Riyadh Walls – Fajr talk 29 Aug 21

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of remembering to pursue Allah's ridden urge to be recognized and maintain it. They stress the need to remember the words "has been" and "has not" to avoid wasting time. The speaker advises the audience to seek out Allah's ridden urge to pursue deeds and avoid wasting time.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hands down can be translated differently.

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On days, uncertain days, so do expose yourself to them, do

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prepare yourself to receive them.

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He upon whom Allah in His generosity in his generosity

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bestows such a noble urge.

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So he's going to highlight two things. Now, number one, that we

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need to appreciate it and number two, we need to maintain it. So he

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says he upon whom Allah subhanaw taala bestow such a noble urge

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must know how precious precious it is, you should know that it is one

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of the greatest cases of Allah subhanho wa taala, or one of the

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greatest cases Allah subhanaw taala has showered upon him.

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It is such that

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he will never know its real value. No will he be able to thank Allah

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subhanaw taala enough for it. So let him thank Allah to his utmost

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for having specially singled him out and selected him from amongst

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his status from amongst his peers to receive it.

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How many Muslim reaches the age of 18 years and more, yet never.

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Neither was he bestowed with such a yearning, know his art once was

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touched by the secret.

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A seeker should diligently, strengthen, protect and respond to

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this urge.

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It grows stronger, how do we maintain it he says it grows

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stronger when he remembers and invokes Allah subhanaw taala. So

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through the Quran, obviously presence of heart when making the

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when he reflects on all which Allah subhanaw taala is

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manifested. And when he keeps the company of the people of Allah, He

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protects it protects this urge, by keeping away from the company of

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those veiled from Allah. And by ignoring the whispers of the

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devil, he responds to it.

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He responds to it.

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When he hastens to return to Allah and sincerely seeks is nearness.

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Neither he waits, postpones no delays. Whenever the time arrived,

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he will accomplish the act. And when they do so obviously

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responding to Allah it means they're responding to the to the

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commands of Allah,

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He will accomplish the act. And when the door is open for him to

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do good deeds, and he should enter. When call to perform, you

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should have

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let him be way of letting one day pass after the other. For this is

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the work of the devil. He must approach it and not weaken it. As

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he progresses. He must not make excuses such as saying that there

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is no time know that I know that he is not good enough for the

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Then it ends off with a quote in the first chapter with a quote,

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a famous quote with a one

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scholar said I hasten to Allah sorry, oh Illallah hasten to Allah

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subhanaw taala go to Allah subhanaw taala even if you're

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limping, do not wait for full health, for that would only be

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idleness. So hang on. So

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I remember how the allergy free mentioning one set the lady wrote

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to him where it means now via Twitter or something saying that

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I've been searching for Allah subhanaw taala

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so but I haven't found him. I've looked in prayed the Hadith don't

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tell me to pray that

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I've made read Quran went to the Kaaba did she's she's in the

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letter, she's saying that I did all of these things to find Allah

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so hang on, I didn't find him.

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So don't tell me to do those things. But advice. So you said I

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won't tell you to do extra Quran or extra tahajjud to extra.

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Amara, but what I will tell you to do is seek for Allah subhanaw

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taala in the yearning, or rather what modes what motivates you to

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seek ALLAH subhanaw taala that drive within yourself. He responds

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to this lady, that drive within yourself to seek ALLAH subhanaw

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taala that is your route to Allah subhanaw taala meaning that he is

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there for a reason that Allah subhanaw taala that's one of the

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gifts of Allah subhanaw taala May Allah subhanaw taala and I was to

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receive these never had those for HANA and MLS. Allow us to protect,

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maintain and respond to it until I was debating

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with another human from the Linda aminos Allah Allah said

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he was sufficient as well.

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Lahoma didn't foods and I was the fireman's did you have

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Other than now, so why not pick up on my cell phone or cell

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phone Belinda

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