Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Donkey Carrying Books) Night 24

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Holy Quran provides insight into the actions and outcomes of Islam, as people may not fully benefit from their possession of the Torah. The parable suggests that people may interpret the message of the book as a way to hold onto valuable information and may not fully appreciate its value. The transcript highlights the importance of the Quran for the teachings of the Bible and encourages listeners to be aware of its teachings. The series of disconnected sentences and phrases makes it difficult to summarize the main themes of the transcript.
AI: Transcript ©
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Amen and watch the Serbian emoji line caring as

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all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

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Allah tonkean I'm Sal Wagman mineral Quran Al Karim.

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Call Allahu Allah Allah. Allah bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim

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masa Lulu Deena Han moloto Ratan Bella Mia, Mia elucha

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commercialised hamari. Me Lois Farah. So the COBOL Allah, Allah

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subhanho wa Taala in this parable.

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We example of those who carried the Torah but did not carry it

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are likened to a donkey which carries books.

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Now this famous parable in the Holy Quran is what they call fish

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be who Moroccan it is suddenly which is a compounded simile. In

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other words, it captures much, in a very few words,

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this famous parable of the gross Quran,

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we find reference to those who carried the book, but did not

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carry it. And people they interpret this see, it can imply

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two things. On the one hand, those who had in their hands the Torah,

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because it makes reference to the Torah, the divine scripture

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received by the be Musa, those who had in the hands the Torah

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revealed soon to be Musa Ali salaam, yet, they did not bother

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to understand the contents of his message, and therefore could not

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really access the full benefit of what they had possessed within

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them. In other words, they had a book because they did not bother

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to understand his message, they could not fully benefit from what

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they had in their possession, or

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those who have in their possessions valuable information,

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in this case, divine revelation of the Torah, which provides guidance

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and guidelines for the human beings. Yet those human beings who

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have it did not act upon the guidance at their disposal.

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Therefore, they could not really fully benefit from the Torah which

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you see, they say in order to get a cosafa Rancic Yakuza, you say,

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what does a donkey know the benefit of saffron? To him is like

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red grass. Those who know saffron will know it's very expensive in

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gray, but those who don't know will just think it's the grass

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it's colored maybe in green. Now this kind of parable, masala Rena

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humbleth Terrazza Mala Mia beluga commercial Rahima the middle as

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far as those like donkeys carrying books. This is Cathy categorized,

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specifically as Dutch beaten feeling in other words, a parable

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which draws a concise competitive image that conveys a very clear

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lesson and the Mufasa lien or the interpreters of the Quran, they

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interpret this suddenly to mean human let me rotarod Let me I'm a

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loopy mafia well me I can do my BIA while Masha Bobby Allah Hi

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Kuta guna Duna st father de Mina, in other words,

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these are people who can scripture who have divine guidance at their

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disposal, but neither act upon it nor bother to comprehend it.

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It is like a donkey that may carry valuable beneficial books without

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benefiting whatsoever from the information or the knowledge that

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the books contain which they carry.

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I would like us to reflect on this not so much in the term of Musa

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alayhis salam and his people, but try to look and introspect

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ourselves in our situation from this parable. I would like us to

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critically introspect that we have the Quran, we have divine

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revelation, like the people of Musa had this unique book called

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the Quran the most read book in its original preserve in its

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entirety in its original as revealed to Rasulullah. The most

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interpreted book, the most memorized book, the only book

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which has a science which evolved regarding is the station called

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the Jew in

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this book of Wu Chang Ali Karim Allah which has said, for who

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module Iman?

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To whom are you now? Who are you?

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Worse I feel Islam when Yahoo will od to hackable he thought. He said

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this is the book, the Quran. It's a mine of belief in the center of

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belief. It is a source of knowledge and the ocean of

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knowledge. It is the plantation of Justice and the pools of justice

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is the foundation stone of Islam and the construction of Islam. It

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is the values of truth and the plains of reality. That book of

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which Allah Subhan

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Anwar Allah says in other Khurana yeah dealing with the upon where

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you bus you mean a Latina Yama Luna Salah Anello whom agilone

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Kabira surely the Quran guys to that which is manifest and

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manifest the highest expression of integrity and gives glad tidings

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of a tremendous reward to those who have faith and those who

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manifest that faith in good and beneficial action. This is the

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book of Bucha Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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in a hadith documented by Mattila, Miriam Wahab, Lulu Hill Mateen

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were with the crew Hakeem was robbed from snowpine who will love

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him and call the beast woman hacker maybe either woman Camila

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be here, woman da la da la se la mustachian Is the centering bond

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of Allah which if you hold fast to you will never be divided. It is

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the wide reminder is a wise reminder, it is the straight path.

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Whoever speaks by the Quran speaks the truth. Whoever judged by the

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Quran judges with Justice whoever acts upon the Quran will be duly

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rewarded, and whoever invites to his guidance is himself guided and

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guiding others to the right path.

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This is the value of our Scripture. And as the sage Ibrahim

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Adam said

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in the commentary full Quran from Tamil OB you do know the Quran,

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but you don't act upon it.

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Let us critically reflect for ourselves this Quran

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are we genuinely appreciating the book or are we also neglecting

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appreciation of it? Like the people of Musa de to the Torah

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is the poetry of mahalo Kadri very famous poet he writes about the

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Quran lamenting, he said Can a quick Joe Samy perky Sanaya daata

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eak Barasa Giotto. So Babu Leia jata we speak on behalf of the

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Quran. He says there is no assembly without my recitation.

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And I make you smile once but I made to cry many times the Quran

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says his words he would say Aki that K Dawei are known per day

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right okay. You will be muted which there is worker there. ASAP

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Satya Jetta who is that this is how they call others to my message

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but they themselves follow the laws of others. This is how they

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abused me and this is how they humiliate me.

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Kiss me which go about in the heat kisser ultimate melee Duni PDB

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Malkia larreta who Bucha we call him as loomly He says though all

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the gatherings you go to in any celebration of the Muslims, they

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read me and recite me to begin with me. Yet I feel so lonely and

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no one is oppressed as I am. The Quran tends to say in other words,

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are we genuinely appreciating the book? Or are we also lacking

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appreciation of it? Like the people of moose added to the

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Torah? Secondly, have we lost our status as a leading nation in the

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world as a global civilizational force?

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Because we have lived the Quran and this is a question posed by

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another board Allah Akbar whose is was among me more assisted

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tarbiyah Quran musalman walker or to Karhu a Tarik Quran Walker,

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they do a great because as Muslims they abided by the Quran.

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By chance we have lost the greatness and the grind here

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because we also have lived the Quran. So firstly, are we

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genuinely appreciating the book? Or are we doing other people of

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Musa not really appreciating what we have? Number two, have we lost

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our status? Because little closer third point, we are here in

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long prayer listening to the entire Quran being recited in this

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month of the Quran behind this wonderful father we need to

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actually be Allah reward them. We spent the entire month listen to

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the whole Quran.

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But the pertinent question for us is

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are we acting similar to the people who received the Torah and

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did not carry it? Are we also like masala

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Mala Mia, Mia Lulu commercial Hey, Maria middle as far as are we also

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those who do not really carry the Quran? Because we have it without

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bothering to understand it, appreciating it, reflecting upon

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it and implementing the book which we have at our disposal. May Allah

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grant the grip you have those who are Tabby Quran, the followers of

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the Quran, and not like those who carry it without appreciating it.

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Aquila. Haha, that was the Flula Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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