Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Talk 23 October 2020
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The segment discusses the history and characteristics of Islam, including the assignment that it does not require gender equality and the proposal that it only takes care of people's emotions. The "haste" concept is discussed, including the "people of" and "haste" in the context of the assignment. The "ethos of" is discussed, including the "has been mistranslation" concept, and the importance of understanding emotions and intellect. The segment also touches on the use of negative language and hesitation in relation to praying.
AI: Summary ©
Hola Hola Monica
shadow Mohammed was
find your
Europe behind I mean
you won't be a center or the real story Cubana.
You won't be a
citizen Obinna
europea Musa region Kuru before rich Kuru winner. Jambi. I learn
who you will be a thinner shark Rama Homina was a manner that
will help them in your head book for the amillennial curry buena
electrooptic Yeah, I remember Celtic Yassa Europe the Celtic
yellow teeth
have been arena Rhema jocks the Himba geez, in the trailer
condition 14
Why should you watch a
lot more? Yeah, man between your western or for Rahul Eamon. I'll
go to your table Turton while Congress should do coolamon but
should you enlist a union or whenever we get our house even our
having been murdered and Rasulullah Bella
also had OMA khachapuri uma Bucha hydrophila How could you have
had to atone you're killing Bella has become a cashier but deja vu
Gemini, Alpha jumio kosali He solo?
Salam aleikum, La Jolla Island and Houda Mohabbat Inessa Alma na hat
Alan Aiken, Hamilton and Biographia from Islami walk across
Illa Aimia Sarah T Kiran
is smart omae
Ilana Carlo Mowlana Tamara Kosmo fi kita the hill as his
brother owns the below him in a shape shaytani R Rajim wala who
name is Lulu the Allah hinda build models
while you reach early Allah hinda Darja. So doc Allahu La vie,
tomato Muslimeen we've been speaking about the sacred
institution of marriage.
And we have spoken about the 100% Spiritual equality between men and
women in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala. But physically,
emotionally and psychologically they are not equal. In fact, Islam
does not call for gender equality. What it calls for is justice.
spiritually. We've sorted that out, although Sanatana has stated
emphatically in the Holy Quran 100% equality with regards to the
good deed of a man and the good deed of a woman, but physically,
psychologically and emotionally they are not equal. But Allah
subhanaw taala has granted equity in other words justice, in the
attributes that he is given to a man in order that he can fulfill
his role in the family and likewise the attributes that he is
given to the woman that she might fulfill her role, and that they
might fulfill each other's rights that Allah subhanaw taala has
granted the one over the other. And that takes us to a hadith of a
beloved Prophet Mohammed Salah Abu Salah Marlon in Sahih Bukhari
a hadith which has been narrated by none other than of the login
name is Ruth are the allowed to baraka
and then the BA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam up all set up Kuno afara
tune, such a cool new authority.
Now, the atoms they were saying a shelter off will be the things
that number the opposites, he said they will be a follow.
Now after in order to understand it, you need to understand the
opposite of Atharva tuner that is etha don't
you if you don't I'm fooling him. Willow Kennedy him Kasasa
you almost wanted to Allah is speaking about, about the true
that they preferred others over themselves like the unsolved
window hygiene. When they came to Medina came and
they gave to them in some of them. Some of them actually even
divorced the wives so that the more hygiene could get married,
some of them gave of the of the wealth to the more hygiene.
And the attribute of the believer is that he always helps another
believer, even if it means he just himself short in inverted commas.
Why? Because when somebody gives sadaqa they never do themselves
short. That's why I say again, in inverted commas. You're never
doing yourself short. When you spend in the path of Allah.
Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam says,
lie and pursue made a mistake Our aim to serve the consumer is
that sadaqa charity will never ever cause a deficiency in your
ism makes you fat, what we know is that it multiplies it.
Remember, universe of Akkad Allah has annihilated interest, any
transaction in which there is interest, it is going to the
blessings of Allah, what your risks are the conflict, Allah
multiplies charity and the person spends in the path of Allah was
one of the other multiplies to at least 10 times at least 10 times.
Punjab Hill has submitted for the harsh RAM Surya so I'll ethos and
ethos is when a person wants to see to somebody else's needs
before they own. Allahu Akbar. And this is in fact the aluminum of
Sheffield of Camelot Allah He describes this as true friendship
in a satirical hockey mankind the mark
Woman Yeah to run off slowly in fact, woman if a Ray Ray buzzer
Manny Sadak shocked at the thick enough Sony Ah man, Allahu Akbar.
Arabic language so sweet. And remember Shakira Hallo Daddy says
indeed the true friend is the one that is always there for you.
And the one who will even harm himself to benefit you.
And the one that in difficult times, woman is a rival the man is
so dark in difficult times when you are down and under. When you
are broken into pieces, then the true friend will be speaking about
the true believing friend
that if the true friend shifted to thick enough solely it's not he
will break himself into pieces and then become the glue to stick your
pieces back together. Doesn't sound the same language but the
meaning is beautiful. Mashallah. So this is a song the opposite of
a thorough tune.
Tune another word for it is an Ania
an alien coming from the word
I me my Hi.
You know, there are many AI specialists and was thinking about
the medical kind. There are many eyes capital I mean AI
specialists. In our community today Malasana Tala make us the
people of ethos of the people that say me, people are
those that are always looking out and considering the needs of
We as
The Prophet is saying Sahaba there was a Shah, there wasn't. So have
always each other, that they were that they had what they needed,
that if anybody was was down the TV uplifted, if anybody was was
sick, that they should be treated, if anybody was was hungry, the
patient we fake, etcetera, etcetera.
But he said there will come a time when people will know, they won't
be, they won't be thinking, the way of ethos, they will be
thinking the way of alpha. In actual fact, there's a saying in
the West, which I think best represents this offer all this
underneath this i story, and that is God for everyone and everyone
for themselves. But
in fact, subhanAllah the ethos in this community Subhanallah when I
sit in the company of our elders, and I hear about the ethos that
this community HAD, Once upon a time, when it was a relatively
poor community. I say that again, when this community of Muslims
here in Cape Town was a relatively poor community.
And when they will be oppressed
by the previous regime in the time of apartheid, but yet they had
ITAR for each other. They had a name for it and Africans, he held
He held MCI. They had little, but was that little because they were
contented. Allah put Baraka in it, and therefore they could share it
amongst each other.
That was the ethos.
But the prophet said, such a cool Aha, there's going to be a time of
other people are just going to worry about themselves in the
volume of the next person.
And then he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said they
were almost in what tone Kiruna Ha, is going to be a Salah people
only going to think about themselves, and you're going to
see things to kill, that you're going to dislike.
And as many if you look in the commentary of this hadith,
some refer to the fact that there will be a lot of will be a lot of
But also the fact that they will be to the degree where people will
be making things that Allah has made haram they'll be making it
harder. And that we can see is a worldwide phenomenon is a
worldwide phenomenon where people are moving and I'm going to use
the English term, people are moving away from God with a
capital G Allah subhanaw taala the God of Abraham, gender Thea Hula,
hula Santa Kola, for cambio Mila, Ibrahima Hanifa. Se o Mohamed
Salah Salem that Allah has spoken the truth and follows a pure way
of Abraham
given degree with a French president, Emmanuel Macron, when
he said the other day that Islam is in crisis. What does he
actually mean when he says that?
Because Islam is the only Deen that remains on Earth,
representing the serenity of the one true God Allah subhanho wa
Taala on earth
represents a true belief in Him
and representing the implementation of his laws and
There is no other religion that is holding on to law as the muslimeen
are holding on to the law of Allah subhanaw taala. So when he says
Islam is in crisis, what he actually means is as Islam means
submission to God is in crisis.
In other words, God is in crisis. Harsha. We seek refuge in Allah
subhanaw taala from such words of falsehood.
I challenge him to say those words again. I challenge him to say
those words again, we don't want him to say those words. But if he
did say those words again, because when he said those words, the very
next day, Allah subhanho wa Taala brought down trinet torrential
rain from the summer and put France into a flood crisis that it
hadn't seen in 100 years.
Be careful Mr. Macron or anybody out there that thinks that God is
La ilaha illa who there is none worthy worship saved him well who
are alive conditioning Cuddy and he has power of all things gender
So the model of semi center Kulu
Think you're gonna you're gonna see things that you're going to
So the Sahaba ask Allah for my Munna
when the whole world is going crazy, and corona COVID-19 is a
sign of a craziness let me tell you.
In fact Allah subhanaw taala tells us in so many places in the Quran,
called the halal meat company come sunnah message. Allah.
This Coronavirus, and if you think about what could still be coming
Coronavirus is only an odor, it's a French word or the odor starter.
It's only a starter, if you think in terms of what is still coming
in terms of the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is
nothing. This is just a sign. This is just a wake up call a Tamil
Allah for Allah to start your room.
Also, when he says a camera, Allah uses the multibody means for the
future, that the Command of Allah is coming. The command of Allah is
coming. But notice that you don't really see for that come on.
Get your lives into order now. And I started myself repent and return
to Allah now and I started myself make sure that your homes are in
order now and I started myself.
So they asked the messenger Solimar you send them from a
tomato now what should we do that we'll discuss? The world is going
to go crazy the world is going to move away from from God Almighty
from Allah subhanho wa Taala from his laws and commandments, they
can to live according to the whims and fancies less than desires from
our kupuna What shall we do?
According to be your son Milani will set them to a dune and how
I make him What does alone Allah, Allah the
he said,
fulfill the rights
of those who have rights over you.
Fulfill the rights of those who have rights over you. But just
alone, Allah, Allah de la and ask Allah for the fulfilment of your
fulfill the rights that others have over you and ask Allah for
the fulfillment of your rights.
And that's what you want to ask me this topic, about the home
about marriage, about husband and wife,
about family about children.
This is of paramount importance in the time that we are living in
Germany of paramount importance. We began with a higher what a
whodunit mystery loving Miss Lizzie Allah hinder Bill Monroe
will reject you.
So the women are the same rights of goodness that they have over
their husbands as their husbands have over them. But for the
minimum is a degree what is the degree we've spoken about that
already famous fully in responsibility, the responsibility
of practical leadership?
Now, we touched on something last week and I want you to take a
little bit further today. Jamarcus
we touched on the nature of a woman
and how our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, how he begins that hadith with beautiful words Subhanallah
the most beautiful words what does he say? And this hadith is also in
Hadith began with
this hadith Bukhari authentic hadith.
In this hadith, which is narrated by
the amount of article
when our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem is stone, so when we
say Hiram sosu being a sappy
treat woman country.
You know, it's like the opening statement of any talk,
basically outlines the topic of the talk. So, if anybody is to
read this hadith,
then based on the first words that our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam utters this hadith is about treating woman
But then he goes on to say something that perhaps has made
this hadith one of the most misunderstood Hadith and we
touched on that last week, but I just want you This is such a
sensitive issue that I want to bring our minds and our thoughts
back to it the lighter What did you say? He said for in another
model, the holy men because a woman has been created from a roof
A woman has been created from a room.
And then he said,
well enough, I want to shame you for delivery.
And indeed, the most crooked part of the room is its upper part are
low, an upper, we don't say you know, some way between the middle
and the top node meaning actually means the top part of the room.
The top part of the room, which is you're
referring to the head of a woman,
referring to the mind of a woman, and Wallahi. I'm going to say this
before the time. If you think this is pejorative, if you think this
is derogatory, if you think this is negative, well, I think again,
Allah it's not at all. There's no negativity in the statement of our
beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam whatsoever. In
actual fact, when we compare this hadith with another, you're going
to actually see that there is actually printed for them.
And a warning from Him, praise for woman and a warning from him. Keep
that in mind. What did he say? He said, for Indian, a woman has been
created from a roof
and the top, the most crooked part of the roof of the top part of the
roof is the most crooked part.
Fell and crooked please. You know when we're solely played cowboys,
when we hear the word crooked, don't think of crooked as in terms
of evil or bad, or mischievious. It's got nothing to do with it.
And the next statement clarifies that What did you say? allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for me to chemo Castletown. Because if
you've tried to strike the lips, if you try to straighten it,
then you're going to break it.
And if you leave it
when you talk to learn ESL language, it will remain cooking.
It will remain bent. For so soaking is
so cheap woman counting.
Cheap woman can take my advice cheap woman can't
take my advice tree woman can keep what's the Hadees about
the crookedness of woman love Allah. People have misunderstood
this hadith.
This is about treating women currently based on the way that
Allah subhanaw taala has created them and then takes me know
perhaps to them one of the most controversial ahaadeeth When I say
controversial, what for a true believer, but for those who don't
understand it, for those who have taken it out of context for those
who have mistranslated or misunderstood it
and that is the words of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah
were to not be was salam.
And this hadith is also Hadith
which has been narrated by Abdullah Muhammad Rasool Allah
Azza wa sallam upon ma a two min Naki Sati up clean wala dean of
the leper, leafy looping guna
He's like a father guidance.
A beloved prophet tells him I have not seen naughty salt. And you
know, you know, it's one of the biggest problems.
One of the biggest problems tomatoes see me is the
mistranslation of a hadith. Especially for and here we are
living in a non Arabic speaking community at large he doesn't
understand the Arabic language. So we rely on translation, but
we are going to go for adjusted to istilah and then when we come back
to the community
you have to feel happy
with some good user
ship to come to God for your food or a bar could move on.
And hamdulillah on me, I shall do more than what you saw
when I became aware of him and now have you been a 1 million
crossover MMA fighter with MDA with
yo yo skinnable secret inhibitor owner we talked about mica
you're not gonna see me in continuation.
Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in this house
Give sahih Hadith he says to woman the woman was in front of him. Now
I want to prepare you. The question is when he says this is
he insulting them?
Woman is he insulting him and open up a prophet Muhammad says what he
insults woman.
Woman I know which whose seat lies Janna for each and every single
one of us, woman of whom Allah
wa should be treated with goodness and kindness with respect with
love with mercy, compassion.
Woman of another prophet Muhammad Salah Salam said
that you are those who are basically wise and I am the best
to my wife.
Is this the Mohammed that would insult women or degrade women have
a little woman I asked him you
love Allah? By Allah? No.
He says to me in Pune amaro a to me Naki sati. Aladdin now notice
what is not the
first mistake, the translator says deficient.
deficient that's indicative.
derogatory, we're deficient.
This is the wrong word to use for nothing some products.
Because the fact that a woman the first thing he says Ma, he may not
be Satya tackling what?
Immediately, somebody will translate and say intellect. So
knocks, knocks, which means basically a shortage. Oh, so when
women are stupid,
you haven't understood.
You haven't understood the Hadith. In actual fact, if you really go a
little bit deeper the word that comes from the word upon
this is called, you know, in Saudi Arabia, they call it Egon, what is
That thing that they put on their heads.
It's black. Nowadays, they make it in China. But in the old days,
they used to make the dumb black goat's head
and exercise its main purpose is what not to keep the book.
The book, Rajesh Sharma has the scarf that way over our heads,
that's not the main purpose for the Eagles to keep the good throw
on your head. That is something that was introduced much later.
The initial purpose of the call, but the Prophet said to the man,
when he said,
obvious in Jurmala, Allah
can I leave my camera and put my trust in Allah almost like times
and put my trust in Allah. So he says 10
times the channel, take a
minute, if Paul every time he used to use that rope, to tie the one
leg of the camel with a bracket. And even when the camel goes on,
all falls down, then one of the legs they tie with a God so that
the camel doesn't run away.
And that is where the occult comes from the occult is there to
restrain us. The uncle is day to restrain us
to keep us within our limitations and our boundaries.
And this is where allows differ comes in
the hemisphere of the brain, which has to do with allow different
emotion and the hemisphere of the brain that has to do with
intellect. Now I know there are some medical practitioners here in
JAMA, please correct me if I'm wrong. But when I was in Yemen
some years ago,
somebody explained to me that between the intellectual
hemisphere of the brain and the emotional hemisphere of the brain,
there is a bridge. And in the man that bridge is very narrow. And in
the woman that breaches like a highway.
The way the emotions and the intellect are moving in between
each other.
And if we are to say that a woman has nothing in terms of Apple,
then we have to say that a man has not symptoms of autism. A man has
a shortage in terms of emotion. Woman has extra and a woman has a
shortage in terms of outcome A man has extra nautical in terms of
cleverness in actual fact if you go further in the Hadith, this is
where the stigma of changing your brain is for women. Allahu Akbar.
It turns into a phrase because you know when he says he says Model A
to me now, but I didn't have
Another lady looking income after the loop.
I have not seen
those with a shortage in a circle. And indeed, of course, why?
Because a woman gets so high and she can't pray. So there's a
shortage. It's not negative. It's just a fact of life. She gets so
high, she can't pray, she gets her hay. She cannot fast. So there's a
shortage. It's not a negative connotation, it just means that
she, because of this Azima natural, she doesn't have a
choice. She's not allowed to pray, nor is He allowed to fall. So how
can it be negative, now you can follow me
on Facebook, not just get up in some sort of negative connotation
And he says, living looping
means that a woman she with
the way Allah has created her uncle, so Woody, this is my
attention to a phrase of the lover, Lizzie looping that they
overcome. Men have internet. Other words, Allah subhanaw taala has
given them the ability to outweigh any man. And that's why I always
say when it comes to Nikka I will say please remember, and I say to
the bridegroom, specifically, a woman has the last word and any
arguments. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a
new argument. to still play yourself. We aren't friends.
This is not a this is a
this is not a derogatory word. This is praise that of another
prophet Muhammad Salah Salem is making a woman in terms of the
ability to outwit a man and that's why in the previous happiness is
so so Denisa.
Treat woman kindly. In other words, don't let the fact that
they have less control over their emotions cause you to do harm to
them, cause you to abuse them
cause you to be unmerciful, low
income or uncompassionate towards them.
And it's a beautiful answer. In fact, our beloved prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
when he said, he said that an ISA Chaka encouraged a woman or half
of men. That's why I mentioned this last week. If somebody hits
you in the dark with your wife and say, Please up to half woman,
other half of men, Allah Akbar, this was the Prophet SAW Salem, he
and no one was honestly accepting noblemen Walla Walla
and nobody wouldn't humiliate them except the richest man. Now this
acid which is a Hadith, but the scholar here says, yeah, and he
bothered Musa he has lived in
Lima, one of the few.
That woman, they overpower the noble man who was a noble man, he
doesn't play
the noble man he allows himself to be to be overpowered in terms of
in terms of cash in terms of the argument, in terms of the
discussion, he allows himself you know, it may my son, he keeps
Because the property is speak good things you keep quiet. So the
noble man allow himself to be overcome.
And what, for whom I have to
what you're saying, but the richest man he will not give up
If I'm, if I'm fat, say
this is this is the richest one in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala.
And then he says,
cooler Caribbean, so I prefer to be the noble defeated one, then to
be the richest.
So you might come see me, Allah grant us understanding. I was
going to try to teach us wisdom, how to speak to one another,
bearing in mind the different way in whichever conduct that Allah
has created each other woman different from men, men are
different from women.
And then Allah subhanaw taala calls especially as husbands and
fathers to understand this Mita
according to
call Allah to Baraka with the Isla de la ciudad onto the lamina
shutdown and what do you want
to call it? Well, I totally
forgot the caller also.
All right, so promoting tequila
what kind of vinyasa Bihu looking hassling? What Allah you know
Salatu was Salam yonder CDD Wahabi Mohammed
Daniel she's very well known all of a sudden will be in the middle
of it
along with Mohammed
Mohammed Coronavirus Gigi
find him has
one side
one side is to Huberty
Allah Larissa listen to me well I don't have to again I'm gonna say
the corner if you want to see of course the cost in your local
anime Allah
Allah Masha mourtada or Hamilton or moto MC mi Allah.
Allah Marfan Mahadevan Bella Allah Marfan.
Hey by the law in La Jolla, what
are you having fracture you will move
on to logic in your hammock hula walking
when my mom was shadow aligner
I should only
hire a solid father
for the karma karma the shoulder
system let's check
in aims to provide assistance to all in Cape Town struggling
to be knocked out of the 100 foot massage in Cape Town about 100
countries currently struggling and the United Kingdom
contribution to the central Simon sands which will allow us to cover
the shortfall of municipal accounts and salaries of
immigrants indicators is important
not to predict the condition but rather
to consider signing up
more inshallah
inshallah because of your generous contribution we will shortly be
able to adopt a PCS massage program, but we are still a long
way from
silence to be able to research to benefit from
last one
we move
this means that it was nine o'clock
well yeah go on
the last
Walkman was
so awful
business was man
real long in Canada
more long
might a moment
well I can
hardly even see how
I'm gonna