Riyadul Haqq – The Hadith Of Jibril 01
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AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam, including the belief in submission, is emphasized, along with the need for testing and testimony before committing to Islam. The importance of humility and humility in achieving spiritual health is emphasized, as well as the importance of sharing personal experiences and experiences to avoid confusion and mis 1st. The importance of sharing good Islam, including personal information and experiences, is emphasized, as well as the need for strong external purity and achieving spiritual health. The segment ends with a recap of the first part of the Hadith, focusing on achieving spiritual health.
AI: Summary ©
R Rahman r in Armenia have to hit
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Irving Hamad commercial leader at
a law firm Liberty garden
improvement Guevara Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim in the machine
respect to listeners and our Mardi Gras
inshallah Today I'll be
speaking on the famous howdy
related relates by Marty Muslim and others
from a number of different companions of the library
and this is famously known as the ether Jubilee, the hadith of Jubilee
This is actually the first heavy Muslim
and I'll be relating the heavy primarily from Sahih Muslim but commenting on it from all the other collections of Hadith too
so I related to the syllable plus eliminated and Mr Muslim in
other one heavy
drama we are we gonna be
even more
interesting the law is the law it was something that a young woman
should need to survive.
Now you're sort of suffer when I
had that jealous jealousy and the BS and the love it was some of them first.
But they were darker fi and Effie they were quality of living near enemies.
All of a sudden like some of the love it was some of them and Islam on Isla de la una de la creme of sada aka the Sumatra movano chillventa Insta party has to be
honest with
artifact dibner who Yes, who would
have been in the email?
I don't know maybe law he was eager to hear wakatobi he was sorry he will yell will
mean a bit he was shut
all the time, good luck and Nikita rah rah rah of bidding the
are the first bidding the animosity or an amateur of better one turn
to the
other and put up for a bit of malaria
from the aroma minister in auto Allah or pseudo Ireland, or the fitting the huji breed otaku and limo convener Oh c'mon carcinoma
that's the Arabic texts have heavy throws he Muslim I relate with uninterrupted and continuous chain from me to the man Muslim Rahim Allah will say it will relate from Abdullah hidden or the Allahu Allahu relates from his father on the part of the alarm and
who says once we were seated by the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day when a man appeared
over his
command of extremely White's clothes, and extremely black hair.
There was no sign of journeying on him and none of us recognized on you
So he came until he sent
by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
and then
brought his knees
or he
lent his knees on the knees of the messengers on the love it was
and he placed his hands on his thigh.
Then he said, Oh Mohammed,
tell me about Islam.
So the Prophet Sall Allahu Allahu wa sallam said Islam is
that you bear testimony, that there is no god except Allah. And that Muhammad
is the Messenger of Allah, and that you establish Salah gives the car, and that you fast the month of Ramadan
and that you perform the pilgrimage of the house. If you are able to find a way to
surrender the Lahore instead the men said, You have spoken the truth.
So we marveled at the he asks the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then ratifies his answer.
The man then said inform me or tell me about email.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
Eman is that you believe in Allah, and in His angels, and in his box and in His messengers, and that you believe in,
in destiny,
both good and bad.
So the man said, You have spoken the truth or correctly.
He then said, Tell me about so.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, ehsaan is that you worship Allah.
As though you see.
Then if you do not see
then indeed he sees you.
Man and said, Tell me about the
final hour of judgment.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the one who is being questioned,
has is no more knowledgeable of this and the questioner himself.
So the man said, well then inform me of its sermons. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
that meaning the signs are that
a maid will give birth to her master,
and that you shall see
competing with one another in the construction of building
a model the law says the men then left
and then I waited for a while.
Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to me,
do you know who the questioner was?
So I said,
Hello Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mel best.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed he was Djibouti. He came, he came to you to teach your religion.
And that's just a quick translation of the Hadees from Sahih Muslim.
But this was one famous incident and many Sahaba of the alarm have related the same incident as as recorded by many authors into footbox. Abadi.
And from the
whole collection of narrations
we come to a more comprehensive picture of what actually happened on that occasion. This is just one narration. But this is probably the most famous narration from Barbara de la one otherwise, has been related from Abdullah, the son himself, the father,
from Abu hurayrah hora de la where I'm from
Without a little effort, it'll be a lot more fun. From Anissa pneumonic from Abdullah bass, from J. dilla. Literally
from all of these have out of the library, again recorded by all different authors. So what actually happened on the day is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are seated outside with the Sahaba of the library.
And this habit of the law relates that previously,
the province of the lovely lady who seldom would see would sit down amongst the Sahaba in between them. So when
a stranger came,
who never knew the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he wouldn't be able to tell who the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam was amongst all the companions. So the Sahaba of the Allah who suggested to him though messenger of Allah, why don't we build you some seeds or a platform, a raised platform,
so that when people come, they can recognize you. So this habit of the alarm are built in a raised platform.
And from that time onwards, bustled luckily has Salatu was a lamb would actually sit on there.
And when people arrived, they would know who he was. Since he was seated above all of the companions, this isn't the member. This is just
in general, something other than the member.
Because this incident
of gibreel, alayhis, salaam coming.
This actually took place right towards the end of the prophets of the Laval ecosystems life.
So in a way it says those, it's as though all the things covered in the heavy gibreel alayhis salam came once again, to ratify
all of these teachings of religion in one single setting.
And indeed, it's a great Hadees because Allah have always regarded this hadith as being one of the greatest heavyweights of Islam.
Some have gone to the extent of saying that all of the teachings of religion stem from this one.
And this Hadeeth covers.
This is why we title the talk Islam Eman and axon. Since all three topics are covered. And these three Islam Eman and axon, more or less cover a servant's relationship with the last panel with
someone who may have gone to the extent of beginning their books with this particular heavy, just as a man Muslim has done and other orlimar too. They've made it a point of starting their books of heavy with this particular video known as to Djibouti. So on that occasion,
which took place right towards the end of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his life. How about the lover of whom was seated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was on a raised platform.
And this is where let me say that
there is no harm.
And in fact, one would be following in the footsteps of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If the teacher the one who's teaching preaching and imparting religious knowledge, is seated on a on a raised platform, whilst the others are seated below. This is exactly what the Sahaba of the library did with the prophets of Allah and it was so he was seated on a raised platform with the companions around him.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to them, asked me
but no one raised any questions
and the wording is of the heavy they were to fill with all and they were overwhelmed so they could not question the messenger some of the law was
in fact this was very true. I'll what I will do, I'll provide a comprehensive
account of the incident itself then I'll comment on the different parts. So the province alarm it was seated on a raised platform he told us how about the alarm, even ask the question me
But the companions were too filled with all and too overwhelmed to question him. So they remain silent.
When all of a sudden a man arrived,
and from the distances, how about the alarm, looked at him, and nobody recognized. And the reason we know that, as a lover he was saying is that now you're an atheist that will suffer, that there was no sign of journeying on him. So he wasn't someone who came from out of the city, because his clothes were extremely one.
And the hair of his head and his beard was intensely black, and one heavy, a man arrived, who, out of all the people had the most handsome and beautiful face. And out of all the people, he was most fragrant. And his clothes were intensely white, his hair of head and beard was intensely black. But, and there was no sign of traveling on him. So it was obvious he never came from out of the city. But then no one even recognized.
And that's evident from the fact that the Sahaba of the alarm, began looking at one another, and just as we sometimes without saying, or were they simply signaling to one another, and raising their eyes to one another. They questioned one another as to who this individual was, but nobody recognized him. He then came, and when he arrived at the edge of the gathering,
he loudly said salaam aleikum
that Salaam already.
Then he said to him, can I come in closer to the province of the law? My legal system said yes. So he began since the Sahaba of the Allahu would be seated closely together.
He began
walking over people's shoulders
and backs and breaking the ranks and moving forward. And the closer he would get, he would say to the prophets of the lover, and he was telling them, oh, Mohammed, can I come closer to prophets and the love it was to them said yes, eventually, he came and sat in front of the messenger, some of them are hiding or something so close that Firstly, the look but a look but a, he joined his knees, with the knees of the messengers of the law abiding person. And then he placed his hands on his own needs first. And he sat
in the manner of the child. So just as we sit in Salah, he sat in that manner in front of the messengers on the lives, then he leapt forward. And he actually placed his hands on the noble knees of the messengers of the law.
And then he said to him all
tell me
about Islam.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Islam is
that you bear testimony that there is no god except Allah is the Messenger of Allah.
And that
he established the law he gives you give the obligatory soccer
and that you fast the month of Ramadan and that you travel to the house of Allah, you perform the pilgrimage of the house, if you are able to find a way to it.
And then in some narrations of the things I mentioned to along with this, such as that you do,
that you complete your will do
that you do hosel of Geneva.
the man said, another thing is that no one not even the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recognized who he was.
That's actually mentioned clearly in another study, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying is that never would Jubilee, you're coming to me, except that I knew who he was. And I recognized him immediately, except on this occasion, I did not recognize them until right towards the end.
So the man said,
so that you have spoken the truth you have spoken correctly. So this How about the library? In fact, before that, the man said, so if I do all of these things, am I a Muslim? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Yes, so the man said, You have spoken correctly. How about the lover who marveled at him that he questions him? Then he writes
finds the answer. Then the man said tell me about email.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he man is that you believe in Allah
and His angels in his box in his messengers in the final day, in the resurrection,
and that you believe and in the meeting of Allah,
and that you believe in
other, both good, bad, sweet, bitter, and that all of this coverage from Allah.
So the man again said, You've spoken the truth.
Tell me about Exxon. So the province of the lover and he has said himself, so is that you worship Allah as though you see him?
And if you do not see
that then that he says in the CG,
again, the man said it spoken the truth. Tell me about the final hour. When is the final?
So the province of the law it was the one who has been questioned has no more knowledge of this than the questioner himself. But I can tell you about its prerequisites and the signs leading up to the final hour.
So the man said indeed, tells me
so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a made a woman will give birth to her master,
and that you will see
barefoot it
camel herders
shepherds of flocks,
competing with one another
in the construction of build.
Then the man rose turned around and left.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the Sahaba of the Lama who call him back.
So the Sahaba the lover even rose to actually follow him.
But he had disappeared.
They couldn't find them. No one could find
them. Mr. de la hora. What had happened is Alma de la hora had left just as a man had left.
So this is why he says in the Hadith,
of the province of the law, I waited for a while How long did he wait? He actually waited three days Three days later, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him, Oh, do you know who that was? So he said, Allah and His messenger and our best. So the Prophet, some of them love it for some. So that was Djibouti, who came to teach you your religion? Who came to teach the people your religion, and in one generation, that was God, he came to teach you because you wouldn't ask?
Since you wouldn't ask, he came to teach you your religion. So this is the incident. Now allow me to comment on different parts of it. So from the beginning, the province of the law, it was an all seated this habit of the law, as
it will be a lover of my both saying that the that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would normally sits amongst the Sahaba right in the middle.
Newcomers strangers wouldn't recognize, so that
when they would come, they would actually search for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and not know who he was. So the Sahaba of the librarian, who suggested to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they should build a raised platform. And they did. And from that moment onwards, a messenger actually set out to slam would sit on that raised platform with this habit of the alarm around him.
Once he was seated his head to the question, asked me, How about the law,
to filled with all and overwhelmed to question the messenger, and he said that
this was something well known about the companions.
In fact, some of the Sahaba of the labyrinth come to love my boss of the lover of whom I relate
the number of times people question the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very few.
There weren't that many.
Even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made himself very
endearing to them very appealing to them
and try to open up to them as much as possible.
And that was part of his humility, he would sit in the middle of them. He was only when they suggested that we should raise you on a raised platform, did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually adopt that see sitting position, otherwise, in his humbleness and humility and simplicity, he would just sit in the middle of this habit of the Allahu so despite making himself so open, so approachable, so available to the Sahaba of the law,
they respected.
And as part of that respect, they were filled with all in fact, fear.
It said that the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu, and they would sit in a gathering, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would arrive, none of the Sahaba ever looked up at him in such a way that their eyes met with the eyes of the messenger. And as Salatu was salam, they say only two people would actually look up and their eyes would meet with the eyes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and those two people in the Shea home abubaker in honor of the law, because they held a unique position and they were both his father's in law. So only they would actually look at him full face with eyes locking with eyes meeting otherwise the other so how about the alarm? There
were too fearful to filled with all so even raise their gaze at him and lock eyes with the messenger Allah has said that they would actually steal glances at that was out of sheer respect. And part of that respect was that they wouldn't question
they wanted to ask questions. And that's why they secretly I saw the Sahaba of the library who say, we secretly would wish that some Bedouin would come along
and question the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, because a better in were better when they would come they would speak in a very unrefined manner, and they would say what they wanted.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would tolerate.
But this habit of the law, even though they knew that the messenger alayhi salatu was saying, I would never be offended, you would never be offended.
Still, shear respect, love and reverence for the messenger alayhis salaam ensured that they would not throw questions at heart. So on this occasion, too, he actually said to them, asked me, nobody else
saw the sapsan silence when suddenly a man appeared.
And as was described in the Hadeeth.
He was extremely handsome, wearing very white clothes, intense of intense black hair, the most handsome of all the people, the most fragrant all the people. So he was someone very different, very unique. Now, if someone came this habit of the lover and wouldn't look at each other saying, who's this?
They will be served with their gaze to the ground. In fact, it's mentioned that this How about the lover in whom the Sahaba themselves mentioned, that when they were seated around the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It would be as though birds were perched on their heads. That's how still respectful and silence they were, before the messenger Allah who said that it was as though birds could be perched on their heads. It was only on this occasion that there was a sudden commotion because the man was very different. He obviously wasn't to travel because there was not a single speck of dust or a mark on his clouds, pure white clouds, pure black hair, fragrance even
from a distance strikingly handsome, yet nobody knew him. So also, how about all the libraries began looking at the money arrived at the edge of the gathering. The truth is he didn't even say Salaam to the whole gathering. He just said Salaam only sort of sort of laughs and the love and eagerness and them and instead of ceramide APM 100 said Salaam Alaikum. Everyone actually thought he was a Bedouin, but very strange.
again, his mannerisms were exactly those of the Bedouin. He ignored the rest of the gathering spoke directly to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and said Salaam Ali, even as salaam alaikum Salam or Aleikum?
coming close to the Lyceum said yes. So without pause without waiting, you just started climbing over everyone shoulders and
Breaking the ranks. And the closer he would get to Captain saying, Can I come closer? Can I come closer? profits and the lovers have said yes, he came and sat down. Then he played, even though he did all of this, because everything was contradictory.
He had better in manners, in some ways, but not in other ways. So when he came and sat down, he sat down in the state of the shower.
Just like a person sits in the shower,
since we know now retrospectively, that this was Judy alayhis salaam who came to teach religion.
All of this was to do with religion.
And one of the things he taught is respect.
So initially, he kept on saying Mohammed, but once he came and sat down and said Mohammed, the first few times, he then actually began addressing the Messenger of Allah as Yara Salaam.
And when he sat down, he sat down respectfully.
And he placed his hands on his knees, in the manner of the Charlotte Uppsala.
Then, he went forward and placed his hands on the knees of the messenger. So
that was an act of submission.
In many of the Hadeeth, we learn this habit of the alarm.
They would sit on their knees and lean forward.
Because amongst the Arabs, this was a sign of submission of humility.
Like on one occasion, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Ask me, and he was angry.
So people began asking
unnecessary questions.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was getting angry and angry. And it'll be a lot more than immediately recognized. That the Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam is displeased, he is angry. And when he is saying, asked me,
it's actually a warning
because of his anger, but don't ask me in the state.
So tomorrow the alarm, he raised himself and sat forward and leapt forward on his knees. And so Lavina Vila
will be Islam, Idina.
We are content with Allah as our Lord with Islam as our religion, with the prophets in the limelight, April send them as our message. And he appease the messengers of the law,
and the prophets and the love and even sometimes anger subside. So, this leaning forward, sitting on one's knees was an act of submission and humility. And that's what God did. He lands forward, placed his hands on the knees of the messenger Li Salatu was salam, and submitted himself. This is why that will Mr. Say that you can never gain knowledge without humility,
without respect.
A lot himself saves in the ER and so sorry for the linea to come in.
But I will turn away from my son's those who are arrogant upon the earth without just cause.
And then law continues.
What year akula it La
Rosa de la couche de la luce amela. What near obsolete la subida. That they will never believe, even though they see every sign, in fact,
as a result of that arrogance, they become so delusional, that if they see the path of righteousness,
they do not take it as a path. And if they see the path of way witness, they actually adopt that as they become so delusional, that they see truth, whether it's false and false, or whether it's truth and so on.
That is the result of arrogance. So Allah Himself warns that those who are arrogant, I will turn them away from my sides.
Look at the wording a lot doesn't say I will turn away my signs from those words, Eric. No last signs are their
last proofs are there. A lot of evidences are there as they are? Brian bright, some glamorous blaring and self evident, but
those who are arrogant, Allah will turn them away.
Just as the last days of use of alayhis Salam gernika, leanness referring who Sue and fascia,
Allah says, I don't, so that we may.
Allah doesn't say so that we may turn him away from evil and from immorality and indecency. Rather law essays so that we may turn away from him immorality and indecency and sin, He is who he is how he is where he is, his position doesn't change, but we turn away evil from him. Similarly, here law says laws evidences a lot of signs and his proofs are where they are, we turn people arrogant people away from them, they are as they are. So, arrogance makes a person blind to the signs or law. And such a person will never be able to gain any knowledge or understanding. They may gain information, but no true knowledge. Because it's only humility that can lead to respect. an arrogant person
doesn't respect anyone.
And without respect, without humility, a person can gain knowledge. And there's a difference between true knowledge and information man in
one's head may be crammed with facts and figures and statistics, and even verses and Hadeeth.
But if there is no humility in the heart, no respect in the heart, that knowledge that information will not translate into anything. This is why the sort of laughs and love it who some would say a lot of them in the road to becoming a millionaire. In fact, our law I seek protect your protection and refuge in You from knowledge which does not benefit even the Messenger of Allah sought refuge in Allah from such knowledge. So respect has always been part of the tradition of learning always. Imam Shafi
Allah He says that I never drank water in the presence of my teacher, Shafi.
Imam, Abu hanifa Rahim Allah says that
I would never stretch my legs towards the house of my teacher, her mother did not abuse a man, even though between my house and his house, there were seven streets.
Now, some people may say that, what kind of extremist what kind of extreme respect is that?
Well, those who say that
this is why abortion is more hanifa and you are who you are.
respects has always been part of the tradition of Islam, especially in college.
So gibreel alayhis salaam.
He showed up most submission and he minutes even though he came the way he came, he lent forward placed his hands on the knees and the messengers on the lap it was through them, and then said to him, tell me about Islam.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned
the articles of faith
ONeill Islamorada honesun Shahada T and sorry, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on this occasion said, and Islam on the show that alert you know, in La la
la, with the team of sada to tears accardo to Summa Ramadan *, in his theater in a city, the five pillars of Islam is that you
testify that there is no god except Allah.
And that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
and that you establish Salah you'd give Sokka you fast the month of Ramadan, and you perform the pilgrimage of the house if you are able to find a way to
and this is very similar to the other Hadees related by Manuel Hardyman Muslim from actually the son of Barbara de la, de la norma.
Famous had he been in Islam Allah hemsson Shahada, Allah Allah in the law, what
the law what your plans celerity what is
Samira movano actually be, and insinuations when hypersomnia.
But Islam is established.
Islam is built
and predicated on five things.
The testimonies
There is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of
and the establishing of Salah, the giving of Zika
hedge in this particular region of Mahajan, one hedge and hatch or Samira Oban and the fast.
These are the five pillars of Islam. Now, I won't go into any of the laws and the details, these are huge topics. But
even before a person can reach the higher grades mentioned later in the heavy
have true faith of So
one has to begin here.
One has to begin with submission and with the testimony all the time.
What does Islam mean?
A common
definition is Islam is peace.
Yes, Islam
is about peace without doubt.
the word Islam doesn't mean peace in itself. It means submission.
Muslim and Muslim Islam
means to submit
to Muslims a will us Submit.
Islam means submission.
And the first sign of submission to who submission to our last panel.
And the first sign of submission is that you bet testimony that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger.
If someone
claims belief in Allah
claims believe in the prophets of Allah, and he will send them by heart
or claim claims to be a Muslim, ie someone who submits to the will in the command of Allah.
Yet they are unable to make even a verbal submission or even submit themselves to this extent that they are willing to testify publicly.
That there is no god except a loving human some of the law our legal system is a messenger.
That is the first point of failure.
That can be no faith without the submission without the verbal test.
So the first condition is that a person the first pillar of religion, is that a person
best testimony, that there is no god except alarm that Prophet sallallahu Sallam is a messenger.
In fact, even the Quran says this, that the condition of Islam is that one does not make a distinction between the messengers and a Mossad
and the leader of all the messengers as men as understood and believed by the Muslims as a prophet Muhammad Sallallahu.
So first is the testimony then very first pillar of Islam. In fact, the word pillar has actually been mentioned in some of the studies
that Islam is built on five on these are the pillars of Islam that are in this word is actually mentioned in some of the heavy so the second pillar of Islam is Salah.
That is the most important it's something we have five times a day xhaka is once a year. Hedge is only if a person has the means and the ability
to bond is once a year.
But Salah is five times a day.
And the
emphasis on Sala is so severe is so great that just think of it this way. The method of Salah is not described anywhere in the Quran.
There is no procedure outlined and detailed in the program of Salah. We gain all of our understanding about the procedure the method and the manner of Salah from the heavy.
That is one Sala whose procedure is detailed in the Quran.
But it's not your normal everyday Sala it's a Salah of fear sanathana health
and this these verses were revealed when the session
How about the law man who were in battle they were in a state of war.
So one can understand the significance of Salah that the procedure of Salah is not mentioned anywhere in the Koran the only place in time when it is mentioned, is in relation to not your normal everyday solar, but rather the solar solar to help the Salah the prayer of fear, which was exclusive, when the Sahaba of the lava were on the battlefield, and were vulnerable to attack. Even in such a state. That's how about the law, not to miss their prayer, but rather to divide themselves into two groups. One group stood behind the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Whilst he led them in prayer, whilst the other group stood guard of
the then, when the first group had prayed half of the prayer with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they retreated, and assume the watchful positions of the other group. And then the other group came and stood behind the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they prayed with him. So all of this, how about the law, had the honor of praying their Salah in congregation behind the messenger, some of them love it for some of them. But because they were in a state of battle, they had to actually divide their prayer was half of the group watched over the other. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam completed his prayer, the Sahaba of the lava, then completed their
individual prayers. So that's the only prayer mentioned in the Quran. in detail
that shows the significance of Salah even under such pressing conditions, the last panel who would honor did not waive the obligation of prayer.
And what can be then said about normal everyday.
So what's the massala that you establish? What took the gun that you gives aka
cinza aka is a once a year obligation.
It's something which is often overlooked.
We forget we delay it, we postpone it. We are unable to calculate it properly. We sometimes give less,
we sometimes give more which is good. But xhaka is an obligation as great Asana
even what comes after.
In more than 30 places in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned salons.
They go hand in hand. And even though it's just once a year, this is obligatory.
It's a great obligation, a huge obligation, but it's actually quite neglected and overlooked.
Because it comes only once a year. Therefore we tend to become forgetful, neglectful, lazy, or sometimes, and it's rather sad. Our level of wealth is so intense, that we are able to pray Salah because it doesn't cost us well we find it difficult to spend in the way of
even though spending in the way of Allah, not just for obligatory soccer, but charity in general, is one of the most encouraged things.
So much of Islam is about charity, charity, charity give give share share in sort of Bukhara well that's preventable with the ANA sayings, that Lisa liver and tolu
that virtue is not that you face the east or the west, this is a reference to prayer for prayer that you face I think
that in itself is not just virtue.
Rather virtue is of that person. And then Allah mentions the articles of faith.
Who believes in Allah, angels, the boxer messengers a final day. Then Allah says, After belief of law says the first thing of virtue is what are the man that be that will kotoba when the aterna Misaki.
But he gives wealth despite the love of wealth.
He gives wealth, despite the level of wealth because the level of wealth is embedded in every human being, to some degree, but that's how a sacrifice we have to bite our tongue.
We have to bite our lip.
We have to
fight ourselves. We have to
Overcome and struggle against the knifes and overcome the love of wealth and pinch ourselves and with some pain we have to spend.
So virtually is of that person who despite the level of wealth gives, and then Allah mentions a categories of expenditure. Then later Allah says what a farmer sought out to Earth as a garden establishes Allah and gives aka.
So is that a repetition? That law mentioned spending as a first virtue, then mentioned salah and then mentions the
Basilica that's mentioned later is obligatory circa
the first spend expenditure that law speaks of is voluntary optional level.
So even before federal zaca law speaks about spending freely in the way of a law as an option, not as an obligation. So, the second pillar is what it is that you give Sokka third is what
and that you fast the month of Ramadan, again, surprisingly Alhamdulillah at least, this is something people do. We price on are they fast in the month of Ramadan because it's become such
an Ummah wide community wide society wide global thing, first thing in the month of Ramadan.
But zeca does not seem to enjoy the same significance in some people's v. As both sada and
fasting in the month of Ramadan. Fasting is an obligation for the whole man. And then finally, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, what can be done and that you perform the pilgrimage, if you are able to find a way to the meaning of if you are able to find a way to It is similar to what's mentioned in the or an install by Lady Sevilla, that if he can find a path to it, which means that
Salah is obligatory on everyone fasting is obligatory on everyone. There are a few exceptions for both Salah that are more exceptions for fasting. But zecca and hedge only become obligatory when a certain number of conditions are met.
first thing is obligatory from the outset, but there are concessions, so some people are excused. Prayer is obligatory from the outset. But there are concessions, some people few of them fasting I excused, but Zakah doesn't become obligatory from the outset, he only becomes an obligation when a person meets certain conditions. Similarly, with a hedge, it's never obligatory from the assets on an individual, it only becomes obligatory when a number of conditions are met. And the conditions for the obligation of hedge are far greater, far more numerous and stringent than the obligations of soccer. So, only if you are able to find a path. So you have to have sufficient wealth, you have to
have the ability, the means and the path also has to be clear all the way till the garba the house have a lifespan of what their honor for hedged to become obligatory.
If there is a security risk, for instance, hedge
is not an obligation for those people whose path is obstructed.
So only if you are able to find a path.
So here this part of the Hadees covers the five pillars of Islam. But we learn from other generations of the same study, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned other things such as
that you perform the ringer, and the even basic things such as that you complete your will do
in the same duration of durability around that you complete your door. Another thing that you do your puzzle of janatha
that you perform your ritual bath as a result of major ritual impurity. This actually mentioned that had ether Jabri what this means and what that shows is that Islam isn't just about the major aspects of religion. In fact, in all of that Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has described a Muslim as being someone who does this, this this, this, Islam as being something in which this is done, this is done this system, and some of the things are very base. In one of the province of the law, it was seldom set, spoke about Islam, and he says someone asked Islam, what is Islam? What's the best Islam and one of the Hadith
sallallahu Sallam says
that you took him apart from autocracy.
Akuma part of some of the love on him some Islam is that you feed people food, you feed,
not just giving charity, you feel there's a difference between it.
It's very easy to
drop a few coins in a bucket
and desensitize and detach yourself, detach yourself from the charity.
This is why charity Islam is about sharing. It's not about just simply give. It's about sharing. Plimpton I'm better at that and Fukushima, boom, you will never attain virtue, righteousness, piety, until you spend that which you love. Now, we don't just love money.
We love our leisure, our free time, our privacy, our comforts.
Islam teaches us that we don't just give some money and forget.
Drop them forget given forget Rob, that we share of that which we love.
We go out of our way. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Islam is that you feed people food.
There's a clear.
You mentioned the effort and feeding.
Not just dropping a few coins in a bucket, or even wiring some money over to someone that's very easily.
True charity is that you become involved as a province of the law items themselves. You feed.
When you feed people, you go through a great effort. You're caught, you purchase the items, you acquire things, you go through great trouble to shop, to obtain, to gather to prepare to cook,
to prepare the house to welcome something. When they come you take out all your time to do that. You welcome them you show great hospitality. And the Arabs were famous for their hospitality. They really were and included in our till this day, that trait has remained in the Arabs.
That trait of hospitality has remained in the Arabs, the true Arabs. And that's been that was the case in the days of Jay Lee.
They would say that even if an enemy arrived at someone's tent,
that custom in their protocol dictated that they would not refuse them food.
Even an enemy.
So you prepare food you invite them into your home. You give them your time. You spend your leisure, you share you eat to enjoy the company you give them of your company.
This whole experience is what Islam encourages selfishness to this degree that we've all ended up in our own homes, eating alone.
Living alone.
Neighbors not knowing each other.
Neighbors hardly seen each other except for the cursory glance, and functional and perfunctory. Hello, how are you good day.
Hi, bang.
This isn't what Islam teaches.
Islam teaches sharing, sharing of that which we love, not just giving a bit of money here and there. That's charity. So here the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says Islam what's the best Islam Islam is that you feed people food and then he said and that you say Salaam you offer your greetings
and I'm in the heart of the Roman Empire if to all of those that you recognize as well as those that you don't
spread Salaam freely.
Yes, salaam means peace.
That means peace.
And you spread the word of peace and the spirits of peace to everyone those you know those who don't know those who recognize those who you don't
Salaam so important Allahu
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say Salaam to children, groups of children playing you would pass by them and loudly say Salaam to them. So Damn it.
That was two children.
One can just imagine how the children would have replied to the prophets of Allah Allah.
So, that is part of Islam. In another head the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says who is a Muslim, and a Muslim woman sent him a Muslim woman lisanna
Muslim is one from whose hands and from whose tongue other Muslims remained safe. That is Islam. Islam isn't just about salah and soccer and Hajj and fasting. Islam is complete.
malassezia Johan levina. Athena an acquittal for silica. What are the word shavon in the movie are believers embrace Islam completely, totally. And do not follow in the footsteps of shavon Verily, He is your clear enemy. And part of his deception is that he prevents you and mislead you and misguide you
and prevents you from embracing Islam complete.
So you begin to think that Islam is just about the functional, formal ritual
acts of worship. As long as I pray, my Salah, give my czaka fast, and I perform the hedge.
My connection with the Creator is complete.
Regardless of how I behave in others, no prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in this Hadith, later Bama Makati Imam Muslim from Abdullah Muhammad a grass will be a lot more even as a Muslim woman sentiment Muslim woman the son of the Muslim is one from whose tongue and from his hands, other Muslims remain safe. And the remarkable thing is
which one comes first.
And Muslim is one from whose hand and also remain safe from his tongue. The tongue comes first Missoni he were there, from whose tongue and from his hand, other Muslims remain safe. That's a true Muslim. That was a Muslim. So Islam is about all of the teachings of religion, whether it's to do with
ensuring that other people remain safe, not just safe in terms of they don't fear.
But rather you give them peace, you give them peace of mind. And Muslim is one who gives his fellow Muslim total peace of mind. reassuring that you do not have to fear any harm from me. Neither Obama hand or Obama letter.
That's the most
and that he feeds people, feeds who
he gives his shares. He says Salaam to em for
all of this part of Islam.
And then
in the same duration of this heading, Prophet sallallahu wasallam also says that Islam is that you do what else that you perform the muzzle of job
that you perform your hossen as a result of major ritual, improved impurity, and that you complete your bowl. What this means is that Islam is ensuring that you remain pure at work.
You remain in a state of purity.
That you when you do will do you don't rush your mobile, we may think this is trivial. We may think this is trivial,
but outward purity will ensure in appearance.
Cleanliness is part of Islam cleanliness is part of religion, the cleanliness of one surroundings, one's appearance one's clones.
And one should never misunderstand. We've learned from some hardy that this happens all the Sahaba of the labyrinth was simple.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says to them in an email that simplicity is part of EMA.
So how do we reconcile these two concepts? One of hygiene, cleanliness, orderliness.
And yet, on the other hand, we also know of some people as a prophet sallallahu. Some says there are many who are disheveled and Kim
covered in dust.
People drive them away from the doors yet, if they were to swear In the name of Allah, Allah would not allow that to go unfulfilled. So how do we reconcile? It's very simple.
All of these people that and probably some of them love it was some speaking of, well, humble, simple COVID
Dust disheveled and unkempt.
They are those people whose hearts and minds are totally detached from the told they are in their own world.
And that world is one in which they are connected with a last Chronicle with Anna, they are not to blame, they are not at fault. They are genuinely detached from the world. They are unconscious of the world. They truly are unconscious of the world. They don't know who or what's happening, who is who around them, what's what
their gaze is on the earth, and they genuinely are totally detached. And there are a few select individuals who are of that nature of that camp. But apart from these exceptions, for the rest of us, who are grounded, who are conscious and aware of what's happening around them, for the rest of us, indeed, cleanliness, hygiene, orderliness. All of this is part of
since we are conscious,
likes among Farsi, it'll be a lot more.
He was walking past
some people in the marketplace in Persia.
they commented on his clothes.
And they spoke
in a manner that he couldn't understand but his companions he said to them that What did they say?
So they told someone will firstly it'll the alarm did not become he wasn't offended, it didn't become angry. His reply was,
is far better.
That's all he was concerned about the earth is far better.
So, apart from some for the rest of us, hygiene, cleanliness and orderliness and outward purity, is
one of the conditions of Islam, we must ensure outward external ritual purity, Manmohan Singh and others all relate to these prophets and the love and even some of them passed by to pass by to graves.
occupants of the graves were both both being punished, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his words were his stock for the companions. And it's a reminder of the ban if he could be or not being punished for something great, ie that people do not think it's great, they are great.
As for one of them, he would not save or protect himself from urine, either spray of urine.
When a person passed, urine,
passes urine, the spray the
drops of urine.
If they reach one's body, ones clouds and remain on there, then that is a sign of carelessness. If that happens inadvertently, without knowledge that's different. But if it's done out of carelessness, in fact, and
although it's commonly believed that you should, of course, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to sit down whilst passing urine while answering the call of nature, that is true. But if need be,
and that's what we follow to but if need be, it's entirely permissible to stand up and pass you're entirely permissible, if the circumstances demand.
For instance,
you go to a public place, and
you are fearful, that sitting down
will not ensure as much purity as standing up
and that you are fearful that if you sit down, this will lead to the polluting of your clothes and the polluting of your body by urine or by the impurity which is already there, then it's entirely permissible. And there should be no reservation or hesitation in this, that you stand up in Europe.
In fact, the prophets of the love it was in them did it in the headache of relief. I had all the love and it's mentioned by most authors that the prophets of love and you send them came to a pit or rubbish
And he stood and he urinate
so the llama have to explain why he did that and then one of the most simple explanations is that because he was a rubbish at it was rubbish pizza was an area where there was impurity and filth already present. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up to ensure that there would be no ill effects of impurity on him. So that that in itself is a son of Rasulullah sallallahu it was with the circumstances demand, then a man can stand up and urinate. Why is that done? To ensure that one's clothes and body are not polluted? Because that and this is extremely vital external purity is essential.
So here the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says part of Islam is that you complete your will do
you relate to her in his son.
But one day in federal Salah
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam led
Salah we learned from other generations to that he was reciting sudo to room
and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam experienced difficulty in the para insula.
So after Salah he turned around, and he said our people, when you come to the masjid, then make sure you do you make your good your will do. Make sure you make good your will do, you will do complete it. For some of you are not completing your will do. And what happened the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says I'm thinking to myself, why am I struggling with the Quran? Why am I struggling with the Cora? It's because some of you do not complete your spam. But when someone in the congregation fail to complete and make good their will do as a result, not only were they effect, in fact, this had an impact on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that in Eman the recipient of ye and
revelation that even his para insula was affected. This is a world that we do not understand. External purity has an impact on one's inner purity, external impurity leads to in impurities
and this is why the province of the lungs and also said that you do also have Genova.
Although it's permissible to remain in a state of impurity. For a
short while it's entirely permissible.
lacob hora hora de la hora. And once in the morning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him
salaam aleikum
wa rahmatullah
quickly stole away.
And then the province alarm it was in the maximum latest that all right now why she said the rule of law, I was in the state of ritual impurity Genova so I did not want to say Salaam to you in that state. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the morning and I indras indeed the believer does not become impure, if you are not so impure, that you can't give Salaam
or you can't make. So it's permissible to remain in the state of impurity for a short while, but it's not encouraged. And obviously before the Salah, one has to be in a state of purity for salah and for the act of a bar that. So
part of Islam is to ensure one's external purity.
I end with this.
This is the first part of the Hadith that Islam is these things, but not just the Pillars of Islam. But Islam is much more. And there are so many, so many verses of the Koran, which speak about different aspects of Islam. The main thing we need to remember is that Islam isn't just about the major acts of worship, it's about even the smallest of things. prophets, the love and equal cinema has emphasized ritual purity will do as being part of Islam, giving people Salaam, feeding people. All of this is Islam. And all of this that we have discussed so far in just the first part of the heavy is about external Islam because that's what ultimately Islam is externally as far as a man is
concerned, which is the inner part, the inner faith. That is something else and inshallah we'll discuss that and the remainder in the next session. I pray that last call with our enabled system Stan was a lot worse than he would have suited to be in a humid weather. savvy marine. Stronach a lot more conditions.
One in a land