Riyadh Walls – 12 Ramadan 1439

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The importance of memorizing or reciting Islam language is discussed, including the need to write things down and share them with loved ones. The "monster" and "monkey" themes are also discussed, with the significance of keeping knowledge up to date and learning and practicing to achieve spiritual goals. The speakers stress the historical significance of the Prophet's hadith and the boundaries of Islam, including the definition of "has been met" and the use of "has been met" words in WhatsApp. The importance of building a shield and protecting oneself from evil behavior is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Thermore Allah Rasulullah early he was so happy woman Well, I'm about

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to rattle Muslim in a Sudan where are they come Warahmatullahi

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Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah All Praise and

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thanks is you solely to Allah subhanho wa Taala for granting us

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another night of Salah tarawih tonight in Sorrento Merida

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Alfred is one of the Allah preserve them and guide them

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always. We heard them reciting two very important verses

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where Allah subhanaw taala establishes for us the equilibrium

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of Islam the just balance addressing the believers almost

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want to dialysis by their own bIllahi min ash shaytaan the

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regime here are you hello Dean Manu learn to hurry mu tayyiba

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tema a Hala hula come well to do in hola hola yo Hepburn Marta

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Jean. What Kulu mimma Rosa ko como la who Hala Alain de Yeva

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what taco Hola, hola the UN tomb behemoth minion. So duckula Who

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loves him?

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This is verse number 78 of 187 and 88 Please go look it up at home in

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sha Allah, you know, when it comes to memorizing or trying to retain

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information, then one of two ways in actual fact if you can combine

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the two you will see your ability to retain information will be so

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much more powerful the evening later either one is repetition,

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and the other one is writing things down. So if you go look it

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up at home now what surah is it Surah Al Merida verse number 87

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and 88 and then what you have understood of tonight's talk, make

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a little note get a little notebook and make a note in it you

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know the poet says he says Allah and musei dune Well Peter but to

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do who painted so you the Kabul hibel were thicker for mineral

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hamaca tea and proceed the Gaza lettin Sumatra terracotta banal

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color Italia he says knowledge is play pre Why not pra why knowledge

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is pray p r e y while keytab to kudu and writing it down is

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securing a tying it up.

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Can you tell you the couple haeberlin Tie up your prey with

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strong rope for Meenal hamaca t because it's madness of insanity

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and to see the xalatan to catch a gazelle you know a buck like a

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Springbok or a Kim's book to catch a gazelle samatha Toluca have been

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epic Tonica and then he just let it roam free. It's gonna run away

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from you. And so is the likeness of of knowledge. So repetition and

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writing things down. Either I'm talkin half with Anwar Ian for

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Gemma Kelley Allah al Mila and Pharaoh attack adorable jellyfish

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emoji Listen, we're Elmo Kafeel coup to be Mr. Darrow. The poet

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says, Sorry, I keep saying the poet and I never tell you who the

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poet is, I don't know with a poetess. So the Arabs, you know,

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they love poetry. So they are quoting it all the time. So they

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don't even consider or remember or think it's important to say who

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said it, but they just narrated, the poet says, he says,

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is a lump token half eaten were young, if you don't memorize

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knowledge and retain,

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then your acquisition of knowledge is in vain. Will you come to a

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sitting without any knowledge, while your knowledge is stored in

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books from the college, from the college, I added that just to make

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it rhyme, you know? So Inshallah, part of this DOS, part of this

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halacha tonight in sha Allah is that we don't just want to listen

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to a talk. And then and then forget it. We want to retain some

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of that knowledge that we can take it home that we can share it with

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our loved ones, share it with our friends, share it with our

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colleagues, the people at work, the people on the train, in the

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bus, in the taxi, I was when I started preservers in the bus, in

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the taxi, especially, I mean, but in sha Allah to Allah to gather

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that knowledge and to retain it and then to give it over Beath

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Nila because you're going to be asked them to FTM not just about

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our money. Well my look we are in a tough tough human factor Your

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Money Where did you get it from and how did you spend it? Also

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going to ask us where l muka mother so not to be your

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knowledge. What did you do with it right, back to which verse Surah,

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toma Ada, verse 87 and 88 Masha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala

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addressing the believers year a you handle a Xena, Manu oh those

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of you who believe Allah make us of the true believers in a new

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year that as a hitop Allah speaking directly to us.

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Love to Haribo tiny birdie, ma Hello Hola. Hola, como

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Do not make unlawful, the good, pure things that Allah has made

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lawful for you, ma Hala Allah Who Let come while attracted to Allah,

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and also do not transgress the bounds. Don't make unlawful that

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which is lawful and also do not transgress the bounds. You see,

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this is the equilibrium. This is the just balance in the law, how

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many people martyr Dean, Allah loves not those who transgress the

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brown bounds. So almost wanted to Allah has made certain things

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lawful in that Halal opinion. In the hadith of our beloved Prophet

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Muhammad, Salah Salem, or the mama Novi has considered one of the 14

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most important that hadith that's why included in the Urbane and

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never we in actual fact, Alima Muhammad says that this hadith is

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one of the four a hadith of a beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah

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Salam around which the entire Deen of Islam revolves in Valhalla

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bulging, that which is lawful is clear.

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Well in the Haram evasion and that which is unlawful is clear,

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whereby you know Houma or Muda, which is to be hurt, and between

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the two they are doubtful areas. Law, Allah Maha Nick, Kathy

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Ramona, nurse, not many people know about these doubtful areas

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for many taka shuba had so ever stays away from doubtful areas for

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the Sabra Medina II, where the he has saved his religion, and he has

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saved his honor. woman walk out Phil Fisher Bahat and whoever

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falls into doubtful areas of work, I feel haram then they fallen into

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that which is prohibited. Why because the Prophet has commanded

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us he says that ma you rebook Illa Mala you rebook, leave that which

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you doubt for that which you don't doubt. As soon as there is doubt,

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leave it out. The Sahaba used to leave 70 doors of Halal not making

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it unlawful for them but they were cautious. They were always

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careful. They would leave 70 doors of Halal out of fear of going

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through one door of haram.

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So whenever they start, leave it out, karate in the Prophet makes

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it similitude he says like a shepherd, here are holding a

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hammer, taking the sheep to graze at the border of another man's

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land. You Shikou and your Taffy almost allowing those sheep to go

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over into that man's land. And now we're intellectually Milliken

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hammer. Indeed for every king there are Buddhists Allah we're in

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Angola he Buhari mu indeed the borders of Allah or his

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prohibitions, so we need to learn what those prohibitions are. And

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then we can move flexibly within them. Think of them as a circle,

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with Tilka who do do Allah he follow Takara boo Ha, these are

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the boundaries that Allah has set Don't come near to these

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boundaries. What teleca hadoo de la Fela tattoo dua these are the

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boundaries that Allah has said do not transgress those boundaries,

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but freely within those boundaries we can move. Islam is not lace to

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fill Islamic fraught. Islam is not to open and you can't do what you

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like. Well a Seville Islamic suffrage no is Islam rigid, narrow

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minded and inflexible. This particular ayah was revealed

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concerning Othman Ibnu mudbone remember that name? Earthman Ibnu

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mesurer own one of the Sahaba and Radi Allahu Allah be pleased with

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all the illustrious Companions of our beloved prophet Salah Salem.

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Whoa Nason in DFC, it is made mention that him as well as some

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people. What were they doing? They were making unlawful for

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themselves to get married to eat meat. In fact, some of them will

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hire the biller even want to castrate themselves. And so this

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verse was revealed. And we find the hadith of famous hadith of MSC

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bumalik that Salah Jah, selasa Torah tin, what is route raw, ha,

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ha, this is a group of three seven or 10 or under 10 was a group of

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three of them in this particular rewire that went to the wives of

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the Prophet Salah Salem, they wanted to find out about how the

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prophets Allah Salam worshipped

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and when they received the information to call Lu her to call

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knew her, what does that mean a DJI Lu her kalila they looked at

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it and say, Oh, this is not you know, this is I mean, this is the

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prophet of Allah, we are we, we are we they said from the Prophet

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of Allah, and Allah has forgiven his past and future sins. And so

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the one said, Yes, because I pray the whole night and do not sleep.

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And the other one said, and I fast the whole year and never break it.

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And the other one said, and I don't get married to a woman, a

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burden he said, at all ever, like

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celibacy like the monks in Christianity? And so when this

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news came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he called them

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and he said unto levena Quantum Kava Kava Did you are you the guys

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that said such and such a thing? He said, by Allah in ni, a shall

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come mean Allah He what Kokkola said I am the most fearing of all

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Allah servants in comparison to you, and the one who shields

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himself the most from Allah as displeasure will lead kidney, but

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a sumo often, I fast, and I break fast.

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Whoa, whoa, suddenly, we're all good. And I pray in the night, and

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I sleep. We're at a zone where Janessa and I get married to a

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from an Iraqi bar and Suniti Felisa Mini and ever turns away

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from my way, is not of Me. Other words, the way of the prophets

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Allah Salam is neither a fraud, you can't do what you like them to

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do. Don't transgress the boundaries of Allah will tougher,

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it rigid, narrow minded, and inflexible. The way of the Prophet

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is the middle way. Pharaoh UMO Oh satu ha, oh Kumbhakarna sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, the best of conditions are those that are in

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the middle. This is Islam, the natural way, but just the balance

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and I guarantee to you, no matter Muslimeen by Allah, as you go

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through life, if ever you come across a specific masala and

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somebody comes to you with an opinion,

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that is completely extreme. No, that that is not the way of our

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beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem. But don't judge it by your

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whims and fancies. Judging by the knowledge that you get from those

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who know as Allah has commanded us in the Holy Quran. First aloo

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Allah decree in contempt the Taliban ask those who know if you

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don't know. And then also on the dollar in, in verse number, verse

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number 88. What Kulu me Morocco, como la Hala, Lanta, Yuba. And

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each of the pure good things that Allah has sustained us that which

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is halal. And to yerba that which is pure and lawful. To Michael

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Misty mean, please, I started myself, I am married. I have a

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wife. I'm responsible for her. And I have children. I'm responsible

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for them. I was going to question me, could look moron or could

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lucuma Zulan hundra. Yeti, all of you are shepherds. And all of you

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are going to be questioned about the flock. Don't bring haram to

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your home, don't feed and I speak to myself first Riyadh brother

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Riyadh don't feed your family with haram

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call us Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam au Lachman and never term

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in certain financial hola be any flesh, any flesh that is

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sustained. With that which is unlawful, the fire will have first

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preference over it on the day of your Matsuyama and that is why the

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wives of the Sahaba when their husbands lift their homes in the

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morning the breadwinners we mean we are the break designated

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breadwinners it doesn't mean wives cannot work they can work without

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permission. But what they earn is this. Most of them spent from the

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family anyway. But we are the ones that are responsible. Or regional

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Yukawa Munna Allah Nissa men other maintainers of woman so when we go

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out in the morning, like the Sahaba Did you know what their

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wives used to say to them? Yeah, Abdullah tequila. Oh servant of

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Allah fear Allah will attack kill haram and don't eat that which is

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unlawful don't bring haram home to this house for international study

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and this Vera Allah element juris dunya well, it can Nana Nana Sati

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and the spirit and other binnorie Yama Piaba for indeed they say to

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their husbands, we are able to sustain the pangs of hunger on the

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dunya on karma Ida hunger lay.

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But we cannot be the torment of hellfire on the Day of Judgment.

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So tomato Muslim and just a reminder, and remember this is the

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month of Ramadan. The month of building the shield of of taco I

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was from Italia is the verse by saying what taco Allah, Allah the

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N tomb be me known, so shield yourselves from the displeasure of

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Allah. Look at this, this whole Quran is about Taqwa Allah. And

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this month of Ramadan is about building the taqwa in order to

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Quran can be a guide for us because the Quran who doesn't live

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who doesn't live with the cane, if we are mindful and careful of

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Allah, if we are wanting from the depths of our hearts to please

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Allah and to shield

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ourselves from his displeasure then wherever we open this Quran

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this Quran will guide us on the Serato Mr. Kay May Allah make us

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of the Moroccan mean you're a blasphemy now last one a Tada not

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make us of those who are extreme either in Ephrata into free but

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make us to follow the sunnah of our beloved prophet Mohamed Salah

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Salem the Middle Way of the middle Amma Yara Bill Alameen wa salam

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ala Sayyidina Muhammad in the beautiful meanwhile, earlier Sufi

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Wilbury Salam, salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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