Omar Suleiman – Those Who Are Deprived On Laylatul Qadr
![Omar Suleiman](
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The upcoming month has a single night and is recognized as the forgiveness of the creator. The search for forgiveness is emphasized, and the importance of not missing a night is emphasized. The speaker discusses the pride of men and women in their culture and the importance of sending peace and blessings to those who receive it. The speaker emphasizes the need for forgiveness and educating people on the importance of their appearance. The importance of avoiding negative behavior and finding one's own success is also emphasized.
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In his blessed path until the day of
judgment. Allahumma'amin.
Dear brothers and sisters, we begin today by
saying, Allahumma balayna laylatul Qadr. Oh, Allah, allow
us to
arrive, to witness, to observe,
to honor the night of power, laylatulqadr.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to
catch it. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala not
make us amongst those who are deprived on
its day. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
us amongst those who are forgiven entirely for
their sins. Allahumma ameen. And I actually wanted
to go back to a narration
the Anas ibn Malik radiAllahu ta'ala An who
narrates from our Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
at the very beginning of Ramadan. And I
want you to imagine the prophet, salallahu alayhi
wasalam, ascending the pulpit
on the very first night of Ramadan,
the pulpit
to give a declaration
at the very beginning of this month of
Ramadan. So put yourself in Madinah,
and the prophet
is going to announce
what is most important about this month
and he stands up sallallahu alaihi wasallam
and he says
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam stands up
on the very first night of Ramadan or
on the first day of Ramadan, meaning in
its very beginning.
And he says, sallallahu
alaihi wasallam,
that this month
has come upon you,
that this month has come upon you.
And in this month,
there is a single night
that is better than a 1000 months.
And whoever is deprived
of its goodness
has been deprived of all goodness, and no
one is deprived
except for one who is indeed deprived, mahrum.
There's so much to unpack from this hadith,
but to start off with the very idea
that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam as
he introduced introduces
he chose thing to focus on in this
As if he's telling you, salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, in the very beginning of Ramadan,
the hunt is on.
You have to be looking for that night.
And everything about this month is about finding
the forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And
there is no night in this month in
which more people are forgiven than this night.
And every single thing about this month is
about barakah, is about blessing and finding moments
of increase,
and there is no night of increase like
this night in this month.
Do not miss out on this month, and
don't miss out on this night.
There's so much to unpack here.
Number 1,
the fact that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam is telling you that the whole month
is indeed
surrounding 1 night.
And so if a person feels as they
look back on the 1st 20 days and
say, I don't feel like I did my
best, the prize of the month is still
ahead of you.
As Jabeel alaihi sallam would speak to the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam when
the prophet
did not know if laylatul Qadr
had been achieved yet, that which you seek
is still ahead. And so that which you
seek is still ahead. No matter what happened
in the first 2 thirds of the month,
that which you seek
is still ahead, which is the forgiveness of
your Lord and that powerful night, the night
of decree.
The second thing, dear brothers and sisters, that
we unpack from it
is how the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
looked at the one who is deprived on
that night.
How much
do you have to miss out on
to miss out on that night? What a
you have to be in to miss out
on that night. But here's the thing.
If you read that hadith
at surface level,
then you can take the notion of deprivation
in all sorts of directions.
And so I actually wanna spend a little
bit of time with this. What does it
mean to be mahrum?
What does it mean to be deprived on
that night? What counts as being deprived?
Because remember
that the Prophet, salallahu alaihi wasallam, said,
No one of you should die except that
they have a good opinion of Allah.
You're supposed to think well of Allah. In
fact, the du'a, the supplication that you are
repeating throughout the night of Laylatul Qadr is
an expression of as
an expression of a good opinion of God.
So it's it's really interesting because the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is saying that the
best deed you can die with is a
good opinion of Allah.
And the dua that you make, the supplication
that you make on that night
is an expression of a good opinion of
Allah, which is what?
Oh Allah,
you are the forgiving one. You
love to forgive.
So forgive me.
How beautiful is that? The best deed, the
best du'a, the best night.
Oh Allah, you are the forgiver.
You love to forgive. That's an expression of
A good opinion of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
I expect good from my Lord. So don't
come into these last 10 nights thinking that
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is setting you up
for failure.
No. The fact that you're here, the fact
that you have these 10, the fact that
you have the intention
to try to catch laylatulqadr
is a sign of good things if you
respond in a good way.
So who is the one that is mahram?
Who is the one that's forbidden?
And the scholars say, if you plug this
hadith Many of the scholars of hadith said,
if you plug this hadith into the hadith
of Abu Huraira radiAllahu anhu
where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam once
again ascends the member.
And the member of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam had its 2 steps to the
And so every step that he took, he
I told you to imagine the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam in the very beginning of
the month giving
this bushrah, this glad tidings,
that if you catch this night, it is
better than a 1000 months. Here, the prophet
is ascending the pulpit, Amin, Amin, Amin.
And what was the context? He said, Jibreel,
alayhis salam, the angel Gabriel,
the one who comes down on the night
of power with all of the angels
to come and record the worship and the
forgiveness of the servants.
Jibril came upon me,
and he made du'a against,
he supplicated against, khaba wakasr.
Multiple narrations here. He is distant from God
and entered into jahannam.
And he said 3 things. The very first
who Ramadan
comes upon,
and he is not forgiven.
Many of the scholars said, if you take
this hadith of laylatulqadr,
the very first one,
and plug it into this one,
then the explanation of that would be a
person who
was present in Ramadan
and present with Laylatul Qadr, present with that
night that the prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam
and is deprived, I. E. Not forgiven.
Is deprived, mahroom,
meaning they are not forgiven.
So Jibreel alayhis salaam
is one who is honored by that night
and who honors us by the permission of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala on that night.
And is saying, what a failure,
what a deprived person
who has Ramadan enter upon them and leave
without being forgiven.
Now, mention the other two things because it'll
help you put into context what a mahram
person is,
what a deprived person looks like.
The second thing he mentioned,
the one who you are mentioned in the
presence of
and they don't send salawat upon you.
They don't send peace and blessings upon the
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
It has 2 things that are embedded in
Number 1, and I'm going to say, by
the way,
it is shameful.
It's truly shameful
to hear someone whose mother tongue is even
Arabic. And the first time they mentioned Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, they say, and Nabi
Muhammad, oh, Muhammad, and they don't say
the first time.
The prophet mentioned a stinginess.
What type of stinginess is that?
You love the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
The man was the vehicle by which you
have revelation,
the purpose of life, and you hear His
name and you don't say sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam. You say His name like you say
the name of a brother, you say the
name of a friend or someone in the
street or someone that you're reading in the
history books. It's shameful.
What a stingy person. What an ungrateful person
who hears the name of the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam and does not invoke Allah's peace
and blessings upon him. That's our adab, our
manners with the prophets.
The vehicles
of Allah's mercy to us and this man,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, you wanna be from
the ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam?
What a bakheel
person, what a stingy human being
who finds it okay to just throw his
name around. And again, someone even whose mother
tongue is Arabic, it's one of the weirdest
things in the world. I actually had a
convert pointed out to me the very first
time. He was shocked. He's like, this person
speaks Arabic as as his native tongue, and
he's saying Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam without
saying sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. What's going on
here? Why? Because you just reduce him.
So that means you're stingy and ungrateful,
and you're missing out
on a simple deed
Because sending salawat on the prophet salawat alaihi
wa sallam is such a means of elevation.
Why would you miss out on something so
easy for yourself?
So at least the first time in your
when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is brought
up, you send salawat on him sallallahu alaihi
wasallam. Afterwards, it's voluntary and if you increase,
it's good for you. And the 3rd person
was who? The one whose parents reach old
in their presence, and they don't honor them.
It's one thing
when a child doesn't understand the father of
the parents,
the virtue of the parents over them. It's
another thing when you get older and you
see your parents age. And the prophet mentioned
either one of your parents or both of
your parents. But it's another thing when your
parents are elderly, and you still have the
same behavior towards them, and you're not doing
the bare minimum of al Birun,
honoring them, honoring their position upon you makes
you stingy and ungrateful, like you're trying to
miss out. Allah has put such a presence
of reward in front of you. You're trying
to miss out.
Let's connect this back to who is the
Who is the person who's deprived on naylutulqadr?
Because these are characteristics of a deprived person,
of a.
Is the one who is mahrum the one
who sleeps a few extra hours on Laylatul
Qadr because,
you know, they have work the next day
or they got really tired, they intended to
come to the masjid at 3 AM, but
they ended up sleeping until 3:45, does that
person wake up and say, I'm Mahram and
cry and say that I did not catch
Laylatul Qadr?
Is Mahroom the sister that can't pray the
night of Laylatul Qadr because of circumstances out
of her control?
Is the mahrum the person
who has
a health issue or has a sickness
to where they just can't stand up during
the night and pray? Is the mahrum a
person who doesn't read too much Quran on
that night? Is the mahrum a person who
doesn't make enough dua on that night?
None of those things are true.
First of all,
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that if
a person intends a good deed, but they
are withheld from it because of sickness or
travel, meaning a circumstance out of their control,
then Allah records for them that act of
worship as if they would have done it
That's a good opinion of Allah.
Because Allah loves to reward and Allah loves
to forgive.
So you put that away. If Allah
forbid you from one form of good on
that night, He's recorded it for you, insha
Allah Ta'ala. Exert yourself in the other forms
of good.
The mahrum
is a person who is absolutely
and the scholars say 2 things make a
person mahram.
Number 1, not establishing
the obligations
of that time.
And that's why I said, Sayyid Musayib said,
whoever prays Isha and Jamaa, just pray Isha.
At least start there. Pray Isha and Fajr.
Right? Whoever fails the obligations of that night,
and 2, whoever sins on that night. You
might be thinking, I'm not going to be
sinning on Laylatul Qadr. But what a person
you would be
to fight with a security guard, fight with
1 of the masjid volunteers, or fight with
the musali as you're walking in, or start
you know, see someone out in the parking
lot at 4 AM after you finished your
night of prayer, and then you're talking to
that person and you say, hey. You heard
about that person, and throw a a a
slight comment towards them. What a person you
would be
to and I don't know. I hope no
one in in this masjid would do this
to be on social media,
backbiting someone or looking around, you know, with
the sins of the eyes during that night
of Laylatul Qadr. What a person you would
be. What a deprived person. So deprivation
is not doing the bare minimum
and sinning.
Meaning what?
That means that if you are just present,
and you just fulfill the obligations, the bare
and you don't commit sins intentionally,
insha Allah ta'ala, you caught laylatulqadr.
That's a good opinion of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala. So don't, you know, sit there and
be depressed at the end of the night
and say, you know, I don't think I
caught Laylatul Qadr and I'm Nahrung. No.
And there are multiple narrations to this I
can't get into for the sake of time.
But here's the second part of that.
The second part of that
is that some of the scholars mention that
catching Laylatul Qadr means simply not being,
not being deprived on that night,
and it's it's better than a 1000 months.
But they said on top of that,
every deed that you do is multiplied accordingly.
So this is where Al Mazid minata'a comes
in, to increase in the good deeds.
Every dhikr
is multiplied as if you're doing it a
1000 months. Every prayer,
every dua is as if you're doing it
a 1000 months.
How beautiful and powerful is that?
And so you got that bare minimum entrance?
Have a good opinion of Allah Subhanahu Wa
And say that dua and mean it. I
have a good opinion of you, O Allah,
that if I reach these last 10 nights
and I
am present and I'm not negligent, inshaAllah ta'ala,
I'm written amongst those who got laylatul Qadr,
I don't wanna just get laylatulqadr.
I don't want just one lifetime of good
I want more and more and more and
more. It's like the scholars when they mentioned
Hajj, the logic of
hajj. The hajj has the acceptance, but still
every letter that you read or the umrah
that you go to, every letter of Quran
that you read, the tears that you shed,
the duas that you make, that's on top
of that.
And so truly come into these 10 nights,
Oh Allah, You are forgiving, you are generous,
you love to forgive, so forgive me. May
Allah not make us amongst the deprived. May
Allah not make us amongst the negligent. May
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to be
amongst those who are fully forgiven on that
night and forbidden from the fire.