Said Rageah – How To Be Freind Of Allah
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics such as the law, war, political party, and the importance of trusting people. They also touch on the topic of Islam and the need for people to hold onto their beliefs. The importance of finding the best time to spend with children is emphasized. The conversation also touches on the behavior of men and women in society, including their desire to worship Islam and attend mass. The speakers stress the importance of learning and practicing the law to achieve a better understanding of the law.
AI: Summary ©
nada who want to sign off
whenever we learn haematuria fusina women say to Marina
Miyagi Navajo
woman Yoda, Lil parentage Allahu wa de and murshida
wash Edwin La ilaha illallah wa ala Shetty Kara
wash. Mohammed Abu hora solo
yeah Johan Latina America from LA haka Ducati.
Illa anti muslim moon
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wahana caminhada
What's the min humare? JOHN and Kathy Ron one is
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usili la Kuma Moroccan
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America is waiting
for another one fatal Konami kurama law
Mohammed bin Salman law sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
What shall
what could
what could
what could Nevada that's infinity
women sakalava in a TV show
or a
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weather in southern India
whether in the villa or even
Rwanda Buhari
What if we learn
this howdy?
In Sunny Hill Bukhari, Ravi en la hora hemara la
the Messenger of Allah, Allah azza wa jal
men anyone not necessarily a character or Muslim
not necessarily a particular sector of
religion or congregation
but Linda Romo me well it's man man
to be
any individual
who becomes the enemy of a Winnie over loss of Hannah who wattana
then Allahu
Allah, then I
I will wage war against
our know
our let everyone know that he is my enemy.
And there is a war between myself and that person.
And then he says he was an ally
and nothing is more beloved to me
that my servant can perform than what I made obligatory upon them.
And then he said some Hana what's
on my server will continue doing
Until I love him
and when I love my servants
then I won't be his sight, I will be his hearing
his sights
his hand
his feet
and he asked our surely grants
and he seeks protection our more certainly most certainly protect him
this is a Hadees for you and I
this is a hadith of a wedding.
So, what is a when he
and when he
is a person that a mod choses him
because of his closeness to him, because an Aggie acts of worship that he performed
for a lot of us assume
that is indeed for to achieve.
So far,
when he friend of a law,
I can never be a wedding, I can be a normal Muslim,
I will do my No,
I will do my Salah,
but I can never reach the level of unready which is a wrong understand.
Unless what if we learn
we can achieve that if we do what we were asked to do and abstain things that are more asked us to stay away from
and when you become that,
then you will receive a special rewards
award only for you
your own law
when he was talking about our year
and a half
know what can we
do now how
can we attack
he said upon the idea of a law.
Obvious absolutely they should not fear
no experience, grief
by virtue conditions that they believe in the law and the theme Chapin Hall
we all see our law
and we all believe in the law
and we all try to be closer to his to him subhanho wa Taala
but how we are if What if in law
is by year nine
by the believers and movement in trying to do the best that they can not to pick and choose
not to say I will do this because I feel like it or I will do this because this is easy to do or I will do this because everyone is doing
this is the attitude of the
in the Latino
where you need to obey the law What
were you doing?
When the person becomes it pick
he chooses
he wants to worship Allah in the month of Ramadan because this is a blessed time.
He chooses that
he wants to attend every Juma during the month of Ramadan but the rest of my I have my work hour go back to my normal life he chooses that. So we pick and choose
this is the behavior of them conform
to hardcore indeed. Those are the attitude and the behavior of the kafar.
When it comes to a movement,
in every situation,
in every in any environment.
They do their ultimate best.
They do what they want to do because they want to please Allah subhanho wa Taala now because they come to salatu salam ala turabian and we pray left and right under which they are handling. This is enough no
This is part of what is needed.
And that's why Allah
He emphasized on that.
He said don't assume don't think just you can't be coming to the massagin that you achieved the ultimate status of Eman, la law, they sell one to one new
He says righteousness and piety is not for you to turn your faces towards east or the west know what our
men and women are equity.
One key job when he was
when he
he was savina
you have to do all this
in an
email in the angels, the books then they begin you give me
and it's one of the love and the desire that you have well you give
and who do you give
early on
and then established
you pay as
you fill your covenant and when you are patient that type of auction at the time of a struggle no Allahu they are the righteous ones
step by step
where you're going to remodel do
your own
math or the law
when war and Harry Miller
was the NEA FEMA in no more
three things, the best of all deeds he said
that you do the obligation
and you abstain from the prohibitions and you put your trust and you have correct me it was your law your creation your Creator
well hold on Omar Abdullah as is similar to that statement and then he said
and the best of the evaluated button
is for you to establish a solid the anila own can Nana was
he was a Muslim was Sunni avida oneness say your own
after Maya, Maya.
Maya who was
in the state of
the condom
Yeah, you know either.
All you believe what when you're asked to move to give his space a lot of the people to sit, do that. So a lot your Muslim brothers to walk into the masjid.
So if What if we learn
the best that we can do is the following
the photo either we perform
as jakka
This is the base of the five pillars of Islam.
When you do this,
then you are a servant overlord.
And if you want to be closer to your Creator,
you want him to love you. Then do the Noah
do the nephila.
Do whatever extra that you can.
I guarantee you brothers and sisters.
If your boss is if your manager asked you,
if your manager asked and he says I am giving you over time.
I want you to stay an hour extra.
And I'll pay you double. A lot of us would stay
What about the quality time that we want to spend with the kids? No, I'm working for them.
Whatever the time that you needed to rise and no mom working for the family
because you want to aim for that extra payment
and a lot here is telling you if you want to be close to me
Then why
do the extra hours?
Do the things that I would love you to do?
And then hear your whole loss of Hannah What?
If you do this, you receive the following.
But what is the best of Noah?
What is the best that you can do?
Tina was
reciting the book of Allah
that we read for Baraka only fought on my blog on pm and leave during the last 10 days of Ramadan, or we listen to it
on should be that constant, constant companion. You don't leave him anywhere,
always with you.
At work you have in your car, there's a copy of the Koran, and you're taking the bus on your iPod or you have on your CD and you're playing on
the end of the hubbub in
Colorado, listen to this.
He say be closer to Allah through any means that is available for you. Why?
And then he said, but you must know
mirta He means
in a minute.
He said you will never be closer to a law by performing any act of worship, like reciting the book of Allah.
And then he said, Listen to this.
Your whole
lashay been learning Konami hobby.
He say last year.
He said there is nothing equal.
The loved one, the lovers, the one who loves others.
Nothing equal to that for that person. Then knowing hearing that statement of the loved one.
If you love someone, you like to hear their voice. You like to hear his voice or her voice.
He emails you you are excited as soon as you see that you receive an email from that individual when he calls. And of course, it shows you the number of that individual, your heart moves. Because even before he hear the voice of that individual because you love that person
and hear
It's like the words of a law.
Because when it comes to your hubby
this is what the heart's desire, and this is the ultimate goal. And when it comes to haoran we have to do this. It has to be that love that connection has to be established. But if What if you learn how could you love something that you don't even understand?
I know the love is a logically is there enough Why is there but sweet is of that love is missing? Because we can read and understand it
in another language
along with you and I don't want to learn we desire to learn but we really not doing any practical steps to go and learn it.
Because otherwise you will see these classes with students. They don't want to study for it.
They don't want to study hobbies and feel they want to study Arabic Why? Because this is the language of the book of my created. I want to know I want to know what is it telling me
I want to teach this week as of the I
know the translation of a person who is
single person that I want to get it from the Mossad itself.
Radical your whole
of the law
men have been around for
I can be a normal Muslim,
I will do my No
I will do my Salah,
but I can never reach the level of unready which is a wrong understand
the unknown under if What if we learn
we can achieve that if we do what we were asked to do and abstain things that are more asked us to stay away from
and when you become that,
then you will receive his special rewards
award only for you
your own law
when he was talking about our year
and a half on
his own
Allah Dena Amano, what can we
do? Now, how
can we attack
he said upon the idea of a law
of obvious obviously, absolutely, they should not fear
no experience, grief
by virtue conditions that they believe in the law and the theme Chapin Hall
we all see our law
and we all believe in the law
and we all try to be closer to his to him subhanho wa Taala.
But how we are if What if in law
is by year nine
by the believers and movement in trying to do the best that they can not to pick and choose
not to say I will do this because I feel like it or I will do this because this is easy to do. Or I will do this because everyone is doing
this is the attitude of the
in the Latino
where you will
obey the law
where you're gonna know
where you really want to be.
When the person becomes at pick,
he chooses
he wants to worship Allah in the month of Ramadan because this is a blessed time.
He chooses that
he wants to attend every Juma during the month of Ramadan, but the rest of my I have my work hour go back to my normal life. He chooses that. So we pick and choose.
This is the behavior of them.
Indeed, those are the attitude and the behavior of the CO for
when it comes
in every situation.
In every in any environment.
They do their ultimate best.
They do what they want to do because they want to please Allah subhanho wa Taala not because they come to salatu salam ala turabian and we pray left and right under which they are handling. This is enough. No.
This is part of what is needed.
And that's why Allah
He emphasized on that.
He said don't assume don't think just you can't be coming to the massagin that you achieved the ultimate status of Eman law, ladies shall be one to one.
He says righteousness and piety is not for you to turn your faces towards east or the west. No, what are
men and women are equity.
One Kitab one v
one Eternal One. Well Misaki
one of the I had him he was savina
Taku you have to do all this
in an
email in the angels the books that may be
You give me
the love and the desire that you have well you give
and who do you give?
And then established.
You pay as
you fill your covenant. And when you are patient that type of auction at the time of a struggle, no, Allahu they are the righteous ones
step by step
while you're
your own
master the law
one one, and Harry Miller
was the NEA FEMA in no more
three things, the best of all deeds, he said
that you do the obligation
and you abstain from the prohibitions. And you put your trust and you have correct me it was your law, your creation, your Creator.
Well, hold on Omar Abdullah as is similar to that statement. And then he said,
and the best of the burden
is for you to establish the sala de la jolla can Nana was
he was a Muslim was Sunni avida. oneness I own.
Maya Maya.
Maya who was
in the state of
the condom.
Yeah, you handed in Armando either.
Oh, you believe what? When you're asked to move to give his space a lot of the people to sit, do that. So a lot your Muslim brothers to walk into the masjid.
So what if we learn
the best that we can do is the forum.
The forum is that we perform
as jakka.
This is the base of the five pillars of Islam.
When you do this,
then you are a servant overlord.
And if you want to be closer to your Creator,
you want him to love you. Then do the NOAA
do the nephila.
Do whatever extra that you can.
I guarantee you brothers and sisters.
If your boss is if your manager asked you,
if your manager asked and he says I am giving you over time,
I want you to say an hour extra.
And I'll pay you double, a lot of us would stay
What about the quality time that we want to spend with the kids? No, I'm working for them.
What about the time that you needed to rise and no mom working for the family?
Because you want to aim for that extra payment.
And a lot here is telling you if you want to be close to me to do the know what
do the extra hours
do the things that I would love you should do
and then hear your whole loss of Hannah who what
if you do this, you receive the following.
But what is the best of Noah
what is the best that you can do?
Tina was
reciting the book of Allah.
that we read it for Baraka only fought on my blog on tm and later during the last 10 days of Ramadan or we listen to it
and so on shouldn't be that constant, constant companion. You don't leave him anywhere.
Always with you.
At work you have in your car, just a copy of the Koran and you're taking the bus on your iPod or you
have on your CD and you're playing on
the end of the hubbub in
Colorado, listen to this
he say be closer to Allah through any means that is available for you. Why?
And then he said, but you must know
mirta He means
in a minute.
He said you will never be closer to Allah by performing any act of worship, like reciting the book of Allah.
And then he said, Listen to this.
Your whole
lashay been learning Konami hobby.
He say lashay
he says there is nothing equal.
The loved one the lovers, the one who loves others.
Nothing equal to that for that person. Then knowing hearing that statement of the loved one.
If you love someone, you like to hear their voice, you like to his voice or her voice.
He emails you you are excited as soon as you see that you receive an email from that individual when he calls. And of course it shows you the number of that individual your heart moves, because even before he hear the voice of that individual because you love that person.
And here habia cool. Nothing
is like the words of a law.
Because when it comes to your hobby,
you're cool.
This is what the heart's desire. And this is the ultimate goal. And when it comes to hold on, we have to do this. It has to be that love that connection has to be established. But what if we learn how could you love something that you don't even understand?
I know the love isn't logically is there enough Why is there but sweet is of that love is missing? Because we can read and understand it.
In another language
along with you with you and I don't want to learn we desire to learn but we really not doing any practical steps to go on learning.
recliner we look
because otherwise you will see these classes with students. They don't want to study for it.
They don't want to study hobbies and feel they want to study Arabic Why? Because this is the language of the book of my created. I want to know I want to know what is it telling me
I want to teach this week as of the I
know the translation of a person who is
single person that I want to get it from the most habits
of the law.
Men I have been on for