Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 14 February 20201441
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The history of Islam is discussed, including the discovery of the city of Uber and the lack of cities destroyed on Earth. The speakers also discuss the use of " " " and" …" in English to describe various aspects of Islam, including the "verticals," which are a bunch of misdemeanours and misdemeanours. The segment also touches on the "verticals," which are a bunch of misdemeanours and misdemeanours. The importance of language and language translation is emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
Rahmanir Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Salatu was Salam o Salat and whatever Sleeman you call me be my
call me me it will be your Imam Al Mussolini.
Shadow Allah Allah law will you Salehi?
Well, I shall do unnecessary get dinner whenever you know all the
men will have you been a Mohammedan Rasulullah or Tim will
be evil mursaleen
SallAllahu wasallam what wa barik Allah has been I mean what he also
have at Hill Road rail may Amin and Nevada
Jamaats I'm assuming a cinematic and warahmatullahi overcut
todo lo Tabata with the INFP Kitabi He loves us
but they're also bIllahi min. Ash shaytani R rajim.
alum Tara ki for find out on Buka
era my dad tell you
a little lamb you clock Amit you have filled
with a moody lady in a gerbil soccer Bill wet
was here I wouldn't have been otard
a lesbian at Davos he beloved
for AXA roofie. Helfer says
for sub behind me him Rob Booker Soto either
in Rob Keller, demure sword, soda cola loving
tomato Muslimeen just to connect today's clip with last week's
last week we spoke about what Allah subhanaw taala doesn't do.
Now let us speak today about what Allah subhanaw taala does.
But doesn't Allah do?
Well attack Serbian Allah wa Filon Amma Yama love volume.
That's the idea that we did
last week.
I just want to Dallas's Don't think for one second that Allah is
unaware of what the oppressors are doing.
Why because Allah subhanaw taala as we all know, la tahu Sinha
complete the aisle. Well no, no, no no.
neither slumbers sinner
you know when you doze off maybe you're tired
maybe there's some people here who will doze off in the goodbye I
don't know. Maybe they were on night shift last night. Who knows?
We call it catching fish.
Tuck who who sinner tune?
neither slumber Allah doesn't doze off. Allah is live anyway.
Well, I No no sleep, no slumber no sleep.
ceases Allah subhanaw taala.
So therefore, Allah Subhan Allah ha ha feelin I
don't think for one second, Allah is aware of what the presses are
In nama you normally only touch muscle feel Avasarala is delaying
the punishment. Elise delaying the destruction.
Sometimes it comes on the dunya even before the Akira
I think I mentioned last week the only two sins that are punishable
on the dunya before the akhira all other sins, the punishment they
have is delayed until the day of yomo Qiyamah.
The day of standing. That's why it's called tm a comma Yakumo km
hola yo,
Leo mi nauseam yo maya
don't they think that they're going to be resurrected? For the
great day, the day when mankind will be standing up and looking on
Saturday in the grandest courtroom, a moment how come and
Allah in front of the highest judge Allah subhanaw taala all
sins the punishment they have. If the person does not attain the
forgiveness of Allah, may Allah make us of them mean
then the punishment they have will be delayed until
like they have standing the day of accounting, you will reserve your
Medina you will Macduff
except for Tucsonans Avila
and the mistreating of parents.
I was one of them Taala guide and protect us all.
So, last week we spoke about volume.
We spoke about oppression.
We spoke about the oppressed.
We spoke about the dua of the oppressed
and Allah and how Allah subhanho wa Taala answers the dua of the
oppressed person, even if they're a disbeliever
and mudroom, for in the homeless, the Jabba
will obey him.
Will okay can occur if you don't want to be way of the two of the
oppressed person, because indeed it is answered by Allah. Even
after a while, even if the oppressed person be a disbeliever.
They will be answerable for the disbelief but whilst they're alive
in the dunya, being oppressed,
the dua of the oppressed person is answered but ALLAH SubhanA wa,
excuse me
a little bit acute 20
So Allah subhanaw taala is not unaware of anything, big or small,
atomic or subatomic in the heavens on Earth, what is going on in this
creation of his Chela fear Allah? Allah is not unaware but what
Allah is Allah subhanaw taala tells us I love Donald K for
foreigner, Abu Kabir.
Surah to
Allah subhanaw taala asks us that rhetorical question why rhetorical
because almost wanted to Allah La
Alisan seek understanding from anyone or everything because I was
one of those everyone and everything.
So rhetorical question, Have you not seen what your Lord did to the
To whom Allah Allah Allah says, Allah Who de la Salaam.
In fact, analysis metallocenes here in the next verse, aroma,
which is even mentioned
in the oldest form of writing,
on tablets that they found somewhere in the north of the
Arabian Peninsula, they found the name of the city
of lofty pillars, big ventures. And now recently, between Oman and
Yemen, they found the city of Uber.
Uber the taxi, Uber.
They found the city of Uber coming from the word in Arabic Oh bar,
which is the plural of beer.
Beer is a well Oba
Oba Orwells. So now they pronounce it in English as Uber.
They found 12 meters under the sand. They found this city of
lofty pillars.
Allah Allah Allah, Allah knows best as if as to whether it is the
city mentioned in the Quran or not in terms of arcane, but there is a
lot of evidence that points to the fact that indeed this is the city
of the people of Allah. Allah Spano Tala destroy destroyed,
buried under the sand for 1000s of years.
time, that city was unlikely. In actual fact, they took a satellite
And they found the trails of the insects route, all crossing
but four different main routes, all meeting at the point of Iran
obar at the city and then going further up into the Arabian
Peninsula into Asia and Europe.
And at that time, incense was worth its weight in gold, worth
its weight in gold. It's telling us here that the people have a van
they were wealthy, they were strong.
They had this amazing city they had lots of wealth, but we are
they today
Ha, away have they been, for the last few 1000 years, buried under
the sand only now they've been discovered?
I think it's important to note.
And this is in
the chapter of
the viola, who dilation and solitude in the Holy Quran,
which is chapter number 11. If you go to verse number 100,
you will see Allah subhanaw taala speaks about
the evidence,
the presence of it,
and the lack of it,
of those cities that have gone before, Allah tells us surah
chapter number 11 Verse 100, Valley come in
Quran alayka minha, Paul.
And that is of the news of the cities.
In fact, I was doing some research, according to some
archaeological archaeologists,
and historians, they are approximately between 95 and 100.
Cities that they know of,
that have been totally destroyed on this planet Earth.
About 100 Quite interesting chapter 11, verse number 100,
Allah speaks about all the cities, Allahu Allah. This is what you
call an ishara. Just a glance, you know, interesting, interesting.
Let's be careful about that hold number story. It can become as we
have seen what has happened to people in the past, it can become
like the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland, is be careful to don't
get too caught up in the whole numbers story of the Quran. Quran
is an eternal miracle from all aspects. But just don't try and
look for things that you know, we don't know perhaps exist or not in
terms of the numerical miracle of the Quran because there is
certainly there are many aspects to the number of words and I and
Horos and ayat chapters where certain words come of what place
they come. Quran is an eternal miracle from Allah subhana wa
Tada, linguistically, stylistically rhetorically
scientifically Allah and we will continue to uncover those those
secrets but even Elijah Allah, Allah says in the Holy Quran,
where you're a lead
on Zillow in a camera, Rebecca who will help
me and they will see those who have been endowed with knowledge
that this which has been revealed to you from your Lord or Muhammad
Sallallahu wasallam, they will see that it is the truth and then a
guide to the path of the Almighty the most praise.
Allah Allah says knowledge. So whether it is scientific knowledge
or numerical knowledge or linguistic knowledge, as Quran is
a miracle from all aspects.
So the archaeologist, the scientists to say about today,
knowledge 100 cities that have been totally destroyed
in history
and almost want to tell us is about these cities.
Chapter number 11, verse number 100. This
or That, referring to the story of,
of the people that
he says that is of the stories of the cities that we narrate to you
in the Quran.
Men have called him on some of them are still standing,
but are not being lifted.
Well how seed and some of them have been actually mowed down how
seed means
when you take the wheat and you crush it,
that is what Hasid means.
mowed down,
completely destroyed. In fact, I was reading another article about
the city of Omalu.
At the archaeologists believe that they have discovered the city
which is 3500 years old. They believe that this is the city of
the people of loot, also buried under the sand.
He wants us to look in fact, do you know this is the main purpose
for travel.
Besides Hajj besides Hajin Amara
What's the main purpose of travel?
It's changed.
According to an Allah Allah says it is changed completely. Because
when we think of travel, we think of you know staying in a nice
hotel, eating from the buffet of Allah We seek refuge in Allah from
the evil of the buffet
we go on a holiday we go to enjoy ourselves to have entertainment to
have fun. I was one of dialysis was see you fill out different
guru cave for current
she's a God in the earth. And see what happened to those people who
belied Allah subhanaw taala who rejected Allah who rejected belief
in Allah and you reject the belief in the messengers of Allah go out
in the world traveled all over and see what happened to them
is lot of evidence but we didn't go in
IT people go to places like Ephesus and you know the Roman
ruins and
Greek ruins and Macedonian ruins and ruins some so many peoples of
the past. We go just to admire,
look at the ruins and then go for a coffee.
Or if you're in Turkey, nice Chai nice tea with a Turkish Delight.
We're not we're not looking at these ruins
for what they are meant.
And that is for us to wake up out of our state of heedlessness and
carelessness and to repent and return to Allah subhanho wa Taala
especially for those who have disbelieved in Allah.
And Allah subhanaw taala reminds over and over and over again
about those nations and those cities that he has destroyed
Even if they were once upon a time, so strong and so powerful,
it means nothing.
Allah subhanaw taala
he says in
Surah earlier Imran verse number 196.
See people are deceiving themselves.
We are literally walking around with a veil. We spoke about this a
few weeks ago that he thought that veil you're walking around with a
veil over our eyes. We don't see that dunya for what it really is.
That's why we continue to chase after the dunya
we wake up in the morning and all we can think about this pizza for
And our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he
says in a hadith menos bahawa Hama hood dunya general Allahu fucka
Robina you eenie the person who wakes up in the morning only
thinking about money, only thinking about the next business
transaction, the next accumulation of wealth. Allah puts poverty in
front of the eyes. What does that mean it no matter how much they
are going to attain if the dunya
they will never, ever be satisfied, because they will
always want more. So the little be rich. That's why true wealth.
The true understanding of rich in Islam, allah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, Lisa Lapena and Catherine when the kingdom of Hina Hina
knifes true wealth cannot be measured by material position, but
true wealth is measured
by the contentment of the heart
Alhamdulillah pitchy
in how our previous generations compared to us 3040 years ago, 50
years ago.
If you compare terms of wealth
of previous generations were far worse off materially.
But they will recharge why? Because the head
to head contentment.
That's where the poet says he'll Carnera to force her to couldn't
be her mannequin
will come in melachim Gemma dunya be
Famara Amin mean herb
it is contentment if you haven't, look after it. Because what's it
you will be a king, even if you only possess your health, and how
many kings of this world have gathered the material possessions
of this world? But they have not left this world except with a
burial shroud and some cotton wool. Remember the last janazah
remember the last janazah you went to did you see
Anything going into that cupboard going into the grave with
any money a cell phone or watch a family member
for yatta
thinks will go to will go back and only one remaining. The family and
the money will go back and only the actions will remain in that
cupboard. Yeah man be dunya who's
allowed to tip of Titan while duchal Oh ye was preoccupied with
chasing after the dunya the poet's is
and is deceived by false hope, living in this world as if they
are going to live forever. It comes suddenly and your grave is
your box of good deeds.
Allah grant us understanding
Allah causes not to be deceived.
You know, what's the worst kind of deception, self deception.
Also the dialysis pseudo early I'm Ron verse 196, la
kufr roofing
material colleague from Jahannam will sell me hurt
Be not deceived. Be not deceived.
Now Takane
is a verb in the Arabic language, which refers to free movement.
I was gonna tally saying,
Do not be deceived
by the free movement of those who have disbelieved.
Don't be deceived by the fact that they are moving freely in this
Basically, in terms of some people's perspective, doing
whatever they want,
will lie they're not doing what they want. They are doing only
what Allah once
they are doing only what Allah subhanaw taala is allowing them to
And you can go back in time.
Talk about the people of Nimrod, talk about the people of Iran alum
Torah K for
And let Elam you clock me through her fill beloved with a Moodle
Levina Java chakra build your army of the lofty pillars of the likes
of which I was one that I created in the earth and the people of the
moon that literally they carved their homes out of the rock. If
you want to look for an example go to Petra and that region you will
see how they huge entire cities out of the rocks.
This is the strength that Allah subhanaw taala gave to them
and feet are these different opinions about the Tafseer of
otard we know that otard literally means pigs. In other words, whom
Allah subhanaw taala established with great strength
in the earth do you not see what happened to him?
Allah Xena Tahoe What did they do?
They transgress
Allah told them lift the wind right?
Allah say set up they wind down.
Allah said stop they carried on going. they transgress the
boundaries of Allah subhanaw taala
for accelero fee held facade and because of the transgression
because create mischief, they oppressed, they suppressed.
They stole the village they raped and murdered. See all the crimes
that have been committed in this world by men on men.
We spoke about that last week
in the haram to full murder NFC. What Gerald to Hoopa Mohammed.
Allah says, I have made oppression I have prohibited for myself and I
have made it prohibited amongst you. So don't oppress each other.
For a little fee helper says so what happened? For soapbar? I lay
him Rob Booker. So Tom
brought down his soap.
Scene Whoa. So
that we would call a rock time. But it's still proverbial, this is
metaphorical. So Allah brought down the whip of punishment. So
mural saw God, Allah,
Allah, Allah, Allah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar roaming goodly say,
Allah is greater than everyone and everything. Well, my clicker,
This is the biggest problem that we have. We don't give Allah his
due. He is Allah.
The almighty, Jelena Fiona, who are on a collision, Kadeem, he was
poor of all things.
In Europe Bacala Bill Mirasol.
What is RUSADA
Have you ever watched the National Geographic?
I don't know if it's I don't know which one it is National
Geographic, the normal one on National Geographic wild. But the
animals are on.
And you will see wild chakra
you will see. And this often documentaries that they make
people are fascinated by the lion.
Because the lion and this is the example that is made to explain
the word Meursault rassada, Hero sudo misogyny.
When the lion surveys his prey, he watches your truck.
And he's patient. You notice how patient the lion is. He waits just
for the right moment. He leaves the gazelle to wander around.
He leaves you know, and they don't mind. You will sometimes even find
a whole pack of lions trying to bring down an elephant maybe not
an adult elephant but at least the baby elephant which is I mean,
it's big enough.
Ross has the means
you know surveillance watching.
Even you know when you have a sting operation, the police they
have a sting operation. And then they they have surveillance on the
place where the crime is being perpetrated. And then they wait
for the right time. And then they attack and they catch the
criminals and take them to the punishment.
Now, we're talking about lions and we're talking about policemen.
What is this in comparison to Allah
because sometimes you can have a sting operation that fails.
Sometimes you can have a lion attacking a volta beers, and you
build a beer stick form
with one of his with one of his homes.
And the lion is injured and he limbs off. He didn't catch his
prey. But Allah
Allah is
has surveillance on everyone and everything in the backend
because we've established what is not Allah is not sleeping.
Allah subhanaw taala is overtaken by his slumber.
And Allah subhanaw taala is certainly not unaware of what
anything that the oppressors are doing. He's watching.
He's watching
is giving them time.
He's giving him scope.
He's giving them rope.
Allah says don't be deceived by the fact that you look can you see
all this oppression
and you literally see the oppressors getting away with it.
In actual fact, they come on TV
and they hold up the newspaper.
You see that?
You see the look on his face. You see the smoke of that volume?
Allahu Akbar in Iraq.
That volume
was just giving away other people's land.
Who is saying with the copper
and the battery notes bottom that is this is basically the
the essence of what keeper is mal Kibriya rasool Allah,
Allah SallAllahu Sallam butter
It's basically when a person puts themselves above
and the essence of keeper is when a person puts themselves above the
And we've been we've been watching
we've been seeing
a lays watching you Donald Trump
as you declare you, who are you, as you declare
The divided he says, divided equals his face.
capital of
in Bucha, below middle salt
so don't be deceived Yamato was female.
Allah make us of the true Muslim in law makers of the true meaning.
Don't be deceived by the look of these people the fact that they
seem like they getting away with it.
Don't deceive you. Allah is watching
literally enjoyment will light
literally enjoyment on the guests.
In fact, we mentioned the first last week
where you buena you've made to be
just like with
the deal of the century is a deal of the century SFX Hatton Garden
the deal of the century they calling it.
The so called peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. But
the Palestinians were not invited to the negotiations.
And they brag about it. This is the deal of the century with a big
smile on their faces. Do not think for one second.
Don't think for one second, that those who are overjoyed
Bhima ATO with that which they have brought forward. Well, you
to and they love to be praised.
For that which they have not done,
if they brought peace, Allahu Akbar, it just perpetuating the
oppression and suppression of those people.
For the beam affairs,
do not think for one second, that they are going to escape the
punishment of Allah subhanaw taala.
Lehman for them is a painful Tommy, will allow him to win.
And to allow belongs the dominion of everything in the heavens.
Who's in charge?
Who's in charge?
La ilaha IL Allah we need to revise our Kediri we need to
revise how we believe in Allah Subhana Allah
Juma Jamal Muslimeen
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, alum yo come
on Fill Up My love, no matter what are selling this summer I
talk to him for now whom one shut current.
History did not begin in 1967
or 1948. With the establishment of Israel. History didn't begin in.
In 1492. The Muslims were kicked out of Spain.
Read the history of the people of this world
and see what Allah subhanaw taala has done to those
who have belied his existence. And you have transgressed these
commandments. I just wanted to add, it says, And this is ensured
to an arm. Verse number six, do they not see how many we
of people that came before them, of generations that we firmly
established in this world?
Greek nation, Persian Empire, Macedonia, Alexander the great
Roman Empire.
Persian Empire,
Macedonian Empire Hittites, Canaanites, you name it, read
through and see what happened to those nations, no matter how
strong they were, you know, I was going through a little bit of
Look at a country like China.
Although China's normal GDP is slightly behind America's, the GDP
PPP which is purchasing power
was for last year 27 trillion US dollars.
The Chinese army has got a standing army of just over 2
billion Sorry 2 million.
The Chinese army is a standing army of just over 2 million,
ranked number one in the world.
Almost want to Tana has established him in 2017. They were
to new billionaires in China every week
to new billionaires in China every week. There is no economy that
grows like the Chinese economy since 1992. On average between six
and 7% per annum
in a wicked excited if we get 1%.
The GDP of the entire African continent
is about 20 times smaller than that of China.
Now, Oracle was one of the anuses we established them Don't you see?
Don't they see that we destroy people who came before them we
established them in the earth my alumno machina come that which we
haven't even given to you
are selling the Sama Allah him in Tirana, we seem to them water from
the summer, plentiful maganda and her team and we gave them rivers
beneath their feet for
people to destroy them because of their sons
and shutting them in
a hurry and then we put forward generations after them.
Main point for today Jabatan misdemeanours, La Esmeralda. Do
not display in the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. These two articles
I'd like you to actually go and read. I've run out of time again.
But these two verticals I want you to actually go and read I spoke
about it last week. And I said it's got nothing to do with how
many people are dying.
More people die per annum in terms of the nice beer in terms of
percentage more people die per annum from the seasonal flu, then
the percentage of people that are dying from the Coronavirus but I
sit there is the fact that
the Uighur people
between one and 3 million have been locked up in detention
centers in China and now the whole of China has been locked in.
Allah doesn't sleep.
These two articles and these articles can be found on Al
Jazeera English. Chinese Islamophobia was made in the West.
That's the first article. Very, very good article, please go and
read it. I'll say it again. Chinese Islamophobia was made in
the West because it is the Islamophobia in actual fact one of
the official said,
claiming that Islam is an ideological illness,
positioning the concentration camps as hospitals needed to cure
these people from the sickness.
That's one of the Chinese officials said Islam
which has a population the followers stay out of the religion
of Islam we amount to about a third of the population of this
world is a ideological sickness.
But they came here two days to tell you Jim I mean, Allahu
Allah cannot be fought. You cannot fight Allah. Allah killed Nimrud
with a mosquito
Allah subhanaw taala cause sit around and his army to drown
Connect yourself with Allah.
It has stopped playing without Dean when light is too much. I was
speaking last night to somebody in Cape Town. Hamdulillah we have
everything especially in terms of the dean, how many Hafeet schools
and how many? We got even Islamic universities and toddler looms and
how many onomah You can't even count how many massages and Imams
and mashallah
and when it comes time for Hajj, mashallah beautiful people go and
visit their homes and when it comes time for us God people
having difficulties and people having the recycle as mashallah we
have international and local Kharis.
And we turn around do we see
same people having a wedding on a wind farm
complete with unlisted I'm just making an example and there are
many examples
when you feel like it three mashallah we have any pious but
when it comes to pass this on
then we break every rule in the book. We have to stop playing with
the deen of Allah. Jamal Muslimeen we are in the last days.
There's no doubt about that. Connect yourself to Allah. Live
well within the boundaries of Allah. And may Allah subhanaw
taala protect and guide us or people are losing their Eman as we
are speaking.
This is a time of fitna it's a great trial. And if we are not
going to be steadfast, the oppressor is always going to deal
with it. Don't lose off in Allah Allah you have to love me you
have another prophet Salah some says indeed Allah gives respite
to the disbelievers.
When Allah Subhanallah Zina and Saba, don't think that the kuffaar
can escape Allah. Indeed, Allah gives respite.
That's a nice word in Africa. And he dropped he gives scope he gives
just enough rope for them to hang themselves.
And if they any when Allah takes him, he's no getting away. Allah
subhanaw taala make us have the true meaning of the
last one, the taller as we made to our last week,
she fell to all the
last one to guide the Chinese government to wake up out of the
Koffler and to realize who is above them to abandon the
communism to abandon the Kufa they disbelief and to recognize that
there is somebody more powerful than them more powerful the 2
million army more powerful in the 27 trillion GDP
and that is Allah subhanaw taala the originator of everything in
the heavens and on earth. Yeah, the Quran
Al Hamdulillah a bit Bill Alameen wa salam ala rahmatullahi wa
Sit on YT
a shadow
Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen
Your appear set rule are you still are you gonna your appeal of the
new fields and Obinna your BM of original Kuru before rich guru
banner your appear I learn who you will be Tina Sharma. Welcome
Manoj. aurizona Hubdoc will help them in your head book or her
family in your Caribbean Illa Yeah, I remember Celtic Jacobi RAM
behold thick yellow teeth from the Celtic oil to finance the majority
Hill nakaji in Kerala condition. Well, I shall do well in
Yemen Petunia who she doesn't work for Rahul in Amman, Elmo to debug
turn will cover us into calamity shadow Anessa you don't know
In a beginner, while Zeeman our Habiba Mohammed and Rasulullah
Bella, Amana Manasa Hello ma Akasha Fulham Pooja Philippi How
could you heard you had utter Julio keen Bella Allah Allah
became a cashier for deja vu Gemma Lee how to met Jimmy he saw He saw
new earlier he were early so Allah Allah, Allah who you are the man
who the
woman, a kill hammer. Amara do for your Homerton Islam you work for
Rasul Aqeedah Illa Aney. Iran is Morona Isla Mercado, Mowlana Kosmo
vikita Bellagio his brother own bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim
Allah Torah que for for
your Omada Tillary mored Allah tilam you, Phil beloved,
Allah Xena Jabu sufferable
will fill out
a Levina Tahoe fill beloved, for federal fee held facade for sub ID
him Murghab Buka Soto in Rob berkana Bill Mirasol
soda cola
tomato Muslimeen
a total of all
in Allah to Allah
your kupuna
well yonder Elaina
wallow to Allah Laserbeak often in Amma Yama volley Moon
for Elena
and let me set the happy line Mateen
below what it was called
Elena Neruda Illa Kitab he was sunnah for kala Rasulullah
sallallahu wasallam talk to
the interviewer said to me my length of the new
volley moon.
Allah Allahu Allah was sending them in nulla the UMA Leyland
volley me
love me
for Nossal Allah Allah.
He was
an Iman
when I saw Allah to Allah Yama
Yama somebody from
Hoonah to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Kulu Phil
Habibollah Mustafa lb Rula Yabla with Dimboola Yun sir but they
to come
by your Kulu I could loop in your
own way.
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Shangri La Ilaha illa Allah Who
will you solve your pain? Why should you undersell your dinner
when a beginner was even our Have you been a Muhammad Rasul Allah
hurt and will be able to sell in a mobile ad for your uncle Moon
we'll see come whenever the new but I
forgot to call Allah Allah Nikita Vilas bIllahi min ash shaytaan
your regime yeah you halogen
illa Anta Muslim Moon welcome the caller rasool Allah is Allah Who
are they he was salam.
Al Hassan Rouhani Lukin Hassanein worked through Alberto Moreno
Salatu was Salam ala UD Wahhabi Toby Muhammad in temple Kulu
a bit anyway she thought Yeah, well no law sorry we'll do in
Allah Who am Allah you can tell us so Luna Allah Nabi
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the schema Allah Masada Allah
Muhammad wa ala Muhammad comas Allah Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim
Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kumar Barack Tata Ibrahim Ibrahim
Filomena, indica Hamidah Majid, what are the Allahumma and qualify
Rashid in Abu Bakr Muhammad Ali. Has anyone ever seen or heard her
Even after hitting Well, I'm sad So how the T IG manga Rama Tikka
Yahama hanging Allah meristem Islam oh and misty mean Allah Azza
Islam Allah Muslimeen Allah Maricel Islam well Muslim in
Tallahassee with Dean Allah Masuda, one of the Philistine of
because of how certain European Alameen Allah Muhammad bin ad
Sahaj Anya krummenacher Amin, also Juana Allama Surya Guanella
mustard equally makan Europa Alameen Allah in Allah here
in Cordoba, or Johan in fracture, you will Moon curry will
come to the karoun como la salatu, Camilla Hummer Kamala wa came a
All right
touching shoulder shoulder shoulder again please make sure
that your cell phones on site
Alhamdulillah today
our raw human rocking Kiyomi
see you're all
on me
cough Welker
by hygiene
Minh home
Ada mitzner work to rob
are the
bulkhead that we will have
for home care
age Aloha
Some of y'all y'all who do
a lot
hola hola
hola all
Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim in handling
rock man walking
murli Qiang yo
yo year we'll do a
Serato levena and
either him or me
to West
to us He
will not
it yet I
mean meanie why you Sheila you need my single woman calling in
Isla de Hiraki?
T bill how
they're going to notify me? Well no fake office so
Danica you're worried
Luna sin ma
la caja Khun Taffy
fucka chef
fucka chefs
or aka fire boss
did Allah
some of you
have ball
cinema I need more of
a cinema I need more of my to know
still for a lot of them to still put a lot of English still a lot
of them into well Ramona de la ilaha illa who will have Korean
one or two really? When a sort of Toba tomo Virata in Navajo to
Weber Rahim similar of Mannerheim Allah Masada Allah so you didn't
know Muhammad Ali say you didn't know Mohammed he was happy he
robotic Brazilian hola hola. And to Silla women consider to borrow
up to the jewelry with a chrome Samia.
Veronica Robina was in Aiken Musil
when a Halloween awkward to build Hila alila them are open alumna
fusina ilimitado of Atlanta water Hamden an akuna minal ha Sydney
Alomar allocatable kilonova Lake Nibbana were elected merci Robina
attina Mila dome Kurama Ye,
Giotto Muslimeen there is a two hour for co author as she is
she's suffering from sickness. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant
her speedy recovery Amina Allahumma Robina is a table bass
issue and Tisha Villa Shiva Shiva, Shiva and Allah Johanna sarcoma on
a lot of the multiple Asha Karim ASV are often called for
one more dollar Muslim in Iraq matricaria or hamara Amin allah
how much FIM colada allah how much for him in colada Allahu mushy him
in colada Rama tkr hamara Amin Allah mas prima donna our hameau
turnover more tenemos la mina we Rama TK Amara Amin Subhana Bukhara
Bella, is that Jana? Yes, Yvonne said I'm gonna add more saline
well hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen WA