Salem Al Amry – Lesson 41 Weekly Class The Three Fundamental Principles
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The importance of seeking Allah's protection for one's health and life is emphasized, along with the need for protection in the event of a disaster and conflict. The speakers emphasize the importance of seeking Allah's protection for one's health and suffering, as well as finding their true deity. They also stress the importance of protecting the private parts of the tongue and not letting people know that they have said a word or made a statement. The importance of listening to the fruit of the heart and not letting people know that they have said a word or made a statement is emphasized. The speakers also discuss the use of animals in religion and the importance of avoiding mistakes and confusion.
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ready when you want.
I'm ready.
The 3 fundamental principles
with our Sheikh Sheikh Salim Al Amri.
To all the brothers and sisters for joining
just in case anyone missed it, these sessions
are going to be from 6:30
PM UK time
from now on, which is
6:30 PM UK time. Please match it with
your country time.
And without any further delay, I will pass
the screen and the mic to Sheikh Salem
to begin inshallah.
Sheikhna Sheikh Salem Lamrim.
By the imam.
author is still mentioning
the proofs
of all the acts of worship,
and this is his style,
He will not mention an issue
or make any statement without
supporting it
with the proof from the Kitab and Surna.
now he's going to talk about the is
active worship.
Means to seek
to seek protection
When you seek something,
this form. So to
seek, to seek,
to seek,
to seek
you seek Allah's protection.
To seek Allah's protection.
And this is very important
because without
Allah's protection,
we are very
and weak
and defenseless
because we are surrounded
evil forces.
And we don't know these forces.
The forces of the jinn who are all
over the place.
And the jinn from among mankind,
the devils human devils.
So how can we protect ourselves?
So we protect ourselves by seeking
Allah's protection.
is vigilant all the time,
seeing everything.
sleep nor slumber
overtakes him.
So he's seeing
all our enemies and all these evil forces.
So he protects you.
So you seek his protection.
So when you go to sleep,
you need
This forms a shield around you, shield
from these evil forces.
You need
so no shaitan
can come close to you.
So this is a protection.
When you seek Allah's protection
and you run to him
everything is in his hand.
is the protector.
He protects
his servant,
and he's sufficient for you.
Whoever puts his trust in Allah Allah, that
is sufficient for him.
So you leave everything to him.
And he is the one who will defend
He's the one who's going to protect you.
So the is
an act of rivada,
act of worship.
And we seek the protection
only from Allah because no one else
can protect us.
So if you seek protection
from other than Allah,
you are a loser.
You are a loser
because no one can help help you or
could protect you
you from the evil forces except Allah, subhanahu
wa ta'ala,
al Kuwait and Mateen,
the most powerful, subhanahu wa ta'ala,
who sees everything,
who's watching everything.
So, my dear brothers and sisters
seek Allah's protection.
Protect yourself
by the adkar
in the morning and in the evening.
You say you're atkar.
Have this small booklet of the atkar,
the citadel of the fortress of the Muslim.
Read in it until your mama arrives.
The adkar always with you.
So when you are always
in the dikr of Allah, azza wa del,
you are protected. There is a shield
from the human devils
and the
jinn. The devils and the the of the
jinn. So you are protected.
You also
teach your children the.
Those who are still infants, you read on
them and you blow.
So you protect your kids. You protect your
As the
used to eat on Al Hasan and Al
he used to eat on them.
and he said this is what Ibrahim used
to also read upon
you, Ismail
and Ishaq alaihim al Salam.
So there is the other. I'm
seeking Allah's protection.
Then the so the chef said
the proof
of for seeking
because this is
the sin, the alf and the sin.
And the ta, it means you seek something.
Yeah. You are asking. So you are asking
for the
for the protection,
for the to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
protect you.
So that's why they translated it
So the proof for seeking
The proof of that is Allah saying,
Say, I seek refuge
in the load
of the daybreak?
Michelle Ynechala from the evil of all that
he created
And the evil of the night
when it takes over,
the hardship,
the night comes.
Because when the night falls, the
the witches,
they become very active.
And the jinn as well,
they become more active.
That's why the prophet said,
stop your children
from playing outside between Maghrib and Rishab,
because this is the time the peak of
the activity
of the evil spirit.
So do not let your children to play
at this time.
You bring them inside your home.
So you see,
of the day,
when it breaks,
the evil of all the things that are
and the evil that will take place during
the night,
and the evil of the witches and the
So seeking Allah's protection
is an act of worship,
and it is also
a way in which you show and manifest
poverty and your need
for your creator.
You're saying,
oh, my lord, I am weak,
So you are the one who can protect
And when your heart
believes in this
you sleep peacefully
because Allah will take care of you.
You need
your zikr and you sleep.
So this is the evidence for the
and also
Say I seek refuge
in the lord of mankind.
I seek refuge in the lord of mankind.
Melekim as he is the king
of all, the owner of all.
The king of all, Melek
and Melek,
the owner of all.
And these are all two correct
of there are,
Malik and Malik.
So he's the owner, he is the Malik,
and he is the Malik. He is the
He is the king, subhanahu wa
ta'ala, who runs his kingdom.
Nothing happens in his kingdom
he's not aware of.
nothing takes place in his kingdom
his divine will.
So he's is
true deity for mankind
to be worshiped.
So you seek Allah's protection,
from the whispering
of the
shaitan, kanas.
It's called Hanas, described Hanas,
the because
it withdraw
and goes back and disappears
steps back.
To disappear.
So when you make a dikka,
he retreats.
He goes back.
He disappears.
So you see so the
shaitan So when you
remember Allah
the shaitan
retreats, goes back, disappears.
You stop the dikr,
was he starts to whisper.
So keep
your tongue busy with the dikr of Allah
The dikr, my dear brothers and sisters, is
the life,
the life of the heart,
which will keep your heart alive.
The will bring keep you always
living in this.
Your spirituality
will improve.
You feel this lightness.
The soul
fed, feels liberated,
released from the shackles and the bonds
of the material world.
So the dikr that's why
when you sit and you just get yourself
in the dikka,
you feel you are in another world.
You feel this peace,
So the dikka
because that feeds your soul.
The food for the soul is the dikr.
The food for the heart is the dikr.
So when you are always in the state
of the dikr
and your tongue is
your tongue is always engaged in the remembrance
of Allah.
You keep your tongue wet wet, that means
it is moving with the dikka.
So the shaitan doesn't find play time
to attack you because you are who touched
it. There is shield around you.
Shield. The evil thoughts
and satanic ideas, they come to the mind
when you are in the state of
When you are in the state of
you're not hateful.
So these ideas started to pop up in
your mind.
So immediately
get to the dicker
and make us to the file.
These things, they vanished. They go.
They go.
this what the heat on us. That's why
he's Hanas.
And was was Hanas, the one who whispers
and also at the same time,
He disappears.
He throws and goes back,
goes back on his heels.
Why? Because he cannot
stand the
and the dikr forms this shield protection
around you.
So keep always yourself in the state of
the dikr.
was always like that
in the.
So when you are in the Dhikr,
you are your heart is alive and connected
to its creator.
As Sheikh Islam
So the importance of the dikka for the
is like the water for the fish.
Take the fish out of water,
it will die.
Stop making Dhikar, your heart will die.
You would the heart will die. Yes. It
will die.
That's why the prophet said,
The likeness
of the one who remembers Allah
and the one who doesn't remember Allah like
the dead and the living.
You remember Allah?
You are
engaged in so
you are alive.
You are not engaged in the
You are dead.
You are dead.
So he's alive.
The one
because you see
the tongue
would not remain idle.
And remember, my dear brothers and sisters,
5 rands of Rubudia, as in Rafayim Rahimullah
mentioned, which we need to fulfill. That means
we need to fight apply the 5 rulings
for all the 5 senses.
And you know the 5 rulings?
Halal, makru, far, sunnad, halal.
The halal or mubah.
Halal and mubah,
that means
you will be neither,
for the mobile.
For example,
taking your dinner.
If you take it, you'll not be rewarded.
If you leave it, you'll not be punished
for that
Unless and until
that you take your dinner with
intention with me
that I
take this food
this body needs to be fed.
And I am fulfilling the divine
to take care.
And also my intention
is to
gain a strength
for worshiping my lord. Then
because of
this motive, because of this intention
to please Allah observe with jail,
you you will be rewarded.
But if there was no intention,
you're not really rewarded.
Neither you will be rewarded
nor that you will be punished.
When for all the Mumbai.
it comes to the tongue,
is there anything that Mubai for the tongue?
What does this mean?
Is there
an action
can that can be uttered and
saying that can be uttered by the tongue?
And it will be neither for me nor
against me
of the tongue.
The scholar, they said,
we don't see
an action
of the tongue, something
a tongue can do and it will be
neither for you nor against you.
Because whatever you say, it is either good
or evil.
If it is good, it is for you.
If it is evil, it is against you.
No single utterance.
single word you pronounce and verbalize, you articulate,
except it is jotted down
by the angel.
Imam Ahmad Rahimahullah
in his sickness when he was
when he fell sick,
Because of the agony, because of the pain,
he he was moaning, moaning.
You know, when you are sick, it's
sounds like that.
So they told him that
is saying,
even the anin
which is the morning, morning,
m o a
The morning,
the angel writes it.
Because if Tawuse said,
anything you articulate,
it is a judge it. Let him down.
So they said when they said that to
Imam Ahmed,
he stopped even
He stopped.
He didn't want the angel to write that.
whatever you
it will be either for you or against
So keep the tongue busy with the dikka.
So to everything will be for you as
the papa sha sha'am said.
Whoever believes in Allah on the last day
should say something good,
so keep quiet.
Keep quiet.
Don't talk.
Because the moment you talk, it's either for
you or against you.
And because of the tongue, people will be
thrown into the hellfire.
Said Abu Bakr used to hold his tongue,
telling his tongue, you are the one who's
going to destroy me.
And the prophet
said, man,
who controls his tongue.
And most of the time he is silent,
pondering and reflecting and
engage in the dikr.
He will be delivered. He will be saved.
And then the other authentic hadith, as you
know, he said,
to Allah. K?
Reported by
and others.
maintains what is between the jaws,
the upper and lower jaw, and that's the
this is the the jaws called
the 2 jaws,
the other and the lower jaw.
Whoever controls and maintain and protect this tongue,
which what is between the jaws.
And what is between
thighs, between his legs,
that is the private part.
So if you look at those 2,
the tongue and the private part,
the prophet said,
Bamintu lahu jannah,
jannah is guaranteed
for him
for him.
Many of us
they protect the private parts.
But when it comes to the tongue, their
tongues are free.
eating the flesh of their brothers and sisters
day and night.
Day and night.
And you know,
in the Hadith,
when Sayna Abu Bakr and Sayna Umar,
they were in a journey with the Prophet
they have the servant with them.
They got up in the morning and the
servant was still asleep.
So Sayyid Nabu Bakr and Umar, one of
them said to the other,
you see, he sleeps as if he is
at home.
We you see, this is we feel it.
It's nothing.
He feels his as, his deepest sleep as
if he is at home, not on the
Then they they woke him up, and they
sent him to the prophet
to ask the prophet if there is food
with him.
The prophets told the servant to go back
to them and tell them they already had
their food their breakfast.
They had already eaten.
He went to them and informed them. They
came running to the pop star. Tell them
said, oh, prophetullah,
what did we eat?
You didn't eat anything. He said, no.
You ate the flesh of your father.
By Allah, I can see his flesh between
your teeth.
I can see it.
So when they then they ask for prophet
to Allah, ask Allah forgiveness to forgive us.
He said, no. Ask him
to forgive you.
When one of the wives of the prophet
just said about
her, another
wife of the prophet,
she said, what do you like about her?
She's like this, and she use her hand.
That means she's short.
Told that you have said a word. If
that word is mixed with the sea of
if it is mixed with the sea of
water, it would spoil it
spoil it.
So my dear brothers and sisters, let us
wake up from the hafla.
And let us use this tongue
and actualize
the rubu deah.
Let us make our tongues
really serving Allah as the wajal.
the wusswas, the shaitan
will attack us.
But if we are keeping it busy,
because it has to be busy.
If you don't use it in the, it
will be used in
so you you
read so that is the evidence
for the and
you read
that means also you seek a lot protection
from the evil of people, human beings.
And the devils from among the humans
is more dangerous
than the devil from among the jinn.
When you say
he leaves you.
Is the human devil.
You say,
leave me alone, and he's smiling. Come on.
Come on.
What? Enjoy life.
What? You want to tell us now that
you have became
saint? We know you.
Come come back. Come to us.
Enjoy life.
You are saying
leave me. No. I will not leave you.
That's why, my dear brothers and sisters, when
you repent
when you repent
in October,
all your friends.
All the old
all the old
pals and friends,
cut relations
with them. Forget them.
Have good brothers and sisters.
Get rid of their contacts. Get rid of
their emails. Get rid of everything.
Because I know cases.
I know cases.
My father is alcoholic.
And many times, months and maybe almost a
year, he's not taking alcohol.
And then one of the old friends would
visit him and take him,
will go back
to square 1.
So get rid of them.
No contact, no emails, nothing,
and start a new life.
so you seek the protection from the evil
of the human beings. And
the Lord of mankind can protect you.
Your tongue
makes into your heart,
and the swash is that sound.
Actually, the swash is the sound
of the
ornaments. You know, the anklets women in the,
used to wear anklets in their feet.
So when they move, they
defeats, they
make sound,
they ring.
That's the swash.
So this sound of
So who's making.
He's blowing
into the chest
K? So there
and also human beings always
Do this. Do that. K. So
So now we know
the evidence
the and it is an act of worship,
and we seek
no one's protection
except Allah.
You alone will worship,
and we seek your help.
Then the author mentioned,
so now you know the meaning.
seeking help
Seeking. K?
So the stevata,
this is
you seek the house with the which is
help, but
when you are real
dire need
as the prophet
on the day better
on the day better.
Now the Mushriks outnumbered them many times,
they did not come for
an army,
Their intention only to
the caravan of Kuwait,
but now Allah decrees something else.
Face to face now with the Musharikus
army of Kuwait.
What to do?
everything is in his hands, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
So he started praying and crying and subjugating
to Allah as the wajid.
Cai, so
much so that the Mubakah held him and
said, enough, oh Prophet Allah. Enough.
Allah will not desert us.
And Allah
mentioned that in Surat Al Amfal.
So Allah mentioned
Surat Al Amfal I Naim.
if my dear brothers and sisters keep this,
I hope that you are taking notes.
it means
Remember that moment.
That's why you will find in the translation
because that's what the end
signifies, what the end
Remember the moment you were
This is the present tense.
So remember
when you were asking help
of your Lord
and he answered you.
Indeed I will re reinforce you
with a 1,000 from the angels following
one another.
Angels came at ranks.
Malaika came down.
So remember the moment you were seeking and
to Allah
for help.
That's the
he responded.
Allah responded.
And the law responds when you are in
need under this stress.
Is there anyone
more than Allah who answers and responds to
the call
of the one who is
in need?
He's helpless.
He's there is a dire need,
so he's crying to Allah.
It is the reason I have the come.
That's the job that I come.
Allah answered,
and the law
will answer you anytime.
What you need to do, just raise your
hands. That's it.
Raise your hands and pray to Allah
from your heart.
That's why
if you are not a Muslim.
Someone who's not a Muslim
has been wronged, oppressed,
raise his hands.
Thank to Allah. My lord, I've been wronged,
I've been oppressed, I've been
I've been all these things.
Because Allah hates
the wound, injustice,
and and tyranny, and aggression,
and wrongdoing.
That's why
the prophet
when he sent Mua to Yemen,
he warned him. He warned Mua
after he
gave him
the agenda
how to start the dua.
You begin with the Tawhid, then the salah,
the rice, then the zakat, etcetera.
Then he warned him and he told him
what I was sent to people who are
not Muslims,
Jews and Christians in Yemen.
So he warned him and told him, what
And be aware. I'm,
I'm cautious. I'm warning you.
Try to ward off and save yourself
from the sub location of one who is
wronged, one who is oppressed. No
hijab between
the supplication
of the one who is oppressed,
the one who's wrong, even if he's not
a Muslim
and Allah. There's no screen,
no veil,
nothing will stop it.
The other narrators says,
this supplication
goes out like a spark.
And Allah answers.
Be careful.
So don't ever wrong any human being
because Allah hates
the That's why.
The womb
for myself. I will not never
commit womb
I will never wrong anyone,
and they made it also prohibited for you.
So do not wrong one another.
Do not oppress one another.
So Allah hates
the wound, the injustice,
and he lost the.
And you know the famous saying of Sheikh
Islami bin Taymiyyah,
that Allah
Catholic state
Catholic state
to prosper
and to continue existing
there is justice
in their land.
There is fairness and justice.
They treat their subjects
with fairness
and justice.
Fairly unjustly.
So Allah
allows this country
to prosper
and to exist,
and he
the state of Islam
their rulers
and do not establish the Hadel,
and they wronged the people.
I read the history.
You don't know anything about them. They don't
exist anymore
because of the.
Allah loves the Adil.
will come from Allah.
The supply
will come from Allah.
The will come from Allah.
Must defeat and
or in sequence following one another,
and they came down.
They were fighting. And Jibril came down fighting
on the day of battle.
Yeah. Jibril himself came
to fight.
The Sahaba, they used to hear
the sounds of the houses
of the Malaita.
1 of the Sahaba was chasing 1 of
the Mushriks
to kill him,
and he found that
falling on the ground.
Someone hit him.
Who killed
him? The angel.
And he said, and they saw
the mark of the whip
on the nose of the mushrooms.
And they heard the angel telling his host,
Oh, Stop.
So the Malaika came fighting along
with the Muslims.
So this
gives the the Muslim
faith that I have loved
When we are
servant of of him
and true servant
of Allah, Azza Wajal,
he will be with us.
And when Allah is us,
you don't worry about anything.
And this what frightens and scares
the rejecters of truth
and the enemies of Allah.
They know
if the Muslims go back to the Deen,
we can't do anything for them.
So we need
the challenge for us is to keep them
from their deen.
We need to spoil them.
We have to make them corrupt.
We have to spread
All vices among them.
everything strange about them.
Corrupt them.
Because if they when they become sinners,
Allah will not support them, will not help
But if they are pious and righteous
and we allow them to
get back to their deen,
then Allah will be with them, and no
one can defeat Allah.
So that is the strategy. That is the
It's how to
take your way
from your deen.
As one of those
of the kuffar, he said,
Cas, glass of wine,
and a woman.
This is
the destructive
web weapon.
Loss of lion and a woman.
They do they are more effective
and destructive.
They the result
and the death will
there's, consequences
that these 2, the wine and the woman,
because to the Muslim, is
more the damage is more than the damage
that would be caused by
1,000 cannons you are,
shooting them,
bombarding them
with this 1,000
The damage the wine and the woman
will do is worse, is more effective and
more destructive.
And that's what they are working on.
to attack you, how to
bring your morality down,
how to spoil your manners and your akhlaq
and your adab and everything.
So when you become 2 Mu'mims,
It is incumbent. It is right upon us
to grant the victory
Well, I tell you
Do not
or feel weak.
Alone, and you don't have the other hand.
But when you're up
and come
to. The iman.
So because there was iman in the day
of battle,
Malaika came down
The Malaika came down fighting
along with the Muslim.
Then the oath of Imra Allah
the Dalil
and the evidence for slaughtering.
The slaughter
is a bad
to slaughter an animal
for both here,
for the
it is Ibad,
and it is from the Mila of Ibrahim
So Allah
says in Surah Al Anam aya 161
to 163
Say, oh, prophet,
my lord has guided me to the straight
a perfect way,
the nila,
the deen, the face of Abraham,
the upright was not one of the polytheists
of the Mushriks.
was not one of the Mushriks.
It was Hanif,
Then the I after that,
verily my prayer, most certainly
my salah, my prayer,
my sacrificial
my sacrifice,
my the animal that I offer as a
my living,
my life,
and my dying
are for Allah.
Lord of the worlds.
The Lord of Al Alameen.
All the worlds.
Word of humans, word
of djinn,
angels, all.
my payer for Allah.
My sacrifice
for Allah.
Not for Abi Tali jalani alhamdulillah,
not for the wily,
not for the saint,
not for this or that.
This is a Ibada.
So if you
offer a sacrifice
to other than Allah,
you become.
This is major shirk.
It takes a person
out of Islam out of Islam
out of Islam.
Because now you are worshiping other than Allah.
You're worshiping
other than Allah.
May Allah guide those ignorant ones.
May Allah guide them, open the hospital, they
have an end.
But what they are doing is a major
shift that takes a person out of Islam.
My life, my living, and my dying.
Has no partner, and of this I have
been commanded,
and I'm the first of the Muslims.
No shariq.
If you
take the animal to the mussilil,
to the tomb,
and you slaughter it dead,
even if you say,
it is haram to eat the meat.
Second thing,
the one who slaughter it, he becomes scattered.
If he was a Muslim before,
after slouching that animal to other than Allah,
he becomes
Ibadah. This is, and it's for Allah.
For Allah.
That means sacrifice for Allah.
We'll be there in commit to.
And of this I have been commanded. I
have been commanded
to pray only to him
and to offer my sacrifices
only to him.
Wa Aina Awwal Muslimeen.
And I'm the first
of those who submit to Allah, the Muslims.
And in the sunnah,
Musahe Muslim,
the prophet said,
So this is the proof that
offering sacrifices
to other than Allah's shirk
because it's Ibadah.
The prophet said to him, say, hey, Muslim,
may Allah curse the one who offers a
to other than Allah.
So other than Allah.
Muslim scholars
in the past
and still still even today,
if the parade of a king or a
they slaughter animals
the entourage of the parade or the
ruler passes by.
So the Ulloa, they said this is Haram,
and that meat cannot be eaten
cannot be eaten.
Well, in some Muslim countries,
if they are building a house
on the foundation,
they slaughter
an animal on the corners.
They said this will protect the house from
if they're inaugurating this is what I'm saying.
If they're inaugurating
a a factory,
they will slaughter an animal. Oh, this is
totally prohibited.
Totally prohibited.
Oh, if he moves to a new house,
he will do the same thing.
All of these things are not allowed.
Because people in Mecca used to do that
fleece the jinn,
and that is inherited and still
practiced by some Muslims.
May Allah
guide all the Muslims through the Haqq Amin,
and may Allah save us from the shirk
all types of shirk Amin,
And save all the Muslims from the shirk,
Amin, and guide those who are not on
the hap when they're not on the right
track, Amin.
And may Allah
keep us remain steadfast
on this beautiful deed
till we meet Allah,
and he is pleased with all of us,
And may Allah forgive
us our faults and mistakes and ignorance.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala unite our
hearts in the Haqq and may Allah unite
our Ummah in the Haqqani.
And may Allah reward all of you my
dear brothers and sisters immensely
for your patience and attendance.
We shall now begin the question and answer
So we have received some questions already. Brothers
and sisters, if you have questions, please send
them in fast
so that we can address them
Okay. The first question, Sheikh.
Assalamu alaikum Sheikh.
My question.
A sister was divorced 1 year ago and
she wants to pay half of the Mahar.
Her husband said he is the one who
divorced her, so she
does not need to pay half of the
Mahar. Is it true?
Hey. He doesn't want the the,
of course,
this after confirmation.
Right? They left together, etcetera.
Is this after consummation or before consummation?
Assuming this is after Sheikh, after 1 year.
If it is after Khalil, it's finished.
He he he paid her, and
he divorced her, and he's telling her I
don't want anything.
Next question,
Sheikh. Can we wear anklets at home
when we are sure that no non mahram,
will enter our houses, or is it better
to avoid it totally? Please advise. Anklets with
sound, I mean.
Yeah. It's all out.
This is a tie of the ornaments of
She is wearing it for her husband.
Okay. Especially if she's dancing for him.
I mean it.
Okay? Everything is halal for you with your
So why don't you entertain?
You can dance for him. You can sing
for him.
Everything is halal.
This is our Islam.
This is our deed.
So beautiful.
Some they think that when they're when the
moment they become practicing women,
practicing sisters,
they become saints,
and they forget that they are women.
No. Don't forget that.
Don't forget that you are a wife. You
are a woman.
And there is something called.
You become a real white,
So it is halal. Yes.
Everything is halal for you.
As young as you are with your
in your home,
the reason you're not you should not wear
this anklets outside.
K? Because they use what to do with
the woman in in the past.
So they wear the anklets.
So when they pass by the men, they
shake their legs. So it would meant to
draw the attention of men.
That's why.
Is this clear?
Yes. That is clear, Sheikh. The next question.
If a person was saying their evening adkar
and in the process they fell asleep
before completing it,
does that adkar count?
It shall not count.
Because you slept.
And the Shaitan always will try to make
you sleepy feel sleepy.
The moment
you start trying to read the Quran.
The first week, then you start
your earning.
Don't give up. What's your face?
So the hit on has many ways
many ways.
The next question.
Also, if I was saying my Avkala and
I received a phone call then forgot,
and after 30 minutes or an hour, I
do I have to start from the beginning
or continue from where I had stopped?
It's better if you resume.
It's better.
Have you continue from where you left? Okay.
The next question.
In the subcontinent,
many people embrace culture more than the Sharia.
I told my wife that it is per
to either kneel or bow to greet people,
and she also heard this from you, Sheikh.
Whenever we go to greet my parents or
some elders, she sees that I don't bow
to greet them, but she always kneels to
greet them. And I have told her that
my mom already is aware
of this ruling because I told her about
it. But she is always bent on pleasing
the elderly ones rather than pleasing Allah. And
I keep telling her,
will I still be sinful for her actions
after I have made her aware?
Please check with her.
Please check with her.
Stop it or something else will happen.
This is totally prohibited
to bother anyone.
And, you know, we already informed them, so
why you insist?
You don't mind making Allah angry
and to make them happy?
Where is your iman? You don't see Allah
You want to die while you are kneeling
and bowing down?
Men, they have,
they have to be.
They have to,
play the role ensure their
role. They are the head of the family.
Or you believe, save your wife, your family,
from Jahannam, from the hellfire,
whose fewer rocks and men.
she has to listen to you
and be
firm. There are this is the last warning
for you.
And let her hear
the what I'm saying. Take this download it
and let her hear
The next question, Sheikh.
In UK, Fazir is 3 AM. If one
reads the adkar and then sleeps,
will we still be protected, or do we
have to read the adkar upon awakening?
Oh, you say you have car Inshallah and
go to sleep.
You will be protected and you have to
know that the one who will text is
a lot of these. He knows you
and he sees you and he knows your
So if you say you have car and
you went to to
So I do, of course, you will not
take time when you read it
and and reading.
So to look is very important
to always read it before you go to
sleep and.
Next, let's let's let let us take a
question from Abu Dhabi.
Please unmute your mic.
Good morning, everyone.
Can you hear me now? Yeah. Much better.
Go ahead, please.
Okay. I have, 3 questions here. So the
first question is about,
I'm reading here something. They said,
I can't see. I can't see.
Okay. Here, they mean that,
doing for someone who is not capable of
doing something like,
someone who's who's,
like, Al Kharir, they said, Al Kharir, someone
who's about to sink
in the ocean or somewhere. And they said,
What did they mean by that? And they
said, they said
You see,
the No.
Can be divided into categories.
To seek a to seek help from someone
who is capable to help you,
Okay? That is permissible.
Raza So the
who was fighting with the Egyptian,
he sought the help from Musa alaihis salam.
The Sabaa Tah will let him in Shai
Adihi, the one who's from the clan of
Moses, the Israelites,
he sought the help from Musa alaihis salam.
So Musa was
present. So he said, help me.
So Musa Alai Salam was
With 1 fist,
he hit the Egyptian, and he fell dead.
So this
is to to seek help from someone when
you are in need and who's able to
help you. The
to seek help from someone
another example for the first one, someone is
drowning and screaming and shouting, help. Help. He's
K? And you are next to him.
So he's telling you help me.
So this type of help seeking help is
The second time you seek help
from someone,
he is present,
but he is powerless.
He cannot help you. Someone who cannot move.
And you say help me. What is this?
This is the level. This doesn't make any
You seek help from someone who can who
is helpless, who needs help rather than to
help others.
And the third time,
to seek help
from someone who cannot hear you,
neither can hear you nor he is present.
And that is to seek help from the
and that is shirk.
And that is
Is it clear to you?
The light is clear. It's clear. I'm the
light's clear.
My second question is about the that
you talk so
you told us that,
it is true there are some people who
when they,
move into a new house, they
they sacrifice
for the genes or something.
But but is
it permissible to just,
a ram
just for the sake of inviting people
to come.
just for the sake of inviting people,
is it,
without having any anything in mind like,
yeah, like the shirky thing? Just for the
sake of Allah doing that, just invite people,
is it permissible?
The when, we talk about the
so if it is
for other than Allah to share, you know,
to slaughter to at the tomb of the
willy or
a Dutch person that is here.
There's another type, and I explained to in
one of the talks, if you are taking
notes, my dear brothers and sisters.
There's another type of dabeq which
is wagid,
You have the slaughter and that is the,
for example,
the Hadi and Hajj
or the Walima.
As the prophet told
Abdulhamid Nahuw, Awli Mwalu Bisha,
slaughter even one sheep.
And there is another type of the which
is permissible
to slaughter an animal.
You go to the
to the,
to the farm and you buy
cheap, and you take it to the abattoir,
the slaughterhouse and you slaughter it because you
want to consume it. You want to put
the meat in the fridge and consume it.
That is allowed.
Okay. So now
regarding floating
and making the behar
when you move to a new house,
this was the practice of the people in
the past,
and they do that
to please the Jin.
They say when you
do that, the Jin in this house, they
will not harm you.
They will not harm you.
if this is in your area, in your
the dominant belief,
and still in many Muslim countries, if that
is the case, don't do it.
Or don't do it immediately
after you move to this house.
Later on, maybe after 2 months, 3 months,
you want to gather your friends. That's different.
But not the moment you
mobilize and you move to this new house.
Because this will reinforce the belief
of the people
that when you move to a new house,
have to,
slaughter and and
is it clear to you,
My third question
is regarding fasting.
For those who are
for those who are making up,
the fast their fast, is it,
should they complete 30 30 days or 29?
30 days or 29?
Yes. Yes.
Okay. So it depends on where, you live.
If the the people in your where you
live fasted,
the Ramadan was 29 days, so it is
29 days.
If it was 30 days they fasted, you
do the same thing.
Oh, okay. Okay.
they have to remember how many days
people fasted during that Ramadan.
See, now
let's say that Hamdulillah.
A woman got her period.
Okay. During Ramadan. Okay.
And many many women,
may Allah guide them, they keep procrastinating,
and maybe only next Ramadan, few days before
next Ramadan, they they,
they make the the qada. Or sometimes
after Ramadan or maybe they many calls that
you receive,
oh, I have
for 3 years, 4 years.
Okay. So now
you make up the days that you missed
during Ramadan.
But let's say a person was sick throughout
He didn't pass Ramadan, and he did not
And now he recovered, and he wants to
make up those dates.
Then he will fast as the people fasted.
If he is confused, I don't know if
I got to. I don't know. I cannot
recall. Then it is on the safe side,
30 days.
To be on the safe side, 30 days.
Is it clear to you?
It's clear.
Okay, Sheikh. The last and final question.
May Allah bless you always. Amen. Sheikh, I
cannot remember
whether an Arteka was done for my youngest
Would this be the responsibility of his father
or me?
The father no longer lives with us and
doesn't care. Therefore, what should I do?
Okay. You, if you can't afford,
buying and
the a sheep. If it is a boy,
2 sheep. If it is or 2 goats.
If it is a girl, 1 sheep or
2 go or or 1 goat.
Do it
because the father doesn't care, so you do
it. So this child Insha Allah
will intercede for you in the day of
resurrection Insha Allah.
So there's no harm that you buy the
the Aqeeta and you do it yourself.
Is it clear?
Inshallah, that is clear. Sheikh, we just received
another question.
For the access to such excellent lectures. May
Allah make this deed weight
have weigh
heavily on your scales on the day of
Sheikh, you said the spouse can refuse to
answer questions about the past stating it is
between me and Allah.
This can prevent whispering from shaitan in the
However, Allah said a fornicator is for a
or a mushrikat
in Surat An Nur.
Is it permissible for a woman to ask
a man if he is a virgin?
Would it be cheating for him to claim
is in his past when woman have to
state this otherwise face
often their consequences
if she is not a virgin and married
on the premise that she is?
In some, what type of questions can be
asked to prevent cheating in case of marriage
and which ones are off limits? Question mark.
I used to think,
knowledge of everything positive and otherwise
was the right of the spouse since if
asked about someone
by his or her intended
while we may abstain from discussing certain
Question finished?
That is the question?
Sheikh, did you say anything? My connection is
not great. I'm saying you finished the question?
Yeah. They finished at that point. Yes. Okay.
You don't ask.
You don't ask.
And there's no proof in the IR. The
IR talks about
will marry a fornicators.
So the
he is looking for his notch, for his
but not necessarily
a fornicator,
when he was a fornicator before,
and then he repented, and he married a
case woman.
K? Because
it can
be. He was a fornicator,
was womanizing, and repented,
and to Allah Azariah become a good Muslim,
and now he's he married a pious woman.
So you don't ask,
You don't ask
where you like this, where you are virgin,
all these questions.
Muslim woman
neither a Muslim woman or a Muslim man
will ask.
K. For the man, it is easy for
him to find out
he find her,
not virgin,
And and that is why
because she lost the hymen.
But also even the loss of the hymen
is not
an evidence and a proof
that she was
she committed Zena.
This was the oath and the norm among
the Sahara.
You cannot accuse a woman because she lost
the the membrane, the hymen,
that she committed zina.
the hymen can be ruptured,
can be lost
due to many
factors or reasons.
If she jumped, if she,
hit by something,
or sometimes the period itself,
just by the period.
the membrane became so thin then it will
be it will break.
A man came at the
he said, oh, I mean,
my daughter
was not mad at.
She committed,
and she repented.
And I said, how is she?
She said he said, she's pious.
Guess it was a mistake.
And now a man proposed to marry her.
Should I inform him that you committed Zena?
Said no. Umash said no.
And if you inform him, I will beat
you up.
I will beat you.
Mistake happened.
She repented,
and our dean
one of the principles of our deen is
the covering up of people's mistakes.
So if you cover up
the fault and the shortcoming
of your brother or sister, the dunya Allah
will cover up your faults and mistakes
and shortcomings in the next life.
So don't tell him.
Some might say, no need for him to
tell him because he's going to find out,
but there's no
This is the the evidence that to the
the presence of the hymen
is not an evidence
that the absence of it is not an
that she committed because
it is known
that a girl might lose it without without.
And here,
there is an issue.
You know now the,
hymen can be restored.
The hymen can be restored
So the Muslim scholars, they discussed this issue,
the restoration of the hymen.
Is it allowed or not?
One opinion says no because this is deception.
It falls under the deception.
The other opinion
if it is
a mistake happened like a girl was fooled
by this shaitan, this boy,
and promised her
to marry her, etcetera.
And she is not a fornicators,
she is not a prostitute,
then there's no harm
for her family to take her and to
the doctor and restore and re
restore the restore the the hymen,
especially if we are living in a community
that if there's no hymen,
that means she was a fornicators.
They don't accept that.
So they said in order to
save the
the life of the girl
and have marital life,
restored the hymen,
That's okay.
But for a woman who is known to
the she was,
practicing zina,
no. She cannot do that.
this is
an issue contemporary issue
discussed among the Muslim,
in our time.
you don't inform
and you don't ask
whether you're
a virgin before or not. Did you commit
Zina or not?
All these things you don't ask.
You ask about his deen, how's he,
How's his akhlaq?
How's his manners?
That's what you ask about.
If you find
he's good,
everyone is telling you the truth about him,
and he's a good Muslim, practicing Muslim,
forget about what his past was.
Is this clear to the questioner?
Inshallah, it is clear, Sheikh. That was our
final question for tonight.
If you'd like to conclude, Inshallah.
May Allah
reward you all immensely for your patience, attendance,
and may Allah bless all of us with
the beneficial
And may Allah keep us to remain steadfast
in this beautiful Islam,
this beautiful deed.
Till we meet Allah, please please with all
of us, Ameen.
And may Allah, as they were tell, forgive
us our faults and mistakes and ignorance.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala unite our
hearts in the Haqq and unite our Ummah
on the Haqq army. Till we meet Insha'Allah
in the coming session in