Saad Tasleem – You never know

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the reality that they don't know which day Microsoft Azure's Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala wrote for them to be freed from the hellfire, and how they have repeatedly tried to convince them to believe that they are just being freed. They also mention a woman who gave water to a thirsty dog and put it in her mouth, causing her to feel sincerity and ecstasy. The speaker wonders how many people truly think that smile as a deed to be able to free them from the hellfire.
AI: Transcript ©
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The reality is that we don't know

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which day is the day in which Allah

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who Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has written for us

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to be freed from the hellfire. We don't

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know which

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prayer, which salah, which individual salah it may

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be that in that salah, Allah has

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decreed for us to be freed from the

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hellfire and admitted us into paradise. We don't

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even know

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which particular

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I mean, let's put the prayer aside for

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a moment.

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We don't know what particular sajda is the

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That our spirituality is at such a heightened

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that Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala forgives our sins

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and we're granted paradise and and there's precedent

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for this. We know in the sunnah of

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that people were

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freed from the hellfire for a single deed.

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We know of the woman who gave water

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to the dog that was panting and thirsty.

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The woman climbed into the well, climbed down

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to the well. She filled

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her shoe with water. She put it in

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her mouth, the shoe, because she had to

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use her arms to climb up. She climbed

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up out of the well and she gave

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this thirsty

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dog water, and there was so much sincerity

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and rahma mercy

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in this action of this woman that Allahu

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala forgave

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a very sinful lifestyle of hers, and she

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was admitted into paradise.

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And that is why the prophet, sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam, continuously reminded us of deeds that

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we think are small deeds.

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Never belittle anything from goodness.

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Even if it's you smiling in the face

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of your brother, and we hear this all

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the time. Right? It's sunnah to smile and

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so on and so forth. But how many

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of us truly, like, think about that smile

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as a deed

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that will free us from the hellfire?

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