Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Program (17 Nov 2023)
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes various video and fan favorite celebrities and events in the entertainment industry. The speakers discuss various misconceptions and actions during the pandemic, including the use of words like "the" and "wait," and the potential consequences of the virus on the economy and society. They also mention upcoming events and celebrities.
AI: Summary ©
I'll be low simulate a new ministry upon your rajim Bismillah
AR Rahman AR Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu
was Salam wa Salam 10 watt to Sleeman le Connie be my kami me it
will be you are in middle mursaleen
what I shall do Allah Allah Allah Allah Who will you Salehi? I shall
do Anessa Yadana whenever you know we're holding men our heavy burner
or handmaiden or Rasulullah her term will be evil mursaleen
so Linda Huma was selling whether it can either head and be yelled,
I mean,
Lee he was her her birthday he loved her real May I mean, I'm
assuming the cinema Alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato call
Allah to Baraka Allah if he Kitabi He loves us.
he ministry Tanya regime, um, has able to follow Janet Janita
welcome. Yeah, Allah may Allah who led in Cambodia, Allah Sabeti.
So the colada,
GMAT Muslim in
this particular verse we have covered before, but I'm using it
under which we will discuss a certain concept in Islam.
And this particular verse
is from sort of early Imran.
Well, that's one of the other says, Do you think that you will
just intergender
and Allah hasn't yet exposed? Who are those who are prepared to
fight, literally fight?
And who are those
that are truly patient and persevering
in the obedience of Allah subhanaw taala no matter what befalls them,
no matter what befalls them
and I'm happy though hearing they are standing for the truth. I do
remember hearing they are standing strong against the enemy no matter
And this basically sums up everything that's happening right
That Allah subhanaw taala
is exposing
within our own ranks,
within the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who
are the true believers? Who are the hypocrites
who are the wretched who are the righteous
just like he did Allah Tala Jenna Fiorella. Just like he did on the
day of the Battle of, of
Allah subhanho wa taala. He did exactly that. What did he do? He
exposed to the true believers.
When they came when they were on the way to the battlefield, and
Abdullah even obey the rule.
With these 300 followers, they turned back
the money, the hypocrites, they turned back, they refuse to fight
even those that continued on and fought with our beloved prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were even some that
that perhaps if they stayed at home, they would have been okay.
They would have been saved and
they comrades wouldn't have been killed.
And Allah subhanaw taala if we,
if we start from
verse number 152, you're gonna have to use too many verses here.
You're gonna have to go home and eat shallow to Allah make to
double serious to W
about these verses.
If you start,
super early Imran verse 152, Allah subhanaw taala begins by saying
when cada sadhaka Allah who
is the persona on Disney,
and Allah certainly fulfilled his promise to you when you would
defeating the enemy by his permission,
the head, the kuffaar Qureshi, and the allies on the backfoot.
They were about to defeat them. When the Romans
when the arches that were on the little mound, which we know is
50 of them under the leadership of
J Dilla.
And they were told by our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
wasallam, do not move from this place. Even if you see the close
eating of our flesh. In other words, even if we've died, don't
move from your place, until I give you the signal until the
permission is given to you.
And if you see us beating the enemy
if you see us victorious, don't move until I sent word until you
are given permission to move from your place.
How Hector either for shields to Martinez atom Phil Amory, where
I'll say to me embodiment, or Akuma, to Boone, Ming Kuma URI to
dunya, woman Kuma URI, the hero.
Then Asana to Allah says
when you lost courage, and fell to disputing about the order given
so when they saw that the muslimeen were being victorious,
they disobeyed the commander of the commander Germany
and they left their positions because they felt that they were
going to lose out
in attaining the booty from the battle.
Then also modalities among you are some who desire this world.
And among you are some who desire to hear after
the Masada coma and the Yerba Tilikum will occur the Haifa uncom
Wallah who fought Lina Mini, then he turned you back from them
defeated, that he might test you and he has already forgiven you
and Allah is the Possessor of bounty for the believers.
So this is all about exposing
the wage of the battle exposing the hypocrites from the believers
during the battle, exposing those who desired this world and those
who desire to hear after
then, we move on to
verse number
where Allah subhanaw taala
he speaks about those that Noah had doubts
about even coming to the battle in the first place
we Allah subhanaw taala says What if
you don't want to be Lucha Libre
your last one or two other says affection worried about themselves
but we just worried about themselves it guys if we had
stayed at home, we wouldn't be in this situation.
Thinking of Allah other than the truth that they should be thinking
about Allah
your Kulu Hello nominal Amory, Misha
saying, Is there anything for us to have done in this matter?
Allah subhanaw taala Vince's call in umbra. Colognian. Say the
entire matter belongs to Allah. Allah Allah Khalifa bin nuttige.
We as believers May Allah make us of the true believers. We are not
duty bound to produce any results.
If there's a situation
especially when our brothers and sisters are being massacred and
slaughtered, then don't
Word that which is compulsory under leaders of the muslimeen is
to fight, fight, fight, fight fight,
is to go and save them from this massacre.
I mean, I heard somebody yesterday giving
some strange viewpoint that making excuses for the leaders in the
Muslim world why they haven't brought their armies and rescued
the people in Gaza and liberated Palestine and Masjid Al Aqsa that
no, this is a strategy, a long term strategy, that if they had
done so, probably even more people would have been killed in Gaza.
And maybe Makkah and Medina would have been turned into Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.
But we said Africans what kind?
When you look at the story of
then we understand how incorrect this position is.
You're talking about strategy. This is the fight go fight, fight,
fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. They're the
believers of being massacred, go and rescue them.
Hey, had the Sahaba had the attitude of that brother who gave
that viewpoint? They would never have left Medina.
I mean, they went out and they faced the Persian and Byzantines
armies and defeated them.
In fact, Allah subhanaw taala through the faith
and steadfastness Allah subhanho wa Taala
put fear into the hearts of the enemies
and even when they were far smaller in number will come in
fear typically not in Ghana, but fear 10 cathedra attendees nila,
how many a small group of vanquished a large group, it's a
Don't worry about
what's going to happen even when Allah even to the Kaaba
even to the camera, what did
what did Abdulmutallab say to?
What did he say to Abra? Abra said you worried about, about your
camels. What about the government that I'm come to destroy? He said,
hon, you believe
I am the I'm the master of the camels. l caribou, la Jara, Samia,
but GABA has a master and he will look after the Kaaba.
But do you know something? Gematria Muslim. Let me share this
hadith with you. Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar.
Kala and maybe your Salah Allahu alayhi wa sallam
will let the NEF see Brd.
For controllato Bharani min Muslim and
fucka nama hijama Baitullah who ever Aegis a believer in just a
bit ad hoc without any just cause. It is as if they have destroyed
the house of Allah.
I found another rewire there is dispute about the Senate. But the
meaning is correct. And that is
head the mill cavity had you run Hajra Hadith that the destruction
of the Kaaba stone for stone
dilla taki Muslim
is less of an enormity in the sight of Allah. The destruction of
the Kaaba stone for stone is less of an enormity in the sight of
Allah than the killing of a single Muslim.
And we've been watching live 1000s
of our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers sons and
daughters are being massacred in front of our eyes. Well, are you
hurry? Kusa, Kenan. And this is a phrase that the Arabs use that
that was still has been moved. Nothing that was still meaning the
ALMA meaning the leadership of the Ummah, nobody's moved.
Nobody's moved.
So Allah subhanaw taala
he shows us such great lessons.
In the Battle of
Astana Tao, Allah continues,
you fool, you fool Nephi fusi him Allah you will do in the luck.
They hide in the hearts that you say don't show you you
coluna low Cavalia nominal Amrish de mer Patil Na Hoona had we any
say in the matter we wouldn't have been killed? Yeah. Had we any say
it we followed our strategy
con no condom feeble ut comme la barra de la, la, la.
Then also on the dialysis say even if you had been in your houses,
those decreed to be killed would have come out to the death bits
even if you had stayed at home
so that's not your business. Your business is to go out and fight
fight Allah subhanaw taala is telling them
not to worry what's going to happen in the battle. You know,
what's this enemy going to do? What's that in and begin to do is
McCann Medina going to be tended to Hiroshima Nagaland started your
Allah is telling the believers
we just have to do what we must do when you must do it
when Allah Allah NASA him locker did and let the you know Oprah you
mean Dre in
permission has been given
to those who are oppressed. And Allah is most capable of granting
them victory. Those who are driven out of their homes and justly
accepted for saying that Allah is our Lord
knows what Allah says.
Well, yeah, but will he ever deal with the Yerba tele Allah Who
Murphy's would recommend Allah might test what is in your hearts?
Well, you might hate some
that Allah might chase test what is in your chases, and that Allah
subhanaw taala my purify what is in your hearts? Will Allahu Allah
and Allah subhanaw taala is all knowing of that which hides in the
hearts of man.
Allah wants to purify our hearts just like his purify the people of
Gaza from anyone but these were hanged man
from the dunya baccarat here to note the love of the dunya and the
hatred of death.
The hearts of Allah, the hearts of purified.
Can we do more than 50% of the homes in Russia are destroyed.
That's more than 1.5 million people have been made refugees
Those that were driven out of their homes in 1948, are now being
driven out of their homes again.
And this is the intention of the Zionists. They said this is the
number of Gaza that which Menachem Bagan wanted to do in 67 after the
Six Day War, he said let's go into Gaza. Let's destroy all the
refugee camps and drive the people of Gaza into the desert. Go and
research it Menachem Bagan, the terrorist who led the attack on
Syria scene and was responsible for the massacre of DDRC.
This is an old project.
And the Muslim leaders are having meetings and you know, eating
capsa and
doing whatever they're doing and
producing nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
Here are your Lavina Amendola to Kulu Colombina kufr wakad Ali is
one is adorable Phil already Oh Ken who services 146 Now we're
going to 156 Oh, those of you who believe do not be like those who
disbelieved and said to the brothers when they traveled to the
land or went out to fight. If they had been with us, if they hadn't
gone out into the land, to either travel or to fight. If they'd
stayed at home, they would not have died or they would not have
been killed.
So Allah subhanaw taala makes that misconception a regret in the
hearts and it is Allah who gives life and causes death and Allah is
all seeing of what you do
shipping and dicing DonorsChoose
What do you want? Mather to
157 and if you have killed in the course of Allah or die, then
forgiveness from Allah and mercy are better than what ever they
accumulate in this world.
Look what the Muslims are accumulating.
Today, will you not
Not just billions, trillions trillions
look what they're spending the money on
this this
these music festivals now in Saudi Arabia
in 19, in 2019, they invested $64 billion
into the entertainment industry.
There's two main events, the middle PC, can you imagine that
the beast
my of Allah and muddle sound storm it's called a big rave in the
which I believe in 2021
about over 700,000 people attended
the biggest music festival in Europe or in America. Maximum
Well, that came to Haramain 700,000 people attended
this rave and the tickets you know, perhaps right it's a couple
of 100 riyals but then you get the VIP 17,000 riyals and if you get a
balcony 28,000 riyals 100,000 Rand
This is what the
what some of the Ummah are spending their money on well
when Tilton V Sebelius so if you are killed in the cause of Allah
or die in the Cause of Allah, then forgiveness from Allah and mercy
are better than what ever they accumulate in this world.
When in Madame
la isla Allah Sharon and whether you
have whether you die or are killed
when are you cutting fee sebelah for you couldn't tell
if a fights in the path of Allah they're either killed martyred Oh
yuck lipo granted victory
when my your party feasibility for you
and in both cases will grant them the greatest reward
nothing to lose.
First 166
Well let's go to 167 The time is running out. Well he AlLadhina
naffaa coin Oh in order that Allah might expose them on FFP Allah
wants to expose the hypocrites
for killing on Tylo party Luffy Sabine Isla, a widow Pharaoh
called Hello Natalie, Italian, that Tibetan Alko
Iman yaku Luna BF well him Laserfiche Bluebeam will allow
you to and that they might make evident and that he
and that He Allah subhanaw taala might expose might make manifest.
Those who are hypocrites for it was said to them come fight in the
way of Allah or at least defend, defend your homes and your
families from the enemy
and defend the Muslim.
They said if we had known there would have been a battle here,
Allah Allah Allah speaking about Abdullah no baby no salute the
head of the Muna 15 And those 300 that that was true. They said if
we had no there would be a battle we would have followed you. They
were nearer to disbelief on that day than to faith saying within
miles what was not in their hearts Allah is most knowing about the
conceal Gematria Muslimeen we are now in that time.
Fitting and can
you speak volumes seeker if you're on Oh yum see more minutes will
you speak up your beer Oh Dino hope you're dumb enough to
make haste and doing good deeds. Why? Because there are trials and
tribulations coming like the dark night.
A push to wake up in the morning as a believer and go to bed as a
disbeliever or go to bed as a believer and wake up as a
disbeliever. They will sell their religion for a small price of the
dunya. People are losing the Eman as we speak. They also not make
use of them I mean
first number 168 alladhina call only one worker I do low auto
owner marketing you call further or unphysical motor and unphysical
motor In Kuntum subjecting those who said about the brothers who
are sitting at home. If they had obeyed us they would not have been
killed say then prevent death from yourselves if you're speaking the
truth. What are you running away from? You're gonna die anyway.
This die with some shut off man. At least die with some dignity
with some honor with a man
and receive that which has been promised
Gentner to adenine
Holly Tina via
eternal bliss in heaven forever and ever.
Allahu Akbar
prevent it from yourself if you're speaking the truth
and then it was one of the highlights is 169
very high enough
where you Stephie should be living in Libya.
Allah hopefully
those are the ones that are really in danger. Those people who have
Nipah those people who have doubts about Allah
will not Qatar Allah haka cadre, they didn't give Allah they didn't
estimate for Allah I do estimation
honey shade, the creator of everything
and he has power of all things.
This is tomato Muslimeen this is this is the big forge for the
Ummah Allah has put us in the forge, Allah has put this in the
He is now separating the impurities from the metal
Sabbath now who knows several Hulu Jaina for Abdel key to uncover
things add
we tested it thinking it was a piece of silver and the fire
revealed the impurities of the metal
yeah Allah make us up the middle and not of the impurities me.
Tomato Muslimeen
I was reading a factor
of Shakespeare Ben Burse Rahim Allah Allah.
Chef Ben Burns who was the Mufti of Saudi Arabia.
He says in this fatwa, tada,
Islam, these each mark,
there is each man
meaning consensus
for the dilemma of Islam for the scholars of Islam.
prefer Muslim in that the one who pays who aids and supports
the disbelievers over the muslimeen.
What's he supports, he shows support
and he aids them
be he know
what any kind of help
for whoever curfew room is to whom? Then he is a disbeliever
like them?
This has been buzz, Rahim Allah Tala.
You know, I
obviously can't say this with certainty. But I'm almost sure if
Ben bars was alive today, he'd probably be big in prison.
Alarm was
shifting beneath I mean,
just like the other 120 scholars are languishing in prison in Saudi
Can you imagine? Can you imagine I'm sure you must have seen that
clip by now. It was an Algerian brother.
And it took his brother, the Turkish brother. He had
ankle cuffs on I don't know what you call them handcuffs on his
Because he had mentioned something about Palestine the Algerian
brother went to go and greet our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam.
And then after greeting our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah
salami went outside, and he was sending a message to his
And he started making a dua for the people of Gaza.
And that was one of Talamantes to whom Allah
Dean, oh, Allah ate them against the enemies, your enemies, the
enemies of your of your religion.
And a few seconds later, he was surrounded by a whole group of
And he was arrested and kept for six hours.
He didn't insult any
Hakim and how common was the mean you didn't insult any leader of
the Muslim leaders?
He didn't call for a protest or a riot. He made dua and he was
Is this how low we have gone?
Allahu Akbar Allah doesn't sleep. Allah doesn't sleep. Min Masha
Murali mainly you can
call him
whoever walks with an oppressor
and suffering
Watch that oppressor whilst knowing that he is an oppressor.
He has left the fold of Islam
this is the situation. I'm assuming.
This is the situation
along with
our lawmakers steadfast
lie in her Kamala Angelina Lemieux.
And tuber rumored to lie in Allah Allah in Allah Hepburn mocha city,
Allah doesn't prohibit you concerning those who don't fight
you in your religion
and don't drive you out of your homes, to act kindly and justly
towards them. That's our attitude to non Muslims that don't fight in
our religion, and don't drive us out of our homes. And hamdulillah
there are many non Muslims around the world that are supporting the
Palestinian issue
that are calling for a ceasefire
and to bring an end to this genocide.
So Allah subhanaw taala doesn't prohibit us from acting kindly and
justly towards them
and working together for a common cause for the liberation of a lot
of the NACA of the holy land.
But Allah subhanaw taala does prohibit us in nama Yan, how come
Allah I'm Latina, kar Chalu confit Deen. Coming Dre comm was logical,
until a low
But Allah without any exception prohibits you
from those who fight you in your religion, and drive you out of
your homes, or support or rally. You know, there are Muslim leaders
that wish that they could actually go and bombed the resistance
movement in Hamas
in Gaza, Hamas, which is the Arabic acronym for Huracan. And
they actually can't wait for designers to international Zionist
movement to to read them to read the region of the Palestinian
resistance so cold, so cold in inverted commas, Muslim leaders
almost want to dialysis and those that support in you being driven
out. Allah prohibits you from aligning with them and to ever
allies with them, then they are indeed also the presses.
So do you want to see mean?
Allah subhanaw taala
is exposing
and Allah subhanaw taala is making manifest? Who are the believers?
And who are the hypocrites? Who are the righteous? And who are the
Richard and as we have spoken a number of times.
And in the last 30 days, I know I spoke about this verse, that Allah
won't leave us alone make use of the true believers I mean, say I
mean, I mean
Allah will never ever leave the beliefs in the condition that you
until he has separated the Richard from the righteous. So while this
is happening, we know that inshallah materna Sula, when is
the help of Allah coming, we must know for sure and never lose hope.
Allah in the Nasir Allah He indeed the help of ALLAH is near.
Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen So what we're seeing just on a
nother note,
and perhaps a lighter note, I know there's a picture of some guy
that's been going around you about Riyadh Walsh.
You know this guy, Dr. Walsh. I've been called Walsh Walt's walls.
One day I went to do a lecture for an anti drug rally in Mitchell's
plane it said the lecture by the yard
can My surname is actually wolves W A L L S? I don't know who made
That little picture
and sent it around with the call the call
the call for me to represent the Muslims in Parliament La hawla
wala Quwata elaborate. I mean can you imagine Riyadh walls in
I'm just getting warmed up and let him speak a saying Honourable
Member Your time is up.
I certainly am not the person for that position.
But I do believe that as Muslims and maybe we can speak about this
at another time. We
need to put our heads together if we are going to remain in this
country, and we need to speak with one voice and we need to find
good, credible, believing Muslims, true Muslims, true believers that
are going to represent us in the parliament, otherwise we are going
to be sitting with another fitna and another fitna and another
fitna, fitna after fitna wave after wave
as we near the end of time, Allah subhanaw taala make a steadfast
Allah sirotkin Mr. Keane Illa Jannetty. Noreen was salam aleikum
wa rahmatullah wa barakato KB HD Mar 20 23/15 of December from
ourselves and to morning of the 17th of December at Nurul. Huda
Marquez seven to one Springfield street of Govan Mbeki street
Philippi old velocity premises chakra
a shadow
Hi I'm Sean
Hi yada
hi guys
Alhamdulillah Europe Bella island in
Europe the rooster or yogena Europe B of the Nubian fields and
Obinna Europe BM of original Kuru before rich koruba Europe via
mobile UB pinochle Rama Homina Homina are gonna have back will
help them and your handbook will help Iman in your career buena
ILAHA here I remember your hobby rom behold tech Yachty from before
click Alt have been the majority Hindu mythology in Nikka
conditioning cardio. I shall do a
lot more a
lot of lemon content mocha Tadiran football Moto G acaba who Ilana
Demi Turner mwah i are Cowell my Blue Moon Toby Hoon. Here there
are like why in Allah Helium 10 And what I should do Anessa Yoda
now when I begin a while demon I will have even more hyung Medina
rasool Allah Bella Risa, Amana Manasa Halima wa Kashif Allahumma
wa Tjahaja Fila How could you heard he had a tear Julio Kane,
Bella, become early he Kashia for Tujuh BGM de alguma Jimmy up Solly
he sold her either he will early Salah la comme la jolla, Huda Maha
Bettina sir woman now had a kill Hannah
Biographia from Merton Islamia for Ross and Aqeedah
till Karen is smarter Oh Mary Elam Carla, who Mola Anna Tamara
customer Tiki Tabby Hill Aziz. bIllahi min ash shaytani R G. M
Jose, Antonio. foolery Jana. Well, I'm Ella Mila who lives in Asia
How do you mean Cambodia Allah massage
so the kala hola Azim
will call an abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
Men, Muslim and be really hugging fucka and nama harder my bait
Allah Oka McAllen wa salam ala cinema route to becoming Hoonah
Qaeda Ana Madoka Mahana Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Jaco
Luffy al Habib and Mustafa Al be reliably with them Bulla yawns
with Dr. Nola mood
to come out to Dan while your Kool Aid could illuminate them a hot
dog. Walker is in October
and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Masha Allah Allah Allah Allah Who
are you Salafi. Why should the Anessa Yana when a beginner while
demon our hobby burner? Mohammed Anna rasool Allah for terminal and
the evil mursaleen bad for you holy Muslim Moon we'll see NFC and
move the neighbor to our
motto it forgot to call Allah Allah fie Kitab Hill as he is, but
he may not show you Tanya regime. Yeah, you heard Adina taco hola
haka to cardi
Illa. Anta, Muslim moon, boca de Cala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam tequila Hi Summa Contra.
El Hasina Tampa wahala canasa Caloocan Hassanein works the rue
de la Manos Salatu was Salam ala CGT Wahhabi brunotti Toby Muhammad
in Tibble Colombia. Why don't you are Shiva well noodle Abbasali
well in Allah who? Who you saw Luna Allah NaVi yeah un leadin
Manu solo Allah He was selling with the Screamer.
Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Ali Mohamed Salah to Allah Ibrahim
Ali early Ibrahim barbaric Allah Muhammad Ali Mohamed Kamal Baraka
Ibrahim early Ibrahima Filomena in Nikka, Hamid Majeed, what are the
Allahumma annual qualifier Rashid in Abu Bakr Muhammad Ali won in
Hassan well her saying her name once a holy Minotaur hitting one
side so Huberty HMR in Europe, medica yar. hamara. I mean, Allah
Maricel Islam or when was the mean? Well, Ali, fourthly, Kelly
Mattel hockey with Dean alomost. City run and Mujahideen if he
Allah murmee. Rama was
Romo. Allah Moromi. Rama was Sudan who Romo Allah murder me
was Sudan who either Romo Allahumma soarho With a bit of
Yara Bill Alameen Allah Who Madame Mara Sahaj in a woman where Allah,
Allah Madame Marisa, Hi Anna Woman Well, Allah Allah Muhammad Masjid
Al Azza will ordain Mikado Salman IDM
Allah al Gali mein al happy day do Majidi mean, BRAF matricaria or
hamara Nene was on Allah Allah said no Muhammad in the below me
while early was salam
ala in Allah yet
it will Moon curry will he either come on to that karoun como in our
salatu salam Yahama Kamala Sana?
Still stuck being moved around,
straightness of straightness with with clothes or gaps, heels the
length of the shoulder
Bismillah AR Rahman, Rafi Alhamdulillah here on bill on me
in all Rauf Emanuel Rahi me, man he came to meet me during he came
The Ghana styling
then I'll set off on was stuffing sealed off on Naveen Nanda RNA him
laying in Milan Boulby are laying him
on me
Bismillah your man you're offering one off in
Indiana the
what else soy bean has been wiped out while soy beans
send me along Iman Jaime
along with
Bismillah R Rahman you're watching Alhamdulillah Allah here Robin on
me in all raw manual Rafi team Mani cam will meet during EOC and
then I'll set off on was the thing set off on Lavina and that are
laying him all in in mono Goobie are laying him
off on moving
Bismillah you're off man you're walking
Oh boy. Girl girl
false on Nene big one how in no shiny ago who
sent me along Amen
My name
There's still a lot of
there's still have a lot of the metal overall hula de la ilaha
illa who will haggle for you? I'm gonna to relay. When a solo Toba
told Marvel FIATA in there who were to work with an Uber in our
cafe. So you didn't want to offend Mr. Oliver or Yahoo younger
African history. I mean, either because the G or silicon inertia
owner Nikola Elon
Alameen Allah Masumoto Donna are hamro Turner with a copper Shuhada
Anna watch broadcast Rana which feature Hannah one Surya Coronel
Mr. Jaffe in a few verses our fee a difficult RB with equally makan
Europa Alameen wa salam ala sayyidina. Muhammad interviewed on
me while earlier was talking about it was a sort of anaerobic
herbalist that Yama se phone was Salah Amana, Khaled mursaleen,
while hamdulillah