Sadullah Khan – 26th Post Witr Talk Ramadaan 1444 2023
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The speaker discusses the importance of water in various aspects of life, including the physical and moral nature of water. They emphasize the role of water in various cultural and cultural moments, including the birth of life and the transformation of the environment. The speaker also mentions the importance of water in various cultural moments, including the transformation of the environment and the creation of beautiful sites.
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We continue our theme,
moral guidance from everyday experiences.
As human beings, we habitually tend to overlook
the significance of the niam or the favors
of Allah.
At times, we ignore the basic necessities of
that are at our disposal,
and we may be unappreciative
of the important role
that Allah has granted
of those things in abundance.
Among the most obvious blessings of Allah
to us is the gift of life,
and among the necessities of life
is water.
There are consistent references in the Quran in
numerous ayaat
where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala refers to various
containers of water, so to say, reservoirs of
water, whether it be Bahar or Nahar or
Bi'r or Ayn
or Matar,
oceans or rivers or seas
or wells,
rain itself,
and we find that the deal of Islam
the most revered qualities
to water.
Water as a
purifying source,
as a resource,
as a life giving force,
as a life sustaining source.
We need to realize no water,
no life.
That is why when they go to find
the other planets,
they check if there's water, then there's a
of life.
So water is the origin of life on
and the Quran emphasizes
the centrality of water to life
and to living itself
When Allah
in Surah Anbiya,
Every living thing is made of and from
not only are things created from water,
but also all living things are constituted of
90% of plants are water.
60% of the human body is water.
60% of who we are, the way we
look, we have flesh and bones. 60%
is water.
So water is so common
and so familiar,
it seems mundane.
But in actual fact,
water is not an ordinary substance
its abundance on earth.
Water is the only substance
which naturally occurs in all three states of
matter, whether liquid as water,
solid as ice,
or water vapor in gas form.
And water has a mind boggling range of
from its all all
life giving properties
and its vital importance to the mechanics of
the human body
every cell and every organ function
that makes up our anatomy,
water is the primary sustainer in all living
is pure
it's purifying. It's pure in itself.
It's also purifying. It's a means by which
you purify something else.
And therein is a moral lesson.
Water, like a human baby, is not corrupt
by itself.
It's pure by itself,
but it can be corrupted by outside sources.
makes reference to this.
Allah says, and it's He, oh Allah, who
sends down the water as glad tidings
through His mercy.
And we send down from the sky
in the form of rain, pure water.
You know salah is the key to paradise.
And the doorway to salah is wudu and
the essential for wudu is water.
There are so many dimensions
to the virtues
of the substance.
The prophet
Allah had once forgiven a lady of ill
who had passed by a dog panting of
thirst near a well, which is documented in
the saihi of Imam al Bukhari and of
Imam Muslim.
And see that the dog was dying of
thirst out of compassion, this lady, sinful lady,
may Allah forgive us all, And the Hadith
He said she took off a shoe or
a sandal or a shoe what she was
wearing, tied it to a scarf
and drew some water. She lowered it and
drew some water and saved the life of
the dog.
So Sa'ab al Ubada reported
that he even asked the prophet on another
occasion. Yeah. It's one thing, an expiation of
On the other hand, a companion asked Rasoolallah,
you Rasoolallah, my mother has died. What shall
I give as charity on her behalf? The
prophet said,
the best charity you can give
is Saqul Ma to give someone
water, to provide water for people.
So offering water is thus considered
a great act of sadaqa sadaqa jaria, a
perpetual charity.
Either through availing water for someone who may
be thirsty or digging a well to bring
this source of life and resource of life
to people who may need the water.
So whether
saving a life with water
or helping people
sustain their life with water,
water permeates the life of a Muslim
and spiritually.
So as people of faith,
we supposed to use water to the extent
of our need but never to abuse.
Allah does not love that you should waste,
so do not waste.
But just as a point of reflection
and conclusion,
water is tasteless,
it's colorless,
it's odorless
and neutral.
However, its unassuming looks
disguise just how crucial it is to life
on earth and to living of living organisms.
Water calms.
It relaxes.
It revitalizes.
It hydrates
and purifies,
quenching first.
Water sustains life. In fact, water is the
liquid of life.
The metaphors in which water is used to
symbolize paradise,
You find righteousness
and Allah's mercy
are quite frequently mentioned in the Quran.
From the numerous Quranic ayaat and references to
cooling rivers and rains and springs and fountains
of drinking water in paradise in Surah Muhammad,
Surah Khashia. We can certainly deduce that water
is an essential component
not only of life on this earth,
but also of the landscape of paradise.
May we be deserving
of the promised reward
where Allah
glad tidings
to those who believe
and those who manifest their belief in good
For them will be gardens.
For them shall be gardens in paradise
through which flows running water.
May Allah grant us to benefit from that.