Sadullah Khan – Nights of Empowerment Parables and Wisdom from the Quran Night 2

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various topics related to Islam, including parables and wisdom, smoking, and the importance of evaluating one's preferences. They also mention the use of cigarette and the potential negative impact on one's health and income. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding negative emotions and staying true to one's beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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Isla Rahmani Raheem Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah

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early he was a big mine.

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We continue our theme for this Ramadan rejada tonkean Umfeld were

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heckling Quran Al Karim nights of empowerment, parables and wisdom

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from the Noble Quran.

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We taking parables or similes or Proverbs, or wisdom gleaned from

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the Glorious Quran in order to gain some ethical insight, to

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highlight some noble virtue to illustrate a valuable principle,

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or obtain some moral lesson in order insha Allah to enhance our

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understanding of Islam, and perchance increase our commitment

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to righteousness and to improving ourselves.

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Now, after making reference to certain divine Some people tend to

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shy away from like standing up for justice or fighting in the cause

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of oppression against the oppressor

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after me, and the statement is I saw into crochet oh hi reluctant

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why Santa Hey boo, che a washer, rude look.

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It may be that you dislike something which is good for you.

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And it may be that you love something, which is actually bad

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for you.

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Now this thought provoking statement has tremendous amount of

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It makes us contemplate on the fact that sometimes those things

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that we most desire,

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some people love to smoke.

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And you see always I remember as a child. And even nowadays, you see

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ads of people smoking is also a always a ruggedly handsome, strong

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man, somewhere in the woods riding a horse taking a puff.

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It makes it look cool somewhat.

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Not really. Smoking cigarettes, for example, is the voluntary

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poisoning of killing oneself. And for example, in America alone

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every year, more people die per year from smoking than from

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alcohol, accidents, AIDS, guns, and illegal drugs combined. But it

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looks cool. And some people love it. You may love it. But it's not

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necessarily good for you, as Malcolm X said, sorry for those

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who are smokers. He said, a cigarette is a cancer stick with

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fire at one end and a full lead the other.

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We may love a particular kind of food filled with high carbs and

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loaded with sugar and fats and salt. It looks good and tastes

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delicious, but maybe tremendously harmful to our health.

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Many youth love to speed,

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speed with the cause,

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choosing to exceedingly brake speed limits,

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they may get a fine, but they could also lose their lives. If

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they lose control of the car. As often happens, I say unto him, we

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shall we shall we will look you may love some things, which are

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not really good for you.

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On the other hand, we may dislike things that are actually good for

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us. Some people dislike to pray.

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They don't realize the solace the divine connectivity, the peace of

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mind, that could come for the restoration of our health or for

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the recovery.

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The wise person realizes that whenever the brittleness of the

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medication, turns him off from the medication, the reality of the

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benefit and the usefulness of the medication makes him take the

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and crocheter

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who I will look you may dislike something, but in actual fact, it

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may be good for you. Either way, it is important for us to evaluate

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why we love what we love, and why we dislike what we dislike,

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because liking and disliking is by preference. And when you have

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preference that means you have choice, you choose to love and you

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choose to dislike

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and therefore we need to evaluate why we like why we choose because

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very often we focus our entire life our health, our earnings or

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income on Tuesday particular things because we are in pursuit

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or something which we love.

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So realize why we prefer what we prefer. We may prefer to drive a

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Rolls Royce or a Toyota

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that old remains the same. Whether you fly by plane or by jet. Your

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destination doesn't change whether you were achieved digit time or

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watch Rolex

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The time is the same time there's no change. Of course, the quality

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of the product is different and we understand that. But what exactly

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do we prefer and why?

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It's unfortunate that sometimes our preferences are linked to

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either competing with friends,

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or doing a other people or impressing other people. That is

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why so many of us so often buy things we don't truly need. With

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money. We don't actually have to impress people who don't. There

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are people from whom we were distant before, but now they may

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be closer to us. They may have become our friends. And how many

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friends are there? Who were friends of ours who are no longer

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friends anymore? And that's why

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you must heed the advice a gnarly karma Allah wa just said, Habib

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Habib, aka who nama Assa ye Hakuna buggy the key yo mama,

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what was he the que yo mama I say Hakuna Habiba. Yo Mama. Habib

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Habib aka yo mama,

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mama, like whom you like with you caution?

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Because Sunday, that person may become your opponent will overheat

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body the clay yamasa Hakuna Habiba Yama and dislike whom you dislike

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with due caution, because someday, they may become your close

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friends. Good. The seemingly bad things may seem the way they seem,

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but they are not the way they see, the seemingly good and the

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seemingly bad are not always what they see. Point number two, just

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because you like something or love something does not mean it's good

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for you. And if it's not good for you, you just stop loving it or

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engaging in it. Just because you love something or like something

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does not mean it's good for you. And just because you dislike

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something does not mean that it's bad for you. And thirdly, the

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admonition of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in

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relation to things that we love. He said in a hadith documented in

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Shama, Imam Muhammad Rasul Allah says allah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said he mashita in a coma yet, Wahhabi mashita in a coma

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Farakka Ramana Maharshi for in Nikka Mutsumi Rasul said, Live as

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you wish. But remember, someday you must die. Live as you wish.

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Someday you must die. Do whatever you want to do. But remember,

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Sunday you will be held accountable and paid back for it

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and love whatever you love. But Be rest assured, someday you will be

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separated from that which you love. Akula kolyada was tougher

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Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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