Riyadh Walls – Taraweeh talk 16, April 6, 2018
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The importance of preparing for one's journey to Islam is discussed, including the need for a strong foundation and preparation for the future. The Houthville deification of Islam is emphasized, along with the importance of avoiding double-standing and being a Muslim person. Visacity for Islam is emphasized, and persecution is discussed as a form of migrating.
AI: Summary ©
I'll visit him in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Oh solidly what will sell the most solid and water Sleeman
earlier Connie Bhima CAMI me real MB Eva Immerman mousseline
well I shall do what Illa Illa Allah Who will you saw the screen?
Well, I shall do Anessa Yidden whenever you know all the men are
happy when Mohammed and also Allah for terminal Ambia evil mursaleen
suddenly Lahoma wa Sallim wa Barik Allah has an OBE I mean Well, the
he also has that in her resume I mean, Amma bad
to our beloved Imam, Sheikh Abdul Rahman, Allah subhanaw taala
granting Shiva and granting long life in the obedience of Allah and
in the service of the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and
mankind at large army neuropil alameen
to our elders, or NEMA, our beloved curry, or the Shoukry,
Friday, tomato Muslimeen I greet you all with the universal
greetings of love, mercy and peace. A Salam or Aleikum, wa
Rahmatullah alayhi wa barakato.
Call Allah Tabata, Kota INFP he told me his disease but there was
a builder him in a shell Tanya regime
Well, Jaya he do feel you have heard you heard the
word you tuber come
well Mirjana eyelid confit Dean him in horridge
Minh letter A B come Ibrahim,
who was sama Kamal Muslimeen Amin comedy Wolfie Heather.
Lee Hakuna rasuluh Shaheed Jana Aleikum What a cool new show her
the island us for a team of solid to the kurta what Tassimo Billa
who will Mola come for Nia Merle Mola when Yama Nazis
so the cola who loves him
Surah Al Hajj
verse number 78, the last verse in Surah Al Hajj
and although the topic today is not about Hajj, often reflect on
the fact that
there is only one of the pillars of Islam
with which Allah subhanho wa Taala has named one of the chapters of
the Holy Quran, there is no Surah to Salah or pseudo Cassia suited
to Zakah
but there is a Surah to Hajj and if you see how Allah subhanaw
taala begin Surah to Hajj then you actually understand what Hajj is
all about.
Yeah, you will nurse Dakota back home in nuzzles Allah does it show
you nauseam. Yama, Tarawa Tata Luca Lumo they attain
Tada I could do that at Hamlin. Hamlin. Swatara NASA su cara
Wilma, whom be sukar ah, well Akina other Billa he should eat.
I mean, you would think Allah subhanaw taala would maybe begin
sudo to hedge with
us going into a haram
arriving at Baitullah in the Haram making Tawaf making sigh. But how
does he begin Surah clench, O mankind, Fear your Lord, for
indeed the shaking of the hour is most severe.
The day when you see it, every woman giving suckling, to her
child will abandon the child. And every woman carrying a child will
must carry that child and you will see mankind intoxicated, but they
are not intoxicated, but the punishment of Allah is Severe.
So what is hydro all about then?
It's preparing for Qiyamah tell us that's what hydro is about a
journey to Allah in this life, in preparation for our journey to
Allah in the hereafter.
If you think it's anything else,
then we need to look again.
And how does Allah SWANA to Allah end that chapter. So now we know
this whole life is about preparing for the hereafter. And Hajj is the
ultimate form of preparation. It's like a pre run for death.
Hajj is like a pre run for Deaf for the two pianos. What are the
two pianos a sucker roll Cooper all the minor Qiyamah and dementia
Kiama. What's the minor Kiama
The multiple Adam for Potomac chiamato so beloved prophet Salah
Salem says, If mankind passes away, then his Qiyamah his
judgment is established. That's the minor Kiama and the major
Allah, Allah
laomi Navin yolmer Your Kuhlman nurse will your blind. I mean, do
you not think that they're going to be resurrected for a great day,
the day when mankind will all be standing up and looking on way.
FISA till Kedah in the grandest courtroom, Imam Al Hakim Allah
Allah in front of the highest judge, Allah subhanho wa Taala had
his own about preparing the ultimate preparation for that day.
Then we go through solar to hatch and we get to the last verse,
verse number 78.
And what does Allah subhanaw taala say? It's like the last Dorsia the
last bit of advice in preparing for the day. What does he say?
What'd he do filet haka jihadi
and struggle
in the way of Allah a true struggle.
In as much as what that struggle is I will leave you to fill in the
with Jaya he do feel like a hotter jihadi,
who want you to come
and struggle in the way of Allah true struggle.
He has chosen you.
He's chosen each and every single one of us.
For this Deen
for the sacrifice, for the struggle
will lie none of us would be Muslim. If Allah had not guided us
to Islam. I always remind myself of that.
What is the first thing that people have Jana May Allah make us
of them?
May Allah make us of them?
What's the first thing they will see when they get to Jana waka
Hamdulillah he levy had originally had a Kundalini
Lola and hadn't Allah Oh praise and thanks is due solely to Allah
for guiding us to this and we would not have been guided if
Allah didn't guide us.
That's something must remind ourselves each and every single
day. And hamdulillah Allah and Yama tell Islam or kufr be Herman
or praise and thanks is due solely to Allah for the favor of Islam
and in our favor. It is for us. He's chosen us, He guided us. We
didn't make ourselves Muslim.
And I take that for myself as somebody who came as they would
say, into the deen or reverted back to that inherent natural
state in which Allah subhanaw taala created all of us to fit
through fit throughout Allah, Allah T Fatah. renessa Allah,
tiempo de la pila. That's the fitrah the natural way, total
submission and surrender to Allah subhanaw taala.
So if you are a Muslim, thank Allah
and be grateful for the favor of Islam. And look after it as your
most treasured and valuable asset in your life. Who was your
tobacco? He has chosen you? Well, Murgia Dinniman heritage
and he hasn't made any part of this religion. uncomfortable for
Literally, Raj. If somebody makes a mirage on you, it means they
make you feel uncomfortable.
So it's not just about saying that Allah hasn't placed any difficulty
in this religion for you know, he hasn't even made any part of this
religion uncomfortable for us.
Oh my God, I didn't even have such a deal to use. The religion is
easy. Set up another prophet Sallallahu sallam. It's why he
says, But Shirou went to the Pharaoh. Yes 010 give glad tidings
don't chase people away. Don't make the Dean difficult. It's not
difficult. Yes, zero make things easy, will lead to zero don't make
them difficult. Hala Kalamata not your own. Those that make this
Dean rigid and difficult.
What happens to them they self destruct says Even Mr. Wood
and said Abdullah bin Abbas, he says here come well hello. Be
aware of being extreme in your religion. For a naman Khanna Kubla
Khan, the Halacha Bill Hulu because those who came before you
self destructed because of being extreme in the religion. The deen
is easy.
Oh my god. I live confit dini.
In horridge militar RB comm Ibrahim Allah, the religion of
your father, Abraham. Allah is salatu salam, ala Romain, the
friend of the Most Merciful. He is the symbol of our faith. Did you
know that?
A times in the Quran, Allah Allah subhanaw taala speaks about us,
the OMA of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam following following the
faith of Abraham, he is the symbol because all the Gambia were on the
same faith. And that faith is completed and perfected and
culminated with the law Shirato woman Hijjah the law and the way
that was given to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam,
he is the one who received the completion and the perfection of
that Dean mill letter, Ibrahim Hanifa. What is Hanif
Hanifa comes from the word hanf, which means a male or female in
Arabic, translated into English to turn away. Why because Nabil
Ibrahim, at one time he was the only believer and he turned away
from the worship of every one and everything besides Allah subhanho
wa Taala
so this is our faith La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam the completion and perfection and combination
thereof the law and the way that was given to Mohamed Salah to
Robbie was somebody
who was sama Kamal Muslim in Kabul know
what he has?
He has named you
as a Muslim in
He has named you. I'll mostly mean
what is what does that mean?
In actual fact, by me saying that I'm actually not doing justice to
the IRA.
Because what is this this is the third Joomla
This is the translation of the hood burger that I have to give on
the member.
So if I say he has named you Muslimeen I haven't translated
later the entire verse
It was what does it mean to be a Muslim?
Or Muslim in
coming from the verb a slammer you slim or Islam? means the one who
submits and surrenders their will to the will of Allah subhanaw
who was some markable Muslim in
now what do we think of ourselves as Muslim in
how do we see this label?
How do we fit into it?
What defines us as Muslim in
and then automatically we start thinking okay, but which kind of
Which kind of Muslim? I remember over 27 years ago, before the law
he will correct me by the favor and the grace of Allah subhanaw
taala when I embraced Islam,
one of the first groups and I put that in inverted commas
and they were very helpful mashallah, in actual fact, the
first Muslim I met,
where I was a production manager for a screen printing company was
Brother Farrokh Muscat from Zimbabwe.
He used to be a Rastafarian.
And he embraced Islam. And he was with the Jamaat to bleed
and used to come to work every day, in his quarter, and his mom
and his turban and he was the first person to call me to Islam.
In actual fact, he gave me a little book on the life of
Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Muhammad the messenger of God, but
in ARM Allah Han from Pakistan. It was printed by the central Islamic
trust in Johannesburg, I don't know where brother Farooq is, if
any of you know him,
please send my love and Salaams to him.
Brother Farrokh
and then I was living also in Craven be in the Gulf
in Calusa
mashallah, I lived in Craven B for 18 years.
And they I met mashallah brothers from the group that they called
or Barelvi as some people refer to it as
and then I spent some time in Johannesburg and I met the
brothers who say that they from the Deobandi
And I spent some time at hamdulillah in North Africa in
Morocco. And they I met some of the brothers that said that they
are on the Atari T journey.
And then I met some brothers and they called themselves a self
here. And then I met some brothers and they called themselves
Alejandro Muslimeen. And then I made some brothers and they call
themselves Elmo, Robbie tune, Elmo had you ruin his good Terrier
and omit all these Muslimeen.
And then I thought of this verse, who was Sama, Kamal Muslimeen. I'm
in Kabul.
Now I am not at all in any way, denying any contribution that any
of these so called groups have made to the amount of Muhammad
Sallallahu wasallam.
Because each and every single one of them have made a positive
And they've also come with their own shortcomings.
And they've also come with their own trials and tribulations.
But what I want to try and emphasize today is belonging to
one of these groups does not define you as a Muslim.
And in no way makes you better than the other Muslim.
Because that is what how Allah subhanaw taala is going to judge
us on the Day of Yom Akiyama.
Where is the Tablighi? Where is the Deobandi? Where is the burly?
Where is the Naqshbandi? Where is the Cheveley? Where is the BA
Louis? Where is the one? Where is the Salafi? Where is the Hanafi?
What's that? Could you be concerned about that?
If you belong to any of these groups, and you've got something
positive to contribute, bring it to the table. Let us celebrate
each other. And know this. Know this tomato Muslimeen that we as
Muslim in Allah is testing us with each other.
Allah is testing us with each other.
If you want to know why the Muslims have the largest number of
refugees in the world today, Syria
12 million, just from the Syrian conflict, what from the
Palestinian conflict or the Iraqi conflict or the Atlantic contract,
or the refugees that have had to run for their lives from Burma?
We have the largest contingent of refugees in the world, we have the
largest contingent of orphans in the world.
Probably the Muslim lands are suffering, the most poverty and
oppression and conflict in the world today.
And we need to ask ourselves, why?
Because at the end of the day, come after Dino to Dan.
Beloved Prophet SAW Psalm says, do whatever you like, what you do
will be done unto you.
And then we see what we are doing to each other.
Because we have defined ourselves,
we've defined ourselves with a label other than the label with
which Allah defines us.
And that is a Muslim
woman Assa Nucala, me manda illallah wa, ala Saleh and what
color in any minute Muslimeen who is better in speech than the one
that calls to Allah
does a good deed and says I am a Muslim.
so it's about time we go back to basics.
whatever group you might belong to Alhamdulillah if you're
contributing some good in the Muslim world, continue with that
in sha Allah to Allah. But let's come back to basics because Allah
is testing us with each other
Surah two for Converse number 20.
And it's so apt that it's incidental for con because unfor
con is the criterion.
It's that with which Allah subhanaw taala differentiates good
from bad right from wrong truth from falsehood.
And I want to just give you the second part of the verse,
Allah Subhan Allah whenever I come here, I just start speaking and I
see the times almost up
the baraka of gatesville masjid, Mashallah.
Surah Furqan please can look it up the second half of the verse.
Well, Jaya I know. But I'll go calmly bow didn't fit
across bureau. Were Coronado bookable Sierra
and Allah has made some of you a try.
while for others, Will you not then persevere and your Lord is
Ever Watchful. Allah is watching us. Allah sees what we are doing
to each other.
What we are saying about each other, how we are pressing one
another line to one another, backbiting one another being
envious of each other.
And we want to define our Islam based on the group that we belong
to, or our appearance. I mean, today I'm dressed as a Libyan with
a Saudi thobe
a soldier this this is a law seal.
Duffer Nina, I'll see
about this in Makkah as a Saudi so this actually comes from Morocco
but it's more of a like a Libyan graffia and this jacket was given
to me by a brother from from Libya
and you don't over the years over these 27 years. You know, when I
was a student in Medina, I used to wear the suit Danny soap
with the big turban that goes around like like I'm also says
and a brother when I was in Craven he still gave me a show all what
the culture welcome is and and an Afghani of Gunny had to go with
it. Because this define my Islam. How I dress, a burden, a burden.
We need to go back to basics.
What is a Muslim?
Ana de la vida amor radula and Houma. Annina BS en la sala makan,
muesli mu man Saleemul muesli Munna, Meili, Sunni
Muslim is
put aside all the things that we have to do our carnal Islam or
carnal Iman put aside all the things that we have to do.
And all the things of course what we must stay away from, and that's
included in this hadith. I will Muslim man Sally Mally Muslim Mona
Melissa and he will Yachty the Muslim is the one whom the Muslims
are safe from his tongue and from his hand.
While more hydro Manohar germana how Allahu Anhu and the mohajir
the migrator is the one that migrates away from all that which
Allah has prohibited such a simple Deen isn't it?
In fact that when asked the prophets Allah Allah mal Hegira to
Ya Rasulullah what is migration or messenger of Allah? He said Al
Hegira to and tajawal for Hashem Mahara mean how am I Bhutan?
They asked him what is migration in the path of Allah or messenger
of Allah.
He said migration is to migrate away from all promiscuity, evil
and corruption.
That which is
apparent and that which is hidden or to keema Salah to occur and to
pray and to give charity for under Mohammed you don't want to feel
harder than you are a migrator even if you die at home,
even if you die at home.
So we speak about spirituality.
Mashallah, Brother, how many times did you recite this month? How
many records did you stand up for tahajjud how many days did you
force mashallah excellent, badly to build a man like the Prophet
says make Hasting doing good deeds.
But you think that is going to be okay?
It's like you are
you're filling up the bank, or you're filling the bucket. You're
filling the bucket.
But the bucket is full of holes.
A bucket is full of holes. Why? Because I'm doing all these good
Making the Salah, ping the sucker. Making sadaqa art going for
hygiene, Amara fasting Ramadan, fasting a YAML bead, you're
listening yo homies doing all these good deeds.
But lying,
striking, oppressing, harming,
or to all those good deeds going to be worth.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked the Companions one day money
Who is the penniless person? So the Sahaba answered? Manila.
dyrham Allahu Allah Mata. O Messenger of Allah Allah. The
penniless man is the NMRT pace at
eight Nick helped me at Mirim bucks. He's got no money and he's
got no material possessions. That is the mufflers.
So the Prophet said law
Let's not the penniless person, I will move li su mon yet to Malkia.
Be Salatin was a good thing was the Amin
said the penniless person is the one that comes in the depth of
judgment, with Salah with Zika with cm, and we can make chaos on
that with hunch. It's a combination of all.
But they have occurred shatta MHADA. But they they saw so and so
or insulted, so and so
they have dishonored, so and so, they have taken from so and so
they have struck so and so they spilled the blood of so and so
they have stolen from so and so.
And then so and so will be brought forward, the victim
and then the perpetrator
for all those bad things that he did to that other Muslim.
Or you can even say that other person, because in the one that he
was the Hadith, Muslim or man Salema nesu Milissa and he was
authentic hadith, that the Muslim is the one whom people generally
are safe from his tongue and from his hand.
except in the case where one is being fought in one's Dean and one
is being driven out of one's home, then we have the right to fight.
Otherwise, people in general should be safe from our tongues
and from our hands.
So the victim will be brought forward.
And then that victim based on the things that have been done wrong
to them will then claim of the perpetrators of the perpetrators
good deeds.
And when the perpetrator has given up all his good deeds, but he
still has crimes to pay for, then he will have to take of the
victims bad deeds until the judgment is complete. And then
it'll be dragged by his on his face and cost into the fight of
John numb.
We need to go back to basics.
They got my tap on the toe now.
Baraka Luffy tomahto Muslimeen.
May Allah subhanho wa Taala caused us to realize what it means to be
a Muslim.
It's not just in the ritual The ritual is there for what color
Salatu was Salam in nama Boris Tulio Tammy McCarty Mala clock, as
if he is saying I have not been sent except to perfect the model
code of character. Salah is about character in the Salah to tender
and in fact, in your Salah Turner, Anil fracture he will monka
salah is the for character. Indeed Salah is there to keep us away
from promiscuity and evil. The chi is there for character who's meant
take from the money charity with which they can cleanse and purify
themselves their character Ramadan LUCAM that you might shield
yourself from all bad character hunch, from photography Hindle
hydrophila Rafa Allah for
lunch, if it takes on the obligation of Hajj, then let there
be no vulgarity or obscenity, no transgression or corruption and no
argumentation or confrontation in the hajj. O'clock, O'clock
O'clock. It just go back to basics. And let us insha Allah to
Allah, love for each other, what we love for ourselves, then we're
going to be true believers in the light. And then we're going to see
when we pass the test with each other, and Allah is watching, what
kind of a bookable 00 persevere, if we are going to persevere with
each other and treat each other as we should be treating one another.
Then we're going to see the help and protection,
the protection and the help is going to come from Allah subhanho
wa Taala and I end the verse of SOTA tahajjud to began with
Lee Hakuna rasuluh Shahidullah Aleikum at the messenger may be an
example for you, but to Kulu shahada Allah nurse and you might
be examples for the people for chemo Salah so established pray to
soccer and give your arms your charity well Tasi mobila and hold
on to the rope of Allah Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam who am Allah come he is your protector for
Nirmal Mona and excellent protect easy when net mon Nasir and an
excellent helper is he.
Now last one that Allah guide has to offer which is pleasing to Him
and keep us from all that which is displeasing to Him. We're after
Darwin and it handed a lot of Bill Alameen wa salam Wa alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh