Sadullah Khan – Jumuah 28 10 16

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The history and importance of Islam are discussed, including its use of words to describe actions and the importance of belief and sharing experiences to build a larger Church. The umment of the Prophet Muhammad sallahu was allam, but the um Memphis was born as a global community of faith. The importance of promoting a culture of dialogue and listening to different perspectives to improve one's faith is emphasized, along with avoiding confusion and not being a Muslim individual or group. The segment also touches on the importance of avoiding false assumptions and not creating confusion.
AI: Transcript ©
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all the blame in the ship on the regime Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al

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Hamdulillah Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he

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was he was so happy when or whether

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all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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in the middle. fastly Holbein Hawaii con what taka La Jolla La

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La come to Ramon so the Kola Allah Eulalia

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are all in Libby Habib Al Mustafa Salah to La he was said he was

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early beta he was RB

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method want me to feed him with our homie he Mata out of him

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method which

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is to come in or go into Gaza who's sorry will come I'll call to

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in the name of Allah most Gracious most Merciful. All praise is due

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to our creator or cherishing or nourishing our Sustainer we bear

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witness there's none worthy of worship but Allah will be a

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witness. We believe in all the prophets who came in the great

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line of divine And we bear witness Prophet Muhammad Ali Abdullah

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa he was happy he was one of them, is

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the final of all the emissaries of Allah.

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Allah ma for Quran,

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principals, teachers, elders, brothers and sisters, to Spirit

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youth agreed to the Islamic universal greeting of peace. May

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the peace the mercy and the blessings of Allah be upon each

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and everyone present. A Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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Hamdulillah. We are followers of a comprehensive way of life. A demon

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shaman, didn't come,

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brought to comprehensive fruition by the final final messenger to

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determine the been Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam who conveyed to humanity a well preserved revelation, a

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revelation for humanity at large as a huddled in us until the end

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of time.

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Islam that way of life seeks to attract the hearts and minds of

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people towards the truth.

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He does this by means of reasoning, by good moral example,

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the emphasizing of Justice, the universal applicability of its

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ethos and the natural beauty of his principles. And all muslims or

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muslims are repeat. All Muslims are members of the human family,

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which are the best of creation.

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Acts Anita cream is Allah says, and each human being by virtue of

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being knew of a human being human being is considered as honorable

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welcome Lavinia Adam

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was in that

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bond of family, the family of humanity, they exist the

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fraternity of believers. But Allah The first was,

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in the verses of the Quran was an example, who are bound by the

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ideology of Islam,

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a philosophy a religion, a way of life,

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which leads culmination in the mission of Rasulullah, but which

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in essence, in principle, was perpetuated and passed on to us

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throughout the history by all the prophets in essence, it reach,

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culmination and fruition in the mission of Rasulullah sallallahu

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wasallam. But all the prophets in essence, told the fundamentals of

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the very same faith.

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So Rasul Allah did not start Islam, but rather brought it to

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comprehensive fruition by receiving the last revelation as

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he was the last in the line of prophets and remains the example

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until the end of time. So we as the Ummah, as the whole,

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constitute a global community of faith, a community that transcends

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the barriers of race, that transcends the barriers of

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nationality, of color, of language, of gender, of ethnicity,

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of culture, and of time.

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And not only that, we are supposed to be an American, wider

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a single global community, by bound by the larger principles of

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our faith.

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We were never intended to be a community divided on end due to

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our differences which have existed which do exist and which will

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continue to exist. And therefore Allah says in Surah Surah, in

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the believing fertility the believing people, they are the

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believers as a whole or a fertility.

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Firstly obey now where you can

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make extra money, conciliation. Now you can't reconcile unless you

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have differences. If you are at idle, as they say in law of the

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same mind, there's nothing to reconcile you only reconcile,

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which is reconcilable, you can only reconcile, which is

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reconcilable even in Islamic law and in Roman Dutch law, when this

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irretrievable breakdown for example, in the marriage is

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irreconcilability, then you go apart, but you reconcile with

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reconciliation is possible and the groundwork in the framework is

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there for it. So in the middle, we know Firstly,

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make reconciliation within that fraternity. What the hula hula on

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the moon and be ever conscious of Allah, ever dutiful to Allah.

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And be fully aware that if you do so that you may be graced with his

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abundant and eternal mercy.

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So the Ummah

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is distinguished by being followers of Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in abiding by the Quran is a final

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revelation, and the general principles of our faith.

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The OMA is distinguished by what we share and what we agreed upon

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regarding the fundamentals of our faith.

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The Ummah is not distinguished, by the way we differ among ourselves

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on secondary issues. Hence the admonition in the Quran, to be

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cautious, not to create division and allow for the fragmentation of

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people of faith.

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We will never intended to be a community bogged down in

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disputations and discord.

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In fact, the overarching attitude and advice of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which comes across in numerous

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method, meaning if Etowah him the one I mentioned at the beginning

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of the talk, the solidarity of believers in the mutual love

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in their mercy and sympathy. Is that, like your body is an organ

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or any part of the body aches, the rest of the body sympathizes with

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it. It's a sleeplessness and fever.

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So as Muslims, we acknowledge that all those considered as part of

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the Islamic faith by the vast majority of Muslims

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throughout history will be treated by Muslims as Muslims. And we

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acknowledge the fact that differences there are differences

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they have been and differences, they will continue to be.

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But the person does not overtly

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deny the fundamentals of our faith. Such a person is deemed our

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brother and our sustained faith without prejudice.

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We can hold no such person under suspicion.

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Since we have been commanded in the same Surah avoid suspicion, eg

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Stoneybrook has been in the back of one, avoid much of suspicion,

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for some suspicion himself can be lie.

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We are obligated to honor people with a duty of a muslim taking

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seriously the injunction of the rasool Allah Allah Salam Hadith

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documented the muster of Imam Muhammad the humble as well as a

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Muslim Muslim women Saleemul Muslim woman discern the way the

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Muslim is that person from his words and deeds all other Muslims

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are safe. Well minimal I mean, who knows him while I'm while him

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unfussy him and then what Bill is everyone in whom humanity at

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large, even beyond the Muslim find safety and security regarding the

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life the honor and the property? Thus no Muslim should find any

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excuse to wantonly make any Muslim individual or group irrespective

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of the school of thought, the deliberate subject of attack, or

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the focus of unwarranted negative attention.

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The positive attitude of a Muslim towards another is encapsulated in

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the prophetic guidance as a Muslim a whole Muslim lie of him who

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while I have lived who was through a toque, Hula, hula

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the has been the minister, a young, Muslim, cultural Muslim or

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Muslim haram on the Mohammed who Hadith in the masjid of Imam

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Muhammad, humble, and Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, he

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neither oppressing nor humiliating, nor looks down upon

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him, and piety is here. And there also said Allah who is, according

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to this report, pointed three times to his heart. It is a

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serious evil for a Muslim, that he should look down upon his fellow

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Muslim, or things of a Muslim, inviolable

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For his birthday faith, his blood, his wealth, and his integrity for

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lasting harmony and understanding starts from within the community.

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And then that could spread the same respect towards those beyond

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our immediate community. How would How would other people take a

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community seriously, which must understand components of itself,

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and thereby sometimes misrepresenting each other? We

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should recognize that is submitting to Allah. Building a

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whole sub and harmonious wholesome community is one of our primary

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objectives. We should confirm the importance of promoting a culture

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of dialogue within our faith community. Allah calls upon the Al

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Kitab. Among the Christians with element of shitcan they believe.

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It doesn't mean we agree with the views, but it has an approach, an

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ecumenical approach of openness of inviting of engaging despite a

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distinct element of Schick among the Christians who are considered

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closest to us, according to the Quran, despite the belief being so

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distant from us, as far as the hate is concerned. So we should

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affirm the importance of listening to and learning from differing

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perspectives. We should attempt to explain our own perspective and do

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so in a more dignified manner, intelligible and in offensive.

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We are concerned globally about the rising tide of fanaticism. And

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sometimes we have to answer for the fanaticism of other people as

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if it emanates from our faith.

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We are concerned about the rising tide of fanaticism, the

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preponderance of violence in the name of our faith, growing

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interfaith resentment, increasing interfaith intolerance.

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And this,

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to me somewhat signifies a substantial departure from the

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revered path of what's the theme of moderation.

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I advise myself

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and all of us Inshallah, that we affirm the importance of listening

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to differing views, learning from other perspectives, so that we can

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value Islamic plurality as a factor that enriches our

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communities, as he has done throughout history. We should

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commit ourselves to engage in dialogue when necessary and

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possible with sincerity and patience, and such engagement

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should not be with anger and discusses discourtesy

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and without considering those things that dif that we differ

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about as insurmountable barriers to our our brotherhood

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You see, our identities Islam

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because we are too caught up in Salafi and Sufi and Sunni and chi

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and Barelvi and Deobandi, we somehow lose be all of that no

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problem with being calling yourself whatever you call

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yourself and justifying why you are Salafi and why sooner to call

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yourself. Defer to Salah for soon, whatever you call ourselves,

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whatever be be what you be sent me couta is Allah my bosses? But

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armacell Man Do you to say you'd be home in his RV or have a hobby

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or some Eco Ciabatta? You're all of these things, but show me Are

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you muslim as well? If you were you would have no barrier to

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finding a Muslim as your brother Muslim. Because you emphasize your

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culture, or your mother or your then you find people I'm a Sufi,

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no problem, by definition that you have the problem with the Salafi

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or whatever it may be. It shouldn't be like that. It's

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almost camps by brother, Muslim brother raise a Sufi or Salafi

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whether it's salami standing or sitting doesn't matter.

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I may defer I will discuss it we'll debate

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and argue we have to go out there and belittle him because of our

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differences. We are so fragmented, over 10 million Muslims have left

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Muslim land to go to so called Cousar lands for safety and

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security while the Muslim world watches by.

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This is the time for us to get involved in secondary says the

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house is burning.

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And we worried about the menu that you're serving for supper.

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our identity is Islam. Our allegiance is to Allah. Our guide

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is the Quran, our leaders, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam, every Muslim brother, who's considered Muslim by the

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consensus. I don't mean people who are deviant people who come with a

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new faith. I'm saying Muslims have been considered as Muslims

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throughout history, but a large majority of scholars, every Muslim

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is my brother, and every human being my family, and the whole of

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the universe is my responsibility. That's how a global citizen things

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we have to take a holistic look and the foundational message of

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Quran the foundational message, the exemplary lessons taught by

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the Rasul Allah, Allah He, he was Harvey was in the essential moral

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priorities of the individual believer and the ethical

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parameters that universally guide believers in interacting with

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among themselves and with others. We come from a tradition with an

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Muslim, a young fella he never knew the it's not halal. Basically

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put it bluntly, it is haram for you to even look at your brother.

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Look at him was the look that he finds displeasing, even if you

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didn't intend it is haram for you to look at your brother, what's

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the look that you find just pleasing? How five we deviated

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from that? How much you know implementing at the expense of so

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much other sunnah, sunnah,

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supposedly, so ours is the religion of peace is always said

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the culture of violence. I was the philosophy of love, not an

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attitude of hate. Our Deen started a civilization. There's something

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which I said of boast or even above my faith. It's a historical

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reality. In fact,

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our deal started a civilization which sparked the Renaissance.

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It's not a doctrine that promotes destruction. Ours is a faith of

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inclusivity that embrace the Al Kitab not a narrow minded theology

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that excommunicate its own people.

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We should I believe,

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be committed not to wantonly make any Muslim individual or group the

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of our tax. If there are differences that speak

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if people highlight things a cause problem,

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engage and try to neutralize that. But we ask Allah to protect us

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from those who make the universal ever relevant Islam, a cause of

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major conflict by by infighting over insignificant issues, who

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turn minor points of difference into major ideological conflicts,

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said you all have this in the name of Islam. And as always remind

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ourselves, we are weakened bow divisions, and our enemies are

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strengthened by our disunity.

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It is in the greater interest of our Ummah, specifically at this

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crucial and perilous stage of our history. It is in the interest of

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the Ummah, to foster and promote conciliation, not agitation to

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promote calmness, not incitement to promote friendship, hostility,

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let's focus on what unites us rather than harping on what

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divides us, because we are weakened by these

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kind of engagements much strengthened by it. Let us purge

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ourselves from grudges and suspicion. Let's not become

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reckless, not that any of us may be of any political forces of

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outside influences when something happens in some part of the world.

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Suddenly we get fighting over murder because some financial

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somewhere else may be involved in something and now we jump at their

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best. I don't see it happening. I'm just saying it happens in some

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parts of the world,

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ourselves from grudges and suspicion.

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Let us purge ourselves from grudges and suspicion, find ways

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and occasions for elevating rancor and hatred, to time for the new

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to near ones in D ones amongst ourselves and the fostering of

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love for those of our faith. That's also Allahu alayhi wasallam

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one said,

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Shall I inform you

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about that? Which is better than degree than prayer and fasting and

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charity? To Dr. Silva tell us what is it? It's laughable that a lot

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of miracle of the mean directly crme was

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shall inform you. Well, I will tell us, Islam for that has been

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reconciliation. Because

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chaos among yourself. Alienation among yourself. fighting amongst

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yourself is like cutting your own throat. We are always encouraged

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to work towards a resolution rather than dissolution. For

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soulful reconciliation is always best Akula call Jada was the

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federal law the movie welcome was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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