Riyadh Walls – Masjidus Sunni Fajr talk 04 September 2021
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The speaker discusses the importance of not seeking seeking seeking perfection in a sin and protecting oneself from it. They also mention the potential consequences of seeking perfection and protecting oneself from it. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to be aware of their actions and consider their heart's value.
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we continue on the second chapter of the etiquettes for the seeker
on the path
the second chapter is on repentance repentance and its
conditions protecting oneself from St.
Gallen Masonic Rahim Allah Allah and Allah Allah Allahu Allah
a seeker on the path to Allah should begin by repenting
completely towards Allah subhanho wa Taala
from all his sins
so the second chapter is unrepentant
and it's conditions
called misogyny for a whole lotta Island and Allahu Allah, Muhammad
Amin, a seeker on the path to Allah subhanaw taala should begin
his path by repenting completely towards Allah subhanaw taala from
all the sins,
if he has treated unjustly, any of the creation of Allah
he took what was rightfully this
or has debt towards them. You should correct this by giving
everyone they do
if the item does not exist anymore.
If the item does not exist anymore, then you should replace
it or ask them to release do relieve him of the state.
Readily whoever is encumbered by the will the rights of others,
or the rights of another being cannot proceed towards the path of
Allah subhanaw taala.
For true repentance to be sound, he must feel sincerely remorseful
by his sins, be truly determined not to repeat such actions as long
as he lives as a person who repents from a sin
then does not refrain from it, or he still harbors the intention to
repeat them is repentance is false and invalid.
Under that the Imam Al Ghazali Rahim Allah Allah does say what
does one do if I am
I want I have this desire to repent.
But I'm addicted to isn't what is one doing in a case like that?
Because clearly what Hidalgo Rahim Allah Allah is mentioning is that
a sincere and valid repentance is only when I have conviction that
I'm not going to return to this. So what does someone do when you
have an addiction? Not repent? None of us Allah Rahim Allah,
Allah says no, even the one
that has
not certainty, but this kind of show is you might fall into this
and again, because of the addiction and his weakness, you
should still repin from this.
Over the other hand, Allah Allah mentions, because it might just be
that this time of this is often often repentance before committing
the sin. Right.
But we do know that the validity of the of the repentance is
suspended on, on my determination or treated tend to listen. So
secret to the path of Allah should continuously be extremely aware of
the shortcomings.
You should be extremely aware of the shortcomings towards his
duties and obligations towards Allah subhanaw taala whenever he
feels regret, sad and heartbroken at the shortcomings, then let him
know that Allah subhanaw taala is with him. Why? Because Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and Delmon castrati Kulu boom in
agilely. I am with those whose hearts are broken for my sake.
Protecting oneself from sin. A seeker should protect himself from
the smallest of sins, let alone the great ones more than he would
protect himself from taking a drink of deadly poison. Should he
be more frightened to commit such a sin than if he attempt attempted
to take a drink of poison? Because committing such sins will affect
the heart just as the poison will affect the body? Only more
The heart of a seeker is more precious to him than his body.
Because Allah subhanaw taala Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said
he says in a hadith that in Allah
lyin guru Illa so welcome. Whether you said Allah subhanaw taala does
not look towards your body and your clothes and your outer
appearance while working in good fi Kulu bilities to do Allah
subhanaw taala looks gazes at the hearts in your chest.
The heart of the seeker is more precious to him than his body.
Now, it is an investment capital of the seeker and he should thus
accord the title protection. On the other hand, the body is a
target for disease and will soon be destroyed by this. Its death
however, means only that one has to leave this grief and anxiety
laden world. However, if the heart is ruined, then the year after is
ruined to For indeed, no one will escape and be rescued from the
Wrath of Allah subhanaw taala obtain his rewards when his
pleasure except
the one who can who comes to Allah subhanaw taala with a sound hot as
Allah subhanaw taala mentions in Quran
the young Pharaoh Merlin wallop and Luna Illuminata La Habra,
colbyn Salim nothing will benefit you on that day, no offspring, no
wealth, except the one who comes to Allah subhanaw taala with the
sound hot. So given that all our actions will be judged by our
intentions, which lies in our hearts.
And Allah subhanaw taala says in Quran that nothing will benefit
you except to sound hot. For that reason.
Our scholars consider and the seeker on the path as you had
mentioned, considers his heart the most precious thing, what is it
from it
is his utmost priority.
To conclude our scholars do mention that our eyes and our ears
or the generals to our hearts, so simple way to protect artists, to
protect what we view and what we listen to, like someone said,
irrespective of who you are, whatever you listen to fix you,
irrespective of who you are, whatever you listen to, affects
you. And likewise, what we see might Allah subhanaw taala
protect, protect our hearts protect our channels, to the
hearts allow us to purify our hearts and to meet him subhanho wa
Taala with a sound heart Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi
Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa and he was
happy Do you mind?
Open it in a moment it No fusina Taqwa was the human Zika antibody
you hum hola Hi. I mean I've been open about the headaches and I
will have let me let them get off my neck and there have been a
denier hasn't that hasn't worked out other than now so the handle
big microphone Ambassador Milan and would sell you know Al
Hamdulillah Hello