Omar Suleiman – The Hardest Ramadans In History

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The historical significance of the upcoming month of Channel Fire, which is the month of forgiveness and mercy, and the upcoming month of the year, which is the month of forgiveness and mercy, are discussed. The loss of the Prophet sallal Ali Khadija and the devastation of their community, as well as the loss of their partner Cuzzi VALIC and their partner Lacan due to storm storm, are also highlighted. The importance of understanding the afterlife and living in a spiritual rank is emphasized. The transcript describes the history of Islam in various countries, including the initial battles between different religion groups and the arrival of Islam in many countries. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying at night to receive the ultimate victory and the return of the hero's army in Jerusalem.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm going to say to you Mr. Heyman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen whatever Guan Illa Allah Vitamina will aquiver to limit your pain Allahumma salli wa sallam radical radical Asuka Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was looking to sell them to Seaman cathedra. I want to welcome you all to the final session before we start the month of Ramadan, I ask Allah subhana wa to allow us to meet the month of Ramadan, the month of forgiveness and mercy with open hearts and with acceptance and ask Allah subhanaw taala that it also be a month of relief for our brothers and sisters in Gaza and all over the world. Allahumma Amin. So I wanted to do something special tonight, to depart a bit from

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the typical weekly class that we do on the biographies of the companions of the first. And I wanted to address the historical background of Ramadan as it relates to some of the most historical triumphs and trials that our community has ever faced that the OMA has ever faced. So basically studying the famous incidents that took place in this month of Ramadan as they pertain to great victory, and to great loss. And I think that one of the reasons why this becomes so important to us is that obviously, with Reza happening in the background, there is a depressed mood within the community, a sense of despair, that is overtaking money. And it's hard to contextualize all of that

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in the history of our Oma. And I think in Charlottesville tonight will be a great help as we go through some of those incidents. So I actually took about 10 or 12 incidents, I don't intend to take more than 3540 minutes in sha Allah to Allah, just doing an overview of what Ramadan has looked like throughout Islamic history, particularly than the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it's a month that is distinguished, obviously by its worship, it's a month that's distinguished by our sense of discipline, and it's also a month that is distinguished by victory. And so some of the greatest triumphs in Islamic history have, in fact, come during this particular month of

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Ramadan. And so I want to start off with the following. There is the month of Ramadan as it relates to personal trial and tribulation, and there's the month of Ramadan as it relates to community victory. And so those two things are important to distinguish from one another. This is a month in which we see many of the most difficult days of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at a personal level, but it's also a month in which we see some of our greatest moments and greatest moments of hope, particularly in his era sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I also want to make one other, I think distinguishing fact, there is a difference between Ramadan before fasting was legislated.

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And Ramadan prior to that. Now Allah has made it as such that blessed days coincide with blessing incidents, and important and significant moments in our history, even before those days are honored by acts of worship. So for example, the first 10 days of the hedger right there also known as the 10 days of Moses, the 10 days of Musa alayhis salam, when he went up to speak to Allah subhanaw taala and he received the commandments. So those 10 days coincide with the 10 days of the hedgerow coincide with the days of Ibrahim, coincide with the days of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so they coincide naturally by the Divine scheme likewise, when it comes to the revelation

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of the books, the prophets of Allah when he was so I'm talking about the descent of the Torah, the descent of the Gospels, the descent of the Psalms, there's a war all in the month of Ramadan coinciding with the month of Ramadan even if people did not know them to be descending in the month of Ramadan. And so many things happened before the legislation of fasting the month of Ramadan when did the legislation of fasting of Ramadan come what year was it? Who can tell me

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that voting exhausts you all that much like our you're also tired? It's a quick line today. Why is everyone look so exhausted? What year was it legislated?

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The second year after Hitler, the second year after hijra, Cuzzi VALIC mausoleum, fasting was prescribed upon you, however, before fasting is prescribed in the month of Ramadan. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam obviously received revelation in the month of Ramadan, in which he went to his wife Khadija or the Allahu taala. And she grasped him Salallahu Alaihe Salam she embraced him as he was, you know, shook by the experience of receiving revelation. But it's also the month that the Prophet salallahu Salam very Cathedral, the Allahu Tirana, so So deja passed away, or the Allahu anhu, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, on the 10th day of Ramadan before the

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legislation of fasting in Ramadan. And this is, of course, one of the most difficult moments of life of the prophets like some, if not his most difficult moment when he goes into the grave to receive the body of Khadija or the Allahu Taala and his emotional support his loving

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wife who stood by him every step of the way in the face of that persecution and then his uncle Abu Talib within days passes away, also in the month of Ramadan.

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And the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam has to deal with the heartbreak of everything that surrounded the death of Abu Talib and Obatala being the physical protection of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no longer there to protect him from his enemies. And of course, that was the year of grief. I'm in prison, where the prophets lie Selim was also humiliated and persecuted and beaten by the people of love. So this took place, the personal losses took place in the month of Ramadan. And these were the most devastating losses in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But of course, with those devastating losses, comes a realization of a new spiritual rank.

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And that is, in fact, how we view Divine Decree, how we view caught up in Islam, that with the most difficult test, comes the most exemplary patience and with the most exemplary patience comes the greatest reward. And so by saying that these were the moments that the Prophet slice and I'm had his most difficult tests, you're also saying that these were the moments in which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam realized his greatest rewards in this blessed month of Ramadan. It's also the month in which for example, on a personal level again, and of course, this has a community element as well. I don't even know how we thought about all the Allahu Tada and who was murdered, murdered on the 17th

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day of Ramadan 40 years after Hijra and Kufa may Allah be pleased with him. I mean, many tragic right he prayed a lot to the budget and he was killed by the Hello outage on that day of Ramadan. But again, if you were to ask it, it'll the Allahu Taala and haw about being murdered on a day of Ramadan after Salat al Fajr then that is a realization of a different spiritual rank for him as well. And that is the the hope and the optimism of the believer, as they combine tragedy with understanding of the afterlife, right and those two things go together. Now when we move into the actual post Ramadan, victories and battles and triumphs, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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receives the command two years after Hijra cootie Valley mausoleum came out kuchibhotla denim and public company Allah contracts upon fasting has been prescribed upon you as it was prescribed on those who came before you so that you may become God conscious. So the command to fast is in the month of Ramadan shuffle Ramadan. And it was also in the second year after Hijra that Allah reveals cootie Valley como que tal Wahoo occurred when Lacan that fighting has been prescribed upon you even though you hate to fight, you have resisted fighting back, the people of Mecca who have persecuted you. But now you have been given permission to fight back against those who have driven you out of

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your homes who have murdered your relatives who have wreaked havoc on your community for over a decade. Now you have the permission to fight back. So when is the first year that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the companions have to experience Ramadan? Or what are the circumstances of the very first Ramadan in which you have slam, it's actually the Battle of better

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the Battle of bed that it takes place, right, with the revelation of the fasting of Ramadan. And of course, if you were to think about the circumstances of the Battle of Beda, the Muslims are caught off guard in the sense that they were not expecting a full out battle. They were trying to retrieve what was stolen from them from the stolen from from the caravans of Abu Sufyan what was taken away from them. And so these were small battalions that were trying to retrieve some of the stolen goods from almost Soufiane. And of course, the Americans instead waged an all out battle. And they prepare a well fortified, armored, you know, group to fight the Muslims to confront the Muslims in the

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Battle of better 1000 of them with their full, you know, Army gear against Muslims who didn't have armor who didn't have horses who didn't have the proper weapons to defend themselves and this is turning up, or this is looking like it's going to be a massacre. And the prophets lie some does what on this precious night of Ramadan. Now, if you think about it, it's the 17th of Ramadan, the 16th day of Ramadan, the 17th night of Ramadan, the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him spends the entire night in prayer, asking Allah to support him and to give him victory. And on that day, the first Ramadan that they are in a state of observing the month of Ramadan on that day, Allah sends

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to fight alongside the believers against the Makins and I want you to think about the descent of the angels in Ramadan how much we talk about the angels descending upon the gatherings of Ramadan, imagine the angels descending on the believers

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In their first Ramadan, when they are properly observing the month of Ramadan, imagine how much of a communication there is between the heavens and the earth, and particularly that blessing group of people. And so there's something uniquely tied to the then descent of the angels where the believers can actually see them and perceive them by their sides in that month of Ramadan, during the Battle of Bethel, and that was the difference between bedded and offered, by the way, is that the battle of bed, there was a moment in which the believers were unprepared and all the odds were stacked against them. And they felt particularly the presence of them erotica, the presence of the angels. And so I

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want you to think about what that does in terms of the connection to the month of Ramadan,

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then you fast forward. And so the Battle of better is known as Yeoman for con the day of the criteria, the day that separated truth from falsehood. It was the day that Allah made things clear. And it was the day that all of those the pharaoh of this ummah, for the owner of this Abuja, and all of those that had tortured and tormented, the Muslims for over a decade, had finally been defeated. Right. And there is a sense of, there's a sense of divine protection, and a psychology of the Muslims that has shaped from that first Ramadan, and from that first great victory that comes in the month of Ramadan during the Battle of Bedouin, right, that they understand, truly, in Tunsil, Allah

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here on soracom, where you submit academically, so long as you support the cause of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will support you and he will make firm your feet. And so I want you to think about if other than better were switched, what that would have done to the psychology of the muscles, right? But better is how they start off and better becomes the default that so long as you abide by this way, so long as you remain committed, that there will be divine protection and divine victory that will be unlocked for you. And so this sets the tone of Ramadan and better go hand in hand. Fast forward to the year, three years after Hinduism. And the battle of Earth happens. I want you to

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think about this. Because when I said this yesterday, people were kind of like what do you mean by that every Ramadan was different for the Muslims. It was never ordinary, if that makes sense. It was in the last days of Ramadan, that the Muslims got word that the Makins, we're coming from Mecca,

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to basically finish off the job, and to carry out an act of vengeance for the battle of better. And so imagine, you're in your first Asha, Alaska, your first last 10 nights in the middle of the Prophet slice, and then everything is going smooth. And then the word comes to you that the Mexicans have now galvanized an army of over 3000. And they are coming with the intention to drink wine over your corpses to mutilate your bodies and to shout a day for a day that we've come back to kill you, because of the defeat of better. And when did the battle take place? It took place just a few days after eat

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just a few days after eat and so the march from Mecca, happened during the month of Ramadan. The Muslims in Medina understand that there is this force that is about to come in to attack them in the next month in the coming month of Shawwal. And one thing that that that I'm just thinking about, you know, isn't it something that the shahada offered, the murders of their last month of their lives was Ramadan?

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You know, you think about it in a different way, right comes out of the low, I'm homeless, I've got all the low. I'm loving the jacks, I'm the loving haram, those incredible human beings. Imagine what the state of their faithless on that day of effort. And these are the things that we can never know, because they're not recorded in the books. But don't you think that some of the stories of courage rushing to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because there is a calculation that you have to make in the battlefield? When when Khalid comes from around and he starts to run over the Muslims from the other side, a lot of good people fled the battlefield that day. Because it was a difficult

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moment, and you had to make a choice. You have to ask yourself, and we will never know that split second where you have to make a decision. Don't you think that some of that perhaps could have been generated for some of those people in the month of Ramadan, where they were developing a deeper connection to Allah subhanaw taala. And they were already an incredible generation of people. So imagine the state of their Eman the state of their faith, and how that plays out in the Battle of AFIT. Five years after his little, I'm just talking about Sierra now. So we did two years, three years and now five years after Hyjal.

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They come to know once again that the Mexicans are now planning a genocide in the true sense of the word

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has developed the largest army in the history of the Arabs to plot on the Muslims in Medina and to surround them from all directions and to finish them once and for all. And the Muslims did what to protect themselves? I'm just testing you all because it's an easy question. No, they did. They built a trench. They literally built 100 Duck, a trench around, and Madina Munawwara to protect themselves from this genocide. Right now, the actual siege of Medina started five days after eat.

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But the construction, the building of the trench, where everyone basically has to get and this was a tactic that was taken from the Persian Salaam and Pharisee said man will the Allahu Anhu of the Persian convert, says when the Romans used to attack us, we would build the trench to slow down the Calvary. So can you imagine now in the last days of Ramadan, this is only their their fourth Ramadan, they've already had bedded experience and now hunt up. They were in the trench digging away, and they had to work fast, so that they could protect themselves from the onslaught of the people of Mecca.

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And in those moments, you have the words Hola, hola, Aisha Illa, ancient Africa, Oh Allah, there is no life except for the life of the hereafter love for live on side with muhajir. So forgive and have mercy upon the unsought and the Maharaja of the people of Medina and the people of Mecca. There is a moment here that these people were in the highest state of their Eman, the highest state of their faith.

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And were connected more to the hereafter in those moments than they were connected at any other time of the year. And the siege actually starts the Meccans actually arrived. And of course you have the you know, those from within as well that are plotting the Meccans actually arrive on the fifth or sixth day of show up and the siege lasted for about a month and it ended in the corridor, the fifth year after Hijra. Now here's where it gets really interesting. Subhanallah so the only battle that was actually fought in Ramadan was which battle

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better, right?

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The next historic moment so if you were to take, you know, the prophetic biography, and situate, from the time of the migration of the prophets lie, some fleeing Mecca, right the Hijra where he's literally flamed up if you were to take the the history of the Muslims in Medina, from start to finish the second half of the Sierra, you have two momentous occasions that sort of define the start and the finish. It is better. And it is fair to hamaca It's the opening of Mecca. Na Subhan Allah, the opening of Mecca coming back to Mecca after the Meccans broke the Treaty of phobia

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and coming back victorious with the same people that have murdered your relatives at your mercy. And the prophets Allah Allah hasten the marches into Mecca now with a much larger army. And the expectation is that Mecca is going to be a bloodbath, because that is what they did to the Muslims. Right? And so they're expecting the Prophet saw some to come back and to exact revenge upon them. The Prophet sallallahu escena marches into Mecca on what day? Does anyone know

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the 23rd day of Ramadan?

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23rd day of Ramadan so better and FATF Mecca both happen in Ramadan and now you understand why the Muslims used to call this the month of victory. The prophets like some enters in on the 23rd day of Ramadan and the prophets lie some puts his nose to the back of his animal and he says there is no blame upon you today I will say to you what my brother Joseph said, May Allah forgive you y'all fit Hola Hola, como not to three Valley communium There is no blame upon you today. May Allah forgive you and the prophets lysozyme gives amnesty to the people of Mecca. And this act of mercy and this act of forgiveness. In the greatest triumph of the prophets lie Selim wins the hearts of 1000s of

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people including some of the staunchest enemies of the prophets why some who actually had many victims much blood on their hands, who now came to the Prophet slice I'm in tears and then repentance like economical, the Allahu anhu, who we talked about last week, right, this single act of kindness. Now Subhanallah this moment,

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required something different from the Muslims require different something different from their hearts.

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It required their hearts being in a particular state, not just of a man of faith, but in a state of forgiveness, and a state of mercy. It is very hard to come back into Mecca, with the same people at your mercy who showed your relatives no mercy and who showed you no mercy. Right for someone like Bilawal the Allahu Anhu when he was a slave in Mecca that was being dragged through the streets. He's looking at his

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former slave owners, some of them that survived and people that beat him and lashed him and starved him in the streets of Mecca treated him like less than an animal.

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This moment requires your hearts to be in a state of forgiveness your hearts to be in a particular state of mercy. And Allah subhanaw taala decreed that this would be the month in that particular year, the eighth after hijra, in which he would give victory to the prophets license. I love the last 10 Nights imagine the last 10 nights of Ramadan in Morocco, right entering into mecca for the first time, once again victorious after being driven out of it, and after being humiliated the way that they were. So this is now the seed of the prophets like Selim. So you got the second year, but the eighth year after hijra, which is the conquest of Mecca, or the opening of Mecca, and it's

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called Fatah mecca for a reason, the opening of Mecca because there was no bloodshed. The prophets like some did not harm the same people that harmed him. Instead, he set the example of Rama Tyndall al Amin, a mercy to the world's a few years later,

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the year 15 after his little

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the most one of the most significant battles between the Muslims and the Persian Empire at the time, takes place known as the Battle of Al qadisiya.

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The battle of Al qadisiya is being led by Saddam Nabi Wakasa, the Allahu anhu, the uncle of the Prophet, slice alum, through his maternal line, a person who the prophets lie some held in great esteem. A man who almost died in Fatima get out of sickness and the prophets lie some major out for him supplicated for him, he survived that illness and now he is leading in the most consequential battle between the Muslims and the Persian Empire. Of course, the Persian in the Roman Empire are in constant battle with each other the Muslims, the Arabs are kind of situated in between there and getting caught up between the client kingdoms and things of that sort.

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So I don't know it will cost actually earns the nickname bottle qadisiya about the Allahu Taala and who some of the scholars wrote about Saudi Arabia will cast the start, if sad was only created for the Battle of qadisiya, his life would have been worth it. Meaning if he achieved nothing else in his life, being able to lead a battle against the mighty vicious Persian Empire at that time, the way that he did is enough of an accomplishment for Saudi Arabia will cost will be a lot of data and home. And I have to say subhanallah that this brought back memories

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of Sheikh Mohammed the city for him Allah because Sheikh Muhammad Sharif, some of you might remember his CDs. He had a CD called in the middle of the night. And it was about the discipline of the night habits of the believer. And he was attributing he was talking about the Battle of God the sea and how this was one of the reasons for victory for the Muslims, because they had such discipline with their sleep. And so they were able to outlast the Persian Empire because of their sleep habits, because of their ability to persevere through the night because they were used to praying at night, instead of sleeping at night.

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May Allah have mercy on him, I remember him talking about this. And that's actually where I took the lessons where he sort of piqued my interest. And I started to look into some of the conversations, but sad little the Allahu Taala and who had with the Muslims before the Battle of God, the SIA. So this takes place. Also in the Ramadan. 15 years after hijra, just a few years after the death of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam it's very hard to get an accurate estimate of the army. But the estimates are anywhere from 30,000 Muslims against 200 and 1000 of the Persian Empire. It was a huge discrepancy. The Persian Empire also had elephants, you know, in their army, where they would

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literally stomp their opponents and they use this tactic against the Romans. And they were they intended to use this tactic against the Muslims as well. And on the, you know, up until the third day of God, the CEA, there were about 6000 Shahada. So even though the Muslims would go on to win this battle, there were many many, many losses, many casualties about 6000 shahada

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and then Subhan Allah on later till Hadith, the third night, sad the cost of the Allahu Taala and home addresses the believers and he says to them, listen in the era to bear this era, Lehman Brothers home first rule center attend watch me Roofer In the nostril Amara sub. He said, listen, the group that's going to win this battle is the one that can stay for another hour that can commit to it for one more hour.

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You know, there's a saying as hustle and bustle Hey, Melissa Shujaaz sabrosa that courage is patience for another hour. You know, that attrition that you find the ability to stick for one more hour, and he's telling them that I need you to outlast them. Why because what they would do is up until the third day, I mean, I want you to think about this. This is in Ramadan. The battle would take place

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from federal until Maghrib, from federal until McGraw, basically sunrise to sunset. And then right at sunset, both armies would mutually basically just put down their arms and go back to their camps, like it was understood that we're not going to fight at night because they were too tired. They were too exhausted, because they would be in battle constantly for all those hours. So sad little the Allahu Anhu said, I need you to keep going after Makoto. I need you to keep on going after Mikado And subhanAllah on that third night, he kept on repeating and he had caught out on the Allah Tala and whose voice was like 1000 men to keep on yelling out in the nostril Masaba. Look, victory is

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with patients. By the way, what is fasting called? Was there no, the Saudi was salah, Allah literally calls fasting, the act of patience. victory comes through patients, so stay committed. And on that night, the army of Sagol, the Allahu taala, and who continued from Fudger until fetish.

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You understand that in Ramadan. And that was directly and you'll find historians write about that because of the sleep discipline that the Muslims had, because they would pray at nights, they went from budget to budget until victory was given to them. raw stone of Persia was killed. And this became really, you know, a historic turn of events when it came to, you know, the Muslims in the Persian Empire. Fast forward 92 after his little

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this is Ramadan, once again.

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And this is when Islam reaches Europe. So you have at this point now, the historic battles between Tata couldn't was yet Rahim Allah, the great commander, you know, from from North Africa. And you have, of course, the, the the army of Roderick, right. And the historic battle of Angeles, which, of course is today, Spain. And this is the first time that Assam will enter into Europe. Okay. And you have this battle that takes place in Roderick, who is leading an army of 90,000. Roderick is actually hated by his own people. And he's hated by, of course, some of the Jews that he used to persecute as well. And so you have the Jewish community and some of those that are also from the

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Christian communities that are persecuted by Roderick, that are actually hoping for a Muslim victory in that battle between the army of thought a tribunal, Ziad Rahim, Allah, and Roderick, of Spain, and it was an army of 12,000 versus 90,000. And Allah Subhan, Allah to Allah gives them victory on that day,

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against 90,000, you know, an army of 90,000 and against Roderick, and this becomes once again, in the month of Ramadan, a moment in which you have, you know, the golden age of Angeles, which is about 700 years then right of Islam in Spain,

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you know, up until, of course, the Spanish Inquisition, where now unfortunately, you see where the remains are of Cordoba and you know, it's illegal to even make them in some of those places. And of course, the the great repression of Muslims over there. So Islam reaches Spain, reaches Europe. In Ramadan, it reaches India, under Muhammad Qasim a toughy in the year 92, after Hitler's so literally one year after one year after in the month of Ramadan, it reaches under Muhammad nucleosome, a soft coffee in Sindh. So Islam reaches sin, by the way, of course, would be in what is now Pakistan. Pakistan is don't like to hear that Pakistan didn't exist back then. But let's just be real, right?

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So none of these nation states existed with these names, right. So don't take it offensively. But you can say that it came to Pakistan, Islam came to Pakistan, in the year 92, after Hitler, and of course, Muhammad Qasim McAfee, who by the way, was only about 17 years old. When these victories were when he was able to attain these victories,

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you know, is able to attain victory in sin, and then also in Punjab

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being his last victory. So that also happens in Ramadan. So between the year 92 and 93, I'm sorry, 92 and 93. Islam reaches Europe and Ramadan, and then it reaches the area of India. And Ramadan. Of course, before then, as we know, most of those Islam did not force people to convert, right. And so Islam reached, of course, multiple places in the world through trade through merchants, the largest Muslim country in the world is what you all should know this, Indonesia, right. And there was never a conquest of Indonesia and Iraq. Though the Persian Empire was defeated. The Muslims did not force the people to convert to Islam, and so they were able to practice their religion and Islam remained

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actually the minority religion there. But we're talking about again, Ramadan as a month of great victories. And of course, we come to a victory that is especially relevant to our day.

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and that is on the 27th night of the year 584 After higit on Ramadan, the 27th night, Salah Deena you will be Rahim Allah, the great commander who is even revered by non Muslim sources for the way he responded to the brutality of the Crusaders chivalry and his allowing for safe passage of the Crusaders who wants to enter into Jerusalem in the same spirit that the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam entered into Mecca, he wants to come back and he wants to set a tone

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and the Battle of how clean the famous battle of Halloween takes place on the 27th nights of Ramadan.

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Subhan Allah that night, and so often Dean was able to beat the Crusaders back out of Syria, and many places that were surrounding Palestine before but that night in particular Hedlin, which is about Northern, you know, it's about eight miles north. So we're talking about Northern Philistine at this point. Salahuddin does something very famous. He goes and he checks on the tents of his troops the night before. And what did he want to make sure it was happening before he initiated a battle against the Crusaders which would lead the way to opening Jerusalem once again after almost a century of no event, Mazel Opsahl was destroyed. Fact any Christian denomination, right, all the

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Eastern Christian denominations, they were burned in their churches. The Jews were massacred. Muslims were massacred. So Dean is going to engage now in the most important battle when it comes to retaking Jerusalem. What does he do the night before

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he goes through his tents. And he makes sure that they're all up in there praying at nights. It says Now we're ready.

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Right. So to him to understand the mind of Salahuddin the heart of Salahuddin where he believes victory comes from to Salahuddin walking around and seeing everyone up and praying at night on the 27th night of Ramadan. Now we're going to win no matter what and indeed, Salahuddin would win that night. And this would open after the Battle of hit clean the doors to Jerusalem. And when Salahuddin enters into Jerusalem, also in Ramadan is upon allah sallallahu Adeem says, I'm going to say to you because the Crusaders were expecting once again, that the women would be treated the way that the Muslim women were treated, that there would be great brutality, great revenge, that there would be,

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you know, just a display of, you know, beheadings that would take place by Salahuddin, the safe passage would not be granted, he enters in and he says, I'm going to say the same words, that the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said when he entered into Mecca, and he quoted, of course, use of it his Salam, the Prophet Joseph, latter three, but aluminium, there is no blame upon you. And he gives them safe passage, and he negotiates the release of the final, the final spans of Jerusalem of input setting, again, a legacy, right, a legacy of what Islam actually looks like. And this was the 27th night of Ramadan. By the way, I want to say that some scholars say that when we

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talk about the coinciding of dates, that because of the power of that forgiveness, that moment of victory from Selaginella up, that it may be that even used to find Islam, that Joseph when he met his brothers that that took place in Ramadan as well. Because the heart being in that state of forgiveness, in that moment of triumph over those that oppressed you requires a very special type of mercy to be dissenting and to be emanating from the heart. And so some of the scars of Tafseer say that it may be that use of it his salaam, saw his brothers in what would coincide to Ramadan the same way that Musa Islam was called up to Allah and what would coincide with the first 10 days of

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the hija you go on. We're now in the year 1260. Gregorian 658 After hijra, it is once again the 27th night of Ramadan. Once again the 27th night of Ramadan.

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The greatest destruction that was visited upon the Muslim world was actually not at the hands of the Crusaders. It was at the hands of who?

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The Mongols right, the Mongols destroyed most of the Muslim world

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and murdered so many that the history books cannot even agree upon how many millions were massacred by the Mongols.

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They literally piled up stacks of skulls.

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They threw all of the books or many of the books of Islamic history and that's how you read about books that are written that don't exist with us anymore. They took some of our classical books, some of the greatest books in Islamic history, and they threw them all into the Euphrates. Right

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They're even accounts of the ink changing the color of the Euphrates, so they destroyed. You know, one of the things that you see in Gaza when they talk about cultural genocide, there's a reason why Israel is bombing hospitals, and they're also bombing universities, right and particularly leveling anything where there's any type of cultural history also, by the way, Christianity is third oldest church. But of course, Christian Zionist, don't want you to know that here in the United States that there was a church and because it's one of the oldest churches in the world, and it was bombed as well. They talked about cultural genocide and removing any remnants of the people. The Mongols tried

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to do that to the Muslim world. They tried to make sure that the world did not just forget that Muslims existed, but gayness Khan wanted to eliminate Islam as well altogether. So we're going to destroy the history of the Muslim world, Baghdad was considered the greatest city in the world. So we're going to destroy about that we're going to destroy the legacy and a sham in Damascus, the great legacy of the Muslims in Egypt, the great legacy of the Muslim spanning throughout Africa. So the Mongols are spreading so quickly in their destruction.

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That many scholars of that time did not think they were actual, just normal human beings, who did they think they were? They thought they were judging my Jewish.

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Many people at that time thought this must be Jewish and Jewish. Because the pace that they were going through the Muslim world and the brutality that they were showing, was so rapid, that it felt like it was superhuman. It felt like it must be the last day is very few people. And this is why it's important for us to think about this, by the way. We are literally like a whole almost 1000 years later.

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And we're still here. And Islam has grown and Muslims have grown and Alhamdulillah we have a great history after that as well. But if you lived in that time you thought it was over. And so they basically wiped out the entire Muslim world until they reached to Egypt. So everywhere from Mongolia to Egypt, as they say it was just a path of destruction. And when they get to the gates of Egypt, if they enter into Egypt, then Palestine has gone and a jazz is gone as well. So their thought is to also reach Mecca and Medina and to wipe out the entire holy sites of the Muslim world as well. And if you're a Muslim that's living at that time, in that area, you know that there's nothing that's

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going to be spared by these people if they enter it.

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What happens the 27th night of Ramadan as well, the year 658 After Hijra is the battle of Angel loot.

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Literally named after Goliath, which is incredible, right? Because you have the Muslims who represent David that day against a Goliath like army. And it was a small group of the Mamelukes that were able to achieve victory over the Mongols their first defeat on the 27th night of Ramadan, it was an impossible defeat

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completely out of nowhere. And the Mongols themselves were so shocked that they started to now have conversations amongst themselves about whether the Muslims were divinely supported. And so the Muslims are wondering if the Mongols are a divine sign of the Day of Judgment. Yeah, Julian met George but now that the Mamelukes when an angel loot.

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They're starting to talk amongst themselves about the about the divine protection and the divine victory and support that these people must be getting. As they're fighting back. The Mongols are beat back into their territories and then slowly, slowly, Islam conquers the Mongols in a different way. So by the way, there's a second battle that's talked about lesson history. The second time that the Mongols were defeated by the Muslims was also in Ramadan, in the year 702, after hijra, the Battle of Shut up so the Muslims defeated the Mongols twice in terms of battle, both in Ramadan, and the most consequential one was on the 27th night of Ramadan. The Muslims conquered the Mongols in a

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different way. How do they conquer the Mongols? What starts happening?

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The only time in history where the colonizer the Conqueror embraces the religion of the conquered and the colonized. And so slowly, you start to have the Mongols themselves embrace Islam

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at the level of conquering, and Allah Subhana Allah causes that conquest to happen in an entirely different way. This is just a span of 10 battles, from the start to the finish, in which Allah subhanaw taala gave the believers a turning point in the month of Ramadan.

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And I want you to understand that you have to tie these things together, that when Allah Subhana Allah Allah mentions blessings descending upon this ummah, while the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is amongst us and also a homeostatic fiddle while we are an ummah that are seeking forgiveness

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And so the adab does not descend upon us collectively when the prophets lie some is amongst us. And when we are in a state of is the Fatah state of seeking forgiveness, and there is no time in the entire year in which this ummah is engaged in is too far and engaged in seeking forgiveness, engaged in prayer, engaged in reading, and engaged in charity, engaged in community engaged in all that is good like the month of Ramadan. Therefore this is a month in which the mercy descends upon this ummah, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala has shown us time and time again, that the most impossible becomes possible through that sincere supplication. And so I want to leave you with this in sha

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Allah to Anna, which is that as this month comes upon us, and we are facing the sadness that we face when we see what is happening with our brothers and sisters, the starvation, the slaughter, the genocide, the sanctioning of that genocide from our own governments, and in fact complicity in it at every single level. I want you to realize the power and the potency of your DUA, the power and the potency of your prayer, that you actually have a role to play. And that the spiritual connection that you hope to cultivate in this month is indeed a means for greatness coming to the entirety of this Dean, whether it is Spain, or whether it is India or whether it is a loquats Jerusalem, may

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Allah subhanaw taala liberate it and may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to pray in an upside. While it is freed from occupation, Allah I mean,

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this is a time for us to exhibit that type of behavior and that type of orientation towards the loss of Hannah Montana. So we pray that this month of Ramadan that is coming upon us will be a month of victory, will be a month of ease will be a month of mercy for all of those that are suffering all of those that are oppressed, specially our brothers and sisters in Gaza. And may Allah subhanaw taala allow our hearts to be open to that potential by recognizing the blessing of Tuukka the blessing of trusting and Allah subhanaw taala in every way Allahumma Amin monoclonal ficam are Salam wa Sonnenburg and Avena Mohammed Ryder Eddie he was such a big Marine. We will resume the first

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inshallah to Anna after Ramadan. I pray that Allah parents are granted some blessing from Allah Allah. I mean, I'll take questions on a personal level and Chatelet vertical afek Masonic Council

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