Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Invitation not Argumtentation) Night 13

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Bible uses the phrase "ocean's guidance" to emphasize the importance of seeking out guidance in the faith. Elders with criticized actions and speakers' routes are highlighted. The importance of truthful advice is emphasized, along with the need for caution in discussing political arguments and being a message taker. It is emphasized that avoiding abusive behavior and being a message taker is crucial to avoiding political arguments.
AI: Transcript ©
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for annual Kareem, Knights of empowerment, parables and wisdom

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from the Glorious Quran,

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we reflect on an instructive, increasing and destructive

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religious arguments are unfortunately the norm in the

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order of the day.

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We tend to argue about our religion. So the verse at hand,

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provides the basis for engaging those who we invite into the

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faith, but also a means whereby we can engage those with whom we

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differ on matters of religion. The verse reads Oduro Illa Sebelius,

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Rebecca Bill Hekmati will know about elhassan Bucha dill who've

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been naughty hear us and invite all to the way of your Lord with

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wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them only in the

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best possible manner.

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Now, the first word in this verse is odo. Odo means invite.

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An invitation is an act of friendship.

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And therefore, the very nature of invitation, the very nature of

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Dawa the very nature denies the possibility of hostility. You

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don't invite someone in a hostile manner. Invitation is warm, it's

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embracing, it is welcoming is gentle. And therefore insult,

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offensiveness can never appeal to anyone, neither to the hearts nor

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to the minds, and certainly not to the souls. So it could never be a

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basis for invitation.

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The invitation is superior of back to the way of Allah

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not to a destination. Remember, when you invite someone, you

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invite them to a venue. Allah doesn't give a venue yet, He gives

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Sebelius topic

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because people are at different stages in the journey towards

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Allah. Some are more advanced in some things, some are more back in

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some things, some character is better, some behaviors weaker,

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some are closer to Allah in the prayer, some do more charity,

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but we are different places. But it's the path the call is you the

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path. And though we may be in different stages on the way, as

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long as you're on the path, you are on the track, this is

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something we tend to forget do not expect everyone to be at the same

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destination or the same place. And therefore do not be judgmental,

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about whether where people are on the journey or the vendor

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invitation is in the DUA, eat dinner, sit all films the chemo

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Allah guide us to the world more evil till Hassan

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Hikmah implies realizing what is good, and doing what is best in

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any given situation. Wisdom implies

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knowing what is good to be able to analyze what is the good thing

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here, and to do what is best in that situation, saying the right

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thing at the right time in the right manner. And of course, with

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the right intention Hikmah one more that elhassan Beautiful

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preaching or excellent admonition. And this means offering truthful

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advice in a way that the receiver to whom it is addressed, we'll

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find it a plea appealing appealing, as well as is done in

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an most appropriate manner.

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So Hikmah with wisdom, an excellent admonition more than

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hasna and if there is a debate and the ease in argument due to

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difference of perspectives, then what God looks at us and an argue

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not in a good way the Quran doesn't say what God did on bility

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he has an ohana or Jad Illuminati as an argue in the way that's the

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best only the best possible way. Good is not good enough.

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and people have excused say the truth. You know I must be the

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truth. It doesn't mean you will be vulgar just be the truth. I know

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the law school said Coolock when Carla Maura speak the truth, even

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with butter. It is not a license for you to lose your temper,

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becoming angry and abusive, because we should never be vulgar.

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In the content of our message. Never be abusive in the manner of

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our speech. They also said Allah Allah wa salam in the Hadith

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documented in a similar manner to me the vessel said lay cell

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movement with Tara and while I've been learned while she was already

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a believer is never one who turns in Jesus people. He's never one

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who curses people. He's never indecent, no easy, abusive. In

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fact, such behavior could be a mark of hypocrisy. When you're

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abusive towards people we differ with. It could be a sign of

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hypocrisy, a very well known tradition of Rasulullah in Sahih,

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Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that are socialized to limb said in the

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Hadith, whoever possesses four characteristics

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He is truly a hypocrite. And if he possesses any one of this, then he

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is still partially a hypocrite until he gives that thing up. What

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are the four things is that to me the Han what either had desert

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caliber whether I had a father with a costume or fragile when

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he's entrusted with something, he betrays the trust. He is

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dishonest. When he speaks, he tends to lie. When he makes an

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agreement. He does not fulfill the agreement. And when he argues with

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someone, he tends to be irresponsible and rude.

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Imam Malik warned us through the words of libido, with Allison ma

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at Cheyenne as Hubballi Dini Walla

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Walla, middle, Maha Sangha. He says, I've not seen him Malik says

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teach everyone Shafi minute I have not seen anything more harmful to

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religion, more undermining of one sense of honor and more

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unnecessary in preoccupying our emotions than disputation and

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argumentation in religion. Imam Shafi himself, student of Malik

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teach of humble Imam Shafi said,

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O'Meara Ophidian in your castle called will you refer to her in?

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He said, arguing about religion hardens the heart, and it causes

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grudges and resentment.

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Let us consider the arch type of oppression. The worst person you

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can think of in the Quran is filled out.

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Allah describes him in the most negative way for the kind of

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oppression and injustice that he caused. He is the archetype of

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oppresses when Allah subhanho wa Taala asked Musa alayhis, Salam to

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the worst, oppressive you can get.

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How does Allah say for kulula? Who call Allah you know, that Allahu

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Allah Karim? Oh, ye shall speak to the Quran mildly, gently,

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certainly. Perhaps he may accept the admonition or perchance he may

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fear Allah. So if you do end up in a debate, or differences in

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perspective, then the Quran advises us to argue if Islam there

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was, Prophets lost limb came in, they saw you as key people

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becoming Muslim and so on. They were concerned. So the Quraysh

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wanted to send someone to seriously speak to the Rasool to

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engage the Prophet regarding his message, and the impact the

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political there was a wealthy man, politically influential, well

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traveled, was known to be the coach of the kings of Roman in

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Persia. And they chose him to be the leader of Bob into Rasulullah.

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And he said his case very clearly to the Prophet firmly, clearly,

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and historians document let me you call Dr. Mohammed Atiba. McGrattan

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worried. What Katara Cohutta ferrata Mamma Mia Hadith, there

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are so listen to him, did not interrupt him once, until he

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completed and then when he paused the Rasul said to him, Acharya

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ferrata ya Abilene, are you now done a father of a leader you have

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you said would you say he said none. Now, Muhammad, yes, Ahmed, I

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have done then there are so so first of all, I mean, now you

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listen to me. And then there are solid Jaime, Tanzeem in the

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Rahmani Raheem, Kitab and facilita. To who Quran and Arabic

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and the economy or the moon, the opening verses of Surah of

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the Prophet it is here you mushrik who are you? You know you? I am

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the messenger of Allah you listen to him. The Prophet showed to us,

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the speck begets respect. This is the foundation, the fundamental

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foundation. If you don't have the decency to listen to others, how

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can you demand the right to be heard? Three points for us to

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ponder upon. One. When engaging people and talking about religion.

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Be communicative without being abusive.

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Verbalize, don't vulgar eyes, and if you do argue, take care of your

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temper. Inshallah, your logic if we have any will take care of

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itself. Listen carefully to what is being said before responding.

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Otherwise, you may not know exactly what you're responding to.

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And you may argue, and not really know what the argument is all

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about, as very often happen in religious discussions very often,

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to in all discussions, in any conversation, avoid the aggressive

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Battle Mode. Some people speak as they're going to walk.

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Let your style be a style of communication that is gentle

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and appealing.

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No one has appointed any one of us to be Allah's primary

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spokesperson, you can be movi, or Mufti or whoever you may be

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wondering appoint you as the spokesperson.

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And it is not my job or your job to state in every aspect of the

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real world. Do the best you can. It's not

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it our job to correct and respond to every silly comment. No to

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engage in every theological argument, to respond to every

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political view, or to challenge every perspective, some people

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think this is their job to do. So it's not your job to do so. Talk

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to people don't talk at people don't pontificate, just

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communicate. Third point, it is our responsibility to convey the

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message to make Dawa

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the message of our faith and the best way is by example of by our

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words, but nonetheless, do realize that even if you're debating about

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religion, even if you're inviting others to religion, just because

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you're doing something which you deem religious, doesn't mean your

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method is correct. Just by adding some type B or Bismillah in front

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of something doesn't make it Islamic. People are killing

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Muslims in the name of Islam Smilla Allahu Akbar, where the

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shahada on the flag, it doesn't make it Islamic.

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So just because something is done, or needs to be done, doesn't mean

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anything that is done in the name of Islam is correct. We are

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commanded with their son, whatever we do, in Allah, Allah, Allah has

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prescribed excellence in everything you do. And therefore

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this was who do row Elizabeth Rebecca, Bill Hekmati was more

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either to Lhasa, invite others to the way of Allah with wisdom and

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excellent admonition, what Jordan whom and if you have to debate and

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argue or judge in humility as an argue with them only in the best

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possible manner Akula kolyada was tougher Allah wa salam aleikum wa

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