Riyadh Walls – Masjidus Sunni Jumuah 27 August 2021

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet Muhammad sallal is the most popular title in the Bible, due to a connection with Allah's and a strong method of prayer. The title is a consequence of a history of struggling and reaching success, and is important for finding one's own success in life. The importance of patient behavior and deeds is also discussed, including a woman who passed away and a woman in Oklahoma. The segment emphasizes the need for consistency and finding one's own success in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu Allah so you deny

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Muhammad, Allah early humans have been here at the mountain.

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And Miranda for Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Mama Timothy Rama hello to Allah

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reports a hadith in his sunnah.

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We, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said

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ma'am in che in

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a scholar film is an in movement. Yo Malkia Mati when Hosni and

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said

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there is nothing

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that will weigh heavier on the scale of the believer on the day

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of PM, than good character.

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In another Hadith, more famous Hadith the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam is reputed to have said that in Namibia, I still

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live with them Mima my caramel o'clock, I have only been sent to

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Perfect, good character.

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all of the Hadith that we find on good character

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that's extremely interesting, considering that there are so many

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other things to take into consideration. The Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mission was an is a major mission,

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there is no prophet after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam, which means the message of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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the Sharia of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the

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Quran needs to extend up until the day of PM.

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So considering that considering the Hadith, the Prophet salallahu

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Salam says there's nothing that will weigh heavy on the scale, and

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the definitely hammer then good character. It's very interesting

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because there are so many other acts of a bad that

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that requires physical strength requires commitment, we have our

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hudge wherever so we have tahajjud, wherever tarawih things

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that requires things that exhausts us that requires commitment. Yet

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the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that nothing weighs heavier than

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good character. So obviously those acts of ibid

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are weighty in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala and will weigh

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heavy on the day fKM in our scales.

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But what's interesting is that the prophets Allah Allah Allah, Sanam

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says is that this is the heaviest good character.

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So, that that motivates us that you know, drew some interest for

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us to try understand what then is good character? How do we define

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good character, what constitutes good character, right? And what

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rushes too many of our minds, when we say good character is probably

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greeting the next one greeting with a smile, sharing kind word,

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assisting someone

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However, our scholars beautifully explained that what we what I just

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mentioned now, of good character, are the fruits of good character

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as a consequence of good character,

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but it's not the essence of good character. The essence of what

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good character is, as our scholars mentioned,

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is our connection with Allah subhanaw taala.

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So we often when discussing thinking about encouraging good

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character we often related only to our fellow humans, to our brothers

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and sisters. Most

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Lebanon Muslim, but we often forget that good character is in

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relation to Allah subhanaw taala as well as how we worship Allah

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subhanaw taala as well our dealings with Allah subhanho wa

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Taala as well. And our scholars say that the essence of good

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character is actually our relationship with Allah subhanaw

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taala. And when that is is the,

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the good character that we refer to that we often think of is just

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a consequence of fruits are an extension of what good character

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actually is. So over and over in Quran Allah subhanaw taala speaks

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about good character in relation to Allah subhanaw taala now, that

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can be in many forms, the fact that we are here today Joomla

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Joomla Joomla Salah etc our congregation on Friday is word is

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compulsive oblique obligatory upon us. The fact that we are in

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attendance today is a reflection of us being in obedience to Allah

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subhanaw taala which would be that which would mean that we are in

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good character with Allah subhanaw taala. So just by

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following the commands of Allah subhanaw taala implementing what

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is compulsory and abstaining from what Allah subhanaw taala

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prohibits us from that is, in a sense, a type of good character

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with Allah subhanaw taala. However, in Quran, Allah Subhana

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Allah Allah in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala speaks in numerous

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of two types of personalities, Allah subhanaw taala speaks of two

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types of characters or character traits.

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The one Allah Subhana Allah says

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and the reason I'm highlighting these two character traits that

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Allah subhanaw taala speaks about over and over in Quran is is

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this is either a consequence of good character or bad character in

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relation to Allah subhanaw taala our relationship with Allah

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subhanaw taala so Allah subhanaw taala says in Quran

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the one type of personality you get is what either a muscle inside

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of booboo, the Annerley Jambi Oh God, oh God, amen. Fella mica

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Schaffner and who do Rahu maraca Allah Mia the owner in adultery

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Messiah. Allah is the one type of character you get

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is when Homer flicks him or either Marcel insana. Bulu when Homer

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flick, see, I flicks him, the earner equals Unto Allah subhanaw

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taala he starts turning to Allah subhanaw taala is now devoted to

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Allah subhanaw taala right. Why? Allah says the anally Jambi, he

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calls us the jumpy on his side, aka iden or setting aka Iman or

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standing meaning ALLAH says in every instance in every position

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he finds himself in, he calls until its applicants to Allah.

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He's now devoted to Allah. Why because harm has afflicted him.

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Allah says fella mica Schaffner and who, who, once we've lifted

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the harm from him.

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maraca Allah Mia the owner in adultery Messiah, he continues as

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if I'm never afflicted, completely forgetting about Allah subhanaw

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In another verse, Allah Subhana Allah says for either rocky

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Bluefin full when they embark or they bought the ship or plane for

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that matter. The ANA rocky will fill full Kedah will Allah

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hammock, etc. And Allahu Deen when they embark on the ship, they call

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Unto Allah subhanaw taala very sincerely, very devoted, focused

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in the prayer right because they are undertaking a great method

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right the lives are at stake. Allah says Allah mana Jiang L bar,

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once we save them, and brought them to land, either whom you

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should call and suddenly they forget about Allah subhanaw taala

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and they ascribe partners to Allah subhanaw taala whether this kind

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of importance here means physically worshipping an idol or

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just forgetting Allah and placing others other things giving

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preference to other things over then Allah subhanaw taala we

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understand the meaning. So the one personality Allah subhanaw taala

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speaks about in Quran is that when he is in hardship,

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when difficult times afflict him, he's now devoted to Allah subhanaw

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taala and he now remembers Allah subhanaw taala

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and the other personality Allah subhanaw taala speaks about is

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for a male insane either maybe tele Hora boo for a Kurama who and

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I'm a hole for your pool or up be achromat the other personality

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Allah subhanaw taala says, the one whom we've honored him, we've

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given him status. Right? And we've given him wealth, and we've given

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him many things to enjoy himself with. Then he says fire cool rugby

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acraman dini is very proud of his Lord at the time. And he says, Oh,

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my Lord, a common occurrence and he, he has honored me and favored

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me and he's good to me and he's blessed me.

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Well, I'm married, I'm Roberta Allah, who for Kedah, Allah He is

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CO who, however, when we withhold this risk as a test, Allah

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subhanaw taala says, As a small, temporary, this

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and this doesn't only refer to wealth, like money, it is refers

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to my well being my health, a family, good offspring,

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my parents safety, security, a home roof over my head, and money.

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That is what it is, refers to, because I can have all the money

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in the world and no security, constantly anxious, et cetera, et

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cetera, and what good is all the money, so this refers to all of

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it. So Allah says, then this individual when we test him with

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this risk, maybe some insecurity, some, you know, then he says for a

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fool or up be a hand and then he says, Allah subhanaw taala has,

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has disgraced me, Allah subhanaw taala has, he's not being good to

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me with the we are literally saying it or we are feeling to

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thinking it. Allah subhanaw taala is aware of it. So the two types

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of character character is Allah subhanaw taala and I'm only

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quoting two verses, but Allah subhanaw taala speaks about them

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over and over. It's not individual, it's a personality,

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it's a character.

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Allah subhanaw taala speaks about them over and over in Quran, the

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one who's devoted to Allah subhanaw taala only when hardship

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afflicts him

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the one who is devoted to Allah subhanaw taala only at times of

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at times of ease, he performs his

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research in terms of difficulty it feels as if Allah has disgraced

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him. Well, that's not good to me. It was unfair. Right? The other

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one when the hutzpah Chippewa flicks now is devoted.

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And the minute Allah alleviates his pain and his and his

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difficulty he forgets.

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So what is it that Allah subhanaw taala wants from us what Allah

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subhanaw taala one wants from us is good character. What Allah

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subhanaw taala wants from us is consistency. We need to be pleased

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with the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala irrespective of our

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When hardship afflicts us, we need to do with patience, and it's

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And when is afflicts us or rather when Allah subhanaw taala honors

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us and grants us prosperity, and times of ease and luxury. Then we

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need to remember continue to remember Allah subhanaw taala and

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continue to worship Him. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Quran

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the third category, the third category is the one who has good

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character, the one who is in relationship with Allah subhanaw

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taala is intact. The third category Allah mentions is in the

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inner Sadhguru except those Allah mentioned the first category, the

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second category and then Allah says except those who saw baru

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they have patients while Amina Salah hut and they do righteous

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deeds are more fussy rune say except those who have patients at

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times of difficulty. Well, I mean Salahaddin do righteous deeds, at

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times of ease, if we can adopt patience at the time of

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difficulty, and we can ensure good deeds at the time of ease and not

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forget Allah subhanaw taala Allah says, I'm not saying Allah Subhana

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Allah, Allah says Allah, Allahu Akbar, Farah. for them Allah

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Subhana Allah has guaranteed forgiveness well as your own

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cabbie, and an immense reward.

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When we correct our situation and our relationship with Allah

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subhanaw taala everything they offer is just a consequence of our

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relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. We pray that Allah subhanaw

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taala grants us the necessary consciousness taqwa, understanding

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and strength to irrespective of our condition, Allah subhanaw

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taala promises in Quran that in Allah Allah,

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Allah does not harm men, in the least Allah is not in just unjust,

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Allah subhanaw taala doesn't does not harm men in the least while I

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can Anessa and Fusa whom you have removed, but no man harms himself.

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If Allah subhanaw If there are times of difficulty afflicting us,

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whether it be my health, whether it be wealth, or whatever the case

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may be Allah subhanaw taala knows what's good for us in that moment.

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And it's only temporary Allah Subhan Allah says in Quran we will

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well hon one second we will definitely test him be che in

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mineral health,

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something some difficulty, some hardship, some decrease in wealth

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for a short time. Allah guarantees us that that is not going to last

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forever. What we need to do at times of difficulty, irrespective

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of what we find ourselves in is in do with patients. Now

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And actually I'll end up with this with patients

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is how do we induce patients, they say you get something, there's two

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words in Arabic. One is patience, and one is just allowing time to

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pass, I can be standing in a queue in a long queue complaining,

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right? And often our I reached the front, I've complained the entire

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wait in the queue. That's not patience. But I waited an hour and

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the next guy is right next to me. He's also waiting the same hour.

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But he understands the situation you understand whatever the

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circumstances may be, and he reaches the front of the queue,

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same time, I've waited an hour if he's waited an hour, one is

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considered patients one is not considered patients because I was

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complaining the entire time. So patience is when we endure

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whatever it is that Allah subhanaw taala has placed us in

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and we remember Allah subhanaw taala and we remain devoted, and

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we make stuff up. And when Allah subhanaw taala alleviates the

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difficulty from us, we continue to remember him and we continue to do

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righteous deeds. I pray that Allah subhanaw taala allows us to be of

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the third category that is pleased with the decree of Allah subhanaw

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taala and we do righteous deeds irrespective of our condition or

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better than COVID McDuffie we're after Domina and you're humble.

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Alhamdulillah Hilaire de la mesa wala as a human Tadiran some

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younger Sierra well shadow Allah. Allahu Allah Sharika. When you set

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this to 101, a shadow and an SAE, then Mohammed Abdullah, he was

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also in a nasty Bashir, one of the Euro Allahumma salli ala

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Sayyidina, Muhammad

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Ali, he was talking to him yourself. The Sleeman Kathira on

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Yohannes Allah Hafiz Sibley well Allen in Allah Allah Quran in

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Madrid by the Ministry of Energy maybe Smilla Rama Rahman r Rahim

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Johann SUTA in Zola this attache on Halim yo matter on the head of

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the hamlet Hamlet with renessa suka suka Allah He shouted

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accrual accounting Heather was the federal law How do you welcome

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Melissa Muslim in our Muslim manifesto crew in the hula?

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Alhamdulillah nama do who want to start you know who want to stop

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futile when all go below him in Shruti I'm Christina Molina

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who follow me on my YouTube little fella had

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ilaha illallah wa ala Sharika

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Mohammed Abdullah who rasool

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for Johan nurse, Uzi kimono co Whelan, Vita Cola, the cola

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Hilaire de la palabra, Euro Hawala, Yahama Illa, Allah you

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Cebu Illa Allah

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call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I feel Hadith duckula

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HIFU my account what I say I tell Hassan

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before looking at

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took a look in Hassanein Alamo and aloha Morocco. Salatu was Salam al

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Habib Al Mustafa for call as I mean call in Allah wa Mala you

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gotta who you saw Luna Harlan every yeah Johan leadin, Salah

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Allah and he was living with this Lima Lahoma suddenly Allah said

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you didn't know Muhammad didn't know and he was often being used

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to limit the Sleeman Kathira on gift Kathira for the law who

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managed to have a big mountain and be back go to Walmart or ottoman

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or Alibaba the low dollar

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what answer it is to have a deeper dive behind momentarily I won't be

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understanding either you maintain Allah Islam only Muslim in Allah

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Islam only Muslim in law Islam only Muslim in ruling California

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we're looking for them

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I mean

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dunya Hassan,

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Hassan Burkina

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in the La Jolla Marula Adela will certainly want you tell them

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goodbye way in here and fascia

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kulula I have a surgical Kumala the crew Allah Akbar hola We are

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now on a team of saga

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Bismillah Al Rahman Al Abadi Al Hamdulillah you beat me out rough

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man walking me man you kill me dini. You cannot undo doing yeah

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Canis doubting Dana Sarah. Stephanie mascara, Bernadine and

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Nanda Eileen waiting to be earning even more on me.

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for the Afla Harmon girl why that girl must be for sun belt to see

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rune and higher than dunya

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you know to for you.

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Call in

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so whorfin Ooh. So healthy Ebola Hema one

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Semyon law halimun Hamidah.

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Love, Love

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all about

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Bismillah R Rahman watchman Rahim Al Hamdulillah benign I mean

00:24:06 --> 00:24:13

Rockman Rahimi Malik a woman Dini Yeah, can I eat? Yeah, can Stein,

00:24:14 --> 00:24:21

Idina Sarah, stepping email Sarah and Danny Moline in the loop

00:24:23 --> 00:24:28

on me.

00:24:37 --> 00:24:44

Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, alumna Shara Halakhah Sadananda Well, Doc

00:24:44 --> 00:24:55

now with the rockin lady Tada raka well, like the Quran for in city

00:24:55 --> 00:24:59

you summon in city you so far

00:25:00 --> 00:25:01

either federal

00:25:04 --> 00:25:05

big federal

00:25:06 --> 00:25:06


00:25:13 --> 00:25:16

sent me a long Lehmann Hamidah

00:25:19 --> 00:25:21


00:25:27 --> 00:25:29

hola hola como

00:25:32 --> 00:25:33

hola como

00:25:38 --> 00:25:39


00:26:11 --> 00:26:18

Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah center. Marlene kumara Metallo.

00:26:20 --> 00:26:22

So for the last of the last

00:26:25 --> 00:26:29

thing you wanted to be Nick, and I certainly get over to number 22

00:26:29 --> 00:26:35

Oberheim. Jonathan Muslimeen we will also make dua for one of the

00:26:35 --> 00:26:40

trustees wives who passed away last week and Wednesday I think.

00:26:40 --> 00:26:44

We pray that Allah subhanaw taala forgives him for any shortcomings.

00:26:44 --> 00:26:47

And Allah subhanaw taala. Quran said is blessing Jana, and for all

00:26:47 --> 00:26:52

the motorhoming who supply Obama abominable human hamdulillah Amina

00:26:52 --> 00:26:55

salatu salam ala shortfill Umbria when was sending so you didn't

00:26:55 --> 00:26:58

want to be you know, Maulana Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

00:26:58 --> 00:27:03

dreamline Loma Fula hahahaha Wascana Jana, but the gel was

00:27:03 --> 00:27:06

insanely at hand wash your hair man never Jean was taping my

00:27:06 --> 00:27:10

Shahada. It was solely him alone. MacWilliam Morton Muslimeen aka

00:27:10 --> 00:27:13

fit and I'm here follow him with that idea to run home to the

00:27:13 --> 00:27:17

Oklahoma Senate. Why should never again I was deeply no issue

00:27:17 --> 00:27:21

whether it was slowly hanging on my husband. It could have been a

00:27:21 --> 00:27:23

humbling I mean as long as you know to be yet you know Kurata

00:27:23 --> 00:27:28

anyway, John and then Mr. Clean. Mr. Burnett, Senator Murphy for

00:27:28 --> 00:27:32

the high Senator working now. So far not because I've been asked

00:27:32 --> 00:27:35

that on my OC phone and I said I said you know what, if I'm the

00:27:35 --> 00:27:35


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