Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Friday 10 June 2022
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The conversation covers various events and figures related to religion, including the loss of land and delectability. The importance of testing one's faith and false accusations is emphasized, as well as the use of words like "na" and "fitna" to describe belief. The generation of young parents grew up in bubble shock and the removal of certain culture-related words from Disney movies is discussed, along with false statements about the state of the world and the belief that the world is "branded for Islam" and "branded for the state of the world." The segment ends with a call to action for parents to wake up children and discusses potential job opportunities.
AI: Summary ©
Nina Simone
going on what we mean
by her shaman the shaman
worker in a low while appreciating
oil Ben owners in
dunya without the ever solid half or for your own
way oh man we'll see
what's on Bernie's
hush up now I'm failing of all the memes
Why would you go why now because often number
two from
my Weida whoa the Lucky Bamboo fence at me and I was 15 I mean he
he way up on on way up on on a la
Vela you you saw me
for a while let
me know * with one
good is Judo only Adam and
Eve any second
Wally mean
you will have the world
all the way Oh man Hold on andorre Shawn I can
him yesterday Ebola home was
no before we would any morning
one must sleep
whatever the song was Snuffy had
messy methods work and
Dollar Shave
don't futile. Wise don't feel
weird to hula hula woman obviously you don't have Selena in them over
the 18 Why would I do anything I can't film OB Bellini audit he'll
be he'll help
what the
killed on the
FIFA I want I want to see him out
the murky mitten
for me as anymore for what is the dome Elan who
be Makka Cebu Hola. Hola. Hola.
Nemo Isla what he can or Lucknow
what is on Musa?
Bella warmer Gemma Baney Iman SEF Automapper no further sebelah who
feel battery cell all the way
It was
I will be low some Eulalia ministry Athan yo Raji
Bismillah here Rahman Al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Salatu was Salam wa salam
I tend to Sleeman
yearly corny be more call me Ameerul Ambia emammal Chateau La
Ilaha illa Allah who will use Salah Hain
ye shall do Anessa Year dinner when a beginner while the men are
happy when Muhammad Rasool Allah
Turmel Ambia even more saline.
Salida Houma wa sallim wa barik ala ha the Nabil I mean while he
was a Hobbit The Lord will may Amin a Nevada
or Bishop of new surgery or you suddenly Emory will open the
terminal the Cerney EF cold calling
to assume in a Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Call Allah Tabata, Kota Isla de Kitabi Hill hajis the bIllahi min
ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R. Rahman r Rahim.
Could you help curfew rule, law taboo? Well, tomorrow I'll be
well, and I'll be done either tomorrow, whether weather and
tomorrow I'll be doing
a Buddha. Look on the new comb. So the
tomato Muslimeen
In fact, we've done the Tafseer of the Surah In a previous goodbye.
We know what the surah is all about. So to carefully rule
where Allah subhanaw taala
instructs our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem to tell the
kuffaar Quraysh after they
put forward the idea
of worshipping the God of Muhammad
Sallallahu wasallam worshiping Allah for one year and then him
and his followers worshiping their gods for one year.
And so Allah subhanaw taala sent down the surah say,
yeah, you will care if you don't oh, those of you who disbelieve
law, I do not worship what you worship, when I went to my OB do
an AMA
and you know, worship which I wish and we didn't worship with you,
and I do not worship but you worship us in a worship, but I
locum Dinoco Walia do
the convener company or do you to your way and me to mine, YouTube
and me to mine.
And that last
is what I want to focus on today but in the light
and we've been speaking,
the last few weeks, we've been speaking about
all the numbers that led up to the
the Nakba of 48. When we lost a lot of the desert, we lost the
holy land
or party often that was completed when we look
and that number continues today.
But just as our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem in a hadith
when he describes the Phaeton
to rock or do her BA.
The greater Nakba is happening right now in front of us to
greater number by saying even greater numbers because
losing a piece of land is one thing and inshallah we'll get that
land back.
losing one of our holy sites is one thing, and inshallah we'll get
the holy site back.
But losing your iman
losing your deal.
That's probably the greatest Nakba, the greatest catastrophe
that can befall any human being
after having been guided.
After having believed to lose the faith, to lose the dean, this must
be this most certainly is the greatest catastrophe the greatest
that's all Hamdulillah we in this country
at least
with all our problems, with all our woes
Alhamdulillah we have the right to religion.
We have the right to our
our faith.
From the Constitution I read freedom of religion, belief and
Six article 15 Number one, everyone has the right to freedom
of conscious religion.
gingers thought, belief and opinion.
Is that clear? Can I go ahead hamdulillah Let's speak about our
and I want to go to that hadith.
Just allude
the hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad.
Salah turabi was salam, O who I lately and it's a hadith
can be found
in any major
in fact this particularly wire
occurred to Muslims. It's in Sahih Muslim it's an authentic hadith
it's an authentic hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah
Colin abuse Allah Allah Allah sent them in Metacom heavy jewelry, the
fear to her to
see this OMA of yours.
Omar Mohamed Salah Lhasa, the Ummah that we belong to
hamdulillah La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu
said we belong to the
She does the best of it
was made at the beginning of it
as a beloved prophet Tillison Susan has another Hadith he says
the best of generations my generation from Medina Luna home
from Medina Luna, then those that
that follow them and then those that follow them the first three
generations otherwise we refer to them as Salafi and a solid, solid
or solid I'll pious predecessors so how about tabular
interpretability these were the
the first three and this generations of the Allah Muhammad
Salah My Allah gather us up with them
and enter them into Jana,
the company have to begin with
I mean you're
so the best of this offer was made at the beginning of
what say you see hero hub biller
and the last of the above will be afflicted with Ebola was a Greek
trial and tribulation. In fact the word biller and fitna mean
basically the same thing
biller and fitna. It is like and I've mentioned it before, it is
the 100 100 100 is a blacksmith when he puts the the metal into
the fire.
This is what a tribulation is for a believer and masiva to carry
masiva to kill
a calamity.
It is the Forge of the believer.
the 100 when the blacksmith when he puts the metal into the fire of
his forge, and he heats it up red hot and he takes it out and he
beats it. What happens it becomes harder, stronger and at the same
time it gets purified with all its impurities.
Now the word Fitna means to test.
The Arabs they say for 10 to a dabba Wolfin Tata Benard I tested
the gold and the silver with the fire to see if it was real gold or
real silver. The poet says a Bucknell NASA who knew Jaina
We tested it, thinking it was a piece of silver
thinking that it was a piece of silver
and the Forge revealed the impurities of the metal.
So Allah fitna is to test the worth
when it comes to being tested in our deen when it comes to being
tested as believers, Allah is testing the worth of our belief.
Are we true believers?
And it seems like we've all been
we've all been put into the form
we all being tested
because Allah wants to make manifest Allah wants to expose
what does he want to expose? Alif Lam Meem has he been NURSE Are you
are you
does make them think that they're going to be left alone. They're
gonna say we believe and then not get tested.
Well aka
him and indeed we tested for 10 Now
we put them into the forge.
We put them into the fire of of fitna.
For what purpose? For the element Hola. Hola, Dena, Sadako elemental
Caribbean, in order that Allah might make manifest, Allah might
expose who are those who have been true to the covenant with Allah
and who are those who have belied and broken the covenant was Allah.
And further on down sort of Lanka boot verse number 11. I think
well the element Allah who does
and in order that Allah might make manifest, who are the true
believers, Allah make us of them.
May Allah make us of them.
May Allah make us of them
in order that Allah might make manifest who are the true
believers, and in order that Allah might expose who are the
hypocrites or Allah not mix of them, may Allah make us of them.
May Allah not make us
we are in this fitna
and perhaps we are the last of the ummah. I say perhaps Allah Allah.
But I don't know about you but I'm worried
Alhamdulillah we are all Muslim in Meneely sitting in the masjid
We don't know what we are going to be tomorrow or next year or in 10
years time.
But then I think about my children
and I think about my children's children and their children.
Now Allah subhanaw taala
used a bit, we use a bit too much stalking Allah make us and them
on the straight path of Allah subhanaw taala. So the first of
the Ummah is the best of the Ummah and the last of the ummah will be
afflicted with a trial and tribulation.
We'll move on to Kiruna
and things that when you see them, you will hate them.
You will despise them.
They will literally make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.
I don't know if you knew this.
And if you didn't know I'm going to tell you
that according to DC Comics,
is good. Actually sorry. He's not gay. He's bisexual.
Superman, is bisexual.
October 2021. Superman is kissing Ken Nakamura on the front page of
DC Comics.
And by the way, there's about 10 DC comic characters that are now
openly gay, bisexual, lesbians or whatever LGBTQ i A plus
LGBTQ plus
the container
the container
lecan Dino.
You to Your Way, and me to mine.
We're gonna have to imprint us into our hearts and minds.
We have the freedom of religion.
We're not interfering with anybody.
We're not harming anybody.
We're not messing with anybody.
And we would like to say
don't interfere with us.
Don't know.
In actual fact, I
think it's now two months. There is a big controversy happening in
Florida in America, the home of Disney.
One of the executives actually came out now because there's this
what they are calling. Don't say Gable.
Bowl is not called that. But the opponents of the bowl of course,
don't say Gable. Because
Mr. De Santos I think it's Ken de Santos. I stand to be corrected.
He's the governor of Florida. A practicing Christian with the
Bethel Church. He was a pastor with the Bethel Church. And they
ruled overwhelming majority. That sexual orientation should not be
taught to children from kindergarten to grade three.
For karma to dunya
was like the end of the world.
The woke generals went mad
don't know how many of Disney's staff did a walk out
complaining that there's not enough LGBTQ plus content in
And a scene that they had removed from the latest.
What do they call him? Buzz? Aldrin, Buzz Aldrin, that comic
that cartoon. Buzz Lightyear
Buzz Lightyear, the latest Buzz Lightyear cartoon movie, they had
initially removed a same six kissing scene between two females.
And now because of this bow, as to show the Disney is going with the
is jumping on the bandwagon.
They have not put the scene, the same six kissing scenes back into
the cartoon.
Hola we living in
living in a bubble.
But it seems like our bubble is starting to burst.
Nowadays, wherever you go, especially with the young parents,
the younger parents have today. You know, I'm not saying I'm old,
but I'm older than the younger parents.
And I know you will know what I'm talking about when I say this.
Today, you see, I mean we still
okay, I know I grew up in Berkeley, we didn't have kinergy
and BookBook.
But we also played in the street.
And then
I think you could say that generation from at least from
after the second world war until the 1980s. You know, we were still
children. We still played outside. We went to collected polls. And we
ran around barefoot and we rode our bicycles. And I did I rode my
bicycle into a tree
100 I'm still alive.
And then we had this new generation of computer games and
what have you.
And television. I still remember when we got our first TV. Before
that. My dad used to play Bonanza on the white sheet, eight
millimeter Bonanza and the Dirty Dozen
tomatoes to me things are changing so rapidly.
And coming back to the young parents of today I see them that
they find something far more effective than a dummy. You know,
dummy, the dummy, baby or child little infant sucks. It's called a
cell phone.
Just give them the cell phone.
And you see the
two year old three year old flipping through those YouTube
videos like an expert.
And that parent hasn't got a clue who is raising the child.
You have to wake up
once his first son Islam.
First, Disney
I'll admit to you since since a young boy
I love Disney Looney Tunes.
I grew up we all grew up with these things.
But I have to tell you today, no more Disney.
Disney owns Pixar.
Disney owns Universal Studios Star Wars.
He owns Marvel and Marvel characters all these superheroes
no more superheroes.
Let's go back to the Hadith.
In Morocco, the giraffe here to have
the soma of yours the basis of the Ummah, the beginning of the OMA
the last of the ummah will be afflicted with a great trial and
and things that you will dislike,
do have
you said a trial will come that will make the previous trial seem
A trial will come that will make the previous trial seem
What will fit the two for your colon and the fitna will come and
the believer will say had he McGillicutty you just tell us I'm
done. I'm done. I'm finished now.
I'm not going to get through this
so much and cache it and then it goes away but to G will fit into
for your colon mean at the end and then another thing that will come
in the believable safe no this one this one
this is gonna finish us
So Martin Kashi
from a hub a user and now so ever wants to be saved from the fire
and entered into Jana fell to Hillman here to oferta team and
yet to who were who were you may not be liable.
So if he wants to be saved from the fire and entered into Jana,
then let them or let the death come to them. Whilst they are
believing in Allah and the Last Day, something which we all take
for granted. We will take for granted and right now is the thing
I came into the masjid as a Muslim inshallah I'll leave as a Muslim
will lie we took it for granted and we are taking it for granted.
Do not take it for granted anymore. Not for yourselves, not
for your children, not for their children.
We are drowning in an ocean geometrics
and instead of clutching at straws, which many of us are
we need to go and hold on to that or working with
that indestructible rope of Allah subhanaw taala
Tara tofi Come Amoraim
we've heard this. So many times the Hadith.
The Farewell Sermon, we've heard it so many times, probably 1000s
of times.
Listed Quran
every time Imam stands up Quran it's
almost like people getting bored of it.
Now I'm telling you today and I'm starting with myself and my
family, who I'm responsible for, could look
at all of your shepherds and all of you are going to be questioned
about your flock. I start with myself.
It's no more just a quotation. It's no more just an inspiring few
words that we hear. This is now life or death of our dean or Eman.
I've looked for you two things he said some of our Sangha
in termasuk Don't be here.
Today. If you hold on to them, you will never ever go astray Kitab
Allah was submitting the book of Allah and my way of life. You
know, it's only now that these Hadith that we've been hearing for
so many years it's actually really coming alive.
So yeah, to Lena is a man, I'll copy Darla Dini copied Allah
he's gonna come a time the Prophet said Salah Salem, when the one
that is holding on to his religion is like one who is holding on to a
mean I
can't even make sense. I mean,
I can practice my religion, you can practice your religion.
But now
and in this country, the way the way I know it's a paradox because
we have our constitution.
We have
the freedom of religion, the freedom of opinion, I've just read
it out to you. Yet we have acts like purpura the proposed a ball
that actually wants to start targeting even religious groups,
in their expression, to their own congregation, to their own
families, to their own children,
to be aware
of this fitna and this facade
that is enveloping us from all angles, fashionable.
Not just exception, it not just acceptable it's become
fashionable. And now and I know we battled it
a couple of years ago.
But there are lots of things happening behind the scenes.
We need to know what what our children are learning at school.
Because it is now out in the open, they are being groomed for this
They are being groomed for the scuffle.
it is time truly for us to wake up. Learn you.
So toolbelt in India is often
the voice of falsehood will never be raised. Unless the people of
truth go to sleep.
Unless the people of truth, go to sleep. May Allah subhanaw taala
guide and protect us all
Yes, guide and protect our children and their children's
that our offspring may still be those at the end of time whenever
that's going to be that are raising high the Kalima of la
ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah Allah says you're not
repeating over and over again la comme de
la Santa Monica
love like
a loved one
Sit on
a shadow
a shadow
hamdulillah here on belie Lemina
you're a BS ruler you stood up in Europe via the new lubaina You're
up here morpher ritual guru before rich koruba Europea you can assure
book will help I'm going in your career buena ILAHA Jambi help take
your severe and behold thick yellow teeth.
But have been happy Majora to be healed Mr. Kaji
well I shall do what the
Lord long
brew bourbon
brew bourbon were couldn't see the few who here late to share it bad
and multimodal
a dodo. nerim in
Europe Illa have different.
Malley law
firm Valina
Merli lab DC dosi inner amela we're in the halfway house for Rob
booth of
why should you understand you didn't know when to be in our
house even though have you been on Mohamed and Rasulullah but
we're not sure. But Tjahaja haka jihadi had to clean Bella become
the cashier for deja vu Jim Lee, the alguma Jimmy will see Solly he
saw luz de Sala Allah, Allah who I know who the
woman now had a kill hammer. Bad. Islamic Rasul Aqeedah Sarah Thank
you Iran is smart rule nine
Molana Tabata customers vikita Aziz bIllahi min ash shaytani R
rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim call
filma obudu with Tamara be doing
tomorrow I'll be doing
locum De Luca De Soto. Hola Hola.
Elena and neurod de deux has hill I look
for in the Amanda fitness in Alima.
will come up call Usher Sabbath No, not several Hulu, Jaina
Robertson Hadid
will come with ACARA Huhtala JELA fee fee kitab.
Rajeev Ali Flamie a husband nurse who are you? Are you
are you afternoon
for Elena for Elena be che be Amrhein
Colin Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Torah to fi comm Amrhein
the intima semitone de Hema la learn 30 New Kitab was unity
for in the Rasul your
hammered in some Allahu Allah He was
Habiba Mustafa Al be ruler with them Bula Yun sir with the yarn
while your Kool Aid could loop in your
own cradle in Etowah
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Shula Illa Allah Who will you
Salah shadow under so you didn't know when to be you know wild
demon or what have you been hammered and Rasulullah Tim will
be able to study Muslim on we'll see come whenever I want to call a
low to either vikita Because his brother would have been diamond
shaped on your project. You have to talk Allah
because the call
has been at
NASA before
knockin has an infant. What about alarm? You know, Salatu was Salam
repelled or hammered in?
Any way she felt? Yeah. Well, Nora Saudi will do
in Allahumma
salli wa ala he recently moved to Lima, Allah, Allah Mohammed.
Mohammed come Kamal Selita
vertikalen Muhammad Ali Mohammed
Ibrahim Al Amin indica Hamad Al Majid world dot Allahumma and in
full of Fira she didn't Abu Bakr Omar what was
her say? Her name? So you've been operating? So Huberty
Allah Azza Islam, Muslim in
Allah Marisa Islam, Muslim in Allah Maricel Islam Allah
we can't even tell hockeyville Dean
Philistine. It was a concert in Europe but Allah, Allah Mahara
masjid, at Sahaja Yoga Corona Crummey
also the cardinal mustard, ifI. nificantly, McCann, Allah, masha
Medina were Hamilton Hamilton Muslim in a bit
about Allah and Allah.
Kuba Will Yun ha infection you will carry well Buffy here is a
company that karoun como la serata Camilla hammock Kamala Sala.
know, Muhammad Rasool Allah SallAllahu Sallam is still I tend
to do
a law
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah Bella
Roschmann Ibrahim in Urdu Kiyomi de
Yong do I ya can isteri stuffy Serato Latina and anti na him Call
of Duty either him or me
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim could you handle your own
be Dum Dum
to Mojave dune.
Lokhande Newcom wanneer de Allah
Cemil Maha Neiman Hamidah
hola all
Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen of rochman
Rahim Ehrlichia Kiyomi Dean yeah
yeah kind of staring. Do you not see it all? Stuffy see rotten
Latina and RNA him
do the RNA him on the screen
be Smith burn your Rockman you're rocking cold who Allahu Allahu
sama de la nearly
when a miracle Kula Hokku for one
Cemil blah honey man honey
hola hola
hola hola
cinema I know
more cinema tomorrow
still have a lot of them we still had a lot of the ministers a lot
of them it's all family Villa Illa in the world for you to monitor
when I was told that to a local funeral to know what to wear but
it's not often Rahimullah Masada hada so you didn't know Mohammed?
Mohammed was have you already lawmen to sit down with him
because somebody grabs me I know what AutoNumber Veronica Robina
Lake and mercy
from Allah, Allahu Mafalda Allah on behalf of dena. Allah my father
Iman, Allah my father Islam minute, Allah Muhammad Khurana
Hola Hola.
Hola. Hola Gina min Coulibaly in dunya, either FIRA Tia Rob Bella
Alameen Robin Tina Mila Dukkha Rama
Marina Russia Allama Finland has a newborn our caffeine
too often sort of lawless into Muhammad, Allah
Allah and mursaleen hamdulillah