Omar Suleiman – Reflections from Mutah to Muadh & Abu Ubaydah – ra

Omar Suleiman
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The speaker describes a video of a group of people traveling to a grave site in Jordan, and mentions a brief brief interaction with a character from the video. They also discuss a film they are preparing to film and mention a reference to a Prophet's use of ropes to make trips.

AI: Summary ©

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			As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
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			So we just finished from Muqtah.
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			And we're on our way now to the
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			other side of Jordan to actually try to
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			reach the grave sites of Abu Ubaidah radiAllahu
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			ta'ala anhu and Mu'adh ibn Jabal
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			radiAllahu ta'ala anhu.
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			It's about five hours between Muqtah and then
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			going now back up north to get to
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			Abu Ubaidah radiAllahu ta'ala anhu.
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			It was around Al Hur and then Mu
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			'adh ibn Jabal radiAllahu ta'ala anhu which
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			is closer to Irbid.
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			Shaykh Hisham, are you happy?
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			As-salamu alaykum.
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			May Allah accept from you, Shaykh.
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			May Allah bless you.
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			Look at the mountains as well on the
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			And when you see the brilliant editing work,
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			film work, it's going to be Ameen.
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			Our superhero, Ameen.
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			It's been a very humbling visit.
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			You know, when we got there, they were
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			The grave sites of Zaid radiAllahu anhu, Ja
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			'far radiAllahu anhu, and Allah ibn Wahhab radiAllahu
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			I've never been professionally filmed from what he
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			was saying.
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			They never gave one permission.
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			So I literally had to pull out the
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			phone, show them the first.
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			They had to bring supervisors.
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			We had to call the Oqaf and get
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			that permission.
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			Look at these beautiful mountains.
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			So we got permission.
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			And then as they warmed up to us,
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			they actually showed us.
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			And this is not going to be on
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			Because I promised not to film it.
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			But they actually took me to the actual
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			door underground to where they pulled the shohada
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			So they have a whole area where they
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			And they sort of, as a discovery, about
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			70 years ago, basically claimed the rest of
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			the bodies from the shohada.
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			Taken it back by the mountains.
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			But in any case, so we actually saw
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			And he was saying, subhanAllah, the body of
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			Ja'far radiAllahu anhu.
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			He actually had the written testimonies of all
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			the people that saw the body of Ja
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			'far radiAllahu anhu.
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			And recognized it from the arms that were
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			Well documented in the seerah of the Prophet
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			So we got to film it.
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			Alhamdulillah, I'm excited about how that comes out.
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			I don't know if we'll actually get to
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			the grave of Mu'adh radiAllahu anhu in
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			But we're driving right now to get there.
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			So we obviously don't want to be here
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			at night.
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			I'm trying to get through these mountains at
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			But remember the sahaba of the Prophet ﷺ
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			used to make these trips with no cars
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			and no ropes.
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			SubhanAllah, be pleased with them.
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			There you go.
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			Jazakumullahu khair.
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			We'll check in and chill shortly.
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			Salaam alaikum.