Riyadh Walls – Eid Khutbah

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a scene where a man tries to sacrifice his son in a holy spirit, but the son refuses to give up and causes his death. The father tries to convince the son to kill himself in a holy spirit, but the son refuses and the father of the son's death causes him to lose his job. The segment discusses the three places where shay standards are met, including a shay that tried to], [In a holy spirit, the father tries to convince the son to], [erships his son's death causes him to lose his job and his death causes him to lose his job. The segment touches on the importance of sacrificing one's health and behavior to avoid damaging the environment and the concept of a culture of passion and passionate behavior. The speaker also talks about the false impression of the dunya dunya and the false attachment of the dams during the death of a dams, and reminds himself of his history and belief in God.
AI: Transcript ©
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just getting your

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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.

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Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Allah. What Allah Allahu Akbar. Allahu

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Akbar. Kabhi or Hamdulillah. He could see your superhard Allah

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Macatawa all sila

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Lama Naboo doing

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meclizine Aloha de pollo, kedi healthcare siru rule.

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In Alhamdulillah, Muhammad holiness staying home is still

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zero. Nobody wanted to do it. Whenever only Billa evolutionary

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fusina Amin sejati Armanino miyetti Allah, Allahu Allah, Allah

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you will follow Hajela Russia showed you hola hola. Hi llamo

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Oceanica when I showed you Anna Mohammed and I have two who are

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sort of Allahumma Salli ala Sayidina Muhammad, early C et now

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Mohammed he was happy he was personally a MOBA for Yeah, are

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you holy Muslim all

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all Muslims, wherever you might be.

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Female Shahrukh ardua Mahali we have in the furthest east to the

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furthest West Alhamdulillah we praise and thank Allah subhanho wa

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Taala today, for indeed today is a special day. Today is very little

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alcohol. It is the day of sacrifice. Aloha. Aloha Hey, Al

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carabin where we remember the great sacrifice of our father and

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our patriarch Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam after Allah subhanho

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wa Taala had tested him with a great test.

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When Allah subhanaw taala marriage to us in the Holy Quran

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that he saw a vision

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and that vision he then told to his son

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and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada tells us farther into bIllahi min ash

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shaytani R Rajim Yagoona year in the Philippines. I need a hug from

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the mother

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holiday a beautify took more. So did you do any insha Allah whom

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you know saw beauty will not be going to a ballet salaam city

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service naive or a masala to set up. You said to him Oh my son I

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see in a vision that I am sacrificing you fumble Ramallah

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Tala, tell me what you think.

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Subhanallah Can you imagine a father saying to a son that he

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sees in a vision that he is placing a knife on his throat and

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is cutting the throat of his son and he is well known as his father

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is an abbey of Allah and the vision from Allah subhanaw taala

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is indeed an Amana it is a command.

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So what is married will do does he run away? No. He says yeah,

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beautify my tomorrow my father do as you have been commanded Certegy

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duty insha Allah meno sodbury In indeed you will find many of those

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who are patient and persevering in the obedience of ALLAH SubhanA.

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joins I'm assuming we remember this day. Why because of the

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Ibrahim alayhis salam after he'd spoken to his son, and then he

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took his son with him to the place where he was to sacrificing.

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And as they were on the way the shaytaan tempted them at three

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And three places they were commanded by Allah subhanaw taala

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Gibreel came to the people around him and told him that he must felt

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the shaitan at these three places. And these are the three places we

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go in pelt the shaytaan

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on the days of tertiary COVID

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Just on the day of rain when we go and felt the geometrical Cobra and

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then on the three days of tertiary when we felt all three of the jump

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rocks, remembering how shaytaan tried to think that we were a heme

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from obeying Allah subhanho wa Taala but nobody Ibrahim Felton to

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share on

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symbolically rejecting the invitation of Shelton sacrificing

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even his own love for his dear son, at that time is only son

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sacrificing this is all about sacrifice jermichael Muslim.

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You know we say every day in our Salah when we talk to Allah

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subhanaw taala in your job do what you hear Hillary Fatah Samoa tea

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without having fun with Sleeman woman I never know when she came

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in Did I turn my face to the Originator of the heavens and the

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earth? Hanifa Woosley mana honey so what does it mean?

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purely a handful of male hand things to turn away because the

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people Imani salah. At one time he kind of Merton he was the only

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believer and he turned away from the worship of everyone and

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everything besides Allah subhanaw taala

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honey and find Muslim and so we are on that faith of Dori

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worshipping Allah subhanaw taala alone associated no partners in

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that worship.

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Khalifa Muslim and Roma academy that we shouldn't kid in no Salah

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T will usuki Indeed my prayer and my sacrifice. Well Mariah, we're

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melotti in my life and my death Lillahi Rabbil Alameen is for

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Allah subhanho wa Taala the creator and sustainer of all the

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world's luxury color.

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He has no partners visa ecommerce minute I've been commanded. But

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anyway I Muslimeen and I'm of those that submit and surrender to

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Allah subhana pulutan.

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So Giotto, CV, will W Va Imani Shalabh, when he was going towards

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the sacrifice sacrificing his beloved only son.

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And the shaitan tried to call him away he was steadfast he felt it

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the shirt on and then he went forward to sacrifice his son when

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he had placed his his head on the rock of sacrifice. And he had put

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the blade on the neck of his son, and then he attempted to cut. It

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was early at that time, but he had now passed the sticks and it was a

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sharp blade. But remember sharpness doesn't cut the wings of

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birds don't make them fly. fire doesn't burn except by the will of

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Allah Allah did the history mountain asleep sharpness doesn't

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the flood does not sink the boat. The wings of birds don't make them

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fly and fire doesn't burn. It's always fun to tell a speech about

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all these things in the Holy Quran.

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You know Asana to Allah speaks about the flood of the Renew Hallo

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When you says Alma, I'm in Qatar, Kuwait. The two waters meet the

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water coming down from the summer and the water spring forth from

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the earth those two waters MIT. That's how ferocious storm the

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ferocious flood the cataclysmic flood and also the talent center

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destroyed everything and everyone except for you know Harris Anna,

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and the belief was that it wasn't in the ark, the Ark survive, but

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what was the Ark made of almost all the dialysis fell Takala be

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hammering the accordion wahama now who Allah, Allah and Medusa and we

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carried him on something made of planks and nails.

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planks and nails can survive in such a strong abundance of a solid

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solid confirms what saved a lot of planks in the various tagit EBI

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Umina it travels and out

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travels under tension EBR Umina travels under our protection.

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Then also the data speaks about the fire when we finally sent them

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off to destroy the idols of the noumenon neighborhood built for

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for him a massive bonfire and I didn't catapulted into the fire

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and as he was hitting towards the fire Gibreel comes to my system

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Dr. Ibrahim Allah Cahaya to Nilay O'Brien Do you have a need of me I

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can save you

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so Abraham are listening which is a mighty lake of Allah is for you.

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I've no need has the Allah and yet we're lucky Allah is enough for

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me. And so in the end of the fight the fire doesn't burn. Low

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subhanaw taala is the one that makes fire burn or not burn. It's

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almost one of Dallas and yeah, no no Cooney bottom line was Salam o

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Allah Ibrahim. Oh fire be cool and peaceful on the body of of Ibrahim

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Likewise, on the day when he was going to sacrifice his son, he had

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a sharp blade in his head and he put the blade on his son's neck

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and it cuts but sharpness doesn't cut.

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It can only cut by the will of Allah subhanaw taala and Allah

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subhanaw taala made that sharpness blunt so it didn't cut and a smile

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was saved. And we were able to pass this pass this test and

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almost $1 replaced that the tests are rewarding the test be caption

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Alvim with a great RAM from the summer I was one of the other

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things that was read and be proud of him sacrificed Israel and done

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this day we celebrate the passing of the test the the making of that

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sacrifice, sacrificing His own love going forward to put the

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blade on his beloved son's neck and to cut because Allah subhanaw

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taala had commanded him we celebrate the passing of the test

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by making our carabin about him on this day of read and we can of

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course do it after today for the next three days as well a tertiary

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and so inshallah Tada we remember on this day when you make our

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corabi and we make our die that this life of ours the life of a

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Muslim is a life of sacrifice.

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Everything we do is about sacrifice. If we think about if we

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think about salah, which is look at some of the reverted if you

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think about salah for example, when we make salah, what are we

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We will say we sacrificing our attention that we are always

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focusing on the dunya

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from the moment we make Takbeer to the Haram

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The first Bureau is called Takbeer haram and what is haram if you

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know what is out there

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and I'm not speaking about the Haram The clothing that we think

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is haram on Hajj. No Haram is a state of being whether you're in

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Salah whether you are fasting, whether you are on the Hajj a

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haram is a state of being

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like they are haram of Salah is it when you say Allahu Akbar in Salah

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to Bureau to the Haram The first one because that's what the

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technical definition of Salah is Rivara and hierarchy it was

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secondary tip that you picked up beauty with Dr. Timo with this

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theme. That Salah is an expression of movements and stillness that

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begins with the build to your home when you say Allahu Akbar for the

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first time you're entering into that state of sacrifice. Yes. A

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Hara What is your haram? Haram means forbidding In other words,

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for the entire duration of your Salah from the first follow up but

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admittedly around until you say as salaam aleikum, you are now in

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this forbidding state, a state of your haram whereby you can't turn

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your chest out of the Kibler you can't speak to other people around

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you talking to Allah and you can't eat you can't drink. So there's a

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great sacrifice that you are now engaged in sacrificing the dunya

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in order to speak to Allah preparing one for the actual

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Allah, so salah, Salah is about sacrifice

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that sacrifice that state of that forbidding state in which we

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prohibit ourselves from enjoying the dunya and giving our attention

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to the dunya Allah subhanaw taala in turn makes that Salah as a

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means of keeping us away from that which is haram. From keeping us

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away from that which is detrimental in the salata Turner,

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I will fascia it will not come because one of Dallas is what I

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came to Salah and established pray indeed pray keeps a person away

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from transgression, and corruption and promiscuity.

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Likewise, when we give charity when you place a car, with it's

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the obligatory charity of soccer or any sort of object we might

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give, this is also a form of sacrifice. We are sacrificing our

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love for the dunya. And this is very important. We must not allow

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the dunya into our hearts. And if you find that the dunya is going

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into your heart, then you must you must give up the most giveaway of

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engineer because I was on a dialysis, learn 10 aloe vera had

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to fit your head bone. You will never ever attain righteousness

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until you give away of that which you love. And so when we sacrifice

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our false attachment, why is it false? Why because we are not

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going to take any of this dunya with us when we die. So it's a

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false attachment. And so we sacrifice just like you're going

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to sacrifice those camels and those goats and the sheep today in

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shallow Tana.

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When we

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Extending apostle Allah subhanaw taala we are sacrificing our greed

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for the dunya you know, and in German we make that sacrifice.

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Intent just like the salah protects us from promiscuity, evil

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and corruption. So giving succor what does it do? It creates a

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shield against greed and love for this dunya Baba Yuka shahada, FIFA

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Allah, who will have their own and those who are shielded from the

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own greed then they and they alone are the truly successful ones.

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Likewise, when you first sacrifice, we are sacrificing our

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food in our dream for Drew dawn until sunset as well as intimate

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relations with our spouses in making that sacrifice in turn of

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Hamdulillah that cm helps us also to build up that shield of taqwa,

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way back. We shield ourselves from all behavior, and words and

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actions and even thoughts that bring upon us the displeasure of

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ALLAH SubhanA Huhtala Autobots and of course Hajj as well. Hajj is

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all about sacrifice. When we go into that stage of your home, we

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take off our name brand clothing, and you put on our coffin we put

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on a burial shroud and we cannot pay our nails and we cannot cut

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our head.

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And we cannot apply perfume. And we cannot as men cover our heads

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always stitch clothing. And we cannot also have intimate

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relations with our spouses sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.

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So on this day, we're gonna go over how when we, when we make

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those carabin and those other high, we remember our life of

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sacrifice and we're remembering every time we make Salah in a

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dualistic talk when we say in no sadati what bouzouki indeed my

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life and my indeed my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my

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death from Ohio Marathi Lila

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is for Allah subhanho wa Taala gracias the steadfastness to live

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a life of sacrifice sacrifice for the lover for the sake of Allah

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subhanaw taala and remember, let me know Allah Yahuwah what I did

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when I came here nallo Taqwa Minco it's not the the blood or the meat

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atrophic the meat comes first. Let me Allah Lahoma whether or

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not the meat no the blood reaches Allah.

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Not the meat. No the blood reaches Allah subhanaw taala but what

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reaches hola hola que Jana yet Jana Toccoa Minco what reaches

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Allah subhanaw taala

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is the taqwa is the Allah consciousness that we have when we

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making it or burn when we making that good hire. That is what

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reaches almost one Attala when we are making a sacrifice, and we are

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being conscious and mindful of Allah subhanho wa Taala every

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before the blood even hits the ground of that sacrifice, Allah

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subhanaw taala has forgiven us for our sins. So let us inshallah full

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these days with as much sacrifice as we possibly can. That sacrifice

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of nubby Ibrahim Ali Salam that we are inshallah celebrating in these

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days, and reminding ourselves that our lives is all about sacrificing

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our whims and our fantasies are lusts and desires, sacrificing our

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attachment to this material world in order to be of those that are

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mindful of Allah subhanaw taala in everything we do, in everything we

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say, everywhere we go each and every single day.

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And we ask Allah subhanaw taala that through the sacrifices and

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through this Allah consciousness that we are building up that was

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one of data removed from us, this trial and tribulation of the

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Coronavirus Plaza was one that Allah grant Shiva healing to all

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our sick and that Allah subhanaw taala. Grant.

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You grant Jana to all our disease and we ask Allah subhanaw taala

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except from us on this day, and Eid Mubarak to all Muslims all

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over the world. But hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allahu Akbar,

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Allahu Akbar, Allah Allahu Akbar.

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar,

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Allahu Akbar.

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Allah Akbar, Allahu Akbar Currier, our hamdulillah cathedra was super

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Hanalei bukata wa sila. Now, Elie Lama

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most recent Dean Hello Can you hear you can see you are you

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muslim musi can be tough Allah Tala wanna see our

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your Cullotta Allah Vicki tell me he loves us by the rules we live

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in a shaytani R Rajim hiya Johanna you know Alan

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to Simone, aka the caller Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam it tequila Hi Suma could see I tell Hassan at that time,

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because nothing has to be corrupted has any books in

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wherever the lot you know Salatu was Salam yada so you do have

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Ebola Toby Mohammed into pulumi Whatever. Well Africa Pooja and

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you are Shiva, or neural level Saudi will do in Allah wa Malaika

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who Saluda and Debbie here you have the Dena Amina Salamu Allah

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he will sell him to Seema

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Allah so we are number 100 100 Kemosabe taller more

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vertical Muhammad Ali Muhammad tomorrow Tala in line for an early

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Ibrahim Basilar. Hematology for the Hola Hola Hola. Hola. Sorry

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Rashid in Abu Bakr wala personnel what have you I didn't have anyone

00:21:09 --> 00:21:12

to say anybody will play for in Saudi Arabia after you've been

00:21:12 --> 00:21:16

auto hitting one side it's a habit here to marine particularly from

00:21:16 --> 00:21:21

Allah. Allah Marisa Islam when mislead or intermittent to a deed

00:21:21 --> 00:21:24

also this one Anna and we'll start off in if equally MCAD Allah

00:21:24 --> 00:21:28

Miranda has Ebola Allah modified there hasn't been a Allah my

00:21:28 --> 00:21:31

father hadn't better Allah mushy Medina butter Hamiltonian

00:21:34 --> 00:21:41

Allah Allahu Akbar Allah Allah Allahu Akbar what in hand

00:21:58 --> 00:21:59


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00:22:43 --> 00:22:45

Oh along

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