Riyadh Walls – Jumuah

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the use of Mahdi in various religious and political settings, including the Great impressing and the use of Mahdi in the US to create a "hasha" or "hasha". The use of time as a framework of life is emphasized, with the structure of time being governed by two entities, the sun and the moon, and the moon's calendar. The framework for the moon, sun, and calendar is discussed, with the sun being the sun and the moon being the moon and calendar being the moon and calendar.
AI: Transcript ©
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So Milani Minister YUTAN rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al

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hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen What will solidly what was certainly

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more solid than what to Sleeman earlier? Can you be more common? I

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mean, it will endear you or imam in more saline what I shall do

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under in the law whether you saw anything what I shall do unless I

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get dinner whenever we you know our demon our heavy burner,

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Mohamed and also the law for thermal MBA, even with saline

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saline Lahoma wa Sallim wa Barik Allah has an A B he'll I mean,

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what he was haha the tail will mean another term assuming a

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cinematic come Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah or praise and thanks is you solely to

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Allah subhanho wa Taala for restoring the sacred use

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of his sacred houses to us.

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And this period of absence of course, has been a great trial and

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the Great Tribulation for the Muslim mean. But at the same time

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it is also a mercy

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like we know in the Hadith I will say that I shall not be allowed to

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Baraka Anna Anna, when she speaks about when she asked the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam so I'll do Anita own

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when she asked him about what is Tyrone any infectious disease, you

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know whether it is on an epidemic or a pandemic scale.

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And so our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he

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answered her the Hadith in Bukhari, he said Kurla either been

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your bath Allah, Allah Masha, it was a punishment that Allah said,

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on those whom ever you wish to sing it upon meaning of the

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previous nations for Jana who Rahmatullah meaning, but he made

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it as a mercy for the believers. He made it as a mercy for the

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believers. It is not a link to Hadith, but just to because of

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time, I will go straight to the wave of power on where the

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epidemic of pandemic is saw beyond martyrs, even being patient and

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persevering, believing that nothing will befall them except

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that which Allah has written for them. Then Allah subhanaw taala

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will write for them the reward of a shaheed.

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Even if they don't get sick, Allahu Akbar. Even if they don't

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get sick, what happens if they get sick? Allahu Akbar.

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And what happens if they die? Man, not the photographer who Shahid,

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whoever dies.

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In this type of infectious disease, epidemic pandemic, then

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they are martyrs in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala. Allah, Allah

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protect us and grant us all long life in His obedience. I mean, we

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know that a lot to me. This is the gift of the believer, but that we

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only speak about when a person dies. And it's supposed to wish

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for death.

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Not like what some of the youngsters were doing. In America,

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they were literally having COVID-19 parties, where they would

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put money in the kitty. They will put money in a pool, and the one

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the first one to catch COVID They would get the pool of money.

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What are the youngsters just before he died? He said he made a

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big mistake.

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And this is one of the reasons why we have been

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very sadly not been able to come to the masjid not because we're

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afraid of death. But because we are enjoined by Allah subhanaw

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taala in the Sharia, to preserve life.

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So tomato Muslimeen Alhamdulillah we are back in the masjid.

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Alhamdulillah yet Masjid is Sunni. We open for Salah on Monday. So

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the salah hamdulillah are the protocols and following all the

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rules in preserving life, in our community in our society.

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And that hamdulillah from today we will be having our Dumas it's

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going to be a very short Juma the English talk is only 10 minutes

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and then we're going to be making the cookbook and the Salah in

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order that inshallah Tada we might also accommodate those who are

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waiting outside at nighttime. Today very quickly, but only

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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim in the

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tissue Rio de la his national Asha Hara vikita Billa, Yama halacha

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somewhat you will not meet her

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let's monitor Allah says,

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In the Holy Quran,

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that indeed Verily, the number of months by Allah or 12

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is now Shahara. See kita villa in the record of Allah, in the record

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of Allah why because everything is recorded

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in a clear record by Allah subhanho wa Taala everything that

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is to exist in sujood in this existence in this creation of

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Allah Quran Luffy Kitabi moonbeam. It's all in a clear book record

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about Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah subhanaw taala since he

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created the heavens in the earth, Allah subhanaw taala has made a

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In science, they call it the space time continuum, three dimensions

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of space one dimension of time, and that framework of time is

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governed by two entities. These ated in this universe, the time

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the moon, the sun, we call it our micro calendar. We use the sun for

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what for our 24 hours of our praise.

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You know salata, kanatal and Momineen Kitab de Sala has been

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prescribed at specific times. And that's based on what what in the

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Salah, legal locations Eliza canine

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in the Quran and Federica anima shooter and establish the prey

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from the declining of the sun when the sun moves from its Meridian

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from zenith in the sky

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until the covering of the night so that includes the whole awesome

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Mercury Berisha or Quran infection and the reading of the dawn

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prayer. Indeed, the reading of don't pray is most certainly

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witness but this by oh, by the Malaika by the angels. So that is

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our 24 hour solar timetable for Asana. And then we have our macro

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calendar, which is our 12 month lunar calendar or lunar timetable.

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Where we wait for what we wait for the healer. Yes, I Luna can in a

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healer, call him or work equally nurse he will hatch.

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They ask you Hamid SallAllahu wasallam they ask you about a

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healer. A healer is the plural of Hillel and Hillel means Crescent

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or new moon because when we cite the new moon

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and we establish that it is has been born, then we know a new

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month has begun. So Alhamdulillah we are now in the first month of

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our lunar calendar, the month of Muharram which will be followed by

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the month of suffering, which will be followed by Robbie Owen. Then

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there'll be a semi then Jumada Gula then Jumada Stanier then

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Roger Finn Shaban in the Ramadan inshallah then cardio and then do

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And then 1413 1443 We'll be knocking at our doors tomorrow

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morning. This is our framework of time.

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And we Muslims are going through a yearly cycle Well,

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along with its other three forbidding months we need to be

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especially on our God. Fella totally move in full circle, so

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don't oppress yourselves Day in.

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This is a four months even in Joe Helia. It was prohibitive to fight

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in these months.

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The month of Muharram Roger dukkha and hedger Muhammad Amin

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Raja means honor and respect they used to put down their weapons.

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The Carter literally means the month possessing of sitting down

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volatile kada because they used to sit down and not fight. And then

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the highchair was of course the month of pilgrimage. So this is

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the first of the forbidding months, and it is of the greatest

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month and in this month is a day that if we fasted, our beloved

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prophet salah, some says I expected Allah Whoa, he will wipe

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out all the previous years minus sins automatically, and that is

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the day of Ashura class

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that is the day off of Ashura, which will be on Sunday inshallah

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Tada three ways of fasting Ashura. Either you can fast it alone, or

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you faster nine and 10 Are you faster 910 11 as the profit is

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clearly for the old

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but it's possible even if you're just faster Alhamdulillah we

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will attain, its further its virtue and the previous of minuses

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will be wiped out. Nilo, Tyler, Allah had the data. So tomato

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Muslimeen Muharram about Akula and to be a blessing Muharram to each

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and every single one of you, it's a new year. We need to take it

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with the trials with the tribulations. We need to be

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patient and persevering through this calamity. This is Kyra Min

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lmsc. But you Carol mean a calamity is a forge of the

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believer. When the blacksmith puts the metal in the forge, he hits it

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upgrade hop in it takes it up and he beats it and at the same time

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it becomes stronger and it gets purified of all its impurities.

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Allah's put us into forge the Forge of COVID-19 Now that's gonna

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bring us out of this ever stronger and ever closer to him and ever

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purified of our shortcomings and our sins. BarakAllahu li come to

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Darwin and hamdulillah Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah he

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