Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 5 July 20191440
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The hedge is a form of gratitude and willingness to fulfill obligations, and is also a token of gratitude. It is important to be prepared for death and the importance of embracing reality to create a sense of peace and joy. The importance of staying true to one's mission and not wasting time is emphasized, as well as the need to avoid falling into doubtful areas and avoid giving up on one's values. The segment also touches on the history of Islam, including the implementation of Islam's rule of death and the use of a death hatch for those who don't die, and political and business-related topics like not being afraid of the media and the need for punishment.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen What
was solidly what was certainly more Surah 10 with the Sleeman LA
County be more kami Ameerul Ambia Eva imam in more serene.
I shall do Allah Allah Allah Allah Who will you saw the Hain
I shall do Anessa udana whenever you know are all the men I will
have even more Hamedan are also long
term will be even more selling Salah Huma was selling mobile
Erica ALA has never yet I mean, what an early he was so Huberty,
he'll have already May I mean?
I'm about to model Muslim in a certain way Alikum warahmatu
Allahi wa barakato
call Allah Tabata, Kota Isla de Quito Behala Aziz viajeros Villa
him in a show you Tanya regime
what Illa Allah nurse your schedule by 10 minute money stata
Ilahi sebelah woman kufr offer in Allah honey yo nanny la Alameen so
the Kola loving
so we are still speaking about the hedge.
And what did we say what is the hedge Alhaji well cost?
Hedge means the goal.
Physically we know that the goal is vital oil Muharram the Sacred
House of Allah and spiritually what did we say? It is a journey
to Allah in this life
in preparation for our journey to Allah in the Hereafter, a pre run
for death
and the last time that you were together last week, you will Juma
we spoke about lying on was deliver
and it looking like a macabre everybody lying the under the old
stars. Not the five star not the two star not no stone at the minus
one star but the All Stars why? Because being the furthest away
from the dunya we found ourselves with Zilpha with nearness and
closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala lying there in our coffin
lying there in our burial shroud was deadly for looking like a
macabre only differences we are still alive and we are lying on
top of the ground and not dead lying underneath the ground.
Now Allah subhanaw taala in this opening verse, Allah Subhana Allah
says will Allah here Alan nurse had drillbit belonging to Allah
from mankind
is the pilgrimage to the house. In other words, it's a debt. We are
born with a debt. And why is Allah made it a debt.
In other words, he's made it something compulsory that has to
be paid.
But then he makes the exception money stata Isla de Sevilla have a
condition that the one who is able and by the means to do so. But if
we are able, and if we are by the means to do so, then we need to go
and pay that debt.
We need to go and fulfill that obligation, that compulsory act,
that fifth pillar of Islam
to perform that hajj woman Kaffir and whoever is ungrateful. In
other words, going on Hajj is a token of gratitude, from the
creation to the Creator. Gela fear Allah.
So if it's ungrateful, whoever does not make the effort to pay
that debt and fulfill that obligation. Then Allah subhanaw
taala Anila Alameen Allah subhanaw taala is free of one of all the
worlds that is why he is a Samad lay of tequila che or Calusa in
Turkey to La Allah is not in need of anyone or anything and every
one and everything is in need of Allah. So Allah doesn't need this
Hutch. But when Allah He each and every single one of us needs it.
We need to go on this journey. There's no such thing I mentioned
last week, there's no such thing as not being ready for Hajj, Hajj
will make you ready for life, and more importantly, it will make you
ready for death.
So let's pick up where we ended off last week. Lying on was
in that coffin, the furthest away from the dunya the furthest away
from all the comforts of this world.
But in the morning, we stand up, we are still alive, we are not
dead. He has had a pre run for death.
We looked at Surah two Hajj and we found that the first verse is
about yomo Qiyamah and the first Qiyamah the minor Qiyamah is a
multi mineral advocate comet Kiama to if mankind passes away if he
dies, then his judgment then is Tiama is established in actual
If you look at suited to hedge,
I found insurer to hedge.
And this is from my own weak and humble understanding for my house
for accesses for verses where Allah subhanaw taala basically
sums up the whole purpose and essence of hedge.
The first mirror or the first axis is that axis of piano. That hedge
is a pre run for death. It is the greatest form of STR dad, Leo Mira
said I live in Italy when he was asked, but Taqwa what is taqwa?
What is Allah consciousness, he said, I'll hold for mineral jelly.
Well, I'm a little bit Tenzin, we're adobea Kali, realistic
dually human right? Allah consciousness is number one to
fear the punishment of Allah that keeps us away from the haram.
Number two to implement the revelation of Allah, the Holy
Quran and with that, the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Clairol and I'm sorry
number three worried of your colleagues to be satisfied with a
little bit. Think about that when you are lying under the stars on a
piece of plastic no thicker than two Menara blades
lying on was deliver in the heat
with a hard biscuit and a warm juice perhaps lying in front of
the ablution block or next to a refused one.
Let us think of that. Let us have that radar. Let us have that
contentment because Wallahi contentment
Hill cannot go too far further to couldn't be her Mulliken.
Laura told Bethany will come in Melly King Jabba dunya big Maha
from our humming her because you will cook me well Tiffany, it is
contentment if you have it, look after it. So when you lying on was
deliver in your coffin, no name brands, no
creature features no thrills, no frills, no comfort snow
lying on the ground under the stars.
Embrace that moment, embrace that condition with Karna. With
temperament if you only possess your health, even if you only
possess your health, and how many kings of this world have gathered
up the material possessions of this world, but they have not left
this world except with a burial shroud and some cotton wool.
Except for the burial shroud and some cotton will return on the
door of the cupboard.
When we die, and I mentioned the Hadith last week,
that when a person passes away, you have to bury my yet tell us
three things follow them are yet to the cover.
A Hulu woman who are Emmylou his family, his wealth and his
actions. Theology are a scenario where you have Tama who had to
return only one will remain with him who will return tomorrow and
what will remain through his actions his family is going back
his material wealth has gone back in actual fact on the way home
they still discussing who's going to get dead cell phone who's going
to get these watch who's going to inherit this who's going to hit it
the only thing that he's going to get past that customers. I mean,
you come to the airport, there's a green light for nothing to
declare, and there's a red light for something to declare everybody
tries to go through the green light. I still remember the old
days where it was still cheap to buy electronics in Makkah you know
people used to come home with flat screen TVs I'm telling you
cases cases full of electronic goods. And they will still go
tried to go through the nothing to declare.
Unfortunately, the carbon to a singular, just like we created you
for the first time.
Just like you lift the wombs of your mothers for the first time
naked and owning nothing of this world.
Just covered in a few pieces of white cloth like we are going to
be lying on must deliver in that coffin in that burial shroud.
Just like we lift the wounds of our mothers for the first time. So
we are going to be entered into the cover into the grave the only
thing that is going to go with us are our good deeds.
But the amazing thing about hunches it's a free run.
You know like the children when they play the video game I'm not
encouraging the playing video games but a video game. You know,
even if you make a mistake or you lose, or you die, inverted commas,
you can always press restart. You can always press restart. When you
stand up from was deliver. I want you to make your intention for
that restart.
Like Ibrahim even Adam
He used to experience a type of modality for every day of his
Every night before he went to sleep, a type of Mustafa, what did
he used to do? He used to have a cover in his bedroom next to his
bed, six foot
and then every night before he would go to bed, he would climb
down into the cover. So for him every day was a pre run. Aim to
The fourth thing are used to be still busy with a riddle
The four ingredients of Taqwa I will call for Minnelli's to fear
the punishment of Allah, it was nothing we are going with nothing.
So have that Karna have the contentment. And number four, he
said when he said Daddy, Liam Raheel. The fourth and perhaps
most important ingredient of Taqwa
of being conscious and mindful of Allah, of shielding oneself from
the displeasure of Allah, is there a dead Liam Raheel to prepare for
the final departure?
So Ibrahim, even though Adam he used to prepare every single night
of his life, he would climb down into the cupboard, and he would
recite the verses had either had the woman note colorable, Jerome,
Calla, in her Kalama tune, who are called elucha When we were on him
Berzon Illa yo Mubarak soon, so he will climb down into the cupboard.
It's not before he goes to sleep. And then he would recite until
death comes to one of them. They say, Oh, Allah sent me back, that
I might do a good deed of that which I left behind. Allah says
Kola, certainly not
in her Kalama tun who are called elucha it is only a word that they
utter, they don't really mean it.
If I let you send them back 1000 times, they would catch on the
same nonsense that they caught on in the first place.
When we were on him perusahaan Illumio but I soon and from behind
them is a barrier until the Day of Resurrection. After he recited
that verse Ibrahim, Adam, he would then climb out of the cover.
And he would say to himself, Anna, Rajat you have now returned. In
other words, you still alive
for tequila? Yeah, Ibrahim Whatman Salah Han. So fear Allah Ibrahim,
and work righteous deeds.
Every single day was a pre run for him. Every single day was the dad
the Leo marine was a properly a preparation for him for his final
departure from this world.
And Hajj is the combination of that. Hajj is the ultimate form of
that the ultimate form of preparing for our journey to Allah
in the hereafter. Hajj, what do you say what is it a journey to
Allah in this life, in preparation for a journey to Allah in the year
after, but nobody goes on Hajj wishing to die. Allah grant has a
long life in His obedience. I mean, if a person does die
performing Hajj, Allahu Akbar, they will stand up on the day of
Yom Okayama in their haram. Going to Allah saying love bake Allah
and that would be a gift from Allah to them, but nobody goes on
Hajj with the desire that you know, I would like to die. I don't
want to come back. So once we have finished that maybe it Bill was
deliver we have laid on the plains of Mustafa in that coffin.
And then we wake up in the morning
pre dawn to perform Axolotl. Fajr
Alhamdulillah What is this? This should be now a new beginning.
We traveled,
we made effort we sacrificed
we went from the luxury of the five star right down to level with
the gravel of most deliver.
And at that moment, we were satisfied. We were contented. We
embraced our true purpose in this life, which is not to accumulate
dunya yeah might be dunya who struggle
in Amman, Elmo to debug Dutton. While comparison do Klarman the
poet says Oh, ye was preoccupied with chasing after the world was
chasing after the dunya
accumulating wealth was a Rahu Toulon ml and is deceived by false
hope. Other words they living in this life is if they're going to
live forever, allow to your teabag Turton death comes suddenly, while
gruesome do Klarman
and your grave is your box of good deeds. So when you stand up in the
morning on must deliver. You should be standing up with the
intention. Yeah, Allah. This is now a restart for me.
Put aside everything that has happened before or after
Allahu Allah.
Allah has forgiven that which is in the past we just we just came
with Khalifa Allahu Akbar. When had you follow me off your foot?
Well me I've heard you means an OBE carry with me well, we have
left out of it. We did that hadith last week, like the day when our
mothers gave birth to us.
So now we need to restart.
Now we need to make no intention to change our lives. We know our
for being the first day of the rest of our lives need to spend
the rest of our days no matter how many days Allah grants us. Every
night when we go to sleep, we make that same dua Allahumma Peacemaker
Muto here, oh Allah with your name, I die.
And with your name, I am raised up again. Again, just like when we go
on Hajj, we don't expect to die. Every night when you go to sleep
you also don't expect to die. But yet we are saying oh Allah with
your name I die. And with your name I am raised up again.
And the last one Madonna says Allah Who yet delightful amphastar
Hanaa Maratea. Allah is the one that takes the souls at a time of
this will lead to long term fame and
as well as he is the one that takes those souls that do not die
in their sleep. So Allah is the taker of souls. When we go to
sleep, for sequela de Kado Allah Han mode the difference is, he
withholds the one for whom he is to create death while you receive
an okra it actually Musa and he releases the one for whom he has
appointed another time in the Fida, Nicola tilicho meter for
karoun Indeed, in that there are Signs for those who reflect
so every night when we go to sleep Subhanallah and we make that dua
when we do wake up in the morning, as we have slept and it's going to
be Inshallah, for those of you who have not been to Mustafa, yet,
inshallah with the right intention, it will be the best
sleep you've ever had. It will be the sweetest sleep you've ever
had. The Sleep of Zulu of nearness and closeness to Allah, Allah
subhanho wa taala. But when you wake up in the morning, like we
wake up every morning, what do we say? Alhamdulillah Allah is He a
honey badger Ma, I'm a 21 year
old praise and thanks is due solely to Allah
who has given me life of the coast my death what Allah ensure what
does that mean?
That no matter how many more nights Allah is going to grant me,
no matter how many more days I'll lay is going to sustain me with La
he knew showed to him is my ultimate return.
And this should be more prominent
and more focused on in our hearts and our minds. When we stand up on
that morning of the 10th of the ledger, you will have the HA and
we make our Salah to Fajr. And we depart from the plains of Mr.
Leafa. It's a restart.
It is a new dawn. We've turned over a new leaf and now want to
take us to the next network. The next axis I've chosen for is from
Senator Hatch. The first one Allah reminding us that hunches about
hatches a pre run for death hatches about getting ready to
meet Allah on the day of Yama Kiama. Then Allah subhanaw taala
says in verse number 12,
of Surah to Hajj. In fact, verse number, it starts with verse
number 11
I just wanted to Alice's Wamena Nursey. May Allah Allah have we
need to have a plan.
It will be still alive. We didn't die on was deliver. Just like we
didn't die last night. Al Hamdulillah we are all here alive
in the house of Allah.
And as long as we are alive in Allah Yakubu Toba tell Abdi Malam
you Cargill, Allah accepts the repentance of a servant, as long
as the souls don't reach their throats, as long as we realize the
dose of repentance are open. And we've spoken about repentance on
numerous occasions about a Toba to Dima to muster Mira that perpetual
continuous consistent returning and repenting to Allah subhana wa
So almost wanted to Allah says women are Nassima yeah but Allah
Allah have And of mankind or those who worship Allah on the edge for
in Asaba who Hiren a toma and NaVi and if something good happens to
them, they are satisfied with that they are happy with that. Way not
saw but to fit Neptune. In Conover, Allah wa G hasura dunya.
But if something bad happens to him, What does he do?
In Calabar, Allah wa G. He turns on his face. In other words,
It turns his back on Allah subhanho wa Taala he has lost the
dunya and akhira
how many of us tomato Muslimeen when we go on Hajj and this is a
very very important point
with regards to the effect that had should have on our lives
before we went on Hajj maybe we were living on the edge. Now Allah
heard of some of them offer serine they say Allah scheck. Other words
they're worshipping Allah, they're in doubt about the belief in Allah
subhanaw taala. But we can also take it literally
in the sense of how we live our lives,
between halal and haram
in the halal evasion, or in the Haram evasion, while the Oman will
still be hurt. Layer Allah Munna Kathy Ramona nurse for many taka
Chabahar advocate the starboard I mean Dini wherever the woman
worker official Bahat walk I feel haram Karachi you're holding a
hammer you shake who are your taffy and our iniquity mannequin
hammer and our in the hammer Allah He Maha Remo.
Indeed that which is lawful is clear says our beloved prophet
Sallallahu Sallam and that which is unlawful is clear. And between
the two adults will areas not many people know of these doubtful
So whoever stays away from doubtful areas, they have saved
the religion and the honor but you ever falls into Dodgeville areas
has fallen to that which is unlawful and that is why you find
even in Roman Dutch law ignorance of the law is not an excuse
it's not enough for us to say well I didn't know don't find out is if
you know that something is halal. Alhamdulillah Bismillah if you
know that something is haram call us in turn Amorth, stay away. But
if you're unsure about something What must you do? You know I did
it but I didn't know
that Amma you rebook Illa Mala you rebook, leave that which you doubt
for that which you don't want, especially to Muslimeen only one
of our biggest problems and the biggest fitna for this OMA,
luckily or meeting fit Neptune will fit near to Almighty almal.
For every nation, there is a trial and the trial of my nation is
So we find that the greatest transgressions, that we as an
ummah, engage in and commit our transgressions of financial gain.
So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said to jar food jar in them and
Barbara was Sadoc. It people who do business, they are all
Christie makes that emphatic statement. And then he gives the
except for the one that is righteous in the business
dealings, and true to the word.
Because being a business person, it's a two sided coin. On the one
side, I'll food to Java. On the other side, what's the flip side
of the coin? Attached to Saduak? Man a beginner was a de cana was
Shuhada Yamaki M Okoma. Kala Salalah was that the honest
businessman or woman, for that matter will be with the prophets
and the saints and the motto is on the day of judgment
so maybe we've been living on the edge dabbling in
Riba in interest dabbling in insurance, dabbling in hedge
funds, dabbling in stock options, jab dabbling in future markets and
all these other haram entities. I'm just making an example.
We've been living on the edge.
hedge is about moving away from the edge
in all aspects of our lives, not just business wise, in the way
that we live with all in fact, all eight relationships, Allah speaks
about them in the Holy Quran. But in Canada
what I'm wondering is Qatar have to move
to Shona casada when Messiah cannot turn a hub la Coleman Allah
He was truly what you heard him visability for Tara Basu had the T
Allahu be Amory wala hula, yeah, dill, Coleman ferocity, Allah's
want to dialysis, say to them, oh Mohamed salah, Salah, that if the
and the children
and the siblings and the spouses and they cleanse the tribes, the
the money that they've created for their businesses in which they
fear decline, and their homes that they love. If these eight things
are more beloved to them, then Allah and His messenger and
struggling and striving in the path of Allah thing, just wait for
the punishment of Allah and indeed Allah guides, not a transgressing
So we have these eight relationships
with our loved
ones are near and dear ones with our material possessions
it is for the love of Allah and His Messenger salatu salam ala