Sadullah Khan – Legacy of Badr
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The Battle of Nettyvink was recognized as the beginning of Islam, providing opportunities for learning and leadership in winning victory. The episode highlights the importance of faith and support for faithful, especially in the darkest hours of one's life. A conflict between Muslims and counterparts in Yemen led to the loss of thousands of people and negative consequences, leading to a "bringing crisis" that led to the loss of the battle and negative consequences. The loss of people and negative consequences led to a "bringing crisis."
AI: Summary ©
bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al
hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.
We are on the eve of the 17th of Ramadan.
And 14 142 years ago on this day,
an epic battle took place,
the monumental battle of either
the first major battle in Islam
and a turning point in the history of the Ummah,
a distinguishing day in the legacy of Islam,
a day mentioned by name in the Quran as Yeoman Furqan yomo
tackled Gemma on a day of criterion, the day on which the
two armies met.
And as we take gurus army come in a spirit in Namibia, profound
lessons from the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa early
was seldom
we realized that the battle of whether provides complex lessons
on many levels social, political, spiritual, military, tactical, and
at a humanitarian level. And therefore Of course, there are
numerous lessons we can learn from the legacy of the Battle of buzzer
suffice it for us to reflect upon three of those.
Remember the Prophet sallallahu ala was selling him and his family
and his companions had hardly migrated from Mecca to Medina.
They were a few months in Medina
and the Mexican army of approximately 1000 well armed army
seasoned fighters came to attack the Muslims in Medina
and that is when the battle of whether to place Muslims in
defense of the faith after having been persecuted and come to
Medina, some were still in Abyssinia.
And it was the first time that Muslims were given permission to
take up arms. Up till this time. There were numerous Ayat even on
jihad, but not related to guitar not related to fighting. And then
a verse was revealed about taking up arms over in any levena ukata
Luna be unknown Lulu we're in Allah Allah nursery him la Kadir,
a Latina woman Dr. In behind the hurricane in La Jolla, kulambu.
Nola, permission to fight is now given to you
who are fighting against those who are attacking them. Because those
who are being attacked the believers have been wronged.
And surely Allah is able to give victory to the believers.
The lesson we get from this first part about the ordinary Lavina
about the permission for battle. Muslims who are peaceful, you
don't take up arms. But after 13 years in Makkah, under Qureshi,
persecution, ostracization, victimization, exclusion,
oppression, property, confiscation,
and even attempted character assassination and assassination of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and now there was a
declaration of war. And therefore, the Muslims had to defend their
faith. So the first battle that took place was a defensive battle,
not one of attacking, and Allah gave permission for Muslims to
take up arms for the first time.
A second lesson we learned in any leadership situation, whether in
business, whether in institutions, whether on the battlefield,
whether in a company whether in a school,
in any leadership situation, we find the leader, the followership
and the situation. Just having a good leader, depending what the
leader is leading, and depending who is leading, and depending on
the circumstances, you may have an excellent Imam, but doesn't mean
you make a good manager, you may have a great manager doesn't mean
him a great Imam or a principal for that matter. So depending on
the condition, so leadership depends on leader, the
followership and the situation which is being led or that
requires leading and for leadership to be effective. The
right leader for the particular set situation with dedicated
people leads to success. Now Muslims here we're not fighting a
well trained army. By the way, don't forget, these were migrants
who came from Mecca to Medina, some of them live in the property,
some of the families who still over there.
So they came with nothing. They came here trying to establish
themselves. They were like refugees in this place, you know,
and now there's an army attacking them, and a well trained army of
1000 people.
And it's very easy to lose heart in such a situation
and one of the companions, the great companion of YOLO, and MC
dad been Amaroo Bharani. Originally from Hadramaut in
Yemen. He assured the Prophet
Tama me today had been Amaroo for Karla ya rasool Allah, in the Lima
Allah Allah Fernando Mark,
do what Allah has commanded you proceed, we are with you Wallahi
learner kulula Kumar call it blue Israel in the Musa il hub and Tara
Buka Cadila in Na Hoona car I don't we will not say to you what
the followers of Moses said to him, you and your Lord go in
fight. We shall be watching and sitting in our seats, but we say
to you well I can now call in have a replica for Katella we say to
you, you and your Lord going fight for naganuma Can McCarthy alone
and we shall be fighting with you together. Now no mark Makati
alone, nothing is more empowering. And in a world of in a world full
of betrayal. Today, nothing is more empowering than faith and the
support of the faithful, especially in the darkest hours of
your lives. When things may seem hopeless, the most valuable thing
at that time. The most valuable asset in those times of difficulty
is to have the assurance of those who are near and dear to you. For
if they betray you in that hour. You really feel hopeless,
sometimes you more disappointed about them not supporting you,
then the hardship you're facing. And the third lesson among the
many lessons 313 members who could only muster 313 men, the best he
could do. These were the truest heroes of Islam. They overcame
1000 Fighting formidable army three times the size, where the
odds were stacked absolutely heavily against them. While a
cadet nasaga Kamala will be battling one to Avila for the Kula
halala contest Quran Allah says, Allah helped you better when you
were an insignificant group of people. No small number in other
words, so be conscious of Allah, that you may show gratitude. The
lesson of other among the many lessons about this situation of
313 against 1000 is a great example for us from this history.
That teaches us victory depends not on numbers come in three
Utting Cadila in halibut three, attend cathedra tambien nila, how
often have a few seemingly insignificant group of people
overcome a mighty force. Allah is with those who patiently
persevere, you see the struggle for truth, the struggle for
goodness and for justice, which many of our Muslim leaders in the
Middle East don't seem to know at all.
The struggle for truth for goodness and justice is always
about the quality of people, and the goodness that they stand for
the quality of the person leading the quality of the people and the
quality of what you are standing for.
Rather than the amount of people rather than the amount of
believers don't forget at her name, the Muslims for the first
time outnumber the enemies. And the Muslims were running at the
beginning of that battle. We almost lost the battle at buttons.
They were few in number. So it's not about numbers, rather than the
amount of believers who fought it was the quality of people and
quality, always times quantity of Kulu kolyada was the federal law
was salam. aleikum wa rahmatullah