Salem Al Amry – Lesson 46 Weekly Class Masail Al Jahiliyya
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The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the concept of the first masala of Islam, which is the presence of Jesus on the throne. They emphasize the importance of serving as a slave and servant to Allah's teachings, finding it important to pursue one's spiritual goals and love oneself. The speakers also discuss the scope of Islam, including conversion, working and sleeping, and the importance of humility and humility in worshiping Islam. They emphasize the need to love oneself and pursue one's spiritual goals to achieve their spiritual goals and emphasize the importance of testing the stance of Islam. They also address questions about the situation of a person who sold a present and gift, testing the stance of Islam, and the importance of giving birth to a wealthier parent.
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I am worthy,
Let us begin inshallah.
Brothers and sisters,
and welcome to our weekly of.
This is lesson number
delivered by our honorable
will pass the mic
and the screen to the and,
take the mic and the screen.
And sisters in Islam.
Today is our weekly class,
the issues of.
And today, the author of
is going to take us through the first
masala, the first issue or aspect
that the
and where the stars is of Islam
differs from what what the people of Jahiliyyah
were upon.
So here, the first aspect
and practice and the condition of the people
of Jahiliyyah before Islam.
He said,
the author,
Sheikh Mohammed.
He's saying
they be found worship
in the way.
So the way the people of Jahiliyyah
would worship Allah
by mixing
and associating
the righteous people
and worship of Allah.
And and no
means. So they worship Allah, but at the
same time,
they associate their righteous people
in the methods of dua, supplication,
and other aspects of Ibadah,
other acts of worship,
like asking them
offer sacrifices
to them,
by that.
Why why did they do that,
seeking by that
based on their
their guessing,
their conjecture,
And Allah
that Allah loves this.
That and that because Allah loves the the
the righteous people,
his auliya,
the saints and the holy man,
and that the
righteous people themselves,
perhaps they they they they love that to
be associated with God and that we call,
them and,
invoke them.
And so what Eunice told us about this?
That they worship besides Allah
the people of Yahiliya.
They worship besides Allah others who can neither
nor benefit them. I say
these are our intercessors with Allah.
Ask them, oh, prophets.
Are you informing Allah of something he does
not know
in the heavens or the earth?
Glorified and exalted is he above what they
associate with him.
So now let us ponder
on this beautiful
Because this beautiful eye, you need to memorize
it and understand it
because it sums up actually the belief of
the people of Jahiliyyah.
And when you understand this, then you compare
the Musharik of our child, you'll find them
they are doing the same thing
doing the same thing.
I request
all of you
to go through what we have covered already
when we talked about the 3 fundamentals
and the removal of doubts, Kashif Shubhrant.
These two books are very, very important
to know them and understand them.
Because the shirk
is worse than the shirk before.
So Allah tells
us about the people of Jahiliyyah.
So what is?
What's the Ibadah?
The Ibadah is not worship.
The word worship doesn't convey
the exact meaning of Ibadah.
in Islam
first of all, the root
means to becomes obedient.
For example, they say,
What does it mean?
Means a way that is trodden, trodden way,
a way that is bathed, a way that
passes by with turning on it for a
long time so it is so visible.
So you know that this is the way
Farik Mohammed
And later on, they use it now for
a k
that means now there is asphalt on it
in the current contemporary usage.
that means it's just clear because the passersby
people were moving on this way for long
the the the the road or the path,
okay, is being
by defeat of the passerby.
that the the the servants of Allah,
okay, Abid, the slave of Allah,
is the one who is obedient.
He's so obedient
to his Lord, to his creator.
So that's why an aspect of the rivada,
we have to show this,
this state of
and dependence,
upon Allah.
We stand in prayer,
our heads looking down
to the place where we are going to
put our forest,
our hands on our chest
like that.
Imam Ahmed Rahimullah was questioned,
why do we do this?
He said
to manifest
and show
your need,
your humility,
your humbleness.
You are just like a prisoner of war
who is standing in queue
in a state of humility,
a state of fear,
and we are standing. We are servant. We
are slave
for the master,
for the one who created us.
So we are habid.
We are servants of Allah,
And that is the honor.
Showing this humility,
broken hearts,
for Allah,
it is a means
of elevation.
Allah will elevate you. The more
you're humble yourself
and lower yourself
before the greatest,
before the creator,
before the most high,
elevates you
because he said,
Whoever lowers himself,
or Allah
so he is not arrogant.
He's so obedient.
He's a true slave
and servant of Allah.
Whenever Allah says something, he says,
I hear
and I obey.
So that is the.
That is humility.
You lower yourself.
Allah will elevate your status
in this world and in the hereafter.
Allah will elevate your lungs in the jannah,
and Allah will elevate you here in the
because Allah will place
respect and reverence and fear
in the hearts of others.
So when they see you, they respect you.
They love you.
They said this is a man of God.
This is a man
who fears Allah.
This is a pious, righteous person.
It is Allah who's going to
give you that
presence because you
humbled yourselves
before him.
So that's the habit.
And to be a servant follower,
that is an honor,
and that is actually
the real freedom
if you want to be free.
If you don't want to become
servant of Allah, a slave of Allah,
then you will be a slave for others.
For other things,
Other things will enslave you,
and you will be humiliated.
But if you want to be free,
servant and slave of Allah only.
Anything else?
There are false objects of worship,
so you don't worship anything else.
You are only a slave and servant,
but the one who created everything,
including you. So
the Ibad.
So the the concept of Ibad that's why
Sheikh Islam Ibn Taymiyyah,
he gave a comprehensive
of rebad.
When he said,
The meaning?
The definition of.
Worship, as I told you, does not convey
that that this meaning.
K. But we are using it because people
got used to it.
So the Ibadah is.
It is so generic, so comprehensive.
It covers a greater scope, a range of
So this Rivada, the definition of it, it
is so comprehensive, so generic.
The scope is so wide. A range of
it is so wide,
so it covers various meanings.
All the armor
that Ibarra covers, all the actions
of our limbs and the actions of our
the visible one and the hidden one
that please Allah. So any act
whether it is carried out
and performed by our limbs
or by our hearts
and Allah loves this, then it is rebadah.
will kapha
That's all your activities
that you do
during the day and night, 247,
can become
acts of worship.
Acts of
worship. It has everything you do.
Salah, Siam, Zakah,
earning your livelihood,
bringing up your children,
anything Allah loves, being kind and dutiful to
the poor and the needy and the destitute,
being dutiful to your parents. All these things
loves, they become
active worship. So you can see the scope
of in Islam
is just so broad. Unfortunately,
many Muslims,
the way they understand
the 5 prayers
or the 5 pillars of Islam,
the 5 prayers will not take more than
1 hour
of the day.
And the day is 24 hours.
Let's say 2 hours.
You still have 22 hours.
Are you telling me 22 hours?
And Allah created you for the 2 hours?
Or he created you to be in a
state of constant incessant
process of.
Continually, you are in a state of worship.
That's what he wanted. That's why he created
I created yin and mankind only to worship
me, to
do the,
to manifest their obedience to me,
and to carry out whatever
I imposed on them and whatever I required
from them
and asked them
do and to refrain and shun all the
things that I forbid them not to do.
whatever pleases Allah become act of worship.
You see,
many of our brothers and sisters,
the lifespan
of each one of us, the average
of the ummah, 60 to 70,
and hardly
few will make it will live more than
70 years.
Let's say someone who's going to live for
60 years.
60 years.
15 years,
you are not accountable. You are a child
because the average children, these are people to
So you are left with 45 years
from the 60 years.
The day, 24 hours, 8 hours
work, 8 hours
asleep. 2 thirds of the day
2 thirds of the day is gone.
and sleeping.
2 thirds of 45
is about
2 of a 3 times 45.
30 years.
So what is left of the 45 years?
15 years.
15 years remaining.
Now 15 years, are they all
you spend them in Nevada?
How about
the time you spent eating, drinking,
social gatherings,
other commitments.
How many years should we give for that?
Let's say 5 years.
So what is left? 10 years.
Allah has given you 60 years, and you
are now left only with 10 years.
Now are these 10 years all for Rebada?
Everyone knows himself.
It's a scary calculation.
Very scary.
What to do?
Is there a way where
I can make
the 8 hours
at in the office and the 8 hours
Can I make them
turn them into
into active working?
The answer, yes. You can.
So you can easily convert
30 years and make them,
add them to your credit
Very simple.
When you
get up in the morning and you are
going to your office,
oh, Allah.
Save me
from going astray. This is the dua you
say every day.
Every day you say this dua
when you are leaving home.
For Allah, you know that I am going
my job to earn my living,
to feed my children halal so
that they don't beg the people.
So that is your knee every day, your
intention every day.
you are in the office,
doing your job,
and Malaika are writing
for you.
So you converted the 8 hours into because
you are working,
feeding Allah,
and your aim and objective
and goal is to
save your family and feed them halal.
And you do your job in the most
excellent manner because you feel Allah who's watching
you. You don't cheat. You don't go late.
You don't leave the office before time, etcetera.
yes. I remembered.
You know,
was teaching
in the
penetrated one's heart.
And he's using the writing with the fountain
in those days that you fill it with
the ink from the bottle of the ink.
Know what?
When the
number of hours, the working hours are over,
so he has to go
home now.
Before leaving his office,
he would open the pen
and squeeze the ink out
the ink out into the ink the bottle
of the ink.
He will not take the ink and use
And it
for his own
said the ink or the university,
not for me. You use it only here.
This is when you feel Allah
all these hours can become active very bad.
How about the sleep?
Before you go to bed,
and your knee is to get up and
That should be your knee. If
you didn't make it, you get the reward
Malaika would like it for you.
And you go to bed?
My love, my lord,
I have to get some rest to gain
strength to worship you.
While you are asleep,
you are getting.
You see how easy you can
30 years
2 thirds of your day.
And the remaining,
the hours of the eating, yes, I can
add them
When I eat bismillah,
and my intention to gain strength
to worship Allah.
So I get for that.
Go on eating.
Even when you are
you know, biological
needs with your partner.
When you are in the bedroom with your
in Tennessee.
That time,
it can be converted,
and you will be rewarded for that.
That's what the prophet
said, and the Sahaba will surprise.
How come one fulfills his biological needs and
in top of that will be rewarded?
He said yes.
What if he fulfills it,
fulfill this desire in the Haram? Will he
be punished for that? The answer, yes. Likewise,
will be rewarded instead.
See see now the scope of Ibadah?
You see the concept of Ibadah in Islam?
Whatever Allah loves becomes active worship.
When you are making telephone calls,
asking about your relatives, your niyyah,
that this is I am maintaining
the bonds of the relation,
the ties with my kindred and kids and
That number is spent on the phone
is written for you as a rebadah
because Allah loves that you maintain
the ties
your relatives.
So that's why the
the concept of worship,
So it covers everything. All the actions, all
of the limbs and the heart
that please Allah
is very bad,
the rituals we know.
The 5 prayers,
love of Allah, love of the
love of the Muslims,
fear of Allah, fear of the hereafter,
fear of the feeling the fire. It's all
these things.
The. Humility,
So that is the concept of a bad.
So keep that in mind, my dear brothers
and sisters.
And this
has to be
with fear and hope.
That's how we worship Allah.
We are in a state between
2 states.
State of fear and state of hope. That's
how we worship
Allah. Hope and fear. Hope and fear.
As Imam Abu Nqayim said
in his poem, Anuniya,
is to love him
or to the maximum
To reach the peak of love when you
are worshiping Allah.
Allah has to be loved. You love Allah.
That's when you enjoy the that
how can I love Allah? I will,
that will become and what will bring about
love in my heart
is when I
actualize the the
that I'm a servant
and slave of Allah,
and he deserved my master
that I lower myself,
that love will be
there and will be brought about in your
and will be planted in your heart.
The worship of the most merciful,
the beneficent,
is to love him,
is to love him to the maximum,
Loving Allah.
At the same time,
should be also
in the state
state of humbleness,
state of humbleness.
humble yourself
down to earth.
You love him, and then you fear him.
Fear him.
Allah has to be feared
and loved at the same time.
And the one who should be loved and
Because that's the imada.
Because you never
love someone and fear him,
human being. I might love you, but I
don't fear you. Or I fear you, but
I don't love you.
But to love you and fear you, that's
only for Allah.
It's only for Allah.
These are the 2 inseparable
the. He is actually
saying here,
like a sphere
or a ball
a ring
an object rotating
in 2
and it is
this this is
This object,
this sphere is rotating
and supported
by 2 posts,
2 columns.
The and
and this disk of the is
supported by 2 columns,
Post. The disc of Rivada, the objects of
Rivada, the rotating
objects of Rivada.
So he's likening it like an object rotating.
and this open,
sphere will not rotate
until these 2
cannot rotate in the absence of these 2
columns or 2 supporting
It will never rotate without the presence of
these two columns.
What about now? He he's talking metaphorically
and figuratively,
of course,
because there's
something immaterial. It's not something you wanna change,
but just to visualize
okay. So he's
it for you
so that you can visualize it.
He said,
Okay. So now this this,
disc will not rotate
except with the following.
So the driving force
that will make this disk
will make this sphere to rotate,
Amlallahu al-'Azulih,
the command of his prophet
that your prophet is telling you.
Do this. Don't do that.
As Allah says,
This will make that Ibadah
to continue
moving on.
Whatever the whatever the gives you, take it,
and whatever he forbids you, stay from it.
What will make this Ibadah continue
and will yield
righteous deeds
and will be accepted by Allah.
And this Ibadu will bring you closer and
nigh and near to Allah
if you obey what the prophet said and
follow his commands,
not the commands of the
what your desires
and whims dictate to you.
By the command of his prophet.
Love a Hawa, not by the command of
your Hawa, your desires.
And your your psyche.
What and
what the also
dictates to you.
Then the Ibadah,
this this will not rotate.
And this Ibadah will not be fruitful
one column
is not there,
or the columns, both both of them are
not there.
Then he continued. He said,
I hope you are taking notes, my dear
brothers and sisters.
Then he said,
Now he is going to
describe the people
and mankind to us
their worship and their ibadah to Allah.
1 Nasu Badu
and people,
they vary here and they live with
respect to the their commitment
to their creator.
The people
are 3
he doesn't worship Allah at all, so he's
associate partners with Allah. So he's a.
This is number 1.
Another category.
He worships Allah,
but not on Allah's terms.
He has invested his own way of worshiping
he is sinking in the mind of
So he's doing things
that Allah will not accept
Because Allah
yes, he created
us to worship him alone.
How do we worship him?
wants us to worship him as his prophet
him. So he sent to the prophet
to explain to us how to worship Allah
to take him as our role model.
And that's why he said,
Whatever the tells you, take it.
And the
started teaching us.
He taught us the how to
worship Allah, what should we believe, and what
we should not believe, and what we should
do, what we should not do.
He taught us how to pray and said,
pray as you have seen me pray, and
he would pray a lot of the Sahaba.
He told them how to perform the wudu.
He told them how to perform the Hajj.
How to perform the Tawaf.
What you say between and Marwa. What you
do in the days of Mina on day
night on the
of. He told us everything.
And he said,
learn from me the rituals and the rights.
But some people know.
They have their own ways,
which are invented. They are keeping they are
inventing and concocting
So Allah will not accept this because
if you worship him
in a way that he
teach it to his father
and his prophet
didn't teach it to you, how long would
he get it?
Because you are disobeying Allah.
You are worshiping him in a way that
he doesn't want you to worship him in
that manner.
He wanted you to worship
you him as his father did,
So no one has accept. That's why said,
one time is in.
He asked the dead. He goes, oh, Abdul
help me.
Oh, Abdul Kalani,
I want to
have a child.
my son is sick.
is a partner. With Allah, you are making
him, and you're worshiping him because your
You call Abdupadi
you are directing the to him. You're
Abdupadi Jalani on the devil's election.
He will tell those who called him,
innocent of you.
I don't know you. Forsake me.
Because Abdelkader Jelani was one of the humblest
scholars of Muwehead.
Had nothing to do with shirk,
but the people are
committing shirk.
So you are asking him, or or Hussein
helped me The same
It said is.
And the law says,
Those who are arrogant
to call upon me alone.
Means dua'i
So they are arrogant to call me alone.
What will happen to them? Said Khalilah Jahannam.
They would be cast and thrown into the
blazing yahanam, the blazing fire,
in a state of humiliation.
That's why Nukaim said,
of the people.
One side, the Amusiliq. The other, Murtadiya,
inventing in the d heritage.
And the third one, oh,
Darkness over darkness.
at the same time.
So my dear brothers and sisters,
you should now know the Ibadah
and the conditions of the Ibadah.
If you want Allah to accept it from
you worship Allah alone,
and you don't direct any act of your
to other than Allah
other than Allah because
if you all will tell Allah to accept
your till he, number 1,
condition number 1,
then following
the prophet
and it should comply to
and thirdly,
the sincerity,
the Now having said this,
let us continue
reflecting and pondering in this beautiful
So now you know the meaning of.
They direct the acts of their worship to
other than Allah.
Allah is saying,
So they worship
besides Allah.
Well, we're doing them in duty land.
So they are worshiping
besides Allah, others who can neither
cause them any harm, cannot harm them, can
neither harm them, nor
benefit them.
So why didn't you worship this object?
Why do you worship and ask Abjir Qadir
Gilani or
Al Hassan or Al Hussein
or Shaveri.
If you go to the tomb of Imam
you find letters inside. People are
letters to Imam Shafi'i.
Where they mention in the letters, they need
a request
asking Imam Shafi'i.
are dead.
How do you call them?
How do you call them dead?
How come? What's happened to the Muslims
back to the chump, back to the Jahiliya,
back to paganism,
There was an idea that's coming back.
That's what the prophet said.
of asking Allah to forgive them, to
elevate the state of
Has mercy on them, indeed,
they are in need of you other than
you in need of them.
They need your dua.
So you come and say,
say, no. No. No. No.
See how they
they are being brainwashed
by their masters.
This is the the response of the all
great worshipers.
And and they think that this is a
proof for that
Say yes.
They will not,
have fear
the fear on the day of resurrection,
and they will never
grieve. They will neither have fear nor grieve.
That is Allah's
because they worshiped Allah alone,
So that is the reward for them.
But you, you are not worshiping Allah. You
are worshiping the human beings,
so you will be deprived
of that blessing.
So you will be in a state of
and grieve. You.
Because you are not worshiping Allah.
Who are they? Who are they?
This is the definition of the wili,
those who believe
and they fear Allah.
Not the the one who enters the fire
glowing ambles into his mouth
or stabs himself with knives.
All these
they have done.
That's why Yefal Islam Rebintania,
he wrote and compiled the the book
the criterion between Allah's,
Allah's friends, and the devil's friends. And the
reason behind that, there was a man who
would jump from the top of the little
or mountain,
small hill
in in Damascus,
and he would land
at the foot of the
the hill
And the people say, oh, he's one of
no. No. No. No. He's
of the.
The jinn, they carry him because the prophet
said, and the authentic hadith and so on
the are 3 types. One type of the
they fly.
The other type of let's take the shapes
and forms of snakes and doves.
And the third one, they live with you,
and the toil nest at home.
So here, I was saying
that they
others besides Awa
who can neither
harm them
nor benefit them.
And then in trouble, this, how they justify
this? They say,
see, these
all in men
are our intercessors.
And if you judge them,
why do you call Abi al Khali Jilani?
Call Allah, darling.
See, I am a sinner.
Allah will not accept me. I'm dirty.
So I have to go
through someone
whose holy
Allah loves him.
In Islam,
there is no room for intermediaries.
This is the beauty of Islam.
The beauty of Islam,
the relationship
between the servant
and the master,
the creator, the lord is direct.
No one between you and Allah.
Though in other places, yes.
Oh, Muhammad, they ask you regarding
the timings
regarding the crescent
and the phases of the moon.
So these are tokens and signs for you
to know
the timings of the Hajj.
They ask you, oh, Muhammad. They ask you,
Paul, say.
They ask you about medicine. Say it is
a place of hurt.
avoid women
when they have their mis suicidal
and avoid the place of hurt.
But when it comes to the
when they ask you,
oh, Mohammed, regarding me, Allah say,
I am so close to them, so they
can ask me
This is the beauty of Islam.
Islam is not like Catholicism.
That is Catholicism
to have intermediaries between you and God,
not Islam.
And you are Muslim. You are not Roman
Catholic. Are you a Roman Catholic?
Are you a RC?
It's only a Roman Catholic in Catholicism.
You cannot repent. You cannot go to God
except through the priest.
The priest, you have to come and confess
to the father
on Sunday.
I have done this and this and that.
Then the father will say,
they call it confession set.
Go and don't sin anymore.
Your sins are forgiven.
That is not the swap. We don't have
that in swap.
And the priest you have to keep in
will only forgive you what you mentioned. If
you hide something, it will not be forgiven.
So you have to bring all your dirt
and add all your dirty linens and disclose
all your secrets
to the father.
I confess.
I talk to my lord directly.
Islam. Muhammad's disclosing your secrets.
All my
will be delivered, will be saved, except those
who disclose
their sins
to others.
So to say,
oh, Allah will not accept me. No. That's
not true. Allah will accept you.
They're saying,
They ask you, oh, Muhammad, regarding me. I'm
very close to them, and they answer the
supplication of any supplication.
dissents every night
in a manner that suits his majesty and
Every night. And he says, is there anyone
who wants anything? Is there anyone who wants
to repent every night?
what Allah say.
my servants.
Those who committed all types of sins.
They cross all the red lines.
Do not despair.
Despair of Allah's
Don't despair. Don't lose hope.
Allah forgives
all the sins,
including the shirk if you repent.
Most certainly, he is the most forgiving
and the most.
So Allah says,
They worship besides Allah. Others
and they say, these are
our intercessors with Allah.
See how
Allah answers.
See how Allah rebukes them.
These are going to intercede for us. They
don't know that.
First of all, who told you they are
going to intercede for you? Number 1. Number
had they who told you they already got
the permission and from Allah that Allah will
accept their intercession?
Who told you that?
Because no one will
on the day of resurrection
without Allah's permission.
Who is going to intercede without Allah's permission?
And the permission will be granted on that
May Allah guide all the Muslims, aamini Allah.
Even Muhammad
will not intercede
Allah allows him to intercede.
He comes, prostrates before Allah,
raising Allah
then Allah tells him, now raise your head
and ask.
Then Allah see how Allah
when they say they are our intercessors.
The problem with us, my dear brothers and
sisters, we read the Quran in the parrot
fashion, and we do not reflect and ponder.
Shaul says,
Ask them, oh, Muhammad
or prophet. Ask them.
Are you informing
Allah of something he doesn't know in the
heavens or the earth?
So you are telling the doesn't
know? So you are informing me
as if I'm not aware?
Then he said,
called it shirk.
Allah called it shirk. Allah called it what?
And you see some of our brothers, may
Allah guide him,
defending this.
Oh, saying, oh, it is not shirk.
We know Allah saying it is shirk.
Allah is saying it is shirk
that you call others
who can neither benefit you nor harm you,
and you say these are our
intercessors, Allah said.
Glarified and exalted
is he
above what they associate with him.
I'm not sure you call.
That is shit.
So here, the author,
when he say,
they performed
by mixing righteous people into their supplication
and worship of Allah.
They only did this,
desiring that these
righteous men act as intercessors
as intercessors.
And Allah says,
a number 3.
The meaning,
Allah say.
sincere devotion is due only to Allah.
As for those who take others,
other lords
besides him, saying,
we worship them only so they may bring
us closer to Allah.
Surely, Allah will judge between
regarding what they differed about.
Allah certainly does not guide whoever in
lying and disbelief.
Let us
So Allah said,
The deen,
and purely,
and this devotion and commitment
only to Allah.
Deed for Allah.
We worship only Allah.
No partners.
Those who have taken,
holy men.
Was a a a pious, righteous person
food for the pilgrims, a
Means to knead
the flour
with the gi and
the date
to feed the pilgrims.
So those who have taken
other deities, false deities, false objects of worship,
They say what?
These are only intermediaries.
The same
the same argument you hear today.
We are not waiving them,
but they are intermediaries for us.
Abdelkazir Gulani is an intermediary.
Al Hussein is an intermediary.
We cannot reach Allah
except through them. And they told you
before, maybe 30 years back, I asked 1
about this.
He was they asked other than Allah. He
told, listen to me,
my son.
Can you meet the president directly?
Can you meet the king diastly?
The queen diastly.
Or you have to book an an appointment
and go through the,
I said, subhanAllah.
So you are making Allah
like human beings, like the kings
or presidents or queens.
And you forget that Allah say
to die,
I can't
reach him anytime.
That's what he told me.
May Allah guide him because he's still alive.
May Allah
teach him the and I want
the I mean.
Allah is the one who is going to
between them. Surely, Allah will judge between them
regarding what they different apart.
Then Allah said, I want you always to
pay attention, my dear brothers
and sisters, to
the how Allah ends
the So Allah
called those who say these are between
us and the law,
that they are liars and disbelievers.
Allah certainly does not guide whoever. Persist in
and disbelieves.
Then the author said
all will pause rather at this point. I'll
leave this for the coming,
this is so rich.
The issues of Jahili are so rich,
you will enjoy this course.
Take notes,
renew the and
on the
and purify your.
May Allah purify our.
May Allah purify our intentions,
and may Allah make us die upon the,
and may Allah make the last word we
Before we breathe our last is the word
of the tawheed.
keep us to remain
on this beautiful deed.
Allah hid this the most beautiful deed. There's
no deed like it.
It's the only deed Allah will accept.
May Allah make us die upon this deed.
May Allah make us remain steadfast on this
beautiful deed,
and may Allah
forgive us all false mistakes and ignorance,
and may Allah bless us with the beneficial
knowledge of righteous deeds,
and may Allah
guide our to the haqq
and bring them to
the light of the
and make all of of to die
the. And may Allah save all from all
types of
And may Allah
unite our hearts.
And may Allah reward all of you,
my dear brothers and sisters,
for your patience
and attendance.
Brothers and sisters, we will be starting the
question and answers
time now. If you have any questions, please
do send them in fast, and we do
prefer that you ask them verbally
if you can.
To do that, you just raise your hand
on Zoom. We received some questions already. We'll
begin with those questions.
Okay. The first question, Sheikh.
How does a person know
if they are still inflicted with Hassad even
after rukiah has been done?
See, before I answer such questions and this
question, they keep coming
quite often, and many people are obsessed
with this.
evil eye.
As one of the said, they fear the
evil eye more than Allah,
and they forgot that Allah is the protector.
This is lack of,
lack of aqeedah, weakness of aqeedah.
Allah is the protector. Allah is the shafi.
Protect yourself.
Leave them
that. Please put your own
before you go to sleep.
When you get up in the morning and
in the evening, say you're at the car.
So maintain your and all these things. So
the hasad the hasad is there.
But if something happened to a person
you seek the root, and
reading on yourself,
and you don't
put your trust in the one who reads
the rupiah on you because now,
reading the rupiah became business business.
At the time of the Sahaba, only
a few,
okay, they would
Okay. Like, for example,
country when he had done demand, etcetera.
in every
locality, there are many.
They call them Sheikh,
business, money.
And some some of them,
they commit haram.
They they touch women.
Why are you touching me? To remove the
Or you will breathe like that here in
her bosom
to remove the shayfan.
You add the shayfan yourself.
And you will tell her husband, stay outside.
K? And he take the woman inside.
Never do that.
And there are cases where they committed with
the woman.
So read the rukliya by yourself,
and there are
many books there. And I recommend one book,
And it is there, I think, also in
English translated. Yes. It is translated
by our brother, Sheikh,
Wahid Abdul Salam that,
Literal meaning, sorry means the sword,
the cutting sword,
the sharp sword
in confronting
and opposing,
and warding off the evil
of as Sahra al Ashwa, the wicked magicians.
Download it. It's there in PDF.
Read it. Read that
and read the on yourself.
So now the question I say that
he or she did drop, yeah, and he
still feel. Okay.
That is Allah will remove
it. Allah will remove it.
Or maybe this is also
was. So put your trust in Allah.
Ask Allah to remove
what you feel.
Put your hand, if there is agony, any
pain, on that place, the
us. Let's say,
See? 7 times
with your with certainty.
try to get rid of these
satanic whispers.
prevention is better than cure. Always maintain your
adkar, your salah, your wudu,
and you will be far away from the
hasad, from the from
the all the satanic
attached. I hope this is clear to the
Sure. Let's. We go to the next question.
Yes. Yes. Is it is it disrespectful
to knowledge if I am looking after kids
and doing the course?
Is it disrespectful
towards knowledge of what?
Is it disrespectful
to knowledge
if I am looking after the kids and
doing the course at the same time?
It's not.
Maybe you are a mother, and you have
a baby.
So you have to keep your baby, and
you are listening, and you are writing. May
Allah reward you. May Allah bless you elevate
your status, and may Allah with barakah in
your time.
The Sahabi yad, they would come to the
with their children,
praying with the prophet
while carrying their children,
and the
prophet would start the salah with
intention to prolong it, then he would hear
a child crying. So, immediately, he would shorten
the salah
so that not to affect
the concentration
of the
mother of that crying child.
So there's no problem.
Be Allah to the best of your ability.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
I like this question. We'll go to the
next question.
And the next question is,
my friend is going through some
The husband doesn't seem interested in the marriage
neither is she.
He says it's a matter for him and
his wife to sort out, not willing to
involve others to reconcile.
He has said she can go and seek
her divorce from the sheikhs.
She has gone to find out about Hola,
and she has been advised to make payment
to start the process,
which she finds unreasonable that she has to
What is the best way to go around
this issue?
the marital
life now is at the stake,
and all attempts failed.
I can just guess that they try to,
sort out their issue, their problem. So but
they don't
reach a state where they cannot live. They
feel they are not
suitable for each other, and they cannot live
So because the marital life is based on
love and mutual respect.
Love, mutual respect, and
appreciation, etcetera.
So now
he doesn't want to live with her, and
she doesn't want to live with them.
K? The best thing for you them in
that case,
unless this happened overnight.
honey and milk
loving each other.
The next day,
they started hating one another, so something happened.
Could be sicker.
K. Spell. Something happened.
So they need
to seek medication,
spiritual cure,
as I explained.
But if this happened
over time and
they are trying to resolve it and,
and all they failed to come to
a common term,
and at the same time, they don't want
anyone to interfere,
they are at liberty to end this relationship
either by the
and that is only the man has
to pronounce the the divorce,
and he can't divorce her once.
So just in case later on he
wants to take her back,
so he divorced her only once.
And he, of course, he has to wait
until she gets her
And when
the period finishes,
he can't pronounce the.
Then if he wants to take her back,
if she's still within, and if he the
moment he divorces her once,
she's still his wife, so she has to
3 months to a cycle or 3 months
in his house to give him a chance
to take her back.
the 3 months or 3 menstrual cycles are
then he cannot take her back
without her consent and a new married contract,
new wedlock.
The whole it is when a woman
decides to end the relationship.
And in that case, she has to pay
money, a ransom,
to compensate the husband
for what he paid
for her.
They applied the money and things like that.
So that is called
I hope this has created the question now.
we go to the next question.
The next question. When I was buying something
and told the price and asked him to
check the price as it wasn't coming up
on the computer,
after I bought for someone, the person got
another one. And upon reaching home,
they checked the price on the Internet, and
it was different.
What should they do?
Okay. So you
a a a present or gift
from the place. Right? From a a shop?
At a certain price. Right?
That's correct. Yeah. Then they went home, and
they saw a different price on the Internet.
Oh, okay.
Yes. The price
the prices on the net,
okay, they will be different
because to sell online
and be be careful when you buy online.
And many of the people, they're using their
credit cards, which is
not permissible.
K? So try avoiding that.
Then then you will be charged, okay, for
your credit card, and that is a.
Unless you are using your debit card or
something like
When you go to a place
in on the net site, they say, okay.
You you put this item on the these
items, most of the time, they don't own.
They don't have. They are not
possessing them.
So after the order, they will go and
buy it and then send it to you.
they don't have warehouses.
They don't have these commodities.
They don't have this. I they don't.
Whereas the one who has warehouse,
he has, to pay rent. He has to
So only things he has to add
put the price of the item and on
top of that,
small margin to make a margin, small amount
of rebate.
He's making business.
So to say, oh, I was cheated. No.
It's not cheating.
He didn't cheat you.
So you because you were bad gaining,
and when you paid,
you accepted
the deal.
You accepted the deal. I hope this has
cleared the question.
If you did it like,
the the offer, you could have go to
another shop and see check
and another one. So no one forced you
to buy from that particular
store, particular place.
I'm sure. It is Kesha.
The next question.
What is the ruling
about the hijab between the mother-in-law and the
The mother-in-law.
Nam, Sheikh. Will the
oh, for just one minute. I'm trying to
yeah. What is the ruling about hijab between
the mother-in-law and the son-in-law? Will the relationship
be the same as with her biological son?
answer, yes.
He can see her hair. He can see
her arms. He can see where the places
they put the, on where ornaments.
The answer is, he because he is prohibited
for him forever,
like his biological mother. Whatever.
No. It is better if,
the mother-in-law
is covering. It's better. But
if you saw her hair or so
part of her arm or things like that,
it's not. It's not.
The next question, sir.
If the person's income becomes reduced
compared to the earlier years,
is the test of Allah
what should is this a test from Allah?
And what should the person do
for this?
Test from Allah. No doubt.
Allah tests
us by reducing
our incomes,
our wealth.
So this is text, no doubt.
What you do,
ask Allah
in your income.
Is very important
because sometimes
you find you find people. I know people.
K. Some people
their salary is just so high. And at
the end of the month, they are,
borrowing money from others.
And other people, their salary
is less half more less maybe half
of this the the the salary of those
And they manage to save
to it's the Barakah.
Allah bless him.
Barakah cannot be calculated. It is.
We don't know it.
We don't know it.
So ask Allah, pray to Allah to put
in your income,
and ask Allah
to increase your income.
And try to find other ways and means
to increase your income.
That is permissible. That's allowed.
You don't complain.
It's a test,
but you don't sit
idle. Look for other options.
Maybe you need to change. For example, you
are doing dealing or making, trading
in a particular product,
and now there is recession.
You can change totally maybe the nature of
your business
after doing visibility
study and study the market and all that
I hope this is clear to the question.
Shala, it is clear.
We'll go to the next question.
How can a layman benefit from a study
of the science of Hadith terminology?
How can what?
How can a layman benefit from the study
of science of Hadith
I mean, we'll just get an idea and
which will
increase his opinion
about the
the authenticity
of the Hadith of the.
And he knows
that there is Isma'at,
and there are ulama
who check this Ishnad.
So when you are reading the hadith,
you are so
confident that this hadith
was said by the,
which is this is a great benefit for
the layman. Great benefit.
But for the students of knowledge? Oh, of
Because now students of knowledge, he will need,
you know, this because he's going to coach
the hadith and quote narration. So to know
the science of hadith, well, a tool that
he should master will enable him to check
the authenticity
of the narrations.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
Alright. We'll go to the next question.
Next question.
Can me and my father give the inheritance
money to my mother's siblings without informing them
that it is inheritance money? Because they don't
that according to sharia,
they deserve it. Because if we tell them,
they will cause mischief,
we will not
any of their rights fearing Allah.
I will definitely give their money without informing
that it is inheritance. Is it correct or
not? Please advise.
Someone passed away.
You're saying inheritance
this money is because of inheritance. Right?
Yes, sir.
Okay. Let's say I put it this way.
Someone's father died.
He inherited from his father
this amount of money.
The moment you inherit that money, it becomes
your own money, halal, for you.
this money,
which is yours,
you can give to whomever you want if
they feel they are in need.
Okay? And you
it's not haram. If people think that the
money of inheritance is is is something should
be avoided, this is wrong.
This is wrong impression and understanding.
Now if you feel this is it seems
that there is this cultural problem. They have
problem there in their country.
Oh, it is this money is because of,
the inheritance, so we'll not take it. No
need to inform them. No need. If they
are in need,
okay, of help,
you give them no need to tell them,
oh, this is this money
I inherited from my father. Don't punish for
that. The same thing if it is money
of Zakat,
and they are
eligible and
entitled for it, they are poor.
No need to tell them, oh, this is
Zakah money. No need.
I hope this is clear to the questioner.
Yes. This
is clear.
We'll now take a verbal question from Kasum
Kasun Basube,
please unmute your mic.
Please unmute your mic.
Ma'am, assalamu alaikum. Assalamu alaikum.
Yes. This this is.
My question,
it's about
it's about
the name Nor.
When we're ready in Surat Nor, we see
at which is a Ham
said the first, the light of the world
and the and the earth.
So why is it that name is is
died is denied
to be one of Allah's name?
That is your question about why the Nur
is not one of the names of Allah.
Yes, sir.
Okay. First of all, my dear brother, the
Allah's names are Husna.
So the most beautiful names belong to Allah.
The names of Allah, they are given to
us by Allah.
By Allah, I'm sorry.
We did not invent names of Allah, and
we cannot invent names for Allah
except what Allah told us
in the Quran or his prophet
in the authentic
So now Nuhl is not the name of
Allah insulat al Nuhl, he's saying,
So Allah is the one who guides
and the one who
they put the light in the heaven and
the earth,
and the one who is the one who
bestows guidance.
And then he gave the the similitude
or the parable
of this light
like a lamb in a niche,
and this lamb is fueled with an olive
And the olive oil has the
the quality or the ability
to give more brightness
and no smokes, etcetera.
So you cannot say Allah
Nuhr is the name of Allah until it
is like the light of the lamb. No.
The allah must say,
and when Allah says,
it means
Allah is the one
who puts the light of the iman in
the hearts
of the people inhabitants of heaven
and in
the hearts of the inhabitants on earth.
Because the iman is noor, is light.
So Allah guides the people in heavens and
guides the people
on earth.
So the is not one of the names
of Allah.
And that's why Allah gave this example of
the lamb,
which is
its fuel is this olive oil, and it
is in this recession,
this resets
in the wall.
So the light is concentrated,
and it is bright and glowing.
So, similarly,
the light of iman will be in the
hearts of the believer.
Nur is not one of the names of
Allah did not give this name to himself,
so we cannot say Abdul Noor, and Nur
is one of the names of Allah. We
cannot because Allah did not give himself this
Is this clear to you?
Kasumba Zubair, we're waiting for you. Waiting for
a response.
Yes. I'll have you like this. Please very
Yes, sir. Hello. How are you there?
Sheikh, that was our final question of tonight's
If you'd like to conclude.
May Allah
bless all of you, protect all of you,
elevate your status on this world and in
the United 9th army. May Allah reward you
immensely for your patience,
commitment, and attendance.
Allah forgive us all false and mistakes and
ignorance, and may Allah
give us a remain steadfast in this speech
for Deen, and may Allah guide
our I mean, and unite our
I mean, until we meet in
the coming session,
I leave you
in Allah's company, hand protection.