Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 24 May 20191440

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a series of disconnected sentences and phrases.
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either early he was so happy women were

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so much Muslim in a cinema alikoum Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh call

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Allah to Baraka Allah vikita villa Aziz, but there was a bIllahi min

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ash shaytani R Rajim Shahara Madonna lady own Zilla V Hill

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Quran surah Kola Halim

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instrumental was simian Al Hamdulillah this is the month of

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Ramadan, the month of the Quran And Alhamdulillah we are honored

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here at Masjid the Sunni to be hosting to have Egypt's renowned

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Kharis chef mum Duhamel and Chef Khalid Arabia, I've just contacted

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the organizer. They were supposed to be here a little bit earlier,

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but inshallah to Allah, the term is Li aquatint Kumbhakarna Salah

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Salem il timeously I think it's a very northern make 70 excuses for

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your brother. So I've been told that they are two minutes away in

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the later either

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as to how long those two minutes will be. We will see. So inshallah

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God if you can just bear with us a few more minutes. We'll be waiting

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for the Quran and then we can start with our program. Be evening

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data allergies or Kamala Harris Saramonic comm rahmatullahi wa

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