Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Talk 27 November 2020
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the boundaries and extensions of Islam, as well as the crisis of COVID-19 and the importance of protecting oneself and others. The speakers emphasize the need for precautions and avoiding deaths, as well as the importance of trusting in Islam and avoiding false rumors. They also touch on the use of deadly drugs and the potential consequences of the pandemic, including the use of infectious disease detection techniques and leprosy. The transcript ends with a brief advertisement for a video about "bringing your proof" and a video about "bringing your proof."
AI: Summary ©
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
along like
I should
I should
I should
I share the
lot of
people a lot
hamdulillah Hyrum Delisle Amina you
cannot be a scepter ruler you stood Are you gonna be as
ourselves a new citizen Obinna Euro BMO for Region Kuru before
reach koruba Europe before I learn who you will be Tina shot Rama
Homina Homina aurizona Buck will help them in your handbook will
have the Amylin your curry buena de la Hogback yeah I remember
Celtic your severe um the Celtic Yachty from the hectic fall to be
old to have been a winner genre to be Hill mythologies in Nicaragua
coalition accordion. Why should you want Isla more? Yemen between
near Houston overall to the ML l mo to T bills Turton will probably
shouldn't do climate, but I should do and so you didn't know whenever
you know what I'll zoom in or what have you been a Muhammad
Rasulullah Bella Risa Amana also had OMA Akasha Loma Bucha
heterophylla Have you heard he had a terrible Yaqeen Bella has become
the he cashoffer deja vu generally he Aldama Jimmy if he saw it he
saw you I know he he saw La La comme la jolla element Houda might
have seen him on my nohoch Island a kill hammer Biographia Amata
Islam you work for Ross in Acadia.
Hill area serenity
is Morona Isla makalah humo Lana Tabata caspo Tiki Tabby Hill
argies Bar their own bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Vijay do
feel like how could you heard the
whole budget of bircham Wolmar Giada on a comfy Dean human
heritage. So the Kola hula hobby.
Tomato Muslimeen
Allah subhanaw taala says in the last verse of Surah to hajj
what Jae Hee Do you have you heard it and make effort struggle
in the way of Allah a true struggle?
Who wants you to welcome he has chosen you his tomatoes. He has
chosen us to be Muslimeen That is why
when the true believers into paradise, just want to make use of
The first thing that they will say is almost went to Thailand and
reached us in the Holy Quran Bakr Al Hamdulillah, yada yada yada,
Mama couldn't earn enough the Lola and Hidin Allah they will say All
Praise and thanks is due solely to Allah for guiding us to this for
having chosen us for this. And we would not have been guided if
Allah didn't guide us. So it's also autolysis who want you to
come, he has chosen you will Allah Jalla Allah config geaney Min
Hodge, and he hasn't made any part of this religion difficult for
you. Not just difficult. He hasn't made any part of this religion
even uncomfortable for you.
And as our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam says in a hadith Narrated by Abu Hurayrah talathi Allah
Tabata Khawaja Allah and recorded by Al Imam Al Bukhari sahih Paul
Call on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the de nuestro
he says that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam said that
indeed the religion is easy, Colin, you shared the dinner I
don't ill Oliver and nobody becomes extreme in the way that
they practice their religion except that it will overcome them
first set D to do what's right
operate within the boundaries and it was one of the other has set
for us.
Islam license in Islam if wrote, some is gonna open and you can't
do what you like, when a certain Islam is free it though is Islam,
rigid, narrow minded and inflexible. But instead Islam is
boundaries, borders extended the Hadith.
What did you say, in the liquidly, mannequin hammer and need for
every king there are boundaries were in the hammer Allah Hario and
the boundaries of Allah His prohibitions. So if you mentioned
like a circle, the boundary of that circle are the prohibitions
of Allah subhanaw taala and we can move flexibly within that circle
as far as Allah dialysis, but Tilka who love Allah Takara gua,
these are the boundaries Allah said don't commute to those
boundaries, where tilaka how to do love Allah charter dua these are
the boundaries that Allah said don't transgress those boundaries.
it is for the mere reason that mankind has transgress the
boundaries of Allah.
Coming out of the protective covering of the Sharia, if you
like, is the Sharia is like a protective covering for us. The
laws and commandments of Allah subhanaw taala, a protective
covering for us a protective boundary for us, as soon as we
come out of it it at that boundary. As soon as we come out
of a protective layer of the Sharia, then we expose ourselves
to markets. We expose ourselves to corruption and to moral decline.
We expose ourselves to evil, we expose ourselves from obscurity,
we expose ourselves to all forms of things that are detrimental to
us, physically, mentally, socially, spiritually,
economically, because this deen is a complete way of life.
And also the data has created these boundaries for us, telling
us what to do for our benefit, telling us to stay away what from
what we must not do in order to save some detriment. It's also not
dialysis, why are certain to crochet and what will come for us
and to Bucha and overshadow local Allahu Allahu wa and to latch on
him. It might be that Allah subhanaw taala says, what I said
and took crochet on, it might be that you dislike something, but
it's good for you. And it might be that you love something, but it's
bad for you and Allah knows, and you don't know. So let's pull down
it out of his perfect wisdom, and perfect knowledge. Allah has
created this deal for us all comprehensive Dean covering every
facet of our lives. And he's created a protective layer in
which we can live. As soon as we come up to that layer, just like a
fruit when it comes out of its skin. Just like a vegetable, when
you peel it what happens? It starts to go bad, it starts to
And until it begins even Where are you going to be like it starts to
It becomes rancid,
and gelato Muslimeen. This is what has happened to the world today.
Yes, mankind has come out of that protective layer of the laws of
Even as Muslimeen Oh, many of the Muslim men are not living the way
that they should be living. And we're not here to judge anybody
couldn't do. Robin FC. Everybody knows themselves better than
anybody else. But we have a problem.
We are in a serious, dire situation. And one of the biggest
signs that Allah has sent us in the last 100 years
is the sign of Corona. The sign of COVID-19
Why? Because just like we came out of the protectively like when he
saw it when they were ordered to go and fight the armies that were
living fee or we can earn in the land of, of Cannan and the land of
the Philistines.
When Allah subhanaw taala ordered them to enter the land to find
those armies. What did they say? It had entered our Guca waka Tila
they said to Musa you and you know don't fight them in Na Hoona in
the same city are you going to do anything? So what it also Natalia
for Angela.
Also the data is sent down upon them. You sent on upon the
marriages and minutes some
in actual fact if we look at the one iron was one of the other when
he speaks about
that when they were told to enter the promised land I was wanted to
address it well cool no help ah
Hulu Hepta
what the full Bible should gender war Kulu cotton
enter the promised land in turret, prostrating ourselves into the
above the gateway to the promise that intimate prostrating yourself
we're going to have PA and say head to head domains in the STEM
field. I will seek the forgiveness of Prostrate yourselves and seek
Allah's forgiveness because you have gotten
enough Fiddler kung fu Toyko
when they said it was an it's even more seen for better Latino volume
for einzelner Isla de Nevada whoo riches Amina sama edema can we
have sukoon?
So instead of entering the gateway to the Promised Land, prostrating
themselves and instead of seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw
taala What did they do? Hello
Hello, hello. But they live in a vulnerable reaches a minister.
They said hand power, which means have done like a seed sale instead
of saying oh Allah forgive us they they use the word mocking the
command that they had received. Its what a lot of value
for anon Zona photolysis. And We sent down Isla de Nevada for those
that are oppressed themselves by disobeying the command.
You think that the riches in Minnesota we sent down the polymer
reaches but he's religious?
When, say the eyeshadow dilla tomato mozzarella and has recorded
by the amount of Buhari when she asked the Prophet some honey
Tyrone, she asked him bateau infectious disease,
like this pandemic, epidemic if it's localized in a particular
area pandemic when it affects all the people as in the word pandemic
come from the Greek
pan de Maspero, meaning all the most winning people.
And if you, if you look at the word in the Hadith, Tyrone, Will
was in the time of the prophets, Allah Salama at the time, the
Sahaba, after the after the death of our beloved prophet Sallallahu
sallam, then it's referring to the plague the Black Death,
which scientifically is called Yersinia pestis, Yersinia pestis.
And you also have the prophet that was speaking about things like
leprosy micro mite, mycobacterium lepra,
or even if we speak today in the 21st century about Coronavirus.
All three of these infectious diseases spread the same way and
that is via water droplets in the air. All of them use in your
business to Black Death, mycobacterium leprae leprosy and
crew Coronavirus. They spread via by water droplets in the air. And
so the Prophet Solomon said that when he was asked by Shanti, Lana,
and he thought about oh, what did he say? He said, Can I Durban you
better for my enemy your shirt.
For John Muhammad Ali, meaning he said it was a punishment that
Allah sent on whoever he wanted before, but he has made it as a
mercy for the believers. So everyone has a particular place
with the plague comes or this infectious disease comes and they
stay in their place. Sabe deceiver, being patient and
persevering, not leaving that place, potentially infecting other
areas of other people. Staying in that place patient in persevering,
seeking more from Allah subhanaw taala then Allah will write for
them that means
you will write them the reward.
The lack of what
a Shaheed even if they don't get sick, just by them staying in the
place and persevering and seeking reward from Allah Allah subhanaw
taala will make that action of this he will grant them a reward
for that action, the lack of a Shaheed Angelo Mitra Shaheed the
Hadith states
and the prophets on describe the Torani said Richardson or other
Richeson Zeid or other Tao infectious disease is a sign of
Allah's wrath or was angry with the world. You got the oldest
living look at the corruption you could have a son who could devise
look at the evil. Look at the oppression.
Look at the hunger. How many people are going hungry every
night well, others are living a life of absolute Seraph of
exuberance and luxury.
Not worrying about the fellow man.
So he said a thorough knowledge is sooner rather it is a sign of
Allah sort of codes a form of punishment maybe calamities or
different things for different people. For the disbelievers. It
can be
You punishment and for the believers as as well as the
prophecy someone last Sunday he said it is a mercy.
But coming back to the verse, when you saw it when they entered the
gateway to the promised land
with the backsides instead of frustrating and same hamper a seed
instead of headstock which means Allah forgive us. Allah sent down
upon them a plague that ends in Allah Latina vulnerable, reaches
some mean Osama riches is referring to this place star Oh,
and he says the company soil those that are oppressed from a monster
not all of them. But those that oppressed those that did wrong.
Those are transcripts from amongst those that transgress the
boundaries. There was also dialysis Pima can we have sukoon
what is fist is the first
I would say say that fist from the word for soccer is first October
October two if route one choose any
type of fruit or vegetable,
any type of living organism that comes out of its protective cover.
It comes out from its protective layer. When you peel the banana
and just leave it on the table. Come back a few hours you start
turning brown eventually turn completely black
or any fruit or any vegetable that you take out of its protective
layer protective cover
what will happen faster, it will go rot. Likewise, just like we
gelato when we came out of the protective layer
when we came out of the protective layer, just like when you sorry,
when they disobeyed Allah subhanaw taala. And they came out of the
protective layer of Allah subhanaw taala has laws and command has
always wanted to Alice Shirato women hija the law and the way
that had been given to them for that time.
Then Allah subhanaw taala sent upon them a religious, he brought
a plague out of its protective environment, and he infected them
with that plague. The same has happened to us. We've come out of
the protective layer of the laws and commandments almost Rantala
and so Allah brought the Coronavirus out of its protective
environment and it was living in in the jungle somewhere in China
or wherever it was
going from a bed to a pangolin to a human being and then spreading
all over the world.
And please Sumatra Muslim Dunker, please put aside these conspiracy
theories, you know that Chinese medicine in a lab of the Americans
made it and sent it to China or Bill Gates is trying to reduce the
population of the world by 15%. Please put aside all of these
things. This is why we are in trouble today. Because people are
taking this virus seriously. People are walking around. I mean
the guy yesterday sit down and this is just like a normal flu.
millions of people have died already. I mean, almost 2 million,
almost 2 million people have died from this from this infectious
disease. This is not an ordinary flu. This is something that was
takes us many people that I'm sure many people that even you know
have died in our community from this from this list. For some it
is you know, perhaps not even his dad is the flute Some don't even
asymptomatic, they don't even have any symptoms. But others with
based on the age of preconditions medical conditions, this is this
virus is dead.
And so, tomatoes to me, we need to take this seriously. We are why am
I standing here giving cookbook alive on the internet because we
have to close the masjid
one of our regular Sally's in actual fact he stands behind me in
Salah, cello make dua for almost monotonic grantee,
complete Shiva.
He's in hospital the moment and I spoke to him yesterday and he's
not well, you could hardly breathe when I was speaking to him on the
phone. And so it's not an old man didn't really complain if any
preconditions. But this is a deadly disease and not afraid of
death. But we are enjoined by the Sharia to preserve life. We are
enjoined by the Sharia, or the laws and commandments of automaton
to preserve life will unfold don't kill yourselves. almost want to
talk to Kobe De Luca, don't throw yourself towards destruction.
We are commanded battles monitor the profits ourselves allow you to
lead the sequel not come into contact with the healthy one. The
Prophet said law you know some of you know I'm sorry to say, but
some even scholars are taking this hadith, totally out of context and
misinterpreting it. lardo means that there is no contagion, but
you can't stop the finished law. I do a one hour
Saphira Walla Walla
Federal criminal mens do me come after federal sad profit since
Labrador is not infectious disease, wala raka no all birds a
bad omen.
The disbelieving coloration Jamelia when they used to walk
on the way to do something,
then and they would see certain kinds of birds in order to bet on
when I'm not going to do what I want you to do, that gentleman had
What a hammer. Or if they would find a certain mark on the door,
then they believe that somebody would die in their home. But at
Sephora, that the amount of suffer is like a bad omen. You don't do
anything in the month of suffering don't get married in the month of
suffering don't go on a journey. You don't do any trading in the
month of Suffolk
like for example, in the modern culture Friday the 13th in the
Western world, nobody wants to do anything on Friday the 13th Thank
you go to some hotels and anything I would say the floor
so the property saying that there is no infectious disease, there is
no bad omens there's no bad month, there is no you know, when i Hola
he said, you know which has to refer to gene
in the in the desert
that people could be
potentially touched or affected by. But what the Prophet is saying
is that none of these things can happen.
Nothing, no, nobody can get sick. Nothing bad can happen in software
or any other month, you know, on Monday or any day. No gene can
harm you, except by the will of Allah. So let's see if disease
doesn't go from one person to no it does but by the way, only by
the will of Allah, diseases infectious only by the will of
Allah things happen good or bad only by the will of Allah Jin can
do nothing only by the will of Allah. Can a gene affect you want
to protect and safeguard us all from all the calamities of the
suffering the punishment of the here and then to confirm it at the
end of the Hadith. What does he say? And run away from the person
with leprosy?
The leper of phenomenal mushroomy ran away from the person with
leprosy come at the federal mineral sad
come out of hero Minella sad like you run away from a lion.
So you're telling me that social distancing is haram, you're
telling me that to cover your your face is haram This is what some of
scholars are even issuing these fatawa which are based on
I mean, even the must allow of covering your face in in Salah,
which we know is mcru ordinarily mcru But all the other ma agree in
the case of dura in the case of necessity, then that Chiara what
happens to it, who zealot is removed, that dislike of covering
your nose, in your mouth in in Salah. So this is a necessity.
So coming back to the Hadith
where the prophet sits on a set of in the dinner usage on this
religion is easy
when you share the dinner
and nobody becomes extreme in the way that they practice their
religion except that overcome them for something new so do what's
And we are whatever we are doing we are doing within the bounds of
the Quran and Sunnah whatever we are doing with it social
distancing within its covering, and this is, you know, look all
over the world all I mean, overwhelming majority of them. I
mean, I don't want to give, you know, figures, but overwhelming
majority of them are 100%, in agreement with this idea of Eros
of precaution. You know, of taking precaution. This is what the
Prophet SAW Selim has taught us.
He said to the Bedouin, you said to come in and put your trust in
Allah to attain our camera. And because we're afraid of death, but
because we have been commanded by Allah subhanaw taala to preserve
that, so please, community, I started myself take this illness
seriously. We are now only coming into the second wave. They are
estimating the second wave is going to peak around the middle of
December. Look what's happening all over the world. Look what's
happening in Europe. What's happening in America. Look what's
happening in China in India.
Do you want to Muslimeen This is not over yet. So we need to take
precaution. Cindy, do do what's right. What are you going to try
your best on the ones from us as well as on a dialysis for Taco
Aloha, Mr. Todd. Be mindful of Allah as you are able to do what
you can do. But don't cause your own diff. Don't throw yourself
towards destruction. Let October.
After some don't kill yourself, but not to over at
communityamerica and don't treat yourself towards destruction. How
you can do what you can do my challenge article 1500 We haven't
made any part of this religion, you know, not even difficult but
don't even uncomfortable for you. And it is of human nature to avoid
it. It's almost all the time he says, calling them out and let
them in.
Or, but yeah, it's accredited multiple help Danika continue to
hate this is natural.
in the throes of different colors, choose that which you have been
avoiding all the time.
Oh, speaking to us as human beings,
human beings when we, when we get sick, we take medicine because
we're avoiding death. That's when we cross the road. What are the
things you all learned in primary school? Again, South Africa, we
drive on the left hand side of the road. So we are told when you get
to the road, you look right, look left and look right again.
If you're driving on the right hand side of the road, in a
country, where the people driving the right hand side of them and
you look left, right and left again. Don't get confused. Why?
Because we don't want to get knocked over. We're avoiding
We should, in fact, in the Sunnah, we know that we shouldn't even
wish for death. We shouldn't even wish for them only in
circumstances where Allah removing us from this world would be better
for us than remaining in the solar that's we don't know. That's why
we always ask Allah Allah choose a disciple us. Allah grant is long
life in your obedience.
Amin Yelapa Ronnie, I will do you become a eunuch Ilhan Omar
Abdullah Muhammad Rasul Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Kulu
feel heavy Mustafa Al Baroda Yabla wisdom Buddha Yun sir with the en
la amo ml machine to come out even to that while you're cool or you
could live in the Mahato okay to help or even to work
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Shula Ilaha illa Allah who will
use only thing I should say you didn't want to begin about even
our Have you been on Muhammad and also to Allah for terminal MBA he
will proceed
to welcome screen
Allah subhanaw taala assisting us in fact this masiva this calamity
there you see cola UC Berkeley lemma credible Allahu Allah say
nothing will befall us except that which Allah has written for us.
And Allah subhanaw taala says well, Southern mercy but him.
Fill out the will of the unfussy Camila vikita Women camellia
Nevada in the America, Allah you see the kicker letter so Allah
refer to Kamala for how we met adacko Allah will tell you
that no calamity will befall in the land within yourselves, except
that it's in a book recorded before it is revealed. Indeed,
that's easy formula in order it shouldn't be saddened about what
you've lost. And you shouldn't be boastful about that. But you've
gained you lost suddenly, because all that took it away. And you've
gained it only because Allah gave it to you. And Allah loves not the
person that thinks about it themselves and looks down on other
But it's also the dialysate it says
ma Saba can be most effective Fatima customer, Id como Yahoo and
Kathy, now calamity will befall you except that it has, it is
something that you have put upon yourselves. And Allah overlooks a
lot of things. So collectively, we as human beings, we brought this
upon ourselves, we came out of the protective layer of the Sharia law
brought the virus out of its protective environment, wherever
it was hiding. And they say, in fact, I was watching a documentary
The other day, that there are many more viruses hiding out there. In
fact, if you took all the viruses together in this world, they would
extend from the one end of the Milky Way to the other. So many
viruses, they're
all viruses are detrimental, but there are many, many viruses in
this world to protect and safeguard us.
I mean,
so you might obviously mean
we need to take this seriously.
We need to tie our camo, we need to protect our loved ones,
especially the vulnerable, the agent, those who have
the delay to Allah, we will come out on top. This is the receiver.
And the alumni say I was able to kill me. A calamity is the Forge
of the believer. What's a forge the Forge of the blacksmith.
The blacksmith puts his metal into the Forge to make the sword for
example, he heats it up, he takes it out. He beats it. What happens
to the metal it becomes stronger. And at the same time it gets
purified Hornets impurities. Three children were going to come out on
Well, I'll tell you what, I
don't display overseas. Let XM Adobe said Well to me alone, you
will come out on top but was one condition. He couldn't tell me if
you are if you are true believers, if you are true believers, so we
believe nothing happens except by the will of Allah subhanaw
us, like everything else has been created by Tom Corley kukuli
shine. He's the creator of everything atrophic scientifically
when you think about
Coronavirus is a strand of genetic material, not double helix like
the DNA, but single strand like the RNA
and it is covered in a membrane. And that membrane has got protein
spikes on the end of each pack is some genetic material that acts
like a key that when it docks onto the h2 receptor of the human cell,
then the h2 receptor literally opens up and takes that virus in.
Because the virus has got the key
the virus holds the human cell.
And once the human cell takes the virus in the virus uses the
genetic machinery of the human cell to replicate itself and
eventually destroy the cell.
And I asked him,
he's unlocks, who's the only one that can give you a key to unlock
is the one who made the lock in the first place is the only one
who can give you the key to unlock is the one who made the lock in
the first place and who is Allah
to what to what belongs to Allah besides owning everything in the
heavens and earth, within that Allah Sana dialysis while Illa at
the home of Kali Cali to somehow it will out low McCauley to
McCauley is a pool of Midland
Michelet which means with key to Allah belongs all the keys in the
So, this is from this is created by Allah this virus is created by
Allah subhanaw taala.
It is only spread by the permission of Allah subhanaw taala
from one person to another, only by Allah's permission.
And Allah subhanaw taala wants us to not throw ourselves towards
destruction. He doesn't want us to kill ourselves. And so therefore,
we must make Acuras we must take precaution.
The Allameh overwhelming majority all over the world have issued the
fatawa to the different
communities Muslim communities all over the world about the necessity
at times to close the massages and reopen the massage to sterilize
your hands to cover your face to social distance.
Also dialysis or to Allah
while to Rasulullah will even call and obey Allah and the messenger
and those pleasing authority amongst you.
Many of them have a city they agree that will Emery has to do
those who placed him authority pertaining your deen
first was first, the green controller challenge and ask those
you know if you don't know.
So let's take the advices or whatever. Let's take all take
precaution which is preserve life. The
mocassin kumara of the five
goals of the Shinya one of the most important is have them NIFS
Huizhou enough's is to preserve to preserve life. So please stop
taking this seriously. It has not become laksa days ago.
Let us
help each other for the sake of Allah to come in and put our trust
in Allah. Please, you know, it is just not be hypocritical. You
know, we see so many people in the community when it comes to this.
Then you can't just tell you know, put your trust in Allah which is
what you're supposed to do. The Prophet said, though, to our
culture, and Allah has to actually know La Raza Kokoon comm if you
have leukemias or you wonder, if you truly to put your trust in
Allah, then Allah was just thinking like He sustains a bird.
It leaves its nest in the morning with an empty stomach and it comes
on with a full stomach.
But now, people don't just want to tie the camera and put the trust
in Allah with regards to the music, no, they want to transgress
the boundaries of Allah, they want to indulge in Riba
and in all sorts of unlawful transactions, if they can some
people believe they can't even live without the river. They can't
live without borrowing money from the bank medulla, you know and
revise something that was one of the other has prohibited in the
Quran. We know since Surya with a clear ruling.
What what Hala Hubei ohana, Rama Reba Allah has made buying and
selling Norfolk and the giving and taking of interest he has
prohibited a ruling as clear as the sun in the middle of the sky
on a cloudless day.
And when it comes to Gene and
then people don't just want to be told that it was you know, to camo
Put your trust in Allah. So listen, you have to go out or at
least in certain Illamasqua it's time your camera man can not
attend except that stay
make effort for they will see the fruits of the labor. So we go out
in the morning that is time to gamble and you put our trust in
Allah we try our best to always leave the rest like I'm actually
sick likewise with regards to Jean and Sarah what do we do we read
our calls. You know in the morning three times we read our calls in
the evening three times read it kursi will it be similar with
Elijah reminds me gemological officer my husband and we read
probably all to become an MSL to Shelton roles because we see we
tie Oh camel you put our trust in Allah but no Fulani wants to go to
so and so why because God is telling no tie you can put your
trust in Allah I believe so he must get the Ptolemies he believes
he must get you know this so that's the next thing.
But when it comes to a person's self when it comes to a person's
health No, no, no, no, I think some don't want to say who
Some so called Scholar so called because I mean, this is
nonsensical what this man said. He said no, no, no. When the alarm
goes off, then the virus dies. Please ready to get this from
please put them in control in Kentucky, Georgia Kim sales
autolysis say Bring your proof if you speaking the truth
is Don't make things up. And now there's even a group of so called
scholars that are saying that when the vaccine comes out now that the
vaccine is made from the kidneys of pigs, Aisha
by Allah and there's no proof there's no evidence that there's
anything unlawful in these vaccines. And with regards to fix
things generally speaking, when you were small, we all got polio
drops and we've got vaccines for measles. Vaccines for for so many
We are still standing I'm standing now in front of you hamdulillah
quoting from the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa salaam Abu Ali, so inshallah winder and the vaccine
after they've done all the trials in the vaccine comes inshallah we
tie our camera, we take the vaccine, believing and it's only
Allah that can protect us with that vaccine. It's only Allah that
can prevent that disease from infecting us with that sub me the
vaccines only a sub the doer, the doer, the medicine is only a sub
unless the most of the sub can do nothing.
The most sapid is the one that controls the sub, and makes it
effective or not effective. So what was the mean?
This is the deen of Islam. In addition, the use of religion is
easy. But when you share the deen
and nobody becomes extreme in the way that they practice their
religion exhibit to overcome them for self denial also do what's
right. Bacardi won't try your best. Do what you can do.
What about you? I think the glad tidings was studying. Bill. Bill
row hottie well, who taught he was shaming a doula and seek the help
of Allah in the morning of the frigid night to guide us to bed
which is
Oh Allah, show us the truth of the truth and make us wonder was the
offer I didn't know about till about it was a condition and show
us the full scope of false they make us some statements to
show us a straight path to the guidance of the St. Paul, the
straight path of those 1000 or so degrees upon the path of those
photos, you've got a string, we want to do the right thing to ask
Allah to help you to do the right thing what stay no seek Allah's
help in the morning after surgery. In the evening, after after
Mercury was shake him in a DJ stand up in the middle of the
night with us. And I started myself he does make effort to send
it to the judge and plead in big data to guide us especially as a
normal to unite in our struggle against this. Oh, but to get
through this, this test this trial and tribulation that Allah
subhanaw taala has, has put out for us.
Allah subhanaw taala guide and protect us almost how to Allah
gives she felt to have sick and may Allah subhanaw taala
grant shahada martyrdom to those who use take my metaphor, Donald
for who shape prophecy who ever dies from down from infectious
disease, and they are martyrs in the eyes of Allah subhana wa Tada.
And for those of us that are being patient and persevering, tying Oh
camel and putting your trust in Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will
grant us even the reward of a Shaheed I mean you're
like oh my god
what kind of Dahlia you are loving I will topple la haka, Ducati.
Tequila. Hi to my current activity. What Segata al Hassan
tiempo. Ohana kanessa Before looking Hassanein.
Walk through Agata La Mina salatu salam ala ala so you are having
to build through the window what you have what average evidently
what she felt he had when all of a sudden
in the Lahoma naked saloon and maybe you know even though the
Amana Sunday while he was asleep
almost 700 or 200k masala Italian early boy by the gallon hammered
by learning hammer come up out of town early morning in Ireland in
Accra Hamid Majid what are the Allahumma annual qualifier Rashid
Baron said you
were insane so Huberty and you may
Allah is in Islam the way it was to me are you referring to a deed
also requirements for
a lot of fun there hasn't been a lot of time there hasn't been a
lot of I'm not having much humor burn up Allah machine Madonna.
Allah mystery Madonna Raha certain Allah Masri akana Ashman whoa if
it was Tisha Allah was Shu Medina Amato Muslim in Warhammer Alterna
motovicity Mina grammatically or hamara I mean, we've heard a lot
in the Lucha
Libre is going to happen in fashion it will carry with you I
took a look into the coal who more or less illogical Mohamed Kamala
Workiva sada.
Think solid
an acronym for
Bismillah AR Rahman Wahid
me LME rush manual washing up on
the air cannot
stay because they don't seal all the stuff the Silahkan lead
subject as well because
when the new
Lenny Rogers
Regina who was
the learner more in
when we assume oh can you use your when we have zero can you use the
kit? Is it the Glock sales that may have share with a gym a shop
and then you
go man I am moved to the area or the athlete does occur or the cost
model B he is also under the field and hieratic dunya
to hire you fall in the hands of Sophie.
Sophie available Rahim Allah Musa Allah
So may Allah
on wall
all along
this may
be a rush learning Rahimi ukiyo e
AR cannot go your way yet.
You know Sal Khan was stepping Mustafi Silahkan letting
have him on he
this mid
to high diesel Russia will do yoga in Russia to consider learning how
to start earlier basal
body now use Viola you'll need when you're doing yoga even the
sorry how the region that is one of the key having Jharia he has
room for
mode mark when am I almost Hoover was RBU murder through
either either a portfolio or in a seminar he came up with the end
baby cake when you see but what you done all the cases okay
now never done the left give the standing be more
careful but people who love with either love in either
you're gonna in the IRA Nafisa
so we have already been
a walk
oh no o'clock
said Mr. eyelink go to war
equal wash murky law