Sheikh Salim Al
Hamri. I will pass the mic on the
screen to the sheikh. Sheikh can begin inshallah.
her. My dear brothers
and sisters in Islam, today is our weekly
of Islam.
And we are talking about
the fines that Muslims should agree upon.
And among them is the.
the Muslim,
will not be united,
will not be strong,
will not be victorious,
and will not have the upper hand over
their enemies.
So the
the secret.
This it is the source of the strength
of this Ummah
is the which is the call of the
Because for the,
we exist.
Allah created
for the to
single him out
and to worship him
So this is we should be always,
always talking
about the.
Our life has to be
revolving around this concept,
the oneness of Allah,
the tawhid.
We have to liberate
from all the bonds and shackles
We have to
and flee our hearts from any trace of
Our hearts
have to link
have to be linked and attached
only to the creator.
Turn only to their creator.
Seek help only from their creator.
Depend and revise solely on their Creator.
That is the concept of the.
If the heart turns to other than Allah,
that is.
Whether it is
minor, or Hijin.
The showing of
which is a function of the heart, is
a part form of Shirk
which means
the heart
has turned
towards other than Allah.
That's why
you do things for the sake of
showing off, to be praised by others,
not to be praised by Allah as a.
So many of us think shirk
a a limited
phone, which is permitted.
No. The shield has many, many forms and
and shades.
So it is this one, the heart.
This heart
turns to whom?
Realizing whom?
Fear is whom?
That is the to hate.
And no wonder
no wonder our lord singled out the heart.
He said, this is the organ
from the rest among the rest of the
organs in the body,
I am constantly
looking at it.
I don't look at your complexions
or physique,
but I look at your heart and your
What does that heart harbor and hold?
So my dear brothers and sisters,
we need to work
on our hearts
and purify them
because when this heart
is filled with the love of Allah and
the trust in Allah,
then and only then you feel
the tranquility
and the serenity
and the peace of mind.
So nothing
disturbs this
because it relies
on the most powerful one,
on the salam, the source of peace. And
because a salam,
he is the one who puts peace
in your heart.
So Allah
is watching our hearts,
and he's after our hearts.
The day
neither wells
nor children will avail anyone
will be
of great help to anyone
except the one that the one who will
be delivered,
the one who will
be successful
is the one who meets his lord,
All heart,
healthy heart,
flee from any trace
of others with our world.
That is the one who's going to
be successful
on that day.
Now let's just go through some of the
verses, the
in the book of Allah
where Allah
reminding us about the importance
of the and
and dreadful
May Allah save us from all forms of
in 1 116.
And then
I f of g. 8,
Allah does not forgive associating
others with him
in worship,
but forgives anything
of whoever he wills.
Indeed, whoever associates
others with Allah
has clearly
far astray
far astray
the monotheistic
creed from the state path.
So that's why.
But shirk is something
That's why Allah
said this sin,
I will never forgive.
I will forgive anything else, not the shit,
not associating
partners with me.
The whole
Quran from Alfa'amim
up to Surat An Nas
talks about the Tawhid
and the prerequisite
of the Tawhid
and the reward of those who actualize
Tawhid in their life
and the
evil consequences for those who associate partners with
the law
and the
and the punishment that awaits
those who so associate partners with the law.
So the whole Quran talks about that.
So Allah
says in Surat al Maida a seventy 2.
Those who say
Allah is the Messiah,
son of Mary,
have certainly fallen
into this belief.
The Messiah himself said, oh, children
of Israel,
worship Allah, my lord, and your lord.
Whoever associates
others with Allah in worship
will surely be forbidden
by Allah.
Their home will be the fire,
and the wrongdoers
will have no helpers.
They just ponder
upon this beautiful
So this is this ayah teaches your belief
as a Muslim and your sons
from the Christians.
What do we
believe and what do we consider the Christians?
Do we consider them believers
or disbelievers?
The answer is very clear in this ayah.
Allah says, clearly,
Those who say
the Messiah,
Messiah, the Messiah, son of Mary,
He is Allah.
They have blasphemed.
That's what the Christians are saying.
Jesus Christ, our lord.
That's why
no one insulted
Allah like the Christians.
So they are saying Jesus Christ, the son
of Mary,
the one who was in the womb of
Mary 9 months, that was God.
The one who was circumcised on the 7th
day, as the Bible says, that is God.
Because to them,
the father,
the son, and the holy ghost,
these 3, the holy trinity are 1.
The father is god.
Son is god. Helios is god.
They are all 1.
So Jesus Christ, that according to the believer
of the Christians,
God in the form of a human being.
They say
the divine
in dwells in the human.
This is God incarnation.
God incarnate,
which is the belief in our
religious systems
prior to Christianity.
And when you read the history,
the one who concocted
and invented and came up with this
for the Christians
is Paul
or Sol, s o u l,
the agent of the Roman, the tax collector,
the enemy
of the
disciples of Isa, al Salam.
He is the real one who corrupted Christianity.
He is the one who invented this doctrine
of god incarnate.
In Arabic, they say,
The divine indwelt
in the human being.
it is you see him as a human
being, but he is god,
which is god incarnate
Who came with this idea
invented it, hold.
So Allah
So whoever holds this belief
that Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, is
God himself
in the form of the human being,
God incarnate,
he has disbelief, and he is a kafir.
This is what the Quran says. It's clearly
very clear.
No ambiguity
at all,
and yet
you find some ignorant Muslims
or saying,
why not? They can't go to heaven.
They are people of the book.
Or even say that they are disbelievers,
they're saying, oh, why you are going you
are an extremist.
These are not my words?
This what Allah said
that they have
Oh, you haven't read the Quran.
Oh, you don't believe in it.
Say it.
those who say Allah
is the Messiah, son of Mary, have certainly
into the.
They have.
Then Allah
tells us
what was the real message of Christ,
by the way,
for your own
and for your own information.
The bulk
of Christendom,
the bulk of the
Christian world,
they did not
know the true message of Christ.
They didn't know it.
The message that reached Europe
was not the message of Christ,
but the message of Paul.
The message reached them already distorted.
doctrine of the holy trinity that was reached
They never knew about
the unity
because those who believed
in the unity,
in the oneness of Allah, and con and
as one of the mightiest messengers of god,
they were persecuted.
They were killed.
So Allah tells us exactly
the essence of the message of Isa alaihis
This what Jesus
Christ, Asia,
peace, and this what he
Yeben Yisrael,
all children of Israel.
Because as you know,
he was sent
to Ben Yisrael,
Isa alaihis salam.
As the Bible tells us, I was sent
to the lost sheep
of Israel,
Yahu Israel Israel
is Yahu alaihis salam Jacob.
For children. Israel
worship Allah.
Not worship me, worship Allah,
my lord and your lord.
And even the bible, you know, when a
lady came and said,
oh, good master, he said, why you call
me good? There's only one who's good,
my father,
the father in heaven.
And by the way, the word father,
if you read in the context and in
the biblical context,
it refers to the divine being
divine being
only. That's why
you in many places, my father and your
father, my love and your love, your
creator, my creator.
And the same thing if you read in
the bible, son of god son of god
means a pious and righteous person.
So there were many
characters and many
in the bible, they were called son of
k, which means one who was pious and
god fearing person.
Doesn't mean that this
is god himself. No.
So is
here he said,
oh, children of Israel, worship
my worship Allah, my lord and your lord,
my love and your lord.
Then he warned them.
He warned
his followers.
He warned. K?
any partner
with Allah.
And what the Christians say are saying that
he is God,
that's the pinnacle of shirk.
So the armor shirk's
Whoever associates
any partner
with Allah,
Allah has made
for heritage for him or her.
He or her will not smell its fragrance.
This is what will happen to
to you Christians
if you don't
put immediately
this erroneous
that Jesus, son of God, is Jesus Christ,
son of Mary is God himself.
No paradise.
No Jannah. No heaven.
Hellfire forever.
This is what Isa said. This is what
Christ said.
paradise has made a habit for him, forbidden
for him. He will be forbidden from entering
and he will go somewhere else,
the hellfire.
the place that is going to accommodate
the place of his accommodation,
his abode,
his resting
place will be the fire.
The fire.
And for the Valimin,
the wrongdoers,
the mushrikeen,
the polytheists,
in the Quran also use
as a,
as a synonym,
synonymous with.
when he was
exalting and advising his son,
So Luqman
told when he was he told his son
so Luqman, when he was advising his son,
he told her son,
oh, my son.
That should have been that. Never associate
anyone with that law.
In the shirkah, most certainly,
very late,
great injustice,
It is the greatest bull
one can ever commit.
Also, Allah says in Surat Al Kah,
I want you, my dear brothers and sisters,
when you are reading the Quran,
ponder, reflect,
the impact of
the the impact they make on
on your heart.
Oh, the Quran too.
Allah says in
which every Muslim reads every Friday
in 100.
Well, you should
Say or perfect.
I am only a man like you,
but it has been revealed to me that
you're gorgeous,
only one god.
So whoever hopes for the meeting with their
let them do good deeds and associate
none in the worship of their Lord.
Let's just reflect.
All say,
Remember, which
the meaning is limited to whatever is going
to be mentioned.
It limits
all actions to the intention.
All of them
are linked with the niya.
No action without niya
is will not be accepted.
So this always pay attention when you come
nama because
rhetorical purpose of it,
It denotes
limiting the meaning,
and making the meaning
solely applicable
only to what is mentioned
or applied to what is mentioned only.
All say.
this to tell us about the nature
of our prophet
that he's a human being.
This should stop us
or venerate
or praise over praise the
elevate him above his real status,
the status
of prophethood,
the of prophets and messengers.
So so
it was us that we should not do
something like the Christians
did with
because of their extreme love for Christ, a
the Christians,
they elevated him
above what he deserved.
So they attributed to him and ascribed to
him divinity
Oh, prophet,
he warned us
in the
So he's teaching his teaching
All Muslims,
you'll not
me and elevate
me to such a position that I don't
So do not do something
like the Christian did.
So do not overpraise
me, k,
ascribe and attribute to me
what the Christian did to Christ.
And only
a servant of Allah.
Keep this in mind.
In another hadith,
a man came to the prophet,
and he was
I mean,
standing before the
and he is in state of fear.
Can't a calculate the deed be makka.
K? Why are you
shivering? Why are you
afraid? I'm a human being like you.
I'm a son of a woman
used to eat the dry meat and not.
So I'm a human being.
But he's Rasulullah.
See, this how we balance.
Yes. He's a human being. Yes. He is
a servant of Allah, but he's
Rasulullah. So we should
lower him
and consider him like us
and deal with him like one of us
now. He is Rasulullah.
So so he is Abdullah.
This stops us from going
to extreme.
He is Rasool Allah also
makes us
elevate him
and put him in his
the position and his status that he deserves.
He is not like us. He is Rasoolullah.
All say
But I receive revelation.
I receive revelation.
I'm inspired.
Because you see there are some Muslims.
they are going the against this,
and they attribute to the prophet
of Allah,
divine attributes.
And some of them, they made also
names for the prophet, like the names of
Those are the,
And they consider him that he is alive.
life. No. Alive.
He is like us, and he comes and
he leaves his grave and
he visits them. And
so that's why you can ask him
whatever you want.
There are many groups. They believe in this.
And this what the Ayah
us. Do not go to extreme.
Accept that I am human but
I receive revelation from Allah
And this revelation tells me
that your god, your,
the days you should worship
is 1,
not 2, not 3.
So whoever
and plays
to meet his
love. He's aspiring,
looking looking forward
to meeting his love.
So whoever
hopes to
for the meeting with his with their,
what should he do?
So he should
the one who hopes to meet Allah should
do righteous deeds.
At the same time,
should not associate
none. Well, you should.
Associate none.
Anyone. Because
is nakira,
Because you can't put al ahat to come
And what are you sure it? It
So this denotes
you should not call anyone
with Allah.
The prophet
Musa, Issa,
No one.
You only ask Allah. Leave alone, Abdul Kalani,
and Hassan, and Hussein,
and Javeri, and,
You don't call anyone.
Whether you should be
You worship
only for Allah,
and the Allah.
Also, Allah said,
Surat Al Hajj, ayah 31.
Be applied
in devotion to Allah
and worshiping Allah.
none with them
in worship.
For whoever associates others with Allah is like
someone who has fallen from the sky
and is either snatched away by birds
or swept
by the wind to a remote
remote places.
This is what Allah wants us to be.
Be. Be. Be. Be.
In your ibadah, in your devotion to Allah.
That is all your working
only to Allah
any partners,
without associating
anyone with him,
without associating
none with him,
None with
But if you associate anyone of with Allah,
then Allah has given us this
this similitude,
this example,
that an example
or parable or similitude
for the one who
any partner with Allah.
Woman, you shirkbila,
or whoever associates others with the law.
His likeness,
like one who has fallen from the sky.
Imagine someone is falling from high altitude.
So the one who associate
any partner with the law is like one
who has been thrown
from a high altitude
falling from the sky,
And while he is falling,
the birds of prey
his flesh,
tearing his body and turning his flesh
into parts.
This eagle comes and takes a bite.
This vulture comes and takes
a bite.
falcon comes and takes a bite.
So the birds are snatching
this body.
Okay. Is
just like someone who has fallen from the
So the bird snatched him
away. He's knocked away
by birds.
This is his
This is
an example for someone who associates any partner
Allah. Or
he's swept
by the wind.
The wind blows and takes this fallen body
to a remote
Or very
deep place.
And that's what will happen to him.
He will fall into that deep
pit of fire. The hellfire,
the last of to Adam, my dear brothers
and sisters, as you see,
he wants us
1 ahead,
1 is yet upon the.
Also, Allah said,
in Surat al offers,
I f 12,
describing to us
the reaction of the Mushriks
when they are called to the.
Allah says, this is because
there will be rebuked on that day.
This is because when Allah alone is invoked
if you go to
many Muslim countries
who are worshiping saints,
worshiping tombs,
and you call them to the and
you tell them,
stop going to the dargah.
Stop going to the
the mausoleum.
Stop making salawat around the tombs and the
Call Allah.
They will go mad and crazy.
you are reading the Quran to them, and
they hate you,
and they want to kill you.
You are a devil.
You are Wahhabi.
You hate the prophet.
You you you you.
what you are asking them
to do
is only to worship Allah
and not the saint,
But they don't want to worship Allah.
They want to worship the saint.
Yes. This is the reality.
You are calling the people to the worship
of Allah alone.
That's because when Allah alone was invoked,
But when others were associated
with him and worship,
you readily believed
So today, judgment belongs to Allah. Alone, the
most high, the all great.
This is the the reality.
This how
the mushroopers, this how those who
are associating
others with Allah, this how they feel. You
talk about that you hear,
you irritate them.
They become upset. They are
they hate you.
You read the ayat about the to them,
they hate that.
But if we start telling them, you know,
saying so and so,
he did this.
You can't ask him. So and so went
to him
and asked him,
and he got what he wanted.
So and so was not having children.
She went to the tomb of the same
so and so, and she became pregnant.
And you'll see gorgeous smiles on their faces.
nodding their heads
when they hear the shirk.
But the the moment you start telling them,
saints are helpless,
saints cannot help you, saints, they need your
instead of asking them for dua.
You should not go to their tombs.
You should not build messaged on their graves.
You'll see their faces are fallen.
Go ahead and check yourself.
You'll find this.
This is how they react
because the tawhid
them because their hearts are full of shirk.
So the
impact of the
ayaat about the,
shakes them.
But if they are partners,
feel happy.
A day will come when all of us
will stand before our war.
So today,
the hokum, the judgment belongs to Allah alone.
Al Ali al Kabir,
the most high,
all great.
is Rafa 12. Zumr. Again, Allah
tells us
about the reaction of the Mushriks,
the at the time of the about the
So let's do soon after zoom out a
Yet when Allah alone is mentioned,
the hearts of those who disbelieve in the
are filled with disgust.
But as soon as those gods,
false deities,
other than him are mentioned,
they are filled with joy.
You invite the people.
Call them.
You're Wahhabi.
You hate the prophet.
First of all,
why do you call me Wahhabi?
I'm a Muslim,
number 1.
Second thing, there's nothing called Wahhabi.
No one calls himself Wahhabi.
So why do you call me Wahhabi?
I'm a Muslim like you.
I'm only asking you
to worship Allah.
Hello? Don't you say in your salah,
That's what I'm
inviting you too.
I want you to actualize it,
to put these words into practice.
Because you say it with your tongue, but
you don't practice it in your life
because you don't worship Allah alone.
You say, iyakanabud,
but you are not working doing iyakanabud.
You don't worship Allah alone.
You don't apply it in your life. You
don't seek help from Allah. You go and
seek help from
the dead.
You go and seek help from
Al Hussein
from Abjat Ali Jalani,
from the Suki,
from Yahweh.
do not practice what you read in your
And now you are calling me and giving
me names?
Because I ask you to worship Allah
and to apply iyakanabud
and iyakanastain
and implement it and apply it in your
put it into practice.
Yet when Allah alone is mentioned,
So those the hearts of those who disbelieve
in the hereafter, of course, the Muslims at
that time, no doubt,
but also
cannot be
confined and limited to only those decisions
or anyone who commits check.
Because if you believe in the,
this necessitates
you worship the the
one who created
the in the first place, but you
do not worship the one who created the
who created the second life.
So you don't believe in it. Though you
think you believe in it, but you in
reality, you don't because you don't work in
So that's why
life of the
of the
or Jannah
and living in
blissful life and
blessed life, you will not
it because to have it, you have to
worship him alone. You didn't worship him alone.
Then Allah
As soon as
other deities that are worshiped
that are worshiped besides Allah,
either homosexual,
The moment you start talking about
other than Allah, about the saints, about the,
about the miracles
of this particular saint, you see
the smile, and you see that
the joy their hearts are filled with
The shirk, my dear brothers and sisters, is
something horrible,
one has to
asking the Lord to save him from falling
into it.
the father of Al Anbiya, Ibrahim Alaihi Salam,
is afraid of falling into shirk and worshiping
the idols.
Ibrahim Alissam,
he fears that
about us.
35 to 36.
Remember, we're in. So when you come across
it means
recall, remember.
so remember
Ibrahim Al Shalam,
invoke Allah.
My lord, make this city of Mecca
and keep me and my children
from the worship of idols.
My lord,
they have caused many people to go astray.
So whoever follows me
is with me,
And whoever disobeys me, then surely you are
still all forgiven,
most merciful.
This is what Ibrahim alaihis salam
That's why the Ibrahim, so recall and remember
when Ibrahim
prayed to Allah.
Oh my lord, make this ballot, this town,
city of Mecca,
to the dua of Ibrahim. So Mecca is
a secure place.
Save me and my progeny,
my children,
and Nabu Dels.
Save me, oh Allah, and my children
from the worship of idols.
Keep me and my children away
from the worship of idols.
Keep us far away
id idellectry,
Then he
said, telling us
what the idols did,
what these
12 deities
did to the people.
My lord died, the idols,
false deities, false object objects of worship,
caused many people to go astray
to go astray,
and that's exactly what happened.
The Arabs, they were
of Ibrahim Alaihi Salam.
And they were monotheists.
But then they drifted away because of the
Amir ibn Yohayel Khuzay,
closed the
first idol
from a sham and placed it around the
So whoever follows
my path, my way, then he's one of
of us. He's he's with me. He's a
And whoever disobeys me
and adopts
any other path,
then surely you are still all forgiven and
most merciful,
and the matter is with you.
And now let us go through some of
the beautiful hadith of the.
In the authentic hadith, the prophet
what I fear
most for you is a form of shirk.
When asked about it, he said,
This hidden Sheikh, I fear most for you.
they said, what is it, this
hidden shit? They said showing off every year.
Everyone knows themselves.
That's why my dear brothers and sisters
keep checking your heart all the time when
you are doing any righteous deed
and ask yourself many times,
am I doing it for the sake of
Allah is watching me. Am I doing it
for the sake of Allah?
If not,
rectify your intention. Correct your intention.
Because if it is not for the sake
of Allah,
it will be rejected.
Alone, not accepted.
Alone, not accepted. So if you are working
in a organization,
charity organization,
you are involved in the Dawah
and people,
they you have 1,000
or 1,000,000
of fans. They call them fans.
That will not help
if you are a.
Nia has not for the sake of Allah.
All that is
in vain, filthy rats.
You will not find anything.
You are expecting to find these good deeds.
when you meet Allah,
all these deeds
and not accepted.
Because it was not for the sake of
It was not for the sake of Allah.
So you were
You have showing off.
What occupies your mind is how to make
the audience
that's it.
A lot is not there in your mind.
A law is not there in your mind.
Allah will not accept anything from you.
So be careful, my dear brothers and sisters.
Everything you do, ask yourself.
Even Mas'ud that
prophet Muhammad
whoever dies,
and whoever dies
while ascribing
heartiness to Allah
enters the hellfire,
the state of Bukhari.
Because if I'm doing something, I should not
for the sake of Allah,
then I am making
abstinence, Ud Allah.
Imam Muslim
from Jabal
that Allah's Messenger said.
Whoever meets Allah
on the day
of judgment,
not having associated
anyone with him in worship,
shall enter paradise.
Whoever meets Allah on the day of judgment,
not having associating anyone with him with Allah
in worship, shall enter
And whoever meets him,
having committed shirk in any way, will enter
the hellfire.
So the shirk might be brothers and sisters,
k, should be always
Always, we keep
repeating the dua and
our sujood
outside the sujood.
I always keep saying this dua.
Allah save me.
I'm associating
anything with you
knowingly or unknowingly.
May Allah save us from
all forms of.
May Allah accept our deeds, and may Allah
make all our deeds purely
and solely
and exclusively
for him and him only.
May Allah purify our hearts.
May Allah fill our hearts with the sincerity,
with the
make us die upon the pure.
May Allah make our words,
and the word the last word we utter
is the kalima of the Tawhid.
And may Allah
keep us to remain steadfast
on this beautiful day till we
meet him and find him pleased with all
of us. May
forgive us our faults and mistakes and ignorance,
and may Allah
bless us with the beneficial knowledge and righteous
May Allah unite
the Muslims to the and make them die
May Allah unite our hearts.
And may Allah reward all of you, my
dear brothers and sisters,
for your patience
and attendance.
Brothers and sisters, we will start the question
and answers time now.
We have received some questions already Insha'Allah. We
will begin with those.
if you'd like to ask verbally, please, as
always, raise your hands and we'll take them
Insha'Allah. We prefer you try to ask verbally.
If not, then send us the message.
Question 1.
If I did not meet the Janaza prayers
of the dead because I was praying the
Fard salah, but met the burial rights,
will I still receive the full reward as
if I prayed the janaza with attending the
due to the fact that I was offering
in the masjid?
Okay. So this person, he was praying,
they he didn't catch the
receive the
according to his,
and he can do something else as well.
He can follow the
and the moment the
the body is lowered into the grave, he
can perform the janitor prayer
there in the graveyard.
That is permissible as well.
Next question.
The next question,
Sheikh. During the Jumuah sermon,
if the imam mentions
the name of the prophet, Are we to
respond or we keep quiet since it is
prohibited to talk during the sermon?
Also, are we meant to say amen
out loud when the imam is concluding the
sermon with Dua before the salah?
salah, your salah,
right, here,
if you say it silently or very low,
some of the they considered is a is
a dua as a dua.
no harm. No harm.
the dua, what the imam is saying,
Amin, Amin, making the dua for the, and
the people are saying, Amin, actually, if you
in the sunnah of the prophet,
the prophet was not making dua
the hadith.
He would conclude the and come down.
So now this
what we
he, see, the practice
across the Muslim world,
when you try to
trace it and find the
foundation for it from the, you'll not find.
Yes. The
occasionally, he made du'a like for the rain
the the person
the man came, the bedroom came, and asked
to ask for rain, he raised
his hand or is to stop. But it
was not the practice of the
sort of out his wife
making this dua,
which is all of the on Friday they
if Iman is making the dua and okay.
Yeah. I keep quiet. You keep quiet,
Next question, please.
Next question, Sheikh.
Sheikh, I just had a fatwa
wiping over socks, both light and thick socks.
I've been wiping over the socks whenever I
am out of home and just realized that
wiping over light socks is discouraged.
do I do
with prayers
I've done for over a decade? What do
I do about that? Sometimes,
I did it over light socks.
You see, this opinion is weak opinion.
of the scholar who mentioned it. Adrespective.
It's a weak opinion.
Also, however, they used to wipe over their
socks, and they were full of holes.
Not only
or nothing,
holds and then
and they were wiping like that.
So to stipulate and to say
this, it should be this type of material
or it should not be like this, we
ask them, reduce your evidence.
Nothing like that.
K? So
don't worry.
Any socks, you can wipe over it.
You can wipe over any socks.
K? Because there's nothing in the sun that
this type of sock, you cannot wipe over
it. Anyone who claims that has to produce
its evidence. I hope this is clear to
the questioner.
It is clear, Sheikh. We go to the
next question.
If a brother is in need of money,
in which condition it is allowed for him
to beg?
He was going to die
have food.
That's where begging is permissible.
K, which
is your life. You are going to lose
your life
because begging
is indeed
And the one who begs, he will come
on the day of resurrection
with a skinny face.
No piece of flesh on his face.
you don't
stretch out your hand and beg.
Go and work
and earn for your living.
The next question.
doing Umrah for gaining money through
Badal Umrah
better than seeking money for doing Umrah?
He's doing the?
He is doing the for gaining money through
by doing,
for others, I. E.
You see
I'm not open yet. So if you are
your intention is only to make business and
to earn money.
That's what you'll get?
Okay. So if you know a person who
who is just doing it for that search,
so don't give him money because maybe he
will not also,
I mean, perform the umbrella correctly.
Because Josh wants to finish this umbrella and,
and, have another,
another one.
Because if you are performing the umbrella on
behalf of someone,
you should have the and,
and the, perfection
try to make the
umbrella perfect,
and you
pray for the the one that you are
performing the umbrella for him and all these
So if it's just becoming a business,
Allah will stop
like many people.
Those are the reciters of the Quran.
They every day, they will read the newspaper.
Oh, oh, these are the names of the
people who died.
Okay. So they will go to the the
the houses or the homes of the deceased,
and they start reading Quran. And then some
Arab countries, they do that.
A business.
Or on a day, you'll find them there
in the graveyard
at the graves reading
And you have to pay, oh, this is
not allowed in Islam. A lot of. Next
question, I think.
What is the ruling on kissing one's mother's
It is permissible.
It is permissible to catch the
feet of your mother.
If it is half feet,
it's not proper.
So participants
next question.
The next question, Sheikh.
Is it permissible for me to avoid visiting
people's homes that gossip,
slander, backbite others in my presence
and avoid people who are known to do
this completely.
If you are sure that this is what
the the,
atmosphere will be,
don't visit them.
Don't visit them, or you give them nasiha,
k, if they are relatives.
So when you come, you tell them you
okay. If you want me to stay,
stop making riva.
Otherwise, I will leave. So fear Allah.
So you remind them. If they insist,
then you leave them, or
you just talk to them over the phone.
Allah guide all the Muslims. I mean, next.
Amin, the next question. Is it if you
decide to perform all of your salah in
with aim of having many Muslims on Janaza
when passed on?
Would you mind repeating?
Is it riya if you decide to perform
all of your salah in congregation
with the aim
of having many Muslims
in Janaza when you passed away?
So what is the relationship?
So you are performing all your Sarawat in
That means you attend Janaha prayers all the
So what is the riyyah here?
The sunnah, you pray it by yourself. You
don't pray sunnah
in groups.
But the
prayers, you pray
So if you are always in the
in the,
in the masjid
and playing the jamaah with the people all
the time,
so you're unknown to the people in the
the day you die,
the people will show up
and pray and attend your janaza prayer.
So that has nothing to do with the
to attend the
or to be always
attending the prayer,
the masjid, but that is
the duty every Muslim should do,
always pray the congregational prayers in the message
and the message.
I hope this is clear to the questioner
because the question is a bit ambiguous.
If it's not clear, then he can or
he or can or she can ask, provide
with more information. Provide me with more information.
Ali Ibrahim, please,
ask your question verbally.
Next question.
Is it necessary to keep something in front
of the salah as I seen many people
doing the same? And is our salah valid
if 2 years old child stands in front
of you while you're praying?
This is called sutra.
You have an object in front of you
like this 2 spans.
So if you are playing so that no
one should play a pass between you and
this object.
K. It's a.
The prophet recommended
it highly,
and always he he used to pray towards
the sutra,
and he should not allow anyone. But anyway,
if a child passes to youth, that will
not break your prayer. That will break your
is the,
as mentioned, the Hadith.
A woman
a woman here means an adult,
female who's
reach the age of
So if she
passes between you and the sutra,
it will your salah will be nullified,
the black dog.
So these are,
things mentioned the hadith
that will nullify
one salah
and also donkeys.
And our mother, Aisha, when she heard this
hadith, she objected.
she said she reacted.
You made us like the donkeys?
I used to
before the in front of the,
and he would pray towards
my body.
So I am sleeping in front of him,
and he's praying
and in between him and the pibla.
So that's what's her argument.
So that's why she said,
I do not accept this. You are maybe
the narrator
misheard the.
And Aisha,
in many occasions,
objected towards some narrations because she did it
Under Alemany, they did not accept
her objections
her argument here
is not explicit.
He didn't say that I passed in front
of the prophet,
and he didn't repeat the salah.
She's saying, I was sleeping.
so her heart body was
static. It was not in motion.
It was not in motion. It was not
And the hadith says, present continuous tense, which
means, present continuous tense,
which means action.
if you are playing in your bedroom and
towards the bed and the and your wife
is sleeping on the bed,
the salah is okay.
No problem with that.
So Aisha's,
her objection
was not correct,
and the did not accept that.
The same thing when she said, whoever tells
that the passed urine while standing,
he is mistaken.
The did not
because I never
saw the
passing water or urinating, standing.
So the Ullam said, yes. She's right.
She didn't see
what Hudayva
he said. The prophet
came and say he Muslim.
He came to a a dunghill,
and he passed urine standing.
So Khadava has more information,
more knowledge.
He saw this, and now he just say,
I didn't see. Yes. You didn't see. But
there is Khadava of the alarm who he
saw the.
Or when she denied
that the deceased will be punished in his
because of
the wailing and lamentation
of his family.
He said that was only regarding the Jews,
and she didn't accept. And she said,
oh, I will not punish someone,
something he didn't do,
and she got to die.
So the ulama
said her
cannot be accepted
because the hadith
said, Nur Umar ibn Khattab heard it,
the deceased will be punished not because for
something he didn't do,
but for things that
he could have avoided.
If the deceased deceased,
he knew his family are going to cry
and do all these things, and he didn't
warn them, but that's the reason why he
is punished.
But if he warned them and he wrote
in his will,
that will not harm him even if they
if a child passes in front of you,
that will not nullify
your salah.
I hope this is clear. Next.
Salah, it's clear Sheikh Abdul,
brother Ali Ibrahim, if you unmute your mic.
Assalamu alaikum.
Or or dear Sheikh,
for this beautiful,
Allah, the exact exalted
made clear that,
dealt with
a shirk,
he will never have, entered Jannah Jannah again,
that he will stay forever *
May Allah save us.
I mean
but now I wanted to know the situation
The same thing. Mufted is Kafir.
The Mufted is a Kafir, and he will
not enter the jungle.
So all the disbelievers,
all the kufa, they will not enter the
basically, it's Kafir. It became Kafir.
And the Jannah, all of prohibited for the
As you know, the hadith,
Ibrahim Alaihi Salam
will meet his father Azzar on the day
of resurrection, day of judgement.
Azza's face will be covered with dust and
So Ibrahim Alai Salam
was tell his father, oh, my father, I
called you before, and you didn't
my call.
You didn't respond
to my call,
and the father
will say,
today, I believe in you.
So Ibrahim will cry to Allah, call upon
My lord, this is my father,
and you promised me that you will not
disgrace me
on the day they are resurrected.
What a disgrace more than this
seeing my father.
So immediately,
told Ibrahim,
yeah, Ibrahim,
in Yakut have run have run to Jannah
Oh, Ibrahim, I have made Jannah a habit
the disbelievers.
Now imagine Ibrahim standing in front of his
Azar. Azar transforms
male hyena,
into an animal,
and then this animal is thrown to the
So the,
the disbelievers, they will never
enter the jungle.
That's why Abu Talib is in the hellfire.
The uncle of the.
So the kafar, the disbelievers,
are in the hellfire.
And the last sent regarding the.
And he died as we as, you know,
as a non Muslim.
So any
so the upstate, the murtalk is a.
But if he made, if he repented
prior to his death
dies, then and we know that he repented.
Then he's a Muslim, so we'll make the
perform and all that stuff.
But he died as a.
And the Kufar, they will remain in the
hellfire forever.
I hope this is clear to you and
to everyone.
I will have another question.
when is the Islamic,
judge or court
can kill someone?
When he's,
he's maybe he's not understanding as,
an important
And, maybe they ask him, do you understand
this? They make him clear?
Then he's not going to understand.
is he about to to be,
there's a scenario that they might kill him.
Maybe, I'm not sure this question, but, something
like this.
Would you mind,
paraphrase your question? Because I didn't get it.
Yes. Okay.
This person, maybe he's a Muslim.
Yeah. Maybe he's a Muslim and maybe he's
not a Muslim.
Okay. He's Muslim, but he's not going to
some concept of important Muslim. Maybe some some
callings he's not going to accept.
Maybe so the Okay. So a Muslim a
Muslim who is ignorant, he doesn't know. Okay.
So they the the
the will come him and tell him this
is this right this way this way this
way, but he's not going to listen.
So maybe so after they warn him, warn
him, that they will kill him. I wanted
to understand if,
if it's some tooling like this is there.
The answer, yes.
Now if
a Muslim
if a Muslim
decides to leave a slob,
This is we call and
Take any book of, and you find a
chapter, bible.
on apostasy.
And apostasy
or ridda, a person will become mortad if
he denies
of Islam of the teaching of Islam
that unknown
by necessity
to everyone. Everyone knows.
Someone insults Allah or curses Allah.
This is will make him.
Someone insults the prophet,
this will make him more.
Someone denies any of the pillars of Islam,
this will make him more.
Any of the pillars of Iman, this will
make him more.
any of the prophets of Allah
or any of the books of Allah, which
will make him more sense.
Now this person,
let's say
he was
So that's why the old man, they call
and they educate him, and they
teach him that this is not allowed. This
is this. This is this.
So if he makes and
say, I was ignorant. I am sorry. I
ask a lot of forgiveness.
Okay. Go.
Don't do it again.
But if he insists
after being educated
and all his misconceptions
and misunderstandings
are cleared,
then, yes, the punishment
is capital
punishment, basically, because he is leaving the slot.
He became Muslim, and the prophet
he said,
Whoever changes his
that means he became
he became upper state or she,
This is a This is unanimously
agreed upon.
So if you become
person becomes a,
he will be given that chance.
Scholars committee will be formed. The judges will
sit with him or her
and find the reason why
he wants to leave Islam.
K? If after all,
are cleared
and all the doubts are removed,
in Islam,
we don't give him a chance
start inviting others to follow him.
So this is body in the body
organ in the body of the has to
be amputated.
Otherwise, the disease will spread
just like when you have there is,
an organ in the body.
Okay. And it is incurable.
And if it is left, the disease will
spread. So the doctor will say this organ
has to be amputated.
Is this clear to the question?
Yes. Yes. Yes. It's very clear.
Okay. We go to the next question, sir.
Is there any specific dua that a woman
can make in order for her aura not
to be exposed, I e, when the wind
blows and the hijab goes up a bit?
Women tend to be afraid that non men
might see their.
No. There is a special,
the systems, they should,
I mean,
I mean,
roomy clothes.
So that's why the abaya is overflowing,
and he has a dress beneath,
and she has the long trousers.
Okay. Long trousers, not only
immediately under the Avaya, her knickers. Okay.
So there should be
the Avaya long dress and trousers.
These trousers,
they are tied at the ankles.
So the wind blows or something or she
fell or something, nobody can see anything of
her body. You know, this is clear to
all the systems.
Be careful.
Is this clear?
It is clear, Sheikh. And that was our
final question of tonight's session.
If you'd like to conclude.
May Allah bless you, bless your family, protect
you, protect your family. May Allah elevate your
status in this world and in the hereafter.
And may Allah
keep us remain steadfast in this beautiful deed
till we meet Allah and find him pleased
with all of us. Amen.
May Allah bless us with the beneficial knowledge
and righteous deeds,
and may Allah
our May Allah
guide us to that which is the most
straight I mean.
Until we
meet in the coming session, I leave you
in a large
company and protection.