Omar Suleiman – Israel Has The Right To Defend Itself
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The speakers discuss the importance of history and the evolution of culture in shaping perception and behavior. They touch on the use of psychological warfare, cutting off heads, and creating damaged bodies through the use of allam and humans as warfare means to protect against violence. The speakers also touch on the historical actions of the Israeli Defense Force and the importance of holding moral consistency.
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We begin by praising Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala and bearing witness that none has the
right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except
for him And we bear witness that Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his final messenger
We ask Allah to send his peace and
blessings upon him the prophets and messengers that
came before him his family and companions that
served Alongside him and those that follow in
his blessed path until the day of judgment
and we ask Allah to make us amongst
them Allahumma ameen Dear brothers and sisters.
There's a famous hadith That is often quoted
in the Capacity of exploring the many dimensions
of hypocrisy.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala protect us
all from it.
Allahumma ameen And as we come up to
the anniversary of October 7th Where we expect
to see an even greater outpouring of hypocrisy
than what we have become accustomed to seeing
over the last year I felt like it
was important to explore one Particular dimension that
the scholars have reflected on this hadith with.
The hadith is the famous hadith where the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said ayatul munafiqi
thalath That the signs of a hypocrite are
three eitha haddatha kathab when they speak they
lie Wa eitha wa'da akhlaf and when they
make a promise they break it.
Wa eitha tumina khan And if they are
entrusted with something they violate that trust.
Wa fi riwaya wa eitha khaasama fajr And
in one narration a fourth trait is added
which is when they get into an argument
They transgress the bounds of that argument There
are many dimensions of this hadith that we
have explored from the minbar and in multiple
classes But there is one dimension that some
of the scholars speak of which is particularly
relevant to the context that we are in
today That if you read this hadith every
category Intercedes or or overlaps with the other
category, but there is also a progression in
this hadith What does that mean?
Every single portion of this hadith involves telling
a lie But some of the scholars mention
that the progression of the hadith is the
extent to which you are willing to go
to sell that lie and so eitha haddatha
kathab obviously you tell a lie and You
speak but beyond that if you really want
to sell that lie you make a promise
and so you add the element of Your
integrity staking your integrity on the line and
saying this is the truth.
I promise you this is the truth and
I intend to do this or reality is
as I am reflecting it I promise you
this is the case and the third one
being wa eitha wa eitha wa eitha'tum minakhan
that if that person is entrusted with something
they break that trust that they go to
the extent of Betraying the privacy of people
they go to the extent of revealing that
which should not be revealed They go to
the extent of outright betrayal all in order
to cover themselves as they live and speak
in that lie wa eitha khasam afajr when
they argue they violate the boundaries of argumentation
They inherently transgress in their argumentation.
What happens to a liar when a liar
gets caught lying?
They immediately blow up.
They immediately explode.
They immediately make a spectacle so that they
can cover their own tracks This is one
dimension of These layers of hypocrisy may Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala protect us from absorbing it
May Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala protect us from
becoming immune to it may or from Being
complacent with it.
May Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala protect us from
Not challenging it in the political and social
and religious discourse that is around us Allahumma
ameen, and I wanted to come to a
conversation in the seerah that has become so
much more relevant over the past year and
every single element of this conversation We can
spend an entire khutbah with and in fact,
we've done entire khutbahs on a sentence or
two of this conversation and It's the conversation
between Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyallahu ta'ala
anhu and Abu Sufyan when Abu Sufyan was
an enemy of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala standing
in the battlefield of Uhud calling out to
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu
Bakr and Umar may Allah be pleased with
them and challenging them with his boastfulness Over
the perceived victory of the mushrikeen over the
muslimin of the perceived victory that they had
over the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
his community and there are many famous elements
of this exchange Allahumma walaana wala maula lakum.
Allah is our protector.
You have no protector Qatlaana fil jannah wa
qatlaakum fil nar.
Our dead are in paradise.
Your dead are in hellfire The responses are
deeply profound but subhanAllah There is one sentence
that often gets buried and that I want
us to pay attention to For the sake
of this particular khutba and it's towards the
end where Abu Sufyan says Yawmun bi yawmi
badr a day for a day of badr
meaning this day was equivalent to the day
of badr And he says that war is
a continuous affair meaning there are going to
be days of Victory and days of defeat
days of joy days of sadness that war
is an ongoing affair There are days of
celebration and days of grief, but listen to
what he says at the end of this
He says what tajiduna muthla When you come
down from Uhud You're going to find some
of your family and companions mutilated Put yourself
in the scene if you're standing with the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam The dust of
war the dust of the battle is literally
still being kicked up You've seen when a
bunch of horses or camels pass through a
desert area Imagine the dust the smell of
blood the freshness of war and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Wounded severely with his
companions wounded severely and Abu Sufyan calling out
to him with the dead behind him and
Saying listen Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam When
you come down You're going to find some
people Mutilated you're going to find your family
and companions mutilated and as Ibn Hajar Rahim
Allah explains specifically the cutting off of the
noses and the dissecting of the insides You're
gonna find your people cut up But what
he says next is extremely interesting he says
lam amur biha wa lam tasutni Subhanallah sounds
just like Matthew Miller.
He said I didn't command it.
But at the same time, I'm not mad
about it.
I Didn't tell them to do that But
at the same time I'm not upset about
it And of course Abu Sufyan even as
a disbeliever is more honorable than these people
But just think about the message that's being
sent here.
By the way, I'm denying my complicity plausible
deniability I didn't tell them specifically to go
cut people up because that's against the manners
of the Arabs Even if we're not Muslims,
that's not that's not our way.
We're more dignified people.
I didn't tell them to do that But
at the same time, I'm not too mad
about it denying complicity But expressing as well
the apathy that we are so used to
seeing in regards to our dead now subhanallah
What he's doing here is a tactic There
is psychological warfare that is embedded in this
and I want you to once again put
yourself in the context The October 7th of
Quraysh was the Battle of Badr because to
them history started on the Battle of Badr
Clearly in the way that this was being
represented everything before better doesn't count the whole
context of why Muslims were driven out of
Mecca in the first place and why Muslims
were forming the basis of trying to attack
those caravans between Mecca and Assam To largely
recover what was looted from them in the
first place all of the murder that was
committed against the Muslims Sumayya radiallahu ta'ala
anha the family of Yasser the dragging of
Bilal through the streets what happened in Abyssinia
all of that didn't matter It was better
now You fought us and you killed our
fathers in Badr History before that doesn't matter
context doesn't matter.
So this is a day for a day.
It's natural We're gonna fight you like you
fought us but It also gets a little
trickier that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Treated
the prisoners of Badr with the greatest form
of dignity He freed them sallallahu alayhi wasallam
for limited amounts of money He freed them
sallallahu alayhi wasallam Sometimes for just being able
to teach some of the Muslims how to
read he made all sorts of concessions for
them his character Sallallahu alayhi wasallam towards the
prisoners and it was not that long ago.
It's only a year prior to this Towards
the captives was so exemplary that some of
them became Muslim and then came back to
their families in Mecca and told the stories
of their treatment and captivity and they became
Muslim, too and This is how you treat
our dead You mutilate them you cut their
noses off you dissect their inner parts and
So what's the tactic that's being used here?
Intentionally ignore context and deny complicity.
I didn't tell them to do that But
at the same time Quraish has a right
to defend itself Mecca has a right to
defend itself against the Muslims.
I mean you guys shouldn't have fought us
in better But and I'm not too mad
about it.
I mean subhanAllah you look at the eyes
by the way of these spokespeople and You
can just see the Absolute absence of any
type of compassion when they talk about a
dead American citizen That's Palestinian or advocating on
behalf of the Palestinians like it just shows
I'm not too upset about it.
We'll wait for the Israelis to investigate Intentionally
ignore context and deny complicity.
Why because Quraish has a right to defend
itself Move on to where we are now
The statement that every single politician starts off
with Israel has a right to defend itself
Israel has a right to defend itself.
Israel has a right to defend itself whether
it's a liberal or a conservative politician It
doesn't matter Israel has a right to defend
itself Because of the horrible atrocities that were
committed against it any nation Any nation we're
not going to tell you anything about what
happened before but any nation would do the
same thing That Israel is doing and you
know what when talking about the United States
and some of these Western nations They're not
too far off the mark in terms of
the war crimes and the atrocities But any
nation would do what Israel is doing.
So you listen to Prime Minister Starmer in
the UK We stand with Israel and we
recognize her right to self-defense in the
face of this aggression Because Britain supports Israel's
quote reasonable demand for the security of its
people Switch Israel with Palestine here and let's
see if that sentence can pass any one
of these anti-semitism checkers that exist today
Switch it with Palestine.
It can't Kamala Harris This is her her
famous statement.
I've said it many times, but it bears
repeating Israel has a right to defend itself
But how it does so matters, mashallah Israel
has a right to defend herself, but how
it does so matters The problem is is
that she never actually says what the limit
of how it does so is it's just
how it does so matters and stop there
Trump the more blatant Shaitan says no limits.
Let him finish the job bomb them kill
them Why are you even trying to restrain
Don't even say the words The result of
both of those things is exactly the same
thing Israel has a right to defend herself
Israel has a right to defend itself ignore
context deny complicity Dodge accountability and ensure Israel's
ability to continue its crimes in the Arab
and Muslim world And by the way, even
legal scholars point out the hypocrisy remove Islam
from the equation remove just the doublespeak and
the Bare humanity that any politically illiterate human
being can see through Here you have legal
scholars that point out its hypocrisy I don't
even have time to list it all but
international law is supposed to be the point
of reference that nation-states point to and
demand respect for But when Israel's the serial
violator The world sits back and watches as
the same actors that crafted those laws as
a mechanism to control others Make sure that
Israel can act out of control and so
you start to go through you go through
the fourth Geneva Convention How many articles of
the fourth Geneva Convention does Israel continue to
We don't have time to list them all
article 27 of the fourth Geneva Convention killing
women * women sexually assaulting women and publishing
inappropriate footage violating their belongings Israel violates article
49 of the fourth Geneva Convention forcefully transferring
Thousands of Palestinians and deporting them out of
their homes to occupation prisons It violates article
53 of the fourth Geneva Convention destroying personal
property belonging to Palestinians Both in Gaza and
in the West Bank and occupying those properties
for settlers to come and live in their
place it violates article 54 of the fourth
Geneva Convention purposely starving civilians as a method
of warfare and it's Established that even prior
to this genocide.
They would calorie count for the people of
Gaza article 54 also prohibits attacking destroying agricultural
crops livestock's drinking water installations and supplies and
Irrigation works for the specific purpose of denying
them for their sustenance value to the civil
Civilian population remember the videos of Israeli soldiers
using sheep as target practice we've gotten so
desensitized to them using actual human beings as
target practice that we forget that that's even
a war crime and of course Israel keeps
saying it has the right to self-defense
But according to the fourth Geneva Convention You
can't defend yourself against the people that you
occupy even by the standards of the same
International laws that have been used to beat
us upside the head Israel is the greatest
violator and transgressor, but Israel has a right
to defend itself and the only thing that
our politicians do is stand up and say
We're grieved over the death of Shireen Abu
We're grieved over the death of Aisha Noor
We're grieved over the death of this person
and that person in that person But we'll
wait for the investigation to carry itself out
and we believe that Israel has a right
to defend itself the last thing that you
heard about Iran from our president We don't
believe Israel should bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, but
Israel has a right to defend itself So
even if it does we're okay with that.
We're gonna keep making sure that we write
the checks and keep it going Why am
I saying this now and I ran out
of time?
You're coming up on this anniversary And I
want us to just appreciate that as Muslims
We've allowed ourselves to be on the back
foot way too often.
Let's learn the lesson.
And so as you get Bombarded with the
do you condemn questions coming up?
Say I condemn you for your silence and
complicity every single day before and after October
7th You have no moral authority to ask
me these questions You have no moral authority
to try to put us on our back
foot Palestinians have a right to defend themselves
Palestinians have a right to self-determination as
Muslims we have an imperative ourselves to hold
the line of moral consistency in a Morally
inconsistent world we have the responsibility to say
we're against the targeting of all innocent civilians
We're against the killing of all children and
we hold that line consistently across the board.
It's not us who have the problem And
we have to nurture that in our children
as well And may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
be with our brothers and sisters who have
faced the worst of this dehumanization May Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala give them victory over their
inhumane criminal oppressors Allahumma ameen Allahumma
khafir lana warhamna wa'afu wa'anna wa
la tu'adhibna Rabbana dhalamna anfusana wa in
lam takfir lana wa tarhamna lanakunanna minal khasireen
Allahumma inna ka'afoon kareemun tuhibbu al-afwa
fa'afu anna Allahumma khafir liwalidina rabbirhamhuma kamra
abunal sighara Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhuriyatina
qurra ta'ayun Wa ja'alna lilmuttaqina imama
Allahumma nsuril mustad'afina fee masharikil ardu magharibiha
Allahumma izzal al-islam wa al-muslimin wa
dhillal shirk wa al-kathibin wa damr al
-a'dadin Allahumma ahlik al-zalimina bil-zalimin wa
akhrijna wa ikhwana min bayn al-msalimin Ibadullahi
allahi amru bil-adli wal-ihsani wa ita'di
al-qurba wa yanha'an al-fahsha'i
wal-munkari wal-baqi Ya'idukum la'alakum
tazakkarun Fathkuru Allah yadhkurukum wa shukroohu ala ni'ma
yazid lakum wa ladhikru Allahi akbar wa Allah
ya'nimu ma tasna'oon Wa aqimu as