Omar Usman – 3 Lessons From The Energy Bus Jon Gordon
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In this video, Omar respectfully shares three things he learned from reading The Energy Bus by John Gordon. The first is that one can choose how to drive their bus, but the actions of the driver are in the control of the recipient. The second lesson is that positive energy is everything, and everyone can take responsibility to change their actions. The third lesson is that energy is affected by multiple things, including sleep, eating habits, and others. The speaker emphasizes that everyone has to make an effort to be positive, and that positive energy is a way to attract and outweigh negative people.
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Hey, guys. Omar Usman here. Today I'm sharing
3 things I learned from reading The Energy
Bus by John Gordon. This book is a
parable about approaching life and work with positive
energy. Now a lot of times that might
get seen as like this rah rah cheerleading
kind of thing but there's a lot a
lot of good lessons to be had. The
first is that you choose how to drive
your bus. Now this is an analogy.
It's you're in charge of your bus. You're
in charge of the destination, where it goes,
who you let on, who you let off.
But how you drive your bus is in
is in your control. Now, the example that
he's making here is that things are going
to happen, everybody. Stuff happens. Adversity happens. We
go through difficult times.
In order to have positive energy about going
through adversity,
you have to decide how you respond to
it. Now, we don't control the things that
happen to us sometimes but we do control
our response to them. So when adversity strikes,
we can choose to be negative. We can
choose to let it let it bog us
down or we can choose to go through
it, make an excuse to do meaningful work
and find purpose and meaning in what we
do. Sometimes, and we also have to recognize
that sometimes, adversity is what is needed to
make us change.
We can't control what happens to us, but
we can take responsibility in how we perceive
it and in changing the actions that affect
the outcomes from it. The second lesson is
that your positivity
has to be more than others' negativity.
No matter what you do, no matter what
path you're going down, the more that you
achieve, succeed, or even try to do something,
the more that you'll get negative criticism from
people. And you have to recognize that a
lot of times this criticism,
it's a way for people to mask the
fact that they're not achieving what they want
to do and so they project their own
shortcomings and weaknesses onto you. It is difficult
though sometimes to hear that constant stream of
negative feedback. So you have a choice. Do
you let these people on your bus or
do you kick them off the bus? And
in a lot of cases, you have to
find ways to shut those negative voices out
and making and keep You have to find
a way to cut those negative voices out.
Keep moving forward and make sure that you're
guided by the vision and purpose of what
you're doing. The third lesson is that energy
is everything. Energy is affected by multiple things.
Your sleep, your eating habits, the things that
you read, the things that you listen to,
the people that you're around.
One thing that John talks about in the
book are energy vampires. These are negative people
that suck the energy out of you. They're
people that when you walk into a room,
you can feel the toxicity. You don't wanna
be around them. You just wanna get out.
You don't feel like working. You lose your
You have to make sure, first of all,
that you're not the type you're not a
vampire that's sucking the energy out of other
people but you've also got to make sure
that you don't let them do the same
thing to you. Being positive requires a certain
amount of intentionality.
See, if we let things go by default
and we don't make any effort,
negativity fills that void by default. So in
order to make sure that we don't let
that negativity overcome us, we have to make
sure that when negative things happen or we're
around negative people, that we're proactively
making an effort to make sure that we
take a positive stance instead. That doesn't mean
that negative things won't happen but it's the
lens by which we approach it and how
we respond to it.
And when you become the type of person
that's able to respond to situations in that
manner, someone that their default is positive energy.
Not that they're constantly 100% happy all the
time, but that their default is positivity,
that they outweigh the negativity of others. When
you're able to do that, you attract other
people like that to you and you surround
yourself with high achieving, positive people and that
leads to more success. Hope you enjoyed the
video. Make sure you check out the show
notes for a link to get the book
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