Sajid Ahmed Umar – Hajj and Family Roles – What’s the connection? #03
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The segment discusses the importance of roles in Islam, including roles for parents and children, and the importance of being a father in building family and leading to success. They also touch on the topic of watering during the day and the importance of watering in writing. The importance of being a good father is emphasized, along with the importance of executing a servant role. The segment also touches on the importance of being a good father in a certain way and being a good mother.
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Love, love.
Love, love, love. Love.
Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who are either early or Sahih marine and my bad old praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala and praises and blessings be upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam My dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh milvus Peace, blessings and safety be upon you all. And I welcome you all to episode three of our series brought to you courtesy of the Islamic Council of Europe titled hedge and the family, common foundations. In Episode Two brothers and sisters in Islam, we discussed the importance of roles and we connected this to the lesson of Episode One, which was dedicated to the
fitrah. And all of this in light of the days of Hajj, the family of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and some of the actions of the actual hedge SubhanAllah. And as we said in Episode One, there are no better days to look at the hedge and contemplate how we can better the family situation, the family unit, the family household how each member of the family can better themselves, it's no better days aside of these days and no better days to have these discussions, then these days that we are in the best days of the year, the first 10 days of the head jam. Today's episode brothers and sisters in Islam I want to continue with this discussion about roles but from a different perspective. In our last
episode, we spoke about the role of the husband and the role of the wife and how everybody must play their roles and be excellent in how they play their roles and in doing so we will create a transformative family and eventually inshallah transformative societies today I want to discuss this idea of roles and topic of roles from the perspective of a parent and the perspective of a child because now we move the story of Ibrahim further and he's married and he Salam is an older boy and some of the scholars permit him to be around the age of 12. Or around the age of 14 or somewhere in between. and Ibrahim alayhis salam Subhan Allah during the days of Hajj, right, the days that we are
in, he starts seeing a dream. And this dream recurs with every passing day of the earliest days of hygiene in this dream. He sees himself Subhan Allah
sacrificing his mile at a Salam. Right. And at first, he doesn't give it its due importance. It's a dream, but then it It appears to him again and again. And Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed, reveals to his messengers through dreams and Ibrahim Alayhi Salam understands that Allah subhanho wa Taala is instructing him instructing him towards something that is a mighty trial, a mighty tests. Pamela, this is even greater than the last test the last test I had to take my take my son is married and leave him with his mother in the middle of nowhere. But you know, even being in the middle of nowhere, there's still hope that I'll see him again. This time. It's about actual actually
sacrificing him putting a knife to his neck and sacrificing him for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and no doubt Allah subhanho wa Taala was testing Ibrahim alayhi salam, Ibrahim Ali, he said I manifested from a young age how he always had Allah in his heart and everything else in his hand. And now he had a son. And we know brothers and sisters in Islam, how our children sometimes can be a means of our downfall. They can be a means of us making mistakes in our faith, Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam was being tested, but being tested by Allah Who knew who knew what Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was about and what he is capable of. No doubt Allah subhanho wa Taala does not place a burden upon anyone
greater than that person's ability to bear it. Ibrahim alayhis salam here, his role as a father comes to light brothers and sisters in Islam, right? Because as a father, you have to be a father. In light of you being a servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's ultimately the greatest form of fatherhood, when you execute your role. Right? In light of you being a servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala
that's you being a True Father. Right? Because this is you being a father in a way that builds your agenda and not burns your agenda,
in a way that builds the the everlasting abode for eventually yourself and your family because we know brothers and sisters in Islam as Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran, that when a family passes away, and
elements of the family
Get to a higher paradise, Allah subhanho wa Taala will raise the elements that didn't make it that that were at a lower paradise so that they can be together as a family unit in the paradise where in the highest paradise, the paradise where certain elements of the family reached and had the privilege of reaching, and this is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon the family so if the parents are at a higher level in general and the children at a lower Allah promises to raise the children to the to the level of the parents and vice versa, if the parents get to a higher level in Jannah, and the parents don't allow will raise the parents so that they can be as a family in Jannah
with the children. So if you really want to be a true father and execute your role Well, it cannot be at the expense of you being a servant and slave of Allah azza wa jal Allah, Allahu kaha Ibraheem alehissalaam takes it on, on the chin, he understands what he needs to do. And since we connecting everything to the days of hedge, it is said that the eighth of the hedger is known as Yom atheria. Right Third, we are from the from the, from the former our euro wheather, we attend the Arabic form of the word rahua euro, which we attend, which refers to the action of contemplating something over and over again to develop an understanding from
this thing that you're contemplating over and over again, so it was on the eighth that he did this. And then on the ninth, you're arafa, out of a means to now this was the day that Ibrahim knew what was expected of him and Yeoman. Now how is the 10th of the hedger the day of slaughter, this is the day that Ibrahim Put the knife on the neck of his child. This is one explanation of the other of the scholars the other explanation such as the eighth referring to the day of watering because Tarawa refers to also watering where you take your animals and get them to drink to their fill, and you fill your water skins and your your buckets and so on and so forth. Because you going on the journey
of hideway there's no water, so you need water supplies for VUDU and drinking and cooking and also for your riding animals. And as for arafa, then it's out of here because of the plains of Africa. And as for now, how is the day of the heavy and the odd here, the sacrifice of hedge and the sacrifice that Muslims do generally known as they're out here or the Quran or the Kobani, depending on which
which place you come from. So Ibrahim Alayhi Salam now executes his role as a father excellently and he makes his way to his Mariela Hara he salam, remember is married, and he Salam is in some way and is married Allah He said Ibrahim Alayhi Salam is somewhere and Ibrahim and he said a meet his son, but Subhana Allah, look at this father and look at this conversation because Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, while I'm Bella ha ma who say Subhana Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights that Ibrahim alayhi salam, or you get the impression that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam waited for his marriage and he said I'm to be ready to have the conversation with him. Subhan Allah, this is the impression
you get from it. That Yes, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam came of age, but also he he reached a circumstances situation where Ibrahim felt he was ready to have the conversation with his father, that his father would not set him up for failure. His father would not say to him anything that will make him slip, make him utter a word of disbelief. make him lose his faith, make him doubt Islam, submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala and his faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala which by the way, his father was teaching him Yes, his smile grew up in what we know today as Mecca, and Ibrahim in Palestine. But Ibrahim never left his role as a father, he would travel up and down despite it being hard making
the difficult decision because it was the right decision to make and making the difficult journey because it was the right thing to do up and down from Palestine to Mecca to raise his son to check on his son to instruct adger to make sure everything's in order. And he prepares his son to have this conversation. And when he is confident that my son won't slip he says to his son, yeah booni Oh my DSN ne rr filmen me and me as bearhawk Indeed, I continuously see in my dream that I am slaughtering you from mother Tara. So you tell me what you feel. La Ilaha Illa he doesn't have to know what is marine fields. That decision is with Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala. degreed doesn't
matter what Israel says. But this is how you execute fatherhood. When you execute fatherhood, in light of you being a servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You do it, as it should be done. You play the role as it should be played, you respect the person in front of you. And also you can see that Ibrahim alayhi salam, he knows how hard this is for him himself. It's as if he's looking for the thumbs up the green light from his son to say, Oh, my father, I understand what you're saying. Go ahead. And really that's what is my he said. He said, Yeah, but if I remember to my own
My dear beloved father Subhan Allah. I mean, in Episode One, we spoke about how Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was talking to his father, his father who threatened him who was harsh towards him who was oppressive towards him. And he brought him You say, oh, Betty, oh Betty Oh, my dear beloved father, and now years later, it's Maria is saying to his father, oh, my dear Father, almighty Father, but this time upon Huck Ibrahim is doing the right thing was he Brian's father was not is married says, Yeah, Bertie, Almighty Father, if Alma tomar do what Allah has told you to do. I'm telling you that I have understood what you've taught me about Allah all these years. And that above you is Allah,
and above me is Allah. And it doesn't matter what I want and what you want, what matters is what Allah wants. And from him, we came into him, we will return. This is basically what he's saying. He's making his father proud, telling his father that my dear father, I bear witness that you are a great father, you played your role. Well, you played your role Well, in raising me so I am teaching. I'm saying back to you what you knew, I would say to you, as a result of you raising me well do what Allah has told you to do. Saturday dooney insha, Allah Muna Siberian Subhana Allah, He says, You will continuously find me trying and trying to be from the patient trying to, I'm trying to be from
the patient with the word of Allah, that my dear father, I can't tell you that I will be patient, but I will tell you that insha Allah I will be patient, because I am a human being. And what you are saying is very difficult, but You have my word, that from me, you will not see me giving up in terms of trying to be patient and making this as easy as I can upon you, my dear father, you will find this from me. And this brings us to is my heel, and the role of the Son and the son doing what the son should do. Subhan Allah and the sun being a son in light of him being a slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala so all about roles, brothers and sisters in Islam, and everybody doing what they need to
do, and everybody behaving as they should behave. Subhan Allah Subhana Allah, I'm just looking at the time our video is, is getting longer than it should be asked me to make it only a few minutes. But how can we talk about something like this in just a few minutes, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam and Subhan Allah, Ibrahim and his smile, make their way towards Mina towards the slaughter place, which you do see, Allah knows best if it is authentic, but there is a particular marker on one of the mountains of Minar
near near the famous Masjid in Mina, and the hospital of Mina.
It is said that that is the place that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam eventually laid
the knife upon the neck of his son, and there's so much to the story brothers and sisters in Islam, but we will leave that for another episode. I hope we have really absorbed this concept of roles in the last episode we discussed the importance of being a husband, for the sake of Allah and a wife for the sake of Allah and not trying to switch those roles in today's episode, how to be a parent for the sake of Allah and a child for the sake of Allah May Allah inspire us forgive our past and we Allah subhanho wa Taala bless our futures and make us the best that we can be. I mean, you're behind me. Until next time, salaam Allah highly automated.
Love, love.
Love, love