Riyadh Walls – Fajr Lessons 12 November 2021

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a variety of unrelated and unrelated statements and phrases, including mentions of people and events, including a mention of a woman named Lisa, a mention of a woman named Lisa, a mention of a woman named Lisa, a mention of a woman named Lisa, a mention of a woman named Lisa, a mention of a woman named Lisa, a mention of a woman named Lisa, and a mention of a woman named Lisa. The speakers do not provide much context or information about the origin or subject matter of their statements. They discuss various topics such as Alaminos Facebook, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Alaminos Alaminos, Facebook, Al
AI: Transcript ©
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well beyond any more than a bow or only

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim salam ala Cooney levena katha WUWM in

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Lin kita be one in which shrieking

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to whom would

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assume in a law yet no sohoton

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fee go to boom Tajima one antifoul Blanca lady now ooh Tullio kita in

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whom would you invite Gina? One woman in Lani Ambu la hammock

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listen Allahu Deen

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will up Masada tell you to tell whether the caddy in Yuma

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in a lady Nika film in in kita being one of them was shooting

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keen Fe in an engine car needing a fee

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eco home shop ruining Barry Yeah. In lighting

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I mean, you know Swan hunting.

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You can call you will bury Yeah, just

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being him Jen to add any tragedy me

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Gen. Two Adeney. tajine. Me

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and Rohan in FE

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Ralstonia love more and more I'll do one Nikoli Lehmann Akashi

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semi Allahu naman Hamidah

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a along

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Allahu Akbar

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah benign let me know

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Brockman Ibrahimi man you kill me Dini yeah Cana boudoir Yeah Can

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Stein in Denison autonomous Stampe Masirah Latina Nam Danny him

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boo him moral vulnerable on me in

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Bismil length Rahman r Rahim either as soon as Xena till help

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those ills

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what else Allah gentle elbow a scholar.

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Work on and son woman

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young woman eating to have a decent bell on her be in banker

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young woman Ed Durden. So Ashton you're wrong man.

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Family Yeah, my name is Paul as a what in call you really

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want me miss call Adam Lottie shell Royi

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hola como

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send me a long halimun Hamidah

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allong Medina FIM and had a while I'm finna FIM and I say whatever

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the Lana theme and our delayed robotic learner female

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in Nikita, Kuba, You Allah you go dog

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and they were in a hula yeah didn't know one in Taiwan. Yeah, I

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assume and now they need about LockDown a banner what the island

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fell and can handle Kobe and Nestor who failed on calendar to

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Lake or solid Allahu Allah Sayidina Muhammad in Nebby

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while he was behaving like

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a little girl

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hola como

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Hola Hanukkah

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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sallam on a kumara Metallo.

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As the last of the last the whole of the Matoba Rahim Allah Allah

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will be like I said, look it over to NAMA Fullerton and Nick and

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Teutoburg Rahim la Martin de Sena and we'll make a sin and develop

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their own economic something I know

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Mahima from living no habla Alaminos Allah Allah Cigna

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Muhammad Allah annual Sufi as well.

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I'm about to for Santa Monica Muhammad Allah and

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there's a hadith that comes in the Sunnah Nagi mama daddy me,

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of him Allah Allah. It states that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam passed into this mosque on one occasion.

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And then Rasulullah Salallahu Salam so to Majelis one majilis

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the Sahaba were praising Allah subhanaw taala making ESCO making

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dua according unto Allah subhanaw taala and the other majority say

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was they were studying in the Hadith actually says fair to Allah

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They were studying Deen they were studying knowledge they were

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studying FIP specifically, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said that killer Houma and I heard

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both of them are doing good, they're on good, except that the

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one is better than the other.

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And then

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Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam refer to the one with the

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prophets, Allah samsi The one who's calling Unto Allah, the

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group that's calling Unto Allah making dua and praising Allah

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subhanaw taala. You said that

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insha Allah Homer insha Allah subhanaw taala so wills He will

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grant them what they are asking for and if he will, he will

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deprive them for whatever reason, however, the one who studied in

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fifth and they are for whom they are better why because they are

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studying the deen of Allah subhanaw taala and they are

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teaching those who are ignorant of the dean and then Rasulullah

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sallallahu sallam said the famous statement in Abu Salim and I was

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only but st as a as a teacher.

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In another Imam Malik Rahim Allah Allah is reputed to have said that

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on his desk,

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No, he wasn't on his deathbed. He was asked that if you had an hour

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left to live, what would you spend that hour doing? An Imam Malik

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Rahim Allah Allah said he would spend that studying.

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And then they said, but you won't most probably won't have time to

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implement what you have learned and then he said the learning they

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have is better than the implementation of Imam Shafi

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Ramadan is reported a similar thing.

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There's a famous incident of someone who dreamed of Rasulullah

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sallallahu and it was and this guy was battling with something

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trying to understand and comprehend something so he said

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that Rasul Allah is dream.

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They're sort of similar that they are two groups in the mosque. One

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is Al Quran, the second Quran, revising Quran, et cetera,

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memorizing Quran and revising Quran that

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As a group studying and he specifically said, studying the

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book of Imam

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is Hapa Shirazi, which one of the Imams of the Shafia year is

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studying. They're studying the book of Jubilees Hakka Shirazi,

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which one of them are from amongst the earlier, he also assumed the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the one who's studying

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the fate of Imam Shafi and it's not restricted to Shafi, but the

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one who's studying FIP that is the the earlier one those were hunted

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down. And then this man asked rasool Allah for the second time,

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and people studying Quran and Rasul Allah said, the one who's

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telling fic, they are from amongst

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the only Allah subhanaw taala. And he asked for a third time and I

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said the same thing. And then this wondered about the Quran he said,

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leave the people of the Quran, whom Allah Allah or so forth from

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Allah, they are the special servants of Allah subhanaw taala

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they elected servants of Allah subhanaw taala The point is that

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we lie our closeness to Allah subhanaw taala is often

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restricted to or attached to, oh, we see it, as someone who's doing

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ADKAR all day, etc, etc. We open with a huge dip and whatever the

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case may be, the reality is that we will never reach the Wilaya the

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closest of Allah subhanaw taala except through fic we need to have

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the other cloud company that we need to ensure our odds of free of

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malice and hatred and all of those things that's in its place.

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However, we won't reach it without fear. Fear is the law of Allah

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subhanaw taala I focus where Allah tells us what to do and what not

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to do and how am I going to be an obedient servant to Allah so

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Hunter, if I don't know what Allah subhanaw taala saying, do or don't

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do Oh, I happen to my actions happen to fall into those things

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that Allah subhanaw taala has not ordered me to do or rather has

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prohibited me to do and sometimes ignorantly, so perhaps we are

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excused in certain occasions. But that excuse will save us from the

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accountability of the action but it won't say it wanted he just the

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will of Allah subhanaw taala so for that reason,

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having said that, the next book with Nila that we wish wish to

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touch on would be a book in fact now given this the setting that we

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have which is like three minutes after fajr it's not practical to

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do a

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proper and thorough however there is a book

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we the author does a brilliant job to highlight the shoot and our can

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of every chapter so like we know the shoot and up kind of Salah he

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does have to do it so for every every single thing the entire book

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there's no there's no paragraphs there's no comment there is a

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commentary on the book but we won't use the commentary in the

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session we will just highlight the shoot and our can for every masala

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for every chapter and for every

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fifth muscle with me network.

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So inshallah we will start with that from two from tomorrow

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morning. It's not about Catan and then if there are any questions,

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which might most probably be then you're most welcome to most

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welcome to forward the questions in real time comment as much as we

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can also given the fact that we will be restricting to three to

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five minutes but

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it's not 100 100 No Algemene are so low and I said no Muhammad

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Allah and he was speaking German.

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Along my identification Antiqua was

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in academia has to offer the facilitator working out there but

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now it's my final because I've been asked to tell myself who

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