Riyadh Walls – Fajr Talk The Sunnan of Salaah Continued (27th August 2023)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of the term "slime" in their work, including their personal life and work in a workroom. They also mention the use of "naive" and the concept of "naive" in their work. The Tasha and Tisha hood are discussed as important for keeping people in a spot, as well as the importance of making offers and understanding the Hadith ofels. The importance of lead times and headaches is also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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than animal hockey or BSc in North Korea, but

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there are three chapters remaining, which is the Sunnah of

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the shahada,

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the Sunnah of Salaam and then the Sunnah, the Sunnah, after Salah

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inshallah we'll discover this and then Dasha

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this morning. Masonic Rahim Allah Allah he says, Will you send no

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Fisher will actually at the word rock yesterday we discussed if the

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rush if there was meaning when your right foot was sitting in a

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Tashahhud position

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your right foot is

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as they call it the monsoon in this way

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and your left foot is lying this way

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that what is the same position except that your left foot this

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extends, comes out and your left side of your body, the bottom side

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of your body but he's basically on the ground and so, that would be

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considered to work. So, is this what you said no Fisher will

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actually look at the work setting in that position is a sunnah when

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you in the final question hood

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if you are not in the final question, then if the rush that we

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discussed yesterday, is some if you are in the final Tisha hood,

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the entire work is done

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in lemon Cana allow us to do so when

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Obama spoke

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Oklahoma spoken 11 cannot allow us to do so when Okay, now my spoken

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except for the person who has to perform sudo to salary

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or user must book meaning let's say I am in my final question

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hood. But I did I'm something happened in sada that would cause

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or necessitate a sudo salary, then I would not be sitting in the work

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through the entire duration of the Tasha, I'll be setting normal.

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After I perform this sudo sudo reset.

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Then I move into the tomato position before I make the sleep

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what are the causes for sudo to segue that's an entire chapter.

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That's an entire chapter on its own. We will discuss that and the

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causes for sudo to segue because you can't make sudo to somebody

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for anything some sometimes we fall into this mistake you think

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any shortfall in masala I'll just perform security

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if I perform so due to certain way for other than the causes of

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security certain way then I'm making a bowl of masala I'm

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invalidating masala because I can't do anything in Salah that's

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not prescribed. Right. So nonetheless, but that's a separate

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discussion. So it's a similar to sitting at a work position.

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Except for the person who has to perform to do the salary offered

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the maths book and must work with the person who came late. So he's

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obviously not in his final test. The chef is only in sitting in

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that position because he's following the Imam

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while yada yada who will use surah Allah perfect He lives up in

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Jerusalem to Shahada.

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Okay, so and then to sit when you're sitting in the third row

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position to have your hands on your thighs as we just explained

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yesterday, not underneath but close to the knees, more mutton,

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your fingers and your fingers are together.

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And mature cotton absorb cotton and facing the Qibla. So you're

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not sitting like this or your fingers are together, spread out

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the tips of your fingers are facing the people close to your

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knees. Not on your knees.

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And then

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and then, except for the right hand. Why up bigger fish are who

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they are sobre la Musa behalf of Scylla except for the right hand

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the right hand in Tasha hood. This is one of three ways reported a

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sunnah from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam for keeping the hand in the

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Dasha so the number one is you have your your your sub Bihar This

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is the index finger out and you have your thumb right next to next

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to it like this

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other way is that you have the sum over the middle finger. And the

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other way is that you have the middle finger over all three ways

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is reported from Missoula. So that's why some of our scholars

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say some Salah you keep it like this some Salah you keep it like

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Salah you keep it like that. Implementing all the Sunnah of

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Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam right, but either one way you're

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going to be keeping the your some

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the rest of your fingers will be

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in a fist like this except for the the Musa that will be out the

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entire Tasha hood, the entire childhood yo Musa this index

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finger will be out your son depending on which sunnah you're

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implementing right. But then the Messiah bell will be out the

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entire time.

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Either way or the on behalf of OHA and Koli, illallah, except when

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you come to the potter with the shahada, Illa Allah then you lift

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your finger, right? To recite the entire shahada here to Morocco to

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Slava to

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recite the Salah and Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and then a

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shadow Hola, hola. Hola. Hola. Right.

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And this is something connected to this that we discussed before. We

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said when we were discussing the PM, we said that at all times,

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you guys should be on the place of schedule.

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There were two exceptions to this. The one

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exception was the kava, but we mentioned that that was not the

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motto within the madhhab. That's not the preponderant, viewing the

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madhhab the preponderant view in the map is even when you will find

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the count, but if you look at the place of, of sujood, but the other

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exception was at the time of Ilala, in your, in your tissue. So

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in other words, my case will be focused on the place of sujood the

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entire time,

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except when I come to shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah and then will I

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face my gaze on on my finger, right? The face my guy, my case on

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my, on my finger.

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And then he gives the entire shahada acmella TASHA hood, this

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is a shorter version of the Tasha hood, and there's a longer version

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of the Tushar. Why is it important to know the shorter version of

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Tasha, because whatever the shorter version of the Tisha who

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gives us, you can't reduce less than that. If I leave a word out,

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less than what the shorter version is in my Tasha, who does

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technically incomplete, right, so it's important to know the shorter

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version, but we all are already familiar with the longer version

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of the Tisha hood, which really is here to Morocco to salatu salam

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alayka UNSW rahmatullahi wa barakato SLM Marlena Mahalia

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Iberdrola is in a shallow La ilaha illallah wa shadow anna Muhammad

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Rasul Guba what a Kannada Salah Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Abdul

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Rasul Allah Ali Muhammad was watching him go to Yeti camera

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Selita Allah Ibrahim Allah al Ibrahim Al Baraka Muhammad in in

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Abuja, Romeo Hala Annie Muhammad was my Baraka ally Brahim Allah

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Allah Rahim, Allah Hanuman and Academy dhemaji. What's the

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and the shortest salawat and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is

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here to Leela. salam alayka Johan EBU rahmatullah wa barakato salam

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ala Halina Allah.

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Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah in the

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shorter Salawat Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad for the validity of

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the of the

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a da da da who be Masha, then to make the

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after you Tasha hood, be Masha with whatever do you wish to make.

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However, who the most choose would be love my India who are who will

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be kept me in other be Jahannam Wamena has been covered woman

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fitness in Mafia woman mad woman shared refitting lmsc at the job,

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woman who another to how you could make after you Tasha before the

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taslim along the becoming a minute Rami one

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caminho you can also make Aloma fiddly, map them to a club to sort

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of lend to women sort of to enter and then we'll be here mini until

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mocha intermarket La ilaha illa. And so these are dollars that they

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are recommending, but really any dua that you wish to make after

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the Tasha hood, you may do so, the only thing they caution you on is

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that you do after the show, which shouldn't be longer than the Tisha

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hood itself. So we can make the offer anything we want or be

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fiddly, whatever the day, whatever, whatever do I wish to

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make after the Tasha hood, as long as the DUA off to the teacher who

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does not

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is not longer than doesn't end up being longer than the shareholder,

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the shareholder itself.

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The last two chapters is the Sunanda taslim and then the Sunon

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about what happens after the sun and after Insha Allah we will

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cover that with Nina de vaca Donna in the next setting

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actually slips my mind now with with regards to the moving of the

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finger, that's what that's according to another hip, I think

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the Maliki Yeah, they would be moving the finger, they would be

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making the headache of the finger. And it all stems from the

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difference of understanding with regards to the hadith of

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Rasulullah sallallahu. So they obviously understand the Hadith. I

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mean, the meta is probably much more complex and what I'm going to

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be explaining now, but ultimately, it comes down to them

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understanding the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu and the

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pointing of the finger meaning the headache, meaning moving the

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Shafia Yeah, I think even Hassan might comment on it in his baton

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barrier is commented on Bihari when he says that the headache

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literally just means the moving from the position that it was in

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the moving up method it was moving the entire time. Nonetheless, as

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long as the muda he mentioned, then, you know, I would for our

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own therapy.

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This is actually not even answering the question, it's kind

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of a side issue. But just for our benefit for our own tarbiyah I

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would advise we stick to one month as much as possible. When this

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die, you need to make that clear to another mother that we may do

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it's completely permissible to make that little different

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multiple, as long as I'm not intending the FBI, what they call

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data Barbara has I'm just looking for the most lenient view in all

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the mothership or there's no telephonic right we basically I'm

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ending up in a scenario where none of them are here agree that I'm

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actually on anything but making that lead when you follow in all

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the shoot of another month is completely permissible for our own

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tarbiyah for my knifes ideally everyone should stick to one month

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with Esther Malik is with us the Hanafi is with us. humbard is with

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us the Shafia is sometimes the action is going to be a little

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difficult in them as what is good for minors if it's a little

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difficult. So but anyway what I'm saying is that the magic the magic

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is I believe Mike Schaeffer is done with the headache they use

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they're moving it from this position in Allah they're moving

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it up to claim what actually slipped my mind now is we do you

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drop it just before the destiny or do you drop it

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off to the teslim now, so I'm gonna have to check that the lead

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because perhaps it comes in in the next in the next section.

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I mean also no hana cinema Mohamad Ryan Allahumma Antonin Fuson

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Antiqua has

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been acting up at dinner hasenhuttl Fidel for there has

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been no Subhanallah become a bonanza down mindset for

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him to do

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