Saad Tasleem – Friday Khutba 25 Jan 2013

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the benefits of protecting oneself from hellfire and small deeds, including regret. They stress the importance of avoiding regret in one's life and small deeds in relation to culture or environments. The speakers emphasize the need for small deeds to be protected and explain the effects of sin, including the loss of veracity and the disappearance of human rights. They also touch on the importance of good deeds and taking small deeds lightly.
AI: Transcript ©
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wash, Mohammed and I would do some reading.

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want to see more

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no brothers and sisters, there's an expression that we often hear. And that is what people tell us. Don't sweat the small stuff. And even though that may be an expression that would apply to different aspects of our lives, when it comes to our club, when it comes to our piety when it comes to our temple, when it comes to the consciousness we have of our Lord the Creator, we pay attention to the small things, because the small things can be very, very important. And we see this in it for the profit. So

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we said

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he said protect yourself from the Hellfire,

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say protect yourself from the hellfire. Now how do we go about protecting ourselves and one of the ways is that we do good deeds. And by these good deeds, we protect ourselves from the hellfire. So in this heavy, it's amazing the example the prophets of Allah.

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He gives an example that many of us would think is something very, very small, that is worth absolutely nothing. But it gives us an example consciously because he wants to show us that small deeds can be very, very large.

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So the process has ended. He said it will not whenever we shipped it tomorrow, he said protect yourself from the hellfire. Even if it's a piece of meaning even if you give a piece of a date as charity,

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then do it to protect yourself from afar. And in our times a piece of a dig probably cost less than $1. Right? The average person, when they think about giving less than $1 to charity, they don't think much of it. And unfortunately, a lot of times when they have a little bit of money, they feel shy to give this money to charity. I can't give 100 or $200 million, or $1,000 in charities, let me just keep it and this is why the profits of what I sent him he gave us this example that don't even feel bad about giving a piece of charity, maybe this piece of cake, this dollar that protects you from the outlier on the Day of Judgment.

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So on one hand as Muslims, we pay attention to the deed, pay attention to even our bad deeds. We don't take them lightly. Because we know that this bad deed can be very heavy upon us and on the Day of Judgment just like our good deeds, no matter how small, could weigh a lot for us in our favor on the Day of Judgment. And this is why

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he said one of the worst sins that a person can commit is to take their bad deeds lightly.

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Big deal,

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who cares? And we have the narration of Mr.

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Griese told us the difference between a pious believer and someone who is very simple. He says that a pious believer they look at their sins or they look at their sin

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as a mountain that is on top of their head, meaning it could come down crashing upon them at any moment. And he said a simple person looks at their sin

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as a, as a fly, hovering around their nose, meaning they can flick, flick it off at any moment. And notice the difference between somebody who is conscious of

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somebody who cares about their deeds, and somebody who doesn't really care much about their sins.

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And so when it comes to

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our sins, we have to be very careful, not just because of the sin itself is oftentimes because of the effect of that sin, or the effects that sin can have. So one of the first effects or problems with taking our sins lightly, is that the more we do that, the more we take our sins likely, the more likely we are to fall into further sins. And this is one of the biggest tricks of shaitaan, where he comes up and tells us, Listen, don't worry about you, because it's small, the telescope was,

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was forgiving, right? What SharePoint is not telling us at this moment is that if we don't care about this,

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if we don't care about the sin, then we're gonna continue to sin. And it will make sitting easy upon us because we didn't care about that person, you didn't weigh heavily upon us. So that was the first effect. Another effect of sinning. And this I would say is the is the conclusion of taking your sins lightly, or conclusion of falling into sin after sin.

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And that is that there will come a time that we are taking our sins lightly, there will come a time, when our heart we hope will become sealed, where we hear something good, we may even attend.

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Or we may attend a lecture, we may go places and hear nice things and people telling us to be pious and righteous because we're wise. But because our sins have reached such a degree, our hearts become sealed. And that does not affect us in the least. And this is why the profits are why send them photos that a person when they do a sin placed upon their heart.

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And if they don't repent for that sin, then that dog remains in the race. And the person continues to sin until their heart becomes covered, and their heart becomes seal meaning at that time, when a person's heart seal, nothing will affect them. This is why sometimes you may speak to someone and you may tell them, You tell them this and

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you've gone too far when it comes to your sins. And they'll say Listen, I don't care. I don't want to make the right decision personally identifies himself as Muslim. But there comes a time where we continue to sin, and we don't repent, we don't feel bad about sitting in our heart eventually becomes sealed. Another one of the effects of taking our sins lightly, is the disappearance of modesty and shyness. As the Prophet told us, he said he died on this day.

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He said, If you don't feel shy, you don't feel ashamed, then do as you like, meaning if a person commits a sin, and they don't feel ashamed about that, they don't feel bad about that sin, that nothing's really gonna stop them from committing further sins and continuing in that sin. Right, they don't feel sad, they don't feel they don't feel sorry, they don't feel regretful after committing that sin, then nothing will stop them. And this is why we know that the regret that a person feels after committing a sin is a mercy for them. Isolation is a blessing.

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It means that the heart is still alive, it means that the heart can still be penetrated. It means that a person feels bad about submitting their work. So this regret that a person feels a blessing from this a mercy.

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And by the way, there's two types of direct. And there's only one type of weapons is a good tech regret, the type of regret that we need to do to make to return

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this type of regret. The other type of regret is a trip to Russia, Tom, where he tells you that you become so cynical, that you want to forget about that there's no point returning to a live search. That is a bad type of regret. The type of regret that we're talking about today is the regret that brings you back to

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another one of the effects of sitting is that

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we do not truly glorify a lot. So again, this is why the earlier generations the solids of the early generation, they would say don't look at how small your sin is. rather look at how great the one is who you've disobeyed. Meaning if we really see a lot of Swords as being great. If we really care about our board and our Creator, then we will feel bad about a sin no matter how small lesson is. Right? This is why you see sometimes a child when they disobey their parent. They sometimes feel shy they feel ashamed because they don't want to disappoint their parents.

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And the reason why they feel this way is because in their eyes, their father and their mother is someone they, they respect very much. And they care deeply about their parents. And this is why they don't want to, they don't want to disobey the law, sometimes the child really doesn't understand what they've done wrong. So for example, you can go right to the wall with a crayon, and the father or mother would tell the child, listen, this is wrong, go do this. And the child may not even understand that there's something about, but they may refrain from doing the action, because they know that it's disappointing to their father or their mother. And this shows that in their eyes,

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their parents or somebody that's very, very important. So these are some of the the the effects of cynic is Pamela Dara says that we tend to take very lightly in time. And the issue is that some sins may be small, but some sins are actually very large in our lives. But to us, we may not see them as something at work, for example, the sins of the tongue, or something which are very large with a lot of backbiting someone or gossiping,

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or spreading rumors, we take these things very lightly. But what a lot so who has ever been interested to speak ill about someone behind their back was a major sin. It's a lot of people they don't even realize no back by the prophets, Allah sent us divine grace, he said God body is the thing

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he said is this is to say something about your brother, that they wouldn't like for you to say about them. Maybe it's as simple as that. If you say something about someone that they would have liked for you to say about them, you fall into the sin of backbiting.

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And a lot of times people will say, Well, I'm not saying something that isn't true. Right? Like this is the person's like, I'm not not slandering the person. But this still falls under backlight. So before we say anything, the only question we have to ask ourselves is, will this person really like to read us in this development or not?

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This is,

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these are major, major sins with a lot of soldier. And we see that there may be some because we see the effects that they have on communities and households and relationships.

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in office building, for example, when people talk about each other behind their back a lot, you say, you see that this is not a healthy place to be. This is not a healthy environment. Right. And this is why snom came to protect us from these things. So a lot of times instead of, you know, looking at how small incentives understand that there's a reason why legislated these things for us. There is a reason why a lot many things, these things are permissible for us. It is for our benefit, and is for the benefit of our society, our communities, and our households in the relationships that we are in a protocol, you have to love.

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Sisters, there's the flip side of the coin when it comes to taking our needs lightly. And that is taking our good deeds lightly. So just like Chicago convinces to take our sins lightly. We'll also convince us to take our good deeds lightly. That's why I started with the idea of a protect yourself from the Hellfire, even if it's by giving a piece every day and

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another day does a very small deed. And there's another example where the prophets of love Isaiah, he said,

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he said do not belittle anything. From good deeds, we never look at any good p as being too small. He said when

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he said even if it's even if it's you facing your brother with a cheerful face, even if it's you smiling,

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it's a parallel. It's amazing that the process Adam gave this example, because the average person thinks of smiling as

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nice, but nobody really thinks of it as a as an optimum of piety, as an act of submission to

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the Hellfire on the Day of Judgment. And that can be very heavy on our scale of good deeds of the Day of Judgment. This is why the prophets of Lombardi gave us that example. And this is why I gave this example of smiling so that indeed this smiling

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and a lot of times we do good deeds and because we don't immediately see the effects of that good deed is very small. So we may smile at someone and you know, they walk by us it's not a big deal. Okay, I guess I smile. But we have we might have made somebody's day by that simple smile. Somebody may have been having a rough hard time and their day and all they needed was to see somebody smile and say good morning, or how are you doing something like that? And this is the character of a Muslim. Right? I know a lot of times we hear what was electricity

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You don't have a good character. Right? This is the character of the process that I've said, I have been sent in perfect good character, meaning that's part of my visa that's part of my message to come and perfect the character people. So how do we do that? By

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using a pseudonym?

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Right smiley, this harbor character, how we treat people, how we are around people, how we interact with people, that is part of who we are, that's part of our character. And this is what the prophet SAW,

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came to her,

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you know, a good deed, that we tend to think of somebody who's very small. And it's something to very large

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is the matters of the heart. Right, our attention. And there's a beautiful statement by

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God, he said that two people may be praying the very same prayer. So two people, for example, they prayed to dr. oz of they came in for two hours, they did the same actions. There's no difference in their actions. But

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he said the difference in their reward, maybe like the difference between the heavens and earth? Why what made that difference in their reward, their intention, their heart was there our president is to be bothered that they're doing or they just getting through it, because it's just something you do like

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that you do, right? Or did this person enter the saw, with the conscious thought that I'm about to enter to worship, I'm about to do an act of submission to my Lord, fulfill the purpose of my life, submit to my Lord.

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And that's why there's a big difference between the law of these two people

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sharing the story, personal story with all of you, something happened to me, and I'm not gonna say when this happened, but I was a particular community somewhere in the world. And I never been there before. And I walked in, and I was giving a flipbook. I gave the pilot saw, and then after the prayer, a man came up to me. And he asked me, he said, what time is this all the time was the prayer, but tons of prayers. And I was a little confused. I didn't know.

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So I thought about this, like I said, well, the prayer starts, when the booklet finishes, right, whatever the book was over time,

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and you'd be dead square in the eye and said to me, yes, because I've missed a spot. And he stormed off this panel up,

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not even realize what happened. And I thought about it for a little bit. And then I realized what happened, I realized that this brother,

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this brother, he used to time this off, you know that

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equal but this time, and I will show up just for the song, right, I'll show up the time they saw

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generally are shorter today might be the exception. I apologize for that. But generally, my book was a quite short 1520 minutes max. Because it was short, the song started earlier, I was visiting that committee at the saucer earlier, and we finished earlier and went by the time he showed up as usual time. So

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this is why two people may be praying the very same song, right? They may be praying, some of them do not. But the difference in their reward is very different. Because they first the first person came with the intention that this is a this is an act of worship, that a lot legislated for us to come together as Muslims and to worship a lot together to build a sense of community, to bring those together to stand in congregation and worship.

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That is a very different intention than somebody who comes and wants to pray.

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Back to

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very different tensions. This was kind of I say that right here today, anyone who has come here, right? With the wrong intention, change it now. Right? A lot of a lot of

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change your intention right now. So this is a bother that you're sitting in right now becomes an entry bar that that you get highly rewarded for. Right? Nothing one of the other things are trying to convince you that it's too late to change, right? It's never too late to change, right? As long as you're breeding quality of life. As long as I'm giving you the opportunity, then. It's not too late to change. Today, right here right now. We may have problem. nary people here. Just because, you know, I guess he's German, I guess as a Muslim. That's what I do. Right? But why not change your intention right here. And right now, I want to give you another example. And this example I think

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really hits home when it comes to taking our, our babies like the profit center in two separate narrations. He told us about a woman from the nations who came before the prophets I send them he told us about a woman who was a prostitute

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was a prostitute. However, Allah gave all persons etc paradise because of a single act of righteousness that she did. Right? What did she do? She went to a well and she got

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herself as she climbed up, out.

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As well, he saw a dog which was panting and she realized that the dog is thirsty. So she went back down to the well, she filled her shoe with water, put this shoe in her mouth, because she couldn't carry can climb up with her hands. She came all the way back up and gave this thirsty dog water. And because of the sincerity interaction, because of the lack of the mercy she had upon this dog.

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Right, this is how this example is also likely all these animals are absolutely amazing. But each and every one, in this example, tells this woman was a prostitute. Right? Sometimes we look down upon people, because

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they don't look like a practicing Muslim. gave us an example, which is way beyond that. Even if you're not a practicing Muslim, if you were to stay positive, it would be like yeah, definitely. They're definitely not a good person. Right? Doesn't matter whether you're religious or not, doesn't matter. And this is why this example. So this was sort of so easy, because it's a philosophy, right? It's a profession that most everyone will. So a lot of them say the prostitute

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because of her having a dog as well as Muslims, right? We don't keep dogs in our house. And a lot of scholars say that the that the saliva of a dog is impure, right? So we

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look down the dog. And this is why.

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Because this would have mercy on a dog and animal that we usually don't even keep inside our house. Right? Most of us we don't have dogs, right. But this woman had mercy on a dog and protecting her from the outside, right, last year, brothers and sisters.

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And that was the narration of Isobel,

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where she said that the Prophet said, Have

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a look at what will happen, what

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he said that the most beloved actions to a law are those actions, which are done consistently, even if they are small. Right? So the idea is that it's not about how small the action is.

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Actually, which may be small for us, if done consistently made me more Beloved.

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Consistency is the key, right kind of one person giving like $1,000 and caring one day and never giving charity ever again in their life. It made me more beloved to Allah azza wa jal that a person takes out $1 every week and gives it to charity, because they're consistent. They're consistently worshiping a lot. So just by giving the charity and so I leave you with this final thing, and that is pick something in your life. Pick a bad deed in your life that you want to change, no matter how small, right but consistently, consistently, take it out of your life. And number two, pick a good deal no matter how small, maybe it's just a thicker, the thicker of making a waking up in the

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morning. Maybe it's making your babies an extra two hours of prayer, something no matter how small you may think it is, but

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your life and be consistent in it. And the last part of the data knows best see if you know

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you're going

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to love

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