Sadullah Khan – Easter & Atonement in Perspective

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Bible is essential in shaping people, as it provides witnessing actions and words. Atonement and redemption are referred to as actions taken by others, and "verbal" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "has done" and "
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Lucha commander Rahim Al Hamdulillah

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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he was early hooked

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up in a thought he didn't Well I was happy he'll moonta JB in our

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Allah Jimmy MB mousseline

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Allahu taala. For the Quran dilemma G they will for Kenyan

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Hamid by the old ministry upon your regime law you can leave for

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law who enough son in law Usaha Lucha Maka Sabbath, what are they

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hammock Tessa but Robina Allah in nesina

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So the Kola will allow them in the name of Allah, most Gracious, most

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or playzee due to our Creator, our cherish, our nourishing our

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Sustainer we bear witness, there's none worthy of worship but Allah,

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we bear witness, we believe in all the prophets who came in the great

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line of divine And we bear witness the Prophet Muhammad, Abdullah

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa, he was happy he was, is the final

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of all the emissaries of Allah.

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The respected elders, or Allah, or far, brothers and sisters,

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they are those who are not of the Muslim faith who have come to

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listen to the lecture today because it's gonna be something

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about Easter as well as the Muslim perspective on that. And to all

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those outsiders who are here for the medicine. I greet you are the

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Islamic universal greeting of peace, may the peace the mercy and

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the blessings of Allah be upon each and every one present here at

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this auspicious time of Jumeirah in this house of Allah, in this

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most beautiful city in the world, as it you are Salam aleykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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It is with great sadness that we noted this week, the burning of a

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place of worship, because he drove it was burnt Cathedral of Notre

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Dame in in Paris,

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a place of worship that was burned and of course when any place of

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worship is damaged.

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We feel empathy with those who frequent these places of worship.

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As Muslims it's an article of faith for us to believe in all the

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those who have been mentioned specifically in the Quran 25 of

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them and there are many others are Roussillon Casasola why they come

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in Kabul will Rasul Allah Noxus Malik and there are many prophets

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were not mentioned in the Holy Quran. We review all of them and

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among them recited Sudan, Jesus peace be upon him. He is

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recognized as a great prophet of Islam. We revere his exemplary

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role, we honor and revere his mother who holds a special place

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in Islam. An entire chapter titled after marry in the Quran. We

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acknowledge the honorable epithets we find of Isa Ali Salaam in the

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Holy Quran, among them is Nabhi as a prophet Rasul a messenger of

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Allah. When I saw you in the righteous Kadima to Allah, the

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word of Allah, Muhammad Allah from the spirit of ALLAH. Of course,

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he's also I told the nurse, a positive sign and symbol for

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humanity, and of course, Rama to Mina, a mercy from the Almighty YG

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Humphrey dunya will Akira eminent in this world in the Hereafter,

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and of course, most unique of all the Messiah, the Messiah to come

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at the end of time.

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This weekend, millions of Christians around the world

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commemorate the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus or ISA

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Ali Salam.

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And though Muslims except a silent Salam, as mentioned as a great

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prophet, revere him and example the mother and believe that He is

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the Messiah, we do not accept it's part of our faith, the major

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concepts that are central to the commemoration of Easter.

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There are three key points one is crucifixion.

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The second one is the resurrection. And the third one is

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redemption or atonement.

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As for crucifixion,

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according to Muslim belief, a Saudi Salam went through

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tremendous trials and tribulation, all the opposition that he went,

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he was betrayed by those, some of those around him all that we

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accept, but the notion of him being crucified, who Amata Lu, who

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were masala was neither crucified, nor was he killed.

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he was saved from being killed by his enemies and detractors and not

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having died. He could therefore not have been resurrected, because

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there must be death, for resurrection to take place. Slow

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Death, no crucifixion, no resurrection.

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And then the notion of this death and the resurrection has

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To receive the added connotation that he died and gained life

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again. And through His death is atonement for the sins of

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everybody who believes in Him and who follow Him.

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In Islam,

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nobody dies for the sins of anyone else, are you sadly Salam did not

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die for anybody sins. And Muslims believe as part of an integral

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part and in an inherent part of our faith, that each person will

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be held individually accountable before Allah for his or her own

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action, and therefore individually responsible for our own salvation.

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Therefore, we cannot and should not rely on anyone else.

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Knowing that human beings do sin, and sins are those actions,

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which we deliberately incur by our choice of actions. And therefore,

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we are responsible, therefore, at the same time to be held

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personally accountable for it.

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So there's no notion of redemption for sins by someone else.

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And if you do good, it is to own benefit, if we do wrong is to our

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own detriment in our San Tomas and 2 million. We're in Kampala.

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At the same time, the notion of individual accountability from a

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Yamame is called as

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well my yarn Yamame is called inshallah Euro. Each will be

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rewarded according to deeds. And those deeds are premised on the

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intention that precedes them, as we know, in the Dharma Bindy yard.

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In Islam, there's no notion of atonement, or redemption for one

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sin but another.

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And Allah subhanaw taala clearly states law you can live Allah Who

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enough son in law was Lamarca, but what are they?

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No person can bear the burden of another. And Allah does not give

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you a burden to be more than you can be. And no one will be held

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accountable for the other, each according to the deeds the good

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you do, you incur the benefit of the wrong you do you bear the

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So let us begin to understanding this whole notion of atonement and

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forgiveness. And redemption. From Islamic perspective is equal to

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the power

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of thought in the wobble as you said in a hadith documented by the

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mama Telemedia, all human beings commit wrong and sin and the Best

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of those who sin are those who sincerely repent.

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And the almighty captures the human ingredients necessary for

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attaining Taqwa that highest level, the pinnacle of human

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achievement, in the estimation of Allah in economic Mengele at

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Cochon, for attaining that piety, Allah brings to attention some

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essential elements for that kind of Felicity and that kind of

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success. In Hadith in reverse, sorry, in Surah Toba, Allah says a

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typo in the lobby doing the harm you do in your own rock your own

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aside, you do not you do not build my roof when Hoonah Anil bunker

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will have you learn how to do dilla Bashir glad tidings.

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And then Allah mentions a whole series of categories attack a

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boon. Those who turned to Allah in repentance Allah be Doom, those

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who submit to Allah and Jaime doom. Those who's who, who praise

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Allah thankful, express direct you to Allah, assert your own those

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one spiritual journey towards him. Some says he first to those who

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are fasting. Others say no say your own means spiritual wayfarers

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who on the pathway to Allah, a rock your own Assad, you dune

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those who bow in prostrate but it begins with a brunette Avi dune.

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It begins with those who tend to Allah in repentance.

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So the first characteristic mentioned by Allah in this verse,

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for those who are attaining for the city and those who attained

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velocity is Toba repentance, as if to indicate that the first step

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towards attaining this kind of Felicity and success emanates from

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the notion of Toba. The word Toba as we know come from the word tava

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tuber meaning to turn

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and you're to boil Allah, we turn to Allah in repentance, and Allah

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is at the work, he responds to those who turned to him asking for

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repentance. And therefore, it implies that we re orientate

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ourselves towards the divine because whenever we sin, we are

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disoriented from the Divine. So Toba means we calibrate ourselves

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and re orientate ourselves to the Divine and Towba therefore, is

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regarded as a major pathway to rectify in one's life. A major

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pathway to rectifying one's life acknowledging your

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wrong, admitting you're wrong, and then trying to do something to

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repair that wrong, sincere repentance and moving away. And

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then that pathway to rectifying one's life is also the gateway to

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salvation and the atonement for one's sins, of the dying of any

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profit or any worldly or any interview.

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May Allah be pleased with all of

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the poet writes.

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Which Eva Alina Hamilton zombie

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who Jeeva in Isla, homage to them be was ill to authority Illa Maka

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borrow to adopt Kuba Baca booster G Ron, we're mortal Iran. We're

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moving towards Iran. Darker.

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The old

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Kerbin Well, let's take a route to mcru been darker. For to lake Toba

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mantra, Mantra who can do more rock the boat says oh Hola. Hola

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responded to those who ask. I carry my sins with me and make my

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pathway towards you. With my sins I come to your Allah. I come to

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knock at your door seeking refuge. Regretfully, apologizing

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expectantly hopeful of your satisfaction and your pleasure.

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I call upon you Allah, only lever of distress. A one who responds

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and does not cause the one who asked

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to ask him been beautiful. I do not attend to you Allah, because

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you are the reliever of the stress. You are the one who

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responds and does not cause the one who asked you to turn to you

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in vain.

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We must realize

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that this is a plea as the poet says, I turned to you Allah

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therefore in the Stober drowning in tears in my privacy while no

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one else notices me.

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So we must realize that we turn to Allah to make dua, we always say,

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when you want Allah to speak, you read the Quran. When you want to

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speak to Allah you make dua,

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we must realize that you make dua, when you call upon Allah in our

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own need in our times of distress. Or we express gratitude to the

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Almighty or simply call upon Allah to feel the comfort of the Divine

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You always remember the DUA depends a lot on the sincerity of

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intention on the class. And to make sure his purity of the reason

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why you asking for what you're asking, can you imagine someone

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that will make dua to curse someone else? How often the Rasul

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was asked to curse people, even when they were stoning him.

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When they were stoning him, in Thai, if they said curse these

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people, Allah will turn the mountains upon them, sending them

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a limb of asteroid or iron into my bath to Ramadan. I have not been

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sent to curse people. I've been sent his mercy.

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But at the same time, neither Isa Jesus peace be upon him no Musa al

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Islam, no other Sula, as revered as they are, in our estimation.

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When we make dua, we ask Allah and we ask him Allah alone, he Yuck,

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but you're gonna stay.

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And throughout the Quran, Allah encourages the believers to call

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upon him. He asked us to lay our dreams, our hopes, our fears and

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uncertainties before him, and to be shared to be sure that he hears

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our plea, a lady was completely against her husband. And Allah

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documents that plea in a society where women were not heard of

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heard, were ignored, or second class citizens. Allah says in the

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opening of Jews Surah Majora Carter Sami Allah colinearity to

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judge the look of his odia Allah has the pity of a woman who was

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arguing against her husband, who was oppressing him.

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we turn to Allah and Allah encourages us to call upon him, he

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asked us to lay our dreams our hopes, our fears and uncertainties

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before him. And to be sure that he he is openly will call the only

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strategy block Mala is asked me I will respond and very important to

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notice. There are particular terminology in particular names

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that are linked concept is amanu aminu Salah faith with action.

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You find Allah before the rain. Send me on Halim Rahmani Raheem.

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When he speaks about do

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and responding to to

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Allah always links will Jeep and Calib the one who responds because

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he's close to you. Example, we'll call Ronnie STG Bloxom asked me

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and I will turn to you. Allah is close to us. You don't need an

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Well hello hello hello in Santa we're not allowed to watch which

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will be enough to

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lay him in Hublin will lead we are close to you, we know even the

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whispers within your soul. Allah says We know even we created you

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and we know even the whispering of your soul

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and we are closer to you than your jugular vein. In other words, we

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are closer to you than even the rest of your life.

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Allah makes us aware, to call upon him and beyond that, about his

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proximity and closeness. And if Allah says, first step for you

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seek forgiveness of Allah Houma to really intend to him in repentance

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in Robbie kyriba Mooji surely Allah your Lord, is Kareem is near

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and he responds.

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When he's asked Allah Kariba the unmee for in Nikoli whenever you

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call upon Allah, Allah says I'm close to you, Kareem puji Buddha

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Orthodox, immediate after colleague the word Allah's

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response so when you carry body I need for in nuclear puji Buddha

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our to die is at the end, when you call upon me. I'm close to you in

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a response to those who call upon

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to moderate inshallah is also the 15th Night Eve of Shabbat or the

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nice Shabbat in the authentic hadith we have documented but at

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the brawny

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you're told you Allah azza wa jal Allah hulky Lillington this Misha

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ban fire fury Jamia ha wish we can only shine

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on the night of the murder of Shaban which is tomorrow evening

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Allah looks at his creation and forgives all of them. Except, of

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course, there are many a hadith that people add about Nisha man,

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this is one which is definitely authentic. So do understand that

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sometimes there are additional report which may not be of the

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highest degree of authenticity, but this one is accepted as

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authentic by the majority of scholars, the vast majority of

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So he says Allah on this eve looks at his creation and forgives them

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all their sins by two things Allah mentions to be cautious of

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machinery and machinery.

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So there are three points I want us to briefly look at. When he

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talks about the history.

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There is definitely significance to the neck of the Nissan Shaban

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because he's mentioned in an authentic hadith. And on this

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hadith, particularly some of the great orlimar in Islamic history,

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agree mama Shafi mimosa, you mama so yo te mommy be Tamia, you mama

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never we have all corroborated the authenticity of this ideal and

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even written about this particular Hadith. The second point is the

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forgiveness of Allah, all human beings

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and the Best of those who are those who repent. Some people feel

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so helpless and hopeless because of sins in despair, the spirit of

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forgiveness of Allah, he's Rahmani Raheem, the Most Compassionate,

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the Most Merciful. Yes, we should be ashamed of our sins, but each

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one worry about them. We are too busy focusing focusing on other

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people's sins too bad man should I be who I know you'll be last Glad

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Tidings to that person who's more concerned about his own faults

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than focusing on the faults of other people.

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threatenings on those who are more concerned about their own faults

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than bothering about the faults of other people.

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At the web, he's the one who turns to those who responds to those who

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repent. It's also for the forgiving, we're staffing up the

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consumer to Boulais. See forgiveness for Allah from Allah

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in Turkey in europei Rahim who will do this way this is is and

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the Most Compassionate, the most loving, more loving than anything

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that can be loving, in rugby, Raheem moon, third point in this

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hadith, we also want one is importance of the light. Second

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one is about forgiveness. Third one is avoid shame. And to be able

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to shine.

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Shield, associating partners with Allah is a major shift. And Moshe,

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when are those people who are excessively argumentative? They

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argue about everything. Or they cause friction between people. And

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the more apt definition, those who create hatred or hatefulness,

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towards others.

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This ASR is that I will be speaking about the same document

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but if they are saccade, it has come down to us and yes it and

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Allah knows best. In quantum when he was heavy. He told his

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companions he Sahaba he said, income to me when he was RB 14 Who

00:19:39 --> 00:19:42

unphysical either either what you will about dominant nurse, if you

00:19:42 --> 00:19:46

are truly told his companions, if you are truly my brothers, and you

00:19:46 --> 00:19:49

are truly my companions, then condition yourself in such a way

00:19:50 --> 00:19:55

against animosity towards people against avoiding the hurting of

00:19:55 --> 00:19:57

people and spreading hatred amongst people.

00:20:00 --> 00:20:04

So in conclusion, as much as we revere all the prophets of Allah

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may Allah be pleased with all of it. They are each and every one of

00:20:08 --> 00:20:12

them models of excellence. And as much as you honor Isa Jesus peace

00:20:12 --> 00:20:16

be appalling resolve the salon, the Messiah, the Messiah will

00:20:16 --> 00:20:21

believe it either he nor anyone else can atone for our sins.

00:20:23 --> 00:20:26

And therefore the advice of asylees can be done to us in

00:20:26 --> 00:20:34

wartime or Malik en in baby Osaka, is Ali salaam, say Kamata, while

00:20:34 --> 00:20:38

the una casa de que tu for our own welcome Arthur moolah Karateka.

00:20:38 --> 00:20:43

Taha Moon Welcome to Kaduna mill Hawa Janus Casa de Viola home in

00:20:43 --> 00:20:44


00:20:45 --> 00:20:50

As you humble yourself to Allah, so will Allah elevate you, as you

00:20:50 --> 00:20:54

humble yourself, so shall you be elevated. As you show mercy and

00:20:54 --> 00:20:58

forgiveness. Allah will be merciful and forgiving to you. And

00:20:58 --> 00:21:04

as you strive to meet the needs of the struggling people, Allah will

00:21:04 --> 00:21:08

come to your assistance when you are in need. In the Hadith, in the

00:21:08 --> 00:21:13

more problematic, it is reported. As Ali Salam said Allah knows

00:21:13 --> 00:21:20

best. He said, that hadith Hadees Killa Phatak suku Luba for indel

00:21:20 --> 00:21:25

Kullberg Cassia bitumen Allah baldachin that Allah Moon well

00:21:25 --> 00:21:26

that on the roof is the newbie

00:21:28 --> 00:21:31

or BB one roofie Huck and Nicola need

00:21:32 --> 00:21:33

to speak much,

00:21:34 --> 00:21:37

except that you intersperse it with the remembrance of Allah

00:21:37 --> 00:21:40

don't speak so much that you forget in your speech,

00:21:40 --> 00:21:41

consciousness of Allah.

00:21:42 --> 00:21:45

Because if you do so, your hearts will become hardened.

00:21:47 --> 00:21:52

Surely, a heart that is hard, is distance from the Divine.

00:21:53 --> 00:21:57

And you may not even realize that you're distancing yourself.

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Do not look at the faults of others, like you are an overload.

00:22:04 --> 00:22:08

Look at the faults of others, as if you all Overlord, rather like a

00:22:08 --> 00:22:13

servant. Look at false including your own as a humble worship.

00:22:15 --> 00:22:18

Remarkable words of the beer isa Ali salaam, peace be upon him.

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Words that inspire humility, enhance his spirituality, and

00:22:24 --> 00:22:26

motivated in us the spirit of empathy.

00:22:27 --> 00:22:32

I conclude by reminding all of us as we enter enclose the man close

00:22:32 --> 00:22:35

to the month of Ramadan, we end the month of Shabbat or at least

00:22:38 --> 00:22:43

never display of the Mercy of Allah. Never display of the Mercy

00:22:43 --> 00:22:44

of Allah.

00:22:46 --> 00:22:48

And Allah is after all the most forgiving.

00:22:52 --> 00:22:55

Kalia Eva, Estella for Allah unforeseen.

00:22:56 --> 00:23:02

La technopolymer Rahmatullah in the La Jolla. Luba Jamia in who?

00:23:02 --> 00:23:02

Who will

00:23:04 --> 00:23:07

say, Oh my worshippers.

00:23:08 --> 00:23:11

Oh, those who submit to me, who may have transgressed against

00:23:11 --> 00:23:14

their own souls. We have sinned,

00:23:15 --> 00:23:17

never display of the Mercy of Allah.

00:23:18 --> 00:23:20

For Allah forgives all sins.

00:23:21 --> 00:23:25

He is most forgiving. His most merciful Akula

00:23:26 --> 00:23:29

was tougher Allah. wa salam Wa alaykum

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