Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Talk

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the loss of loved ones in the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of embracing "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "hasha" meaning "has
AI: Transcript ©
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Sit on YT comm rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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Hi I'm Jana Shan

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gonna be accepted on

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the outside of the European citizen we're gonna be able to

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grow the fabric

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are a bi level who you

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will help them and you have

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family in your in

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your office from different

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jobs feel McCarthy's thing that could be shame but actually what

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could do we

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could employ that set up to move human

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among for for Asia

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region as a 10 phylum

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should you unnecessarily begin a war of human our having been

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murdered Rasulullah

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kachelle Houma

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the field I have heard you have you had the attack on your team

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can be generally how you met Jimmy officially he saw you I

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saw that in football we are either good

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or bad at

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its Ilana outlet at about 50 km realizes

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to see some mediator here

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but AFYA being us are all very Haley Habima aka hula hoops.

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We establish you the bat and then we'll have to be him in healthy

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and hopeful gnarly

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yesterday Shiro Lavinia Mateen Mina Allah he will formulate what

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Hola Hola, yo.

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So the compound

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image on the screen.

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I was speaking to a brother this morning.

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And he says to me shift I attended so many geneticists over the last

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few months. It's almost like I've become desensitized.

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And I say to that hasha

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hasha parsha for him and for all of us,

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that we should become desensitized to the reality of death

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meaning ALLAH forbid that we shouldn't and it's happened to all

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of us to a degree. In fact, it's become quite surreal

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that for the first time in our entire lives, I don't know if any

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Have you had any experience in living memory, the loss of so many

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people that you have known in such a short space of time?

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So what that brother is feeling is, I think across the board,

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but I say to him and I say to all of us, Hashem

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Allah forbid that we should become desensitized to the reality of

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death because there

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is a sobering reality for all of us. When somebody dies, it depends

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on the crop of course, the closer the person is to us, the more

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sobering it is

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and it's one of the five great tests with which Allah subhanaw

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taala has guaranteed he will test as well the number one rare

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condition mineral holes he will do or are not for similar number

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of similar and while you will have a fussy with some a lot and indeed

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you shall tissue with a test of what the tests of fear

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and hunger and a deficiency in wealth and lives on the will take

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our loved ones away. On the ground is a long life disobedience Amin

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and the fruits of our labor. What best share is Savini so good.

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Claire, tell us to those who are patient and persevering. Those who

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are going to calamity befalls it or they say in

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to Allah

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to Allah we belong.

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In fact, everyone and everything in the heavens and earth

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belongs to Allah Subhana.

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Allah does with whatever he wants and with whomever he wants

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whenever he wants to.

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It's always gonna dialysis, Allah.

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Allah takes the souls

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so no matter how much we might be grieving for a person,

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we have to accept it, Allah decided to take them, our chose to

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take them

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and he was dissatisfied with them color on top of it doesn't mean

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emotional grief. Now that's how humanity which you must embrace.

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But you must admit it overcome us.

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Because grief, sadness, depression, these are negative

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aspects of energy that can actually affect us adversity, or

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What we must instead try and do is to convert the energy by number

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one saying in Narita.

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At number one, with a colleague who saw the work from Europe,

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those who say that at the time of using industrial waste the time

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and economic development

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even when the lifestyle of the Sahaba proceeding with a profit

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one day someone lost a limb and the lights went out, but

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electricity was no electricity, but Langton blew out the profit

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set in America.

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So the Sahaba as I will see if I could have is this a calamity? Is

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it anything that is in any way detrimental to the believer.

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And we'll say in

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later on, what happens.

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Also metallocenes are segmentations of those persons and

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those people

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and he envelops in His mercy, but will tell you and they have

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to But assuming this is for all the Marconi that have died with

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this pandemic.

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All of the believers whom Allah subhanaw taala chose to take away

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in this pandemic are genuine, but hospital

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for a near and dear beloved

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husband's father, brother, grandfather, three neighbor,

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principal chairman of this masjid, our beloved brother, hamburger

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was a man whose heart was attached to the house of a mouse monitor

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his entire life and the 62 years that he worked on the staff and

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handler his heart was attached to this house of Allah

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who and we know that the one whose heart is attached to the house of

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Allah, Allah subhanaw taala has a special gift for them in a day if

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you're lucky over

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seven types of people that you will call out to wonderful seven,

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or to

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be massaged. A person whose heart was attached to the mesh and

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Hamdulillah I had no salon for many years. It's up to his dying

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day. In fact, when I stopped doing it

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A couple of weeks before he passed away before he went into ICU, I

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spoke to him in the hospital. And I still addressing Mr. Holland,

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because of all the years that he served as the principal,

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a man who was loved Subhanallah, by teachers, and by students, and

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by so many people in this community, and he will be

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soulless. But today, whilst we are missing him,

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I want us to think about him and all the murderer who mean we they

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are and the status that Allah has granted them. That's what I want

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to share with you today. We will continue to listen, and

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we will continue to grieve for them, but in a way that is not

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detrimental to our souls. Meaning we will location still emotion, we

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will shed tears, we will offer them.

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But I want us today to think about the position that Allah has

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granted them. And that's why I recited the verse about the shoe

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at the beginning of this episode, also dialysis in sort of earlier

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model was one of dialysis whatever I'm going to put into feasibility

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and do not

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think for one second that those who are saying the possible and

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this is to do with the Shahada.

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This is to do with the markets or the ultimate agreement.

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They agree I

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do not think that those who are saying the possible affair did

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make me they are alive by Allah use the phone

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but here I'm dumping us a cone you know think for one second that

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those who are saying the bulk of a lot of NATO ally dollar meaning in

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the US accord being sustained by Allah said he hated him I tell him

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along and they are overjoyed.

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We all said we are busy. But they overjoyed.

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Phil you hate him. I tell him Allah humming fucking they're

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overjoyed but that which Allah subhanaw taala has granted to him

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out of his faith.

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Well, you simply should have been living and

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healthy and that actually would like to come back.

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They would actually like to come back to the dunya to give us the

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glad tidings of what

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Allah hope and I really would love it if it's no fear on them as

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Tibet which has already been promised gender, Willa, whom you

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know, are very sad about anything that they've lost 50 100 million.

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yesterday, she was looking at my team in Allah, He will hopefully

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one number Hello that you are doing what they want to give us

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the great tidings of the favor that Allah has granted and the

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neshamah that is bestowed upon them and that Allah subhanaw taala

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never is a mix of good deeds of the good doers go and reward.

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Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Holly

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he reminds us in a beautiful Hadith called the Michelle EDI the

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lie seem to be

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indeed the motto of Allah subhanaw taala there are six things that

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are granted to him or her for that matter you thought of the whole

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thing oh, well you defer to me dearly.

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They also given for the first drop of blood remember was Corona lots

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of internal bleeding

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while you're while you're back at home, yeah Jana and when they when

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they die when they reach a point of no return and experience since

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they see their face in *. Well, your job is covered and they

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are protected from the punishment of the grave.

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And they are also protected from the Greek key on the death piano

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when you have 100 Ema and are given the sweet taste of email.

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Well, you know what you mean? They are married to

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what you should Fousey Sabrina in southern authority and they are

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allowed to intercede for seven of the relatives with the debut of

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Solomon Solomon confirms the lead the photographer usually the

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person that dies in a place that person is a martyr in the eyes of

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Allah Subhana.

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Allah Muhammad in Samadhi

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but diamo camp membership the capacity to learn for your code

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have to learn a little bit

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more when you saw

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it in our beginner half hour have you been 100 and also the law or

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and the bad for you, and we'll see what we'll see from NFC. And with

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that I want to meet up Elijah and we'll talk about the problem of

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God if he could tell me that it is rather odd then initiate

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Allah after party, but

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the color of

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the car

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do you want to see me

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on one of the profitable 100 Some of our Sunday has eaten the glad

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So we know that those have died in this pandemic, Allah subhanaw

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taala has indeed granted them a high station in a major place.

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They have courage immediately to near

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they lift the narrowness of this world, a world of, you know, ups

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and downs of tiredness of exhaustion of worry or anxiety,

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they lift the narrowness of this world into the expense of the

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eternal disappear.

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So they're gonna hit and we'll be following behind Allah drunk as

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long as I finish obedience, but whilst we are missing them, and

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before we are reunited with them on the day of your lucky number,

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that is what we open ourselves to data for, under the flag of our

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beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to be entered

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into paradise, the company of NLP was the deity shahada, it was

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in the meantime, until that time, we need to continue to make your

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offer. Why? Because all the answers don't have the magic, you

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know, either in

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the future that if a person passes away, all their actions are cut

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off, except for three things South Africa, Nigeria,

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perpetual charity that the time that people continue to benefit

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from, they will get to benefit.

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Wherever you differ over here and knowledge that

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has left a lot

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of knowledge that has been left behind the people to continue to

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benefit from and the third one is where we come in, well, what are

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those sagas on your own

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and a pious child that makes too often and it's not just about

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children, but children are mentioned here? Because children,

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they must make dua for the kids. It's it's part of the game we know

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parents are alive we show mercy to them by what is underneath them.

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And when they have passed away.

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Come out of Miami Salam o Allah show mercy.

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So we are going to make your own ciabatta for our beloved brother

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shaping talent, and for all the work for me, I was on a data for

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give you to hyperness in general,

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that sadness does perhaps you know, overcome especially the near

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and dear ones, especially those who have been very close to him on

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the streaming. Then just raise up your hands and make dua and you

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will see Allah will put a veil over the pain alone for the veil

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over the grief and grant us patients that perseveres to deal

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with that loss the need to have a

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hammered into what the way he laughed at me when she saw what

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the in the law how America will.

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Come about

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what are the odds of man qualify Rashid de la vaca. Valley has an

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array, but I'd say

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before we make the argument, we need to understand

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that because of this COVID pandemic,

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unfortunately, I think we need to change our mindset. We can't just

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be worried about the maintenance of the machine when you're sitting

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in the masjid and the collector is coming in front of us with a

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If they're so connected and there's no tau, then we seem to

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forget that the machine has got bills to pay, the machine needs to

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be maintained. So I'm assuming here is a little

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call that has been credited with the mosquito bank details. I mean

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if we are not going to look after the masjid ask you Billa helical

00:19:52 --> 00:19:53

who is

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the Christians the interest the Jews? We have to look after the

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house of Allah

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Alana This is a trust from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada but next week

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inshallah we're going to actually have for those obviously can make

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it compulsory but for those who would like to make the channel a

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deployment even 50 Rand a month or 100 Candyman whatever you can

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afford, it will be different order forms next we can show mohtarma

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that you can take and then in sha Allah make regular contributions

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to the upkeep of the house of Allah Subhana

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Allah Tala this you and the world you multiply the overhead of this

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life and in the hereafter

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Allah Marisa

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alongside the Philistines in Europe and the enemy almost every

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one of them in South Africa equally McCann Allama Shimon have

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gone over Hamilton road Tennessee

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Allama Fiddler security Jelena but the jealous answer you as you

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mature man

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that sort of thing perhaps

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we can talk

00:21:02 --> 00:21:02

a lot

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but the journals

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are alarming and living your calendar

00:21:11 --> 00:21:11

year or year to

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year gee it off we can all do some of the

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above in the lion What are we gonna do

00:21:22 --> 00:21:22

we're gonna

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pour more from your hammock law work inside

00:21:49 --> 00:21:49

bottom line

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good morning

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this we'll learn

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me I love in the

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long run

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00:24:26 --> 00:24:27

epi was

00:24:30 --> 00:24:31

originally from

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listening then Walkman your quarterly recording

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me I love

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00:26:52 --> 00:26:58

you do apologize, a couple of assignments, maximum number of

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servicing the machine. Just remember that challenge we keep

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giving next week we'll be starting on the bypass line. So if you want

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to come into the machine very early on

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