Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 17 December 2021
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The importance of Islam in various aspects of one's life, including financial, social, and political matters is emphasized. embracing Islam is a journey, and physical and psychological benefits are discussed. Pr practicing Islam is a solution to problems such as social and political stability, and individuals are advised to show gratitude towards Allah Subhanaw taala. The journey of Islam is a favor that can be shown to them, and individuals are advised to show gratitude towards Allah Subhanaw taala.
AI: Summary ©
Hola Hola
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu Ana Sedna Muhammad
Ali he was here at Jermaine Subhanak Allah and Milena Loma and
limped tonight and Nick until animal Hakeem BIA Silva in with a
member of farriers
and my brother for Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Oh, our beloved Geoffrey is
not experiencing the best of health at the moment. So, for that
reason, you stuck with me today.
so bear with me in sha Allah, we got very last minute notice that
chiefly I'm just not doing well.
And not much of a speaker.
I think I'm, I'm, I'm rather listen.
Although my wife would probably argue I'm not a very good listener
as well. But in the life of orca Tana, we go in
and the day of out of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
received revelation
of what could be one of the last verses to be revealed.
Not the last verse, but one of the last verses, in fact, the last
verse of
the last verse pertaining to rulings Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam received as a revelation on this day. And that was, as we all
know, reads, turned out to be lamina shaytani R rajim Bismillah
R Rahman Rahim, Ali Omar, Abdullah Khan, Dean Wattman to Ali connect
Amity. What are the Tula communal Islam Medina. Today Allah subhanaw
taala says today I have completed your religion, meaning prior to
that day.
Quran was still in the process of being revealed.
laws and legislation was still in the process of being revealed. But
on this particular day, and this being the last verse pertaining to
rulings, Allah Spano Tala din says, I have now completed your
religion and I have completed my favor upon you.
And I am pleased with Islam as a religion for you.
This verse in this verse itself,
based testimony to the divine nature of the Quran, for no man
will be able to claim that a religion is perfect
And stand the test of time. No matter how much we advance, no
matter how much things change, Islam remains relevant. Islam is
able to adopt or adapt. And Islam will always have solutions to
various or to many of our problems, in fact, to all of our
Aloma acmella Tula convener, Allah subhanaw taala, saying that Allah
subhanaw taala as completed our religion
means that our religion Islam, sees to our face stands to benefit
as in every aspect of our life.
Whether it be spiritual, with the physical, whether it be social,
whether it be financial, Islam stands to benefit Islam is there
to protect us Islam is the for us to benefit from in all of these
Allah subhanaw taala doesn't just say in with regards to physical
benefit by way of example, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't just say
it that which is halal, but rather Allah subhanaw taala says halal
each eat that which is halal. And that which is totally that which
is wholesome that which is good for your body.
So, we only
if we if we only see to that which is halal and we have an excess of
sugar, etc, or the like, we will see
the consequences of that.
But we learn from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.
Moderation, irrespective what you're going to have Halal
in moderation, even that which is tidy, and you have too much awful,
too much water is could be detrimental to your health.
So Islam sees to our benefit on a physical level, on a spiritual
level, on a psychological level, on an emotional level, on a on a
social level, and a financial level. There's an article written
by two, I assume to be non Muslims by just judging by the names is
not enough to assume that they are not Muslim, but I've read the
biographies and there was nothing indicating
to them being Muslim.
These two professors writes on usury on interest.
And they quote,
Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam, on the pros and cons of
usury of an interest. And these non Muslim professors
demonstrates how every religion has banned or rather,
does now not implement the prohibition of usury meaning they
they partake in usury interest. And the only religion that still
implements this prohibition is Islam. And then they carry on to
explain the cons of usury and the impact that has on the economy and
on society, etc, etc, etc. The only religion that still stands
and implement.
The fact that usually is prohibited is Islam.
So in that way, another example that Islam sees to our benefit,
Islam cease to protect us on every single level. However,
if we want to truly benefit from Islam,
on all levels, we need to implement this on all levels.
Yeah, you will Edina M and the Hulu filmmaker, Allah subhanaw.
Taala says Oh, or you believe into into Islam. Completely,
wholeheartedly, right. It's important that we think of our
Islam as a journey, not a destination.
When I embraced Islam, whether it be I was born into a Muslim home
with it be I took shahada at a certain time, you have not reached
your destination. Wanna elaborate because the destination is Allah
subhanaw taala the destination is Jana Bismillah terracotta Allah,
just but as being Muslim.
We have not reached our destination. We are on a journey
and it's important for us to recognize the fact that we are on
a journey.
If we are not aware of the fact that we are on a journey we cannot
take account to whether I am lagging behind whether I am
progressing, whether I'm closer to my destination or not whether I'm
off track completely. I'm not the way all it's tantamount to someone
joining a cycling club, but he's gay and his helmet and his bicycle
and everything and
He's just been out to socialize, he's not ready to take the road or
anything. Right?
So, yes, Alhamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala has blessed us with
Islam, but we need to recognize the fact that we are on a journey
in order for us to in order for us to
measure our progress
So our scholars speak about this journey through Islam
and the stages that we find ourselves in.
And this is obviously derived from Quran and Sunnah Allah Subhan
Allah Allah says in surah hoogenraad Carla Tila arabo Munna
coulomb took me know working Kulu Aslam now, they were Arabs that
came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said and they said
that we we are believers. And Allah subhanaw taala corrects them
and says, Who LEM two men who say to them, oh Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam that you are not yet believers, meaning you are you
have embraced Islam, you are Muslim. Kalam to me No, don't say
you are believers. Well, I can Kulu salaam now rather say we have
embraced this meaning at this point in time at that particular
stage. You have only added the two justifications of faith, a shadow
Allah ilaha illallah wa shadow and the Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu
So this verse alludes to the fact that you are on a journey in why
Allah subhanaw taala reveals an entire verse for Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam to correct this statement to say that you are
not yet at that stage of being a movement. You have only just
embraced Islam, you are now a Muslim, you need to journey you
need to take on this journey in order to reach becoming a
movement. And the phases that our scholars derive from Quran and
Sunnah is that when they put it in a systematic way, they say it's
Islam. It's Eman.
And it's out of fun.
So, Islam, any man is what? We are now away. And we are now reminded
that we are on a journey. What is this journey? How do I What is
this path I'm trading? How do I go about it? The first step is that
we have pronounced the two justifications of faith. We
believe that there is only one Allah. There is only one God
worthy of worship, and that Rasulullah Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam is his messenger.
The minute I utter these two justifications of faith, I am now
McAuliffe. I'm now duty bound and the laws and legislations that
Allah subhanaw taala the rulings that Allah subhanaw taala is
legislated is now incumbent upon me.
And every single law that Allah subhanaw taala has commanded us
with is to support these two justifications of faith.
Right? We are encouraged, no, we are commanded to pray five times a
to support the signification of faith. You have said verbally Yes,
Kulu as Lemna Yes, you've said I believe, but now your Salah
testifies to the fact that you believe only in one Allah subhanho
wa Taala when Allah subhanaw taala commands us with visiting the
Allah subhanaw taala. This is this is supporting this these two
justifications of faith. We are reading ourselves from selfishness
and we are instilling the quality of empathy within us. When Allah
subhanaw taala commands us with charity,
we are reading from us the quality of selfishness and we are
instilling within ourselves this quality of empathy and care for
the next one, every single command that Allah Subhana Allah has
commanded as with
we stand to benefit
and society stands to benefit.
If we need to be aware of the fact that when ever if ever I stepped
out of line
from that which Allah subhanaw taala has commanded me with
whether it be my crew,
I stand at risk
right and society stands stands at risk. So, I was called to speak
and they say that every time I implement the laws that Allah
subhanaw taala has made incumbent upon me and I mean, I am
consistent. They in you will eventually move to the next stage
and that is the stage of Sn
the stage of Sun is when we are journeying from the outward
towards the inward when I'm journeying from
More knowledge and proof and actions to spiritual experience.
Sn is when I am becoming aware of my
my shortfalls and becoming aware of my
incapability and I'm becoming aware of the fact that Allah
subhanaw taala is favorite is upon me to the extent that every single
favor or or the every single blessing
I see in my life I'm aware of the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is
bestowed upon me, even my worship
because for some reason,
we might fall into the trap of being impressed with our own
worship, right? So Allah I recognize the material game, that
that's a favorite from Allah, all my material wealth, Mashallah. And
I think that my fasting and my salah and my Quran is me giving
back to Allah. Right? Know, when we reach the stage of Sn, we
recognize that even our salah, even our Quran, even on fasting,
the the inspiration to do those things, the ability to do those
things, is another favorite from Allah subhanho wa Taala That in
itself is a favorite.
My worship is not me giving back to Allah after he's given me
material gain, whatever I have material things, whatever I have
of health, what if I have wealth, and what if I have guidance,
everything falls under the the fever of low subhanaw taala I
didn't reach a state that I am unaware of how to show gratitude
to Allah subhanaw taala for even my the thought of showing
gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala is a favor in itself. My mum's
Imam a chef Rahim Allah Allah opens up one of his books. And in
his very first statement, he says Alhamdulillah Hilary Allah, you're
at the Shu craniotomy near me in Lebanon, mighty Minho. All praises
due to the one, no fame, no gratitude is shown to him for a
favor, except that the ability to show gratitude to him is a favor
in itself.
I was calling to say that you then reach a state where you are truly
you truly feel Allah subhanaw taala for how is it that I'm able
to receive so much from one source, and I'm not able to give
back when relatively not able to able to give back.
This feeling of brokenness, this feeling of fear, that recognition
precedes it, recognition of the fact that everything comes from
Allah subhanaw taala. And now I am aware of the fact that and I am
capable of showing him through gratitude. This feeling of fear
and brokenness is a this is the true feeling, or rather the true
expression of gratitude towards Allah subhanaw taala.
that's a very brief summary
of the path that we find ourselves on.
I don't know we, my brother is at but I am aware of where I'm at. I
have insight to my own actions, I have insight to my own intentions,
I have insight to my own life. And I should not be looking at anyone
besides myself. So that we just ran very quickly through the
journey of this Islam that we say the journey that we are on, called
Islam, from Islam, to Eman to a certain consistency in a bad
through consistency in Iboga, we reach certain spiritual
experiences, we reached through depth in our understanding of
Allah subhanaw, taala, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Through my
implementation of Islam. I stand to benefit spiritually,
psychologically, and society stands to benefit. As we've
mentioned in some of the examples of, of usury.
Now, it's important for us to
now that we are aware that we are on a journey, it's important for
us to look at what are the roadblocks on this journey? Or
what are the pitfalls on this journey? What could potentially
distract me from this journey?
What could potentially lead me on the wrong route? I think I'm still
on the proper route.
And from the beginning of Islam, there has been what we call
loosely fitna, that is always stand always stood in the way of
Muslims and the objectives except that we find that in today.
We have fitna upon fitna upon fitna, and the amount of fitna
that we are experienced experiencing is unprecedented.
So you
The idea is not to bring a negative ending, or a negative
second off to the talk. But if we are aware of the fact now that we
are on a journey, what could potentially distract me from this
journey? And there are many things, anyone who claims is one
problem in the whole world. And there's one solution to all the
problems in the world is ignorant. But to highlight one thing,
and that is that we have fitna on a
huge level today, solely because are due to the screens.
The this is a book for four arguments for the elimination of
television, by gerrymander. And I always remarked to some of our
friends that if he wrote this book today, because he wrote this book
in 1980, something if you read this book today, you will probably
say the four arguments for the elimination of screens.
These things are presenting fitna to us on a huge level. And it's
not standing as a threat, to Irfan to axon to Eman, it's hitting the
very first phase of our journey, which is Islam.
how do we reconcile between these two things? How do we ensure that
our journey we continue our journey and we are saved from the
steps and the first is obviously to cause awareness amongst them.
But we need to understand
that everything that Islam has made incumbent upon me
is a benefit to myself and to society. That is the go home
message today. That Allah subhanaw taala mentioned mentioned in
surah, rWm verhaal Fussa do Field Battery while battery be Marchesa,
indigenous facade, a spirit
through land and through sea, be my cassava ad nurse do to that
which man has earned through with his hands. Then Allah subhanaw
taala says liyu, the Bahamas
so that they may taste some of that which they have did.
100 taala says perhaps they turn back to Allah subhanaw taala
regulation, for things to be regulated once again, for things
to be balanced. Once again, it's not going to happen until we turn
back to the teachings of Islam. It's not going to happen until we
implement Islam.
In one way, if I could summarize everything in one sentence, I
would say that the world needs you and I to start implementing Islam.
The world needs you and I to practice Islam, for Islam as the
solution to all of our problems, our personal problems and our
problems in society. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us an
understanding of this gift of Islam may Allah subhanaw taala
allow us to be steadfast on the rulings that Allah subhanaw taala
has made incumbent upon us may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to
be the reason
for stability and social cohesion. I mean, I mean Europa Alameen will
be heading for the next few I flew that one and will hamdulillahi
rabbil Alameen Subhan Allah subhana Coloma Abrahamic mashallah
headland minister for coming to Munich?
shadow Mohammed was
Alhamdulillah Hilaire de la musel wala is a human called the ransom
Jambo sera
Allahu Allah Sharika
want to share the NSA Eden, Mohammed Abdullah him or Sue Ellen
MacArthur Ilana, especially on one of the Euro SallAllahu ala
Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman
Kathira on Kathira
Yohannes Allah cola facility will Alain
de la hooter, I'll put an emoji by administrate on over Jimmy
in as Elisa lettuce attache Alim on methadone ahead, hello Columbo
to the art in the art hotel Duncan luda definitely in Hamlet, with
Ron suka suka our like. Other biller he studied
sokola who Mola and OLALIA masala Koto saloon Abdul Karim Allah
Delica Nisha hidden Masha Karima from the Linda European
Muhammad who want to start I know he wants to stop poodle when all
go below him You should already I'm Christina Molina
who further mobula Are you a little further? Do you want to
share a
little Allahu Allah Shetty killer on a shadow and Muhammad Rasool
Allahumma salli wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad no other early
he was off he was a limited Salim and Kathy Ron girthier. I'm about
Yohannes See, c'mon, FC overland betta Cola, the cola Hila de la,
la, la la la la, la
la Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It Akula hyphema what
Beyonce Adele has another term for holiness before looking Hassanein.
Okemah call Allah Who Salatu was Salam
wa ala morning Aloha mockingly Salatu was Salam ala al Habibollah
Mustafa for color as a mentor in Allahu wa Mala Keita who use
alumina Allen maybe you had livina him and also Luna Allah universal
name moved to Lima Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad
wa sahbihi wa salam, or the Lahoma Anissa however they are in
Cornwall model ultimate in our ally. I'll be Allahu Allah on him
as you may know answer the Sahaba
SN Illa Yomi Deen Allahumma Islam are one Muslim in Allahumma ISIL
Islam and one Muslim in
Michigan or the middle
of a hammock? I mean, I've been a Hamblen I mean as far as you know
whether the Kurata
Tina mmm
hasenhuttl Orfila for the house Senator Joaquina No, no no no. In
the law here and welcome Bill Adeline. Well, yes anyway, even
Kuba in her and in fashion.
Malala come to the corona of Guru La Jolla como de aqui esta juggler
Kumala Kula Aquila who does not own up to me
long good
not alone
Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Mr Pmod hammock Mala
Bismillah you love man you're loving him. Al Hamdulillah here on
being lied to me in a loft Manila Rafi Mima Nikki yo woman D in ER
Ghana a boudoir in here kind of styrene Indian Oh sweet all been
mustardy sweet Alton Latina and nom de ID him. Mahalo behind him
while on
uh yo Halina Oh either no the ideal sadati me yo middle do more
it first saw EDA Kirinda he was out wouldn't be
there the Kumho EULA come in
to Tala
for either Pouliot your swala to fun turn she'll new fiddle fetal
only whether the womb is for Lila Weber who
felt he was going to law Hi Kathy
Welcome to flip who
were either out Oh DJ out or done oh love one in from Blue Hole in a
word the Roku or EMA uma the law you
mean Allahu Wamena danger
while La Jolla laws et
Allahu Akbar Allah
send me all your money man Hamidah
along workable
Oh also a couple
Bismillah your Lachman your Luffy mill hamdulillah Europe bill. Me
in Allahumma new Luffy Mima Nikki will meet Lee in ER Ghana abou
we're in year kind of story in in the No sweat all button was
starteam sweat all button Medina Adnan died at him over in Malibu
behind him more on me.
fella young Runa Elan, EB Nika eufa Julio, WA Isla sama
you fell off
what you learned Reba Nika if and mostly but what you learn a week a
first simply how to further get in
the mood Giro less die and
be more sleepy in
that one worker file for your home the Boo Boo
Law who lie there been a couple in Elaina about whom thumb in arlena
haisa whom
a lot of work
send me all you love when the man Hamidah
a law workable
along workable
or workable
I set
my equal model off my to log off I set
mine a good model of my two or
Mr Fila, Mr thriller The stuff you love mister put a light on them to
other human lady in law who are hired for humanity to be like
Vanessa Lucado with OMO filata innerhalb word the word guru of
the along masala ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Sayidina Muhammad
wa Sahbihi Obelisco Salim Allahumma and this morning has
been our dilate the elderly Holy Quran semi I know by now hopefully
law and that there have been our illegal mostly what a how nawada
Quwata illa de la isla de la creme are sort of Moodle Moodle Selena
well hamdulillah Europe bill me