Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Talk Only Masjidus Sunni (18 Aug 2023)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of protecting one's privacy and privacy in general, including the need for women to cover their faces and the use of hinda for women in movies. They emphasize the need for women to cover their faces and privacy in general, and discuss the need for forgiveness and finding one's own happiness. The speakers also touch on the concept of "out of Islam" and the importance of blending perception and reality in order to avoid harming others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Although we lose Samira honey ministry upon your project Smilla

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Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu wa Sallim

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wa salatu turn water Sleeman

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yearly corny be more kami me real MBA, Eva Imam and more Selena.

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I shall do it in LA no will you saw him?

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I shall do unless a year then whenever you want all the minute

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or have you been a Mohammedan rasool Allah her term will be even

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more saline

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SallAllahu wasallam whether Rika hasn't be you I mean what are the

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early he was so Huberty Hilger resume I mean,

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I'm not bad.

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I'm assuming a Sidama Alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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called Allah Tabata Kota Isla fi kita visualises visualizes father

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would have been him in a show your turn your regime

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or calling me naughty of duty amenable sorry hinder

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or your fault in the photo? Johanna

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Wallah you Burdine Xena Tahuna

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il Ohara minha

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while you're the Ribena be humare Hiner I love you you will be hinda

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what color wala your Ribena be our Julie hinda Lee your lemma you?

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Fina means Xena zenity Hiner were to boo Illa Allah He Jimmy and a

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Johan Nino La La come to freehold we'll call it to Allah

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yeah your Nebby Jacob Obinna Attica when is ill meaning?

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You the Nina la Hiner bijela BB hinda Dalek.

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Au offner Fila you Lena

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were Kern Allahu La Fuhrer Rahima sada con la who love him.

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What was the mean?

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It is said

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by some of our scholars

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that you if you want to know the condition of a Muslim community,

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you just have to look how the woman dress.

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If you want to know the condition

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of a Muslim community, why don't say the Ummah why because

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one community differs from the next community within within the

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but if you want to know

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the spiritual strength,

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the closeness the curb

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that a community has to Allah subhanaw taala

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in terms of how conscious they are of Allah subhanaw taala

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and in terms of how much they are guarding themselves from the wrath

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and displeasure and anger of Allah subhanaw taala

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didn't just look how the women are dressing

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now I've just chosen two verses from the Quran

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and we'll look at some Hadith.

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I know that

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or in comparison with last week's

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timeline, the pressure is on

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but inshallah we'll keep it short. We'll try to

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but will lie this is a serious issue

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and at times you think nobody inshallah it's getting better.

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But then you look again, and it seems like it's getting worse when

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are you as a builder.

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So let's first go to the Holy Quran.

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We are all trying to hold on to,

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to have no line Mateen to the indestructible rope of Allah,

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especially in these times. I mean 90% of the minus signs are here.

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The other minus signs that just seem to be coming one after the

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other, and the major signs, they will come just like pearls fall

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off a broken necklace of posts, one after the other.

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So we don't have time to play to mess around. We want to hold

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tight. That's

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awesome. We'll be happy. Jimmy and

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We all want to hold tight together.

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And all of you hold tight together to the rope of Allah. Allah.

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Allah. In another verse, the indestructible rope of Allah Luffy

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Samana, it can never be broken.

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For those that are holding on to it, but it's a prophet say Salah

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Salem and his Farewell Sermon. Talk to me. Come on, Brian, I've

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left for you two things.

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Learn today Lu, ma intimacy Bhima

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Kitab Allah Suniti I've lived for you two things. If you hold on to

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these two things, you will never go astray the book of Allah and my

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way of life. So let's first go to the book of Allah.

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Call Allah Tabata Quwata Allah

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thekey Toby Hill as his brother who bIllahi min ash shaytani R

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Were calling me naughty.

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He didn't mean episodi hinda

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were your Father foru jahana

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wala you Medina.

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Zina Tahuna.

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This is Surah Noor

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verse number 31

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Surah Noor, verse 31. Let's go and do our homework and ponder

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furniture to Bruno Khurana Lubin

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because if we're not pondering, if we're not reflecting, then by

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default there are locks in our hearts as Allah says, don't they

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ponder over the Quran or are they locks on the hearts and if there

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are locks on our hearts here Allah please unlock our hearts. Open our

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hearts and let the light of the Quran

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and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sadie Anam

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penetrate our hearts, Amin your Operalia.

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So Allah subhanaw taala begins the verse by saying until the

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believing woman to lower their gazes. Now we've already covered

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the lowering of the cases of the men and the woman in a previous

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football we know what precedes this is of course the learning of

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the cases of the men. They need to lower their cases and protect the

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private parts delicate as cologne that is pure for them.

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We also want to touch on the speaks about the woman now he says

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they must also know with a gazes and protect a private bus

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protected chastity in other words, but the thing we're going to

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concentrate on today, Wallah you Medina Xena Tahuna

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and let them not display of their adornment let them not display of

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the adornment

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except that which is apparent they have

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now we can literally

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I can stand here and you can sit there

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and we can go through the entire debate of the dilemma.

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And we still going to come up with the same the teacher

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with the same results I'm just gonna give you the results.

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Otherwise, you're going to be here a long time.

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I'm just going to give you the results in llama the hara minha.

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There is

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all the overwhelming majority

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of scholars.

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If we are speaking about the minimum amendment, if we're

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speaking about the minimum, then the overwhelming majority of

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scholars say everything should be covered

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except a face and the hands except the face and the hands and this

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with regards to the Sunnah.

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And this was revealed in the fifth year of the Hegira in the fifth

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year. And our beloved prophet hasn't performed performed hajj

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when entertain theory in the 10th year of the hijab, and it was in

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the during the Hajj was during the Hajj. When the incident unfolded.

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Even Abbas Alfred even Abbas, the brother of Abdullah bin IBAS was

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with the Prophet SAW Salem on his camel.

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And a woman came to ask

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the Prophet saw some something and the profitsystem was answering her

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and he saw that photo was looking at her face

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with admiration. And so he literally took the face of a bus.

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He turned the face away. He turned the face away. So had it been

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based on this idea that a woman must cover her face, then he

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wouldn't have been looking at her face because it would have been

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and likewise

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There's another wire.

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And this is the rate of that I believe in our bus pertaining to a

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woman that we're handing out sadaqa on the day of Eid. And they

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Hans was showing and the Prophet saw some walk past him and he did

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not rebuke them for showing the hands.

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And then we have the other hadith of Esma Binti Abu Bakr when she

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entered onto the place with the prophets and was sitting in his

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home and for Cana Alinea, Thorburn Rocky,

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can i lay her

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through Rocky?

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She had a thin dress on her.

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And so the Prophet said to her, some OLALIA Selim he said, Yeah,

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either Bella tell him or

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phala Yes, Lucha Euro Amin.

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He's said, oh asthma. If a woman reaches the age of puberty, they

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nothing should be seen of her except this. And he pointed to the

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face. And he pointed to the hands.

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we're dealing with the results not to debate and we speaking about

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we speaking about the minimum overwhelming majority of scholars,

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they agree this is the minimum there are a few scholars that say

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no, the face must also be be covered. But that's only one coal

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in the bathtub of

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the woods. What you know when it comes to the mother of the humble,

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then almost in every masala vehicle,

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there are two opinions.

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No problem. It's no problem in that. You know when it comes to

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HDR image at the Asaba giran who are either a dolphin who alleges

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that the monster hit the one who has reached that level of

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knowledge where they are able to extrapolate the legal rulings from

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the Quran and the Sunnah and from each mAh and tears.

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If they are correct, they get to rewards if they make a mistake,

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they get one reward. So even if it's the colon module of Tony

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Rajesh will module, we have the outweighing the outweighing

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opinion, which has perhaps a stronger proof and you have the

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outweighed opinion, which is a weaker proof.

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We must all respect both opinions. Are you with me, we must still

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respect both opinions. So those that deemed that a woman was

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covered off her face, we respect that but the overwhelming majority

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of scholars of the opinion that her face is not part of our unless

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she is such a stunningly beautiful woman

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that if she had to walk down the road, there wouldn't be a man that

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wouldn't look at her. In that case, it would be compulsory for

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to to cover her face.

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Allah subhanaw taala makes it very clear, whether you Medina, Xena

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Tahuna Illa, Mahara minha, except that which is apparent they have

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a beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and each ma i

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mean there is consensus on the for BIA on the obligation

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on the compulsory nature of a woman wearing hijab. It is not a

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sunnah. It is a fairy.

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And it is based on Iijima

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and a person that rejects consensus

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after it has been proven to them from the Quran and the Sunnah,

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that it is compulsory, and they say

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to Kenny for my family,

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then Nasrallah, half your Salama because in certain instances,

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under circumstances, under certain circumstances, they could have

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taken themselves out of the fold of Islam Well,

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hey, them already I'm gonna do

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this is by virtue of being a Muslim, we know that a woman has

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to cover herself.

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If you go onto YouTube, and you put London 1901 London 1901 One so

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one of the first movies that we ever made in England, it's just

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basically this group of individuals. They went out to

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contest this camera and they put it in front of a workhouse

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that's what it was called in those days a factory.

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And first of all, the men came out, and then the woman came out.

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It's it's London 1901 You could swear it was cobble

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A 2021 By

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the way, those woman in London, those Christian woman, the way

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they are covered

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and then we get the courage, the courage and which up to today,

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depending on which school of thought, your corinium are your

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strict orthodox they don't like being called ultra orthodox. It's

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like somebody's calling us fundamentalists, even though we

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are fundamental in terms of following the fundamentals of our

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deen. But we don't like that and we are Muslim.

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And there must be must follow the fundamental sophisti. We don't

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like being called Islamist fundamentalists, or whatever the

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case might be. We are Muslim moon.

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We submit and surrender to Allah subhanaw taala. And to his laws

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and commandments, if you take the courage them whether they be the

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or the Hasidim, it's almost like the Sufis in the selfies you will

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know you will be you'll be shocked that the Jews have got Sufis and

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they've got selfies as well.

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They are the Sufis and the midnight them they are like the

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I'm saying in terms of the the mindset in complete implementation

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of the deen.

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But you will see amongst the hurry them up to today. And there's one

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particular group they call them lift to hold. They said no, they

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are going back to the old ways of mosaic. In other words, the Sharia

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of Musa and you should see the way they women dress.

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totally covered from head to toe in black.

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totally covered.

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we the Muslim in the Allah Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam who's

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been given the completion, combination and perfection

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of the deen of Islam.

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How is it that we are now finding

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another school of thought

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another way, another means another tradition, a new fashion.

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And you know where it is so telling when you go to a weddings?

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Hi, as I scratch my head, you know, I try and avoid going to

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weddings nowadays, I'll be honest with you.

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If it is

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close friends,

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and of course the wife also likes to go out you know, which he puts

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his hands on your own. You know where that saying comes from which

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isn't always used to wonder, you know that we should say my mother

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in law says Bailey for food she sang.

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In the old days, they used to go with the horse in the court. And

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in the people used to sit at the back of the court and they and in

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the fullness of time.

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But somebody that likes to go to functions and go visit people,

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often, which isn't.

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So you know, the wife also likes to go to will lay I scratch my

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head because I was in the car in the morning. And

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especially the bride. Oh, you look at the Ma sha Allah.

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And we get to the William

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turistic for

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forgive me, forgive me. I mean, you're forgiven what you see, but

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you are blameworthy for what you look at. Am I right? You are

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forgiven what you see. And then you turn away you lower your gaze

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immediately. But you are blameworthy for what you continue

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to look at because the Prophet said Salah Salem, he said he said

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not the law to touch bow hunting of the law.

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Said one glance follows a Glock another glance. Fella can hola

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Lisa, Catherine Do you have the first one but not the second one.

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So you see something that is haram. And then immediately you

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look away you're not playing with if what you saw, but if you

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continue to look then you're blameworthy.

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For arcanist

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forgive me, I asked you

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in the afternoon the cleavage.

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The cleavage.

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I ask you.

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But I'm saying this is this is the state of affairs. And this is not

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just at one

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wedding, if I must say, if I'm thinking about 10 weddings, then

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it's one out of every 10 we add the wedding itself at the

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reception, one out of 10 and I could be exaggerating here. In

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other words, I couldn't be I couldn't be giving. You know I

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couldn't be what's the word I'm looking for?

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A could become big, giving a very conservative figure.

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That one out of 10

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The bride is dressed appropriately.

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And the other 10 If it wasn't for all the booters men, Metallica

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fears and some of the titties but to his speakers. You could have

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been at a Christian wedding.

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I mean, apart from of course your killer to Quran

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And what do I wanna see ha

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and that's where it really hurts because now we are making dua we

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asking Allah for blessings, while we are openly disobeying him.

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Please explain that to me. We are opening the function with our

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Origo bIllahi min ash shaytani of Rajiv, we seek refuge in Allah

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from the Satan the accursed one and then we are answering the

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invitation of the shaitan.

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Tomatoes, Allah subhanaw taala then at the end of verse number 31

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Allah subhana dialysis who Allah You're dripping in we are Julie

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hinda Lijo Allah mama you feel I mean, Xena Tina, were to boil

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Allah He Jamia Anna you help me no no Hello Come to flee one. Let

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them not stomp their feet drawing attention to the hidden adornments

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turn to Allah in repentance all of you together males and females.

00:21:01 --> 00:21:03

Lower your gaze as cover your aura

00:21:05 --> 00:21:11

in order that you might be successful, okay, that is a no.

00:21:11 --> 00:21:16

Then Allah subhanaw taala says in chapter 33 Verse 59, you will

00:21:16 --> 00:21:19

never be equally as logical Robin Attica when he says, meaning you

00:21:19 --> 00:21:24

Tonina Allah hinda bijela BB in the early Kadena your offner for

00:21:24 --> 00:21:27

now they know akan Hola Hola, fotor reima Oh Prophet asked your

00:21:27 --> 00:21:30

wives daughters and believing woman to draw the cloaks over

00:21:30 --> 00:21:35

their bodies. Again, each ma that means covering the heads. And

00:21:35 --> 00:21:38

according to majority of scholars, the minimum would then be to draw

00:21:38 --> 00:21:42

the cloaks over Gob Hyndman he used to have pockets. They used to

00:21:42 --> 00:21:46

have pockets on the on the dresses, big pockets from the word

00:21:46 --> 00:21:51

J Bucha. In the pocket. So draw your cloaks over your heads and

00:21:51 --> 00:21:55

over your pockets meaning over your bosoms so the face can show

00:21:56 --> 00:21:57

and the hands can show.

00:21:59 --> 00:22:03

In order. It says in this way, it is more likely that they will be

00:22:03 --> 00:22:07

recognized as virtuous and they will not be harassed. And Allah is

00:22:07 --> 00:22:08

all forgiving, Most Merciful.

00:22:10 --> 00:22:13

Allah is all forgiving, Most Merciful. I remember, a friend of

00:22:13 --> 00:22:16

ours had a shop somewhere here in Lansdowne.

00:22:17 --> 00:22:18


00:22:19 --> 00:22:25

one day, this Christian girl came in and she was sobbing. She was

00:22:25 --> 00:22:29

sobbing, she was crying a hot dog. And so the Muslim sister, the

00:22:29 --> 00:22:32

owner of the shop, she said what's wrong? Is it no I was walking down

00:22:32 --> 00:22:37

the street and all the men every single Bucky that Pasto you know,

00:22:37 --> 00:22:40

strange men that passed me when whistling at me and shouting

00:22:40 --> 00:22:42

obscenities at me.

00:22:43 --> 00:22:46

But what was she doing? She was walking around, you know, in a

00:22:46 --> 00:22:48

miniskirt, you know with a tank top.

00:22:50 --> 00:22:53

And so the Muslim sister said to her, I want you Are you coming

00:22:53 --> 00:22:54

this way again tomorrow? She said yes.

00:22:56 --> 00:22:59

She gave her a a buyer

00:23:00 --> 00:23:04

and a hijab, a Dookie and she said tomorrow when you walk down the

00:23:04 --> 00:23:09

road, wear this outfit. She wore it the next day she walked down

00:23:09 --> 00:23:13

the road. Not one person even looked at her let alone whistle

00:23:13 --> 00:23:15

that or shouted obscenities to her.

00:23:17 --> 00:23:19

But here's comes the most dangerous

00:23:21 --> 00:23:23

and that is for us geometrics to me the men.

00:23:24 --> 00:23:27

The men may Allah make us true men, when meaning in a region

00:23:28 --> 00:23:32

of the believers they are true men. So the Kuma Agulla

00:23:33 --> 00:23:34

they have

00:23:35 --> 00:23:38

fulfilled the covenant was Allah, Allah make us of those who always

00:23:38 --> 00:23:41

fulfill our covenant with Allah subhanaw taala

00:23:43 --> 00:23:47

Cara never use Allah Allah wa salam la yet the full agenda to

00:23:47 --> 00:23:48

the youth.

00:23:49 --> 00:23:52

The day youth will not enter paradise.

00:23:53 --> 00:23:59

It was asked by the all Sedna Abdullah bin Muhammad, who was

00:23:59 --> 00:24:03

narrating the Hadith, what they use, what is it they use?

00:24:05 --> 00:24:09

I mean, that they use will not enter paradise. The day youth will

00:24:09 --> 00:24:12

not enter paradise. Now the devotees opinion exactly what is

00:24:12 --> 00:24:12

the de use

00:24:14 --> 00:24:17

this the extreme form, and is the form that is less than that

00:24:17 --> 00:24:21

extreme. The extreme form. In fact, I don't want to say the word

00:24:21 --> 00:24:23

because you might think I'm swearing, but you can look it up.

00:24:23 --> 00:24:31

See you See KHOLDHOL de that is what a youth is in the English

00:24:31 --> 00:24:36

language. But that's the extreme form of the day youth, literally a

00:24:36 --> 00:24:40

man who allows his wife to sleep around. That's the extreme form.

00:24:41 --> 00:24:45

But then you get different levels. The lesser of the of the forms of

00:24:45 --> 00:24:51

the day use manleigh Hera Tala, the man that has no protective

00:24:51 --> 00:24:55

jealousy over his woman. In other words, he allows his woman folk

00:24:55 --> 00:24:59

are you rooting for you at him? Bucha motors

00:25:00 --> 00:25:00

The unit

00:25:01 --> 00:25:07

that he allows his woman folk, his wives, his daughters to leave

00:25:07 --> 00:25:08

their home.

00:25:11 --> 00:25:15

uncovered, the outer is not covered, Morteza unit adorned for

00:25:15 --> 00:25:21

other men to lust after this also, according to the gym, this also

00:25:22 --> 00:25:28

falls under the title or the characteristics of the day youth

00:25:28 --> 00:25:32

that will not smell the fragrance of Jana. So a really good question

00:25:32 --> 00:25:34

to ask the next time.

00:25:35 --> 00:25:40

If one of the wives one of the daughters

00:25:41 --> 00:25:43

want to leave their home in such a manner

00:25:45 --> 00:25:47

then maybe the husband and the father

00:25:49 --> 00:25:51

he should ask. Don't you love me?

00:25:53 --> 00:25:56

Of course we love you, Daddy. Of course I love you my Pocky

00:25:57 --> 00:26:01

and don't you want me to go to Jana? Of course we want you to go

00:26:01 --> 00:26:05

to Jana, to Janet, Phil Dawson Allah. Well, in that case, if

00:26:05 --> 00:26:08

you're going to leave the house dressed like that, then you don't

00:26:08 --> 00:26:09

want me to go to

00:26:12 --> 00:26:15

Allah grant this understanding tomatoes, slimming Allah, you see

00:26:15 --> 00:26:19

where the world is going. See where the world is going. We're

00:26:19 --> 00:26:20

gonna go with them.

00:26:21 --> 00:26:22

But to be honest

00:26:24 --> 00:26:27

shipper and the shipper in Iran be the one

00:26:30 --> 00:26:34

that you will follow the ways of those who came before you.

00:26:36 --> 00:26:40

Hand grateful hands Brit arms bred for arms. Even if they had to

00:26:40 --> 00:26:42

enter into the hole of the lizard you would follow them into the

00:26:42 --> 00:26:43


00:26:45 --> 00:26:47

So they asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and you who'd

00:26:47 --> 00:26:50

won Masada, the Jews and the Christians. I mean, look how they

00:26:50 --> 00:26:52

were dressed in 1901 and how they're dressed today.

00:26:53 --> 00:26:59

He said for men who else who else wanted to Allah guide us? We have

00:26:59 --> 00:27:03

to set the example. We have to know that Allah is going to

00:27:03 --> 00:27:05

question us about our wives and our daughters on the day of Yom

00:27:05 --> 00:27:07

Akiyama could look

00:27:08 --> 00:27:12

at all of your shepherds, and all if you're going to be questioned

00:27:12 --> 00:27:13

about about your flock.

00:27:14 --> 00:27:18

You're alone I speak to myself first. It just take care of our

00:27:18 --> 00:27:20

flock. And let us take that flock to Jana.

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